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hi there and welcome to today's extreme grocery budget challenge i'm super excited about this one i do want to mention a few things before we get into this video though so today we are going to walmart with twenty dollars and we're gonna see how many products we could buy with only that twenty dollars i know twenty dollars doesn't seem like a ton of money but it can kind of get you a lot of stuff at walmart depending on what you buy and then we're gonna come back here to my own kitchen and we're gonna try to create breakfast lunches and dinners with only about twenty dollars and we're going to kind of see how many meals we could make also i am going to be using pantry staples today so i got a suggestion in my last video like this to use pantry staples such as like flour sugar milk oils and some seasonings just because i'm already assuming you already have that at your own home so that is what we're going to be doing today i think it's going to really boost up these meals just using some pantry staples but i hope you guys all enjoyed this video and if you are new here i'd love to have you over at my channel so go ahead and subscribe down below the video but let's get cooking some meals [Music] while we are at walmart i do want to point a few things out to you first so one thing i ended up picking up is this whole chicken this is just a whole raw chicken i really love these because a lot of times there's a lot of meat on it and it's just a really good price and then i just got this quick out and you know here are a few other things that i picked up [Music] here we are i just got back from walmart and i'm gonna be completely honest with you actually i kind of went to walmart with a list but i pretty much didn't really have a list i was kind of going off of random stuff today which is not really normal for me so i'm going to show you what i got and i'm really hoping we're able to create some delicious meals out of this stuff but like i said this was very random today but anyways i just got an entire chicken again i don't even know why i did this i just thought it would be fun to make and show you guys so you know let's see what we come up with this this was 5.55 this is a very good price it was only about a dollar per pound and you know that's great and then back here i got some eggs this is just 12 eggs you know per usual eggs are great to buy and then some sausage this is just the great value sausage this is pretty much the cheapest sausage you could buy if you have it at your store and then over here i found some pinto beans my husband has actually been asking for some homemade pinto beans recently and i gave in and i was like fine i'll just make you some pinto beans so i actually have quite an interesting meal kind of in my mind that i'm gonna create with that and then for our veggies i got some chopped kale some chopped up spinach some garlic and then i got some frozen onions celery red peppers green peppers and parsley flakes i didn't even quite know what was in this but that looked good to me and then some enchilada sauce and then down here i got some carrots this was a very low cost and carrots are super healthy and nutritious if you don't know that yet and then some potatoes my husband has actually been asking for potatoes recently so i was like i'll get some potatoes because they're so cheap and then down here i got some flour tortillas i was actually hoping to find the medium sized flour tortillas great value because i believe it is 10 medium flour tortillas for about the same price as this but i had to get the 8 large which was totally fine and then the last thing i got is just a container of quick oats and you know quick oats are great and then i also have a recipe i thought of on the way home with this so i'm really excited to show you everything we come up with so let's get into the kitchen right now and start cooking to start on these meals of course i'm starting with the chicken first i know this is not the most pleasant sight ever but just bear with me for a moment so i'm just stuffing this chicken with one lemon that i have and then about four of our cloves of garlic and then two bay leaves or so and that's what i did to give this chicken extra flavor of course this is totally optional if you don't have any of those things on hand you simply don't have to add it but like i said before i had this stuff already on hand and now i just put the chicken on this trivet this is going to be going into my instant pot but first i did oil it so i'm just oiling it with a little bit of this olive oil and then i just spread it in with my hand you could also use some butter to spread around that would also be delicious and then i'm just going to be seasoning it with a little bit of salt pepper and then some dried thyme [Music] moving over to my instant pot i'm just pouring my cup and a half of water in there and then placing my chicken in the reason i put the water in before the chicken is just because if you pour the water on top of the chicken all of the seasonings are gonna fall off so just remember that if you do go to make this i just pop the lid on set it to sealing for about 30 minutes then i did a slow release for about 15 minutes of course every chicken is different sizes so you know after your chicken is cooked just make sure it is reached the internal temperature of 165 degrees now that my chicken is completely cooked i just shredded it with two forks and i just put all the meat on one plate and then on the other plate i just set all of the bones on it you do want to keep your bones because we're going to be making a broth out of them real soon but you know as you see here this is a ton of meat that was on that one little tiny chicken for five dollars so keep that in mind while you are at your grocery store and here are all the bones that i collected moving over to my crock pot you could also do this on the stove we're gonna be making some bone broth of course i know there are many ways to make chicken broth but i thought this would be a fun one to show you so i put all the bones on the bottom of my crock pot and then i put in about three four sliced up carrots along with some garlic i just didn't really peel the garlic i just threw it in whole i actually cut it in half and then i put two bay leaves in some salt and pepper and then for the water i added about eight cups of water along with about a tablespoon and a half of this apple cider vinegar making your own broth like this is actually super healthy for you it's way better for your body than store bought broth but anyways there's a lot of other things that you could throw in your broth like onions you could put in some celery you could put some fresh rosemary and thyme in there a few springs of each of those that would all be delicious but that this is all i did for our broth today i just showed you what i put in you know i tried to be as budget friendly as possible but after 24 hours cooking on low i just removed all of the large pieces and then i sifted and strained the rest of the broth into a large bowl in my sink [Music] [Music] here's the finished product of our broth it is seriously so so delicious i didn't have to babysit it at all i just set it in the crock pot for a day and it came out like this the next morning it's seriously perfect and you know it beats buying broth at the grocery store any day and like i said before is amazing and healthy for your body but now i'm going to show you guys how to make some amish baked oatmeal this is seriously such a great recipe to begin in my large bowl i'm just pouring in about a cup and a half of some milk i used whole milk and then i'm just adding in two eggs along with my sweetener i chose to use brown sugar for my sweetener you could also use maple syrup that was just a half a cup of that and then a fourth a cup of melted butter and then i'm adding about a teaspoon and a half of some baking powder and then this is also optional so you could add in some vanilla extract and cinnamon for more flavor but i am trying to do this budget friendly so i didn't add that in all i added in was a fourth a teaspoon of salt and i gave this a nice whisk once that was all thoroughly whisked i added in my three cups of oats i prefer using quick oats but some people prefer using some old-fashioned oats so just do as you please [Music] [Music] here comes my eight by eight baking dish so to that eight by eight baking dish i'm just pouring that mixture in there you wanna make sure that you did spray your baking dish with some nonstick spray and then this is going to go into a preheated oven to 350 degrees for about 30 minutes you could also add some blueberries on top right now or any berry would be delicious but i just opted out of that here is our amish baked oatmeal out of the oven this is hands down one of my favorite breakfast recipes of all time this is super delicious and flavorful even my little daughter loves eating it it just really tastes good even though it's not that pretty to look at here is another amazing budget friendly but super super healthy breakfast idea this is a vegetable packed protein packed egg bake to begin i'm just using about half of this bag of frozen spinach and i did microwave it to soften it a little bit and then i'm just going to be ringing it out in this towel the reason i'm going to be wringing it out is just to get some of that added extra moisture out of it you really don't want that in with your eggs while it's baking in the oven you'll see in a minute how much water is in that small amount of spinach it is crazy i know [Music] to my large bowl we're going to add the last of our eggs which are 10 eggs into the bowl right now nobody likes blend eggs so i'm just going to season them with a little bit of some salt and pepper then give it a good old whisking [Music] now that that's thoroughly whisked together i'm going to be adding in our chopped up spinach followed by our fourth a cup of water you could also use milk if that's what your preference is and then i'm going to be squeezing in my one clove of garlic and then after that you're going to be adding in your vegetables these are just the seasoned blend vegetables that we bought at the store it's just like onion bell pepper you know that type of thing i did steam it in the microwave a little bit before just so they were not completely frozen then i just stirred that to combine [Music] now i just have my casserole dish and i sprayed it with a little bit non-stick spray and then i poured our casserole in there and i put this into the oven preheated to 375 degrees for about 35 minutes but you just want to keep an eye on it here's our egg bake out of the oven this came out super super delicious and then here is brinley she was wanting some of it she's just being so silly right here she's kind of at a sweet silly age she's growing so quickly but she is just so darling but anyways this egg bake was perfect my husband had it for breakfast pretty much like every morning this week he loved it and it is a great hearty breakfast now if you're thinking i forgot about the pinto beans i certainly didn't so here's our two pounds of pinto beans i poured them into this large glass bowl and you're going to want to sort them so what i mean by sorting them is you're going to find the broken pieces like this or sometimes there's like rock chips in it or dirt you just want to pull it out of course it doesn't have to be perfect but you know that's what i do before i soak my pinto beans so i suggest doing it if you're going to make pintos now i'm going to begin to soak our pinto beans this is just water at room temperature i did soak these for about 12 hours you could soak them for at least six hours or overnight here are my pinto beans after 12 hours i did divide them between the two pounds at this point so this is just one pound of pinto beans right here and then i just i'm straining it and rinsing them pretty well with my strainer now into my instant pot i'm just pouring in our pound of pinto beans along with about four and a half to five and a half cups of water you know you just want your pinto beans to be thoroughly covered with the water and then i'm adding in one clove of garlic along with some salt and pepper then i put the lid on and i cooked this up the exact recipe actually said to only cook this for about 20 minutes but i kind of like our pinto beans i guess you could say squishier that's what my daughter prefers as well so i've been cooking things to her liking just because she's only about a year old and i'm just trying to get her to explore new foods but i ended up cooking mine for about 34 minutes [Music] the recipe we're going to be using the pinto beans for is this one so we're going to be making some stuffed enchilada style burritos so right here we have our tortillas and i'm just pouring about a cup of our pinto beans on top of that along with some of our shredded chicken and i just did this over and over again i ended up using two 9x13 baking dishes for this you could also add some cheese in this at this point that would be delicious as well as seasonings if you want to add seasonings or some salsa that would also be really good in this recipe also if you like chili's chilis would be good in this you know you name it you could do it [Music] now that we have our two 9x13 baking dishes made and our eight burritos all stuffed up i'm just spreading a little bit of this olive oil on top and then i'm gonna throw this into my oven preheated to about 450 degrees for around eight minutes just to get those tortillas nice and crispy because nobody likes a soggy burrito here's a little life hack for you to make your enchilada sauce go a little bit further so all we have right here is 10 ounces of enchilada sauce and as you probably know that won't really get you very far when you're making two 9x13 baking dishes worth of some enchilada style burrito so what i'm going to be doing is i poured our 10 ounces of enchilada sauce into this large bowl along with about a cup and a half of some water and then i'm going to be adding about a tablespoon and a half of some of my olive oil and then for the seasonings i'm going to be using some cayenne pepper along with some chili powder and some salt so for the chili powder i just used about a teaspoon of that just because i don't like it too spicy but if you like things really spicy go ahead and add more chili powder along with cayenne pepper i just didn't add very much cayenne pepper as well and then i added a little bit of salt and then i whisked this together and then now magically you have more enchilada sauce yes this is more runny it's not as thick but seriously will work out perfect now that my big old burritos are out of the oven and looking nice and crispy but not too crispy i just poured our enchilada sauce on top of that trying to make it as even as possible and then this next step is very optional but i just put some cheese on top mainly for looks to make it look a little bit nicer but like i said before that is optional if you don't have any cheese on hand or you don't like cheese go ahead and skip out on the cheese and then i just put this back in the oven to melt the cheese and warm everything through once again here these are out of the oven they came out so so yummy this is definitely a great budget friendly meal like i said before i was using pantry staples so one of the pantry staples i had was cheese so that's why i used some cheese and then i also sprinkled some dried up cilantro on top for more color and this is a great budget friendly meal for this budget friendly meal idea we're going to be making some zupa toscana soup i don't know about you but i like soup all year round so now i'm just going to be chopping up and i already peeled my russet potatoes this is about six potatoes but you could use more or less depending on family size [Music] moving over here to my dutch oven i just have a pound of sausage right here that i'm just putting in my dutch oven and then i'm going to chop it up and cook it completely through if you don't have a dutch oven don't you worry you could just use a large pot for this too [Music] now that our sausage is completely cooked as you can see there's quite a bit of grease in it and i just didn't want to have that added grease into our meal so i decided to strain it the way i strain it is with a paper towel actually this is the way i was taught how to do it and for me it works the best so it just absorbs all the grease like that and easy said easy done it is completely gone all the grease is gone but anyways now i just have our sausage into that sausage i'm just adding in a small amount of onion and i'm stirring that together again if you don't have onion this would be great without the onion it just adds a little bit extra flavor once my onions were just about translucent i added in two cloves of garlic along with my potatoes i just stirred that all together and let that garlic get fragrant and now i'm adding in our six cups of broth this was our homemade bone broth that we made a little bit earlier and then again i stirred this all together and if you wanted some extra flavor you could add in one bay leaf right now but i opted out of that i just let it simmer on my stove for about 10 minutes until the potatoes were fork tender and now that they are fork tender i just added in about a cup of some milk along with our bag of chopped kale and then again i stir this around for another 10 minutes just to warm that kale all the way through here is my big old bowl of soup all plated up this came out so so delicious i just sprinkled it with some parmesan cheese and parsley flakes for color this one definitely kept us full for a while because of the potatoes and the sausage this was a great healthy meal here is another soup idea but this one is very very different so i'm going to be making some chicken and potato stew so to begin i'm just chopping up my potatoes along with my carrots it's just about five carrots and about four russet potatoes my large pot i just poured in some olive oil about a tablespoon and then i added in my onion this is a very small amount of onion probably about a fourth a cup and then i stirred that together till the onion got nice and translucent and then i added in our diced up carrots followed by our potatoes and then for seasonings i added some thyme and some salt and pepper and that's seriously all the seasonings i used very little seasonings but yet a lot of flavor and then for our broth i did add in the rest of our broth that we made earlier so that was about five cups of our broth and then i stirred that together and i let this simmer all together for about 30 minutes until everything got fork tender now that our carrots and potatoes are just about fork tender i'm gonna start on a flour slurry and if you don't know what a flour slurry is it's about two tablespoons of water followed by two tablespoons of flour and then you just whisk that together and then you're going to add it to your soup and that's what thickens your soup up you never want to add flour straight to a soup just because it will become clumpy and kind of a mess so now here is our soup all fork tender and i'm adding in two cups of our shredded chicken this is just the rotisserie chicken that we cooked up followed by that slurry and then i just cooked this all together for about five minutes until it started to thicken [Music] and here is my soup all plated up this came out so so delicious it had so many vitamins and minerals and it is just very very healthy and a nourishing soup i really do recommend this recipe if you're on a budget now that i am through making all of the meals here's the food that i am left with so i'm going to go over it with you guys really quickly so we have a little bit of some pinto beans left over this is about two cups this could easily be like a bean burrito and a half very little beans left we're probably gonna eat it for lunch tomorrow just with some like um bean burritos i guess you could say and then over here is just some potatoes just two russet potatoes and then a little tiny bit of this rotisserie chicken left you could easily make a sandwich out of this as well you know super small amount of chicken and then over here i still have the half of the bag of spinach left over i'm kind of excited about it though because i'm probably gonna make something with it with dinner tonight in the back here is our quick oats here is how much we have left about a quarter i'd say so we did pretty well there but anyways i think we did a pretty good job using all of the ingredients we had but of course we still had a little bit left over and that is a wrap of this extreme grocery budget challenge i hope you guys all enjoyed it i do want to let you know though that i did make a few other videos like this over on my channel so i will link them down below in my description box for you just in case you want to check them out but i hope you guys all enjoyed it and if you are new here i'd love to have you over at my channel so go ahead and subscribe down below the video but i will see you in the next one bye for now
Channel: Julia Pacheco
Views: 69,506
Rating: 4.9042234 out of 5
Keywords: extreme grocery budget challenge, JULIA PACHECO, food network, food network recipes, cooking channel, whats for dinner, save money challenge, food haul on a budget, whats for dinner tonight, grocery haul for two, grocery haul walmart, healthy food haul on a budget, whats for dinner easy, save money fast on low income, meal planning for the week, walmart grocery haul healthy, save money fast tips, budgeting for beginners 2020, budget meals family, Saving money motivation
Id: _Qwy9l8xCmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 34sec (1414 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 07 2020
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