40 APTITUDE TEST QUESTIONS (Includes Practice Questions & Explanations! PASS YOUR TEST WITH 100%!)

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my name is richard mcmahon from the aptitude test website howtobecome.com and in this tutorial i will teach you how to pass an aptitude test so if you are required to undertake any type of aptitude test whatsoever make sure you stay tuned because i will help you to pass it and to achieve that goal this is what i will cover so i'm going to give you 40 aptitude test questions to try live on the screen and the more questions you practice the higher your scores are going to be during the real aptitude test i will also give you some really important tips to help improve your aptitude test scores i will also give you some aptitude test question explanations and also walkthroughs to teach you how to tackle each question and i will then tell you how you can access further online aptitude test resources to help you pass the real aptitude test so what is an aptitude test well an aptitude test is used to assess your suitability to carry out a particular skill or job now more often employers and test administrators will use a combination of test questions to determine your suitability for the role so aptitude tests often include verbal reasoning numerical reasoning abstract reasoning spatial reasoning and also mechanical comprehension therefore during this tutorial we need to cover all of those different type of aptitude test questions to make sure you are fully prepared so let's start working through some sample aptitude test questions and i will then get you to try some live on the screen let's start off with verbal reasoning question number one states which one letter can be moved from the first word to the second word to create two new words now this type of aptitude test question assesses your understanding of the english language and how quickly you can identify new words so the question is which one letter can be moved from the first word to the second word to create two new words so i can instantly see that by moving l to the word on the right we get two new words we get earn and we get least now if you practice lots of these you will become extremely proficient at answering the questions very quickly and it's important to understand that during your real aptitude test you will have to answer the questions under strict time conditions so therefore we need to make sure that you practice lots under timed conditions so the answer there is l so now it's your turn to try three example aptitude test questions of this nature please put your answers to questions two three and four in the comments section below the video for marking and i'm going to come on here each day and personally mark your answers for you so you will see on the right hand side i have given you a timer and i'm going to give you just 10 seconds to answer each of these questions if you can answer all of these questions in 10 seconds you are going to be fully prepared for your test so question 2 which one letter can be moved from the first word to the second word to create two new words put your answer in the comment section below okay well done and question number three again which one letter can we move from the first word to the second to create two new words here's a timer okay brilliant and one more try another one question four which one letter can be moved from the first word to the second word to create two new words here's a timer okay brilliant well done don't forget to put your answers in the comments section below and i will mark them for you let's now try a different type of verbal reasoning aptitude test question question five which one letter will finish the first word and begin the second word in each set and you have the option there e-r-m-a-y so which one letter will finish the first word and begin the second word in each set and we have to decide which one letter from the choice options below e-r-m-a-y goes there only one letter will so if i choose e i can make two new words make and ears and if i put e there i get two more words mare and envy so now that you understand how to tackle this type of question try three of these on your own so please put your answers to questions six seven and eight in the comments section below the video for marking again you have the timer on the right hand side which one letter will finish the first word and begin the second word in each set here's a timer brilliant and question seven again which one letter will finish the first word and begin the second word in each set why are you or b answers in the comment section please here's a timer and question number eight which one letter will finish the first word and begin the second word in each set t e b or n here's a timer okay fantastic so now let's move on to something a little bit more harder and this is called a word grid aptitude test question so the question is question nine start at one of the corners and move clockwise around the shape finishing in the center to create a nine letter word so we have to start in one of the corners and work around clockwise now clockwise is the way the hands on a clock would rotate so if i start in the bottom right i'm going to start with the letter s and then work clockwise around the shape finishing in the center to create a nine letter word and that word is squeezing so this is a difficult type of aptitude test question but i'm sure you can handle this so now it's your turn to try three of these word grid aptitude test questions so please put your answers to questions 10 11 and 12 in the comments section below the video for marking now this one is question 10 start at one of the corners and move counterclockwise or anti-clockwise around the shape finishing in the center to create a nine letter word so you have to go the other direction so here's the time i'll put your answer in the comments section below what's the nine-letter word brilliant well done question 11 again start at one of the corners and move counterclockwise again anti-clockwise around the shape finishing in the center to create the nine letter word here's a timer brilliant and question 12 again start at one of the corners and move counter clockwise around the shape finishing in the center to create your nine letter word what is it put it in the comments section below please here's a timer and you can see that by practicing lots of these questions your scores are going to improve dramatically now next is a really tough aptitude test question let's see if you can get it right now answer the question in the comments section below i'm actually going to give you 20 seconds to answer this question it's really difficult look out for this during aptitude tests the question is how many number sevens are there between 1 and 100 is it a 10 b19 c20 d21 or e11 i bet a lot of you get this wrong it's a difficult question it seems easy it's not tell me your answer in the comment section below here's your timer and that question is a lot harder than it first appears let's now move on to a different type of sample aptitude test question this one is called numerical reasoning so question 14 is which number comes next in the sequence now here's some tips for answering the question correctly step one start on the left hand side and work across the numbers so we're gonna start with number fourteen and then step two establish a pattern look for a pattern for example are the numbers multiplying are they subtracting adding etc so we need to establish a pattern to work out what the answer is so i'm looking at the pattern the difference between 14 and 17 the next one in the sequence is three i'm then looking and seeing the difference between 17 and 21 is four 21 and 26 is five so they are going up by one each time so there's the pattern therefore the correct answer would be 8 adding on to 39 to give me the correct answer which is the missing number 47 so now it's your turn to try three of these numerical reasoning test questions please put your answers to questions 15 16 and 17 in the comments section below i will give you 15 seconds this time to answer these questions which number comes next in the sequence so we have 137 13 21 31 and you tell me in the comments section below which one it is here's a timer brilliant well done question 16 these are difficult which number comes next in the sequence 87 86 83 78 71 62 what comes next fantastic and question 17 again which number completes the sequence this time this is harder so i haven't put the missing number at the end i've put it towards the start tell me what the answer is please in the comments section below here's a timer okay fantastic you're doing really well let's now move on to spatial reasoning these are quite difficult question 18 is which answer option is made by joining all of the shapes together with the corresponding letters so we have to choose which one abc or d is created when we join all of the letters together so here's what to do step one immediately eliminate any obvious incorrect answers this is something that's a great tip is eliminate any obvious incorrect answers so a and c i can see straight away are not correct because there's only one black shape and those have two black shapes on them so immediately that is incorrect so i it now leaves either b or d so i now start to connect the corresponding letters in my mind so if i move x to there and z to there and y to there i then rotate the shape to get d so the correct answer would be d and the more you do of these the faster you will become so now it's your turn again to try three example spatial reasoning test questions please put your answers to questions 19 20 and 21 in the comments section below for marking so which answer option a b c or d is made by joining all of the shapes together with the corresponding letters here's a timer question 20 again which answer option is made by joining all of the shapes together with the corresponding letters a b c or d put your answer in the comment section below please here is your timer and question 21 again which answer option a b c d or e if you choose e it's none of these is made by joining all of the shapes together with the corresponding letters here's a timer and these types of aptitude questions are brilliant practice for helping you prepare for the real thing so let's now try a different type of spatial reasoning aptitude test question this one's slightly harder question 22 which answer option is a top-down view of the question figure so we can see the question figure at the top and we have to decide when looking down from the top which answer option it is a b c or d so which answer option is a top down view of the question figure so my advice is to look at it from the top and then first of all count the number of shapes and in this case it's cubes so we've got three across the top line and if we use our previous tip of eliminating incorrect answers we know straight away it's not b or d because they only have two on the top line then start working down the middle there's three there there's three there but there is also a gap in the middle so if i quickly look there's a gap there the correct answer is of course a so now it's your turn to try three of these example spatial reasoning aptitude test questions please put your answers to questions 23 24 and 25 in the comments section below for marking which answer option a b c or d is a top down view of that question figure here's a timer and question number 24 again which answer options is a top-down view of that question figure here's a timer excellent well done and one more for good luck which answer option is a top down view of that question figure a b c or d here's a timer so you're making fantastic progress so what i want to do now is quickly mix it up and give you five quick fire verbal reasoning test questions so you have only five seconds to answer each question let's see what your verbal reasoning is like your english language here we go answers in the comments section below please insert the missing word is it a b or c this blank shall pass choose which word here's a timer question 27 the same one insert the missing word please blank this gift is it a or b question 28 insert the missing word blank decision was based solely on the facts a b or c question 29 blank only going to be five minutes late insert the missing word is it a b or c question 30 insert the missing word we blank going to go to the store but it was closed a b or c okay fantastic let's now move on to abstract reasoning aptitude test questions so here we go which of the tiles below completes the pattern is it a b c or d so my advice when tackling this type of abstract reasoning aptitude test question is to draw a line in the middle and then ascertain what is going on on the top row now i can automatically see that the tile on the right is a mirror image of the one on the left and i need to replicate that at the bottom so the missing tile is going to be a mirror image of the one on the right and i can immediately see that d is the correct answer and if i put d there you can see that it is a mirror image so d is the correct answer so now it's your turn to try three example abstract reasoning test questions please put your answers to questions 32 33 and 34 in the comments section below so you have a 15 second timer which of the tiles below completes the pattern a b c or d here's a timer question number 33 which of the tiles below completes the pattern a b c or d again here's a timer put your answer in the comments section below please thank you and you'll notice that that question is harder than the previous one question 34 which of the tiles below completes the pattern a b c or d here is the 15 second timer brilliant well done so now let's move on and take a look at another type of aptitude test question this time it's mechanical comprehension question 35 states which is the heaviest load is it load a load b or both the same so whenever we are answering any type of mechanical comprehension test question look at the diagram look at the figure and look for clues so i can see that the beam is not balancing but instead it is weighted down on the left-hand side now regardless of the size of the box because a on the right is actually larger it doesn't matter because the beam is tilted down to the left it means that b is the heaviest load okay so the answer there is b so now it's your turn to try five example mechanical comprehension test questions so please put your answers to questions 36 37 38 39 and 40 in the comments section below for marking question 36 at which point will the beam most likely balance a b c d or e here's a timer question 37 which chain chain a chain b chain c or none of them will support the load on its own a b c or d here's a timer question 38 which crane crane a crane b or both the same is working under the least tension so look at the diagram look at the weights and then decide which crane is working under the least tension crane a crane b are both the same here's a timer question 39 which nail is likely to pull out first from the wall nail a nail b nail c or all together here's a timer and question 40 in the following cog and belt system which cog will rotate the least number of times in 30 minutes cog a cog b or c both the same okay well done now i hope you've enjoyed all of those practice questions if you'd like to access more online aptitude test questions to help you pass your real test click that link in the top right hand corner of the website okay click that link in the top right hand corner right now of the video and it will take you through to my website howtobecome.com and you can access my online aptitude test resources i hope you've enjoyed that tutorial thank you so much for watching and i wish you all the best for passing your aptitude test have a great day
Channel: CareerVidz
Views: 27,116
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Keywords: APTITUDE TEST QUESTIONS, iq and aptitude tests, What type of questions are asked in an aptitude test, How can I prepare for aptitude test?, Sample aptitude test questions and answers, practice aptitude test questions, verbal reasoning tests, numerical reasoning tests, spatial reasoning tests, abstract reasoning tests, mechanical comprehension tests, how to pass an aptitude test, How can I prepare for aptitude test, what is an aptitude test
Id: LJ0_SmwFzgg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 12sec (1392 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 16 2021
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