ABSTRACT REASONING TEST Questions and Answers (UCAT, UKCAT, Non Verbal Reasoning)

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hi there everybody my name is Richard McMunn and in this tutorial I am gonna teach you how to past abstract reasoning test questions now I have been inundated with requests for more of these type of questions they are very very good fun to work through and they are also an integral part of any kind of psychometric test so before we get straight into the answers and the questions and work through them my name is Richard McMunn and in this video I'm specifically going to teach you how to pass abstract reasoning tests don't forget as always please do make sure you subscribe to this channel by clicking the red button below the video that way you won't miss out on any of the free training resources that I do and I'm doing them now every single week if you do like these videos please don't forget to give the video a thumbs up and that motivates me to do videos for you every week I love doing them now and helping you to pass your tests okay you are also gonna get these slides at some stage so stick around watch the video from beginning to end so I'll tell you where you can download them and I am also going to give you access to my free online testing suite so do stick around ok let's get straight into the first abstract reasoning test question which figure comes next in the sequence which figure comes next in the sequence so what we need to do is to look for sequences and patterns and if you practice these in in abundance if you do lots of these then you will become very competent at passing and tackling these type of questions so is it a is it B is it C or is it D and I'm gonna work through these and explain how to come to the right answer so which figure comes next in the sequence so if you look lovely the circle starting at the top left of the first square the blue one moves half a place clockwise around the square each time whilst also alternating between being blue and also white with a black outline so if you look there it's blue now it's white with a black outline blue and also white with a black outline so we're actually looking for a blue circle in the bottom right hand corner and you will also notice that number of blue lines in each square increases by one each time so if you look in the top left square the first one these one then in the second one is two three four so we're looking for something with five lines in so we're looking for a blue circle in the bottom right hand corner of the square and also five blue lines and if we look from answer options a B C or D the correct answer is of course C really simple when you practice these you will look for different patterns and sequences and like I say if you do loads of these test questions you will become extremely competent at answering them okay so the answer to that is C now it's your turn what I'd like you to do I'm gonna put up a question for you in a second please post your answer to that question in the comment section below so question number two here's my answer one thing that you can do to really improve your scores is to use a timer so if you time yourself for each question and make the time really tight then you will increase your scores dramatically and it's great practice so question number two which figure comes next in the sequence is it a is it B is it C or is it D now there's the timer on the right hand side I'm gonna give you about 13 seconds to answer this not very long at all now if you do need a bit longer please make sure you pause the video because that will give you more time to make sure you get the question correct so which figure comes next in the sequence off you go so well done make sure you post your answer to question two and I will come online on Iran YouTube everyday and I will answer them for you moving on to question number three again which figure comes next in the sequence is it a is it B is it C or is it D ok now let's again look for patterns and sequences if you look at the first one on the left you can see we've got a green l-shape pattern and as it progresses it rotates 180 degrees and goes to the top left so it starts bottom left top left it goes back to bottom left and then back to the top left so we're looking for something green in the bottom left you look at the next sequence on the top right hand side you've got the already inverted l-shape which then in the next sequence moves down to an l-shape inverted 180 degrees because back to the top comes back to the bottom and you will also notice as well that the number of blue lines within each square is decreasing by one each time so it starts at five then it goes down to four then 3 then 2 so we're looking for something with 1 in there so we're actually looking for a square which contains one blue line with a green L shape in the bottom left hand corner and a blue one in the top right hand corner and the correct answer of course is a really simple as we go through this video we are going to actually increase the difficulty for you so you get to practice some tough ones as well okay so question number four it's your turn again please post your answer to question 4 in the comment section below and I will mark it for you here we go question for which figure comes next in the sequence is it a B C or D and you have the time it takes the time it's come down to answer the question and put you put it in the comment section below the video don't forget if you need more time do feel free to pause the video off you go okay well done question number five something different now which figure completes the sequence why we are looking for which figure goes there from the answer options so is it a is it B is it C or is it D so how do we work this out well you will see across the row so you got the top row the middle row on the bottom on you always have a triangle you always have a circle and you have what's called a trapezium now those figures are always in there at some stage not particularly in any order but they do appear once he got triangle a circle and a trapezium and you also have either three circles two circles on one circle so if you look we're actually looking for a square which contains a triangle and three circles because the one in the bottom left on that row you are missing the triangle there's already one circle and then two so we need one with three and the correct answer of course is a really simple okay now it's your turn I'm going to give you two questions to have a go at now first of all question six please post your answer to this question in the comments section below here we go so which figure completes the sequence there is it a is it B is it C or is it D none of these so if you don't think it's any of them put answer Dean you have the time it takes the timer to go down to answer your question in the comment section below off you go okay well done so hopefully you're enjoying these don't forget to subscribe and also give the video a thumbs up if you are enjoying these questions let's move on to question number seven have a go at this one as well because you getting the hang of these now please post your answer to question seven in the comment section below for marking which answer option a B C or D completes the grid so where the question mark is in the bottom right hand corner is the a B C or D and you have the time it takes the time and to go down to answer this question off you go fantastic okay we're now going to increase the difficulty level now move up a little bit so question eight which answer option a B C or D completes the grid so we're looking for the option where the question mark is is it a B C or D and again we're just simply looking for patterns and sequences so if you look here in each row from left to right we have black shaded shapes top left-hand and bottom right so there's one with black shaded shapes top left bottom right there's another one black shaded shapes top left bottom right and there it is again in the bottom one you will also notice that in each row we also have two black shaded shapes on the right-hand side so there they are on the right hand side again on the right and again on the right and you will also notice that on each row we also have two black shaded shapes on the top row so there's them on the top row there they are on the top row and if you look at the middle row we are actually missing that sequence where there are two black shaded shapes on the top row and if we look at the answer options a B C or D the only one where that is applicable we've two black shapes on the top row is actually C so the correct answer to question 8 is C brilliant okay now it's your turn have a go at this one question 9 put your answer in the comment section below the video for marking here we go and also tell me why is that particular answer so which answer option a B C or D completes the grid and you have the time it takes the time to go down to put your answer in the comment section below okay well done moving on to question number 10 what comes next in the sequence so we're looking for which one comes next in the sequence and again we have the answer options a b c d or e so what is happening here in the sequence you will see that as it progresses from the square on the left the first one has a black shaded circle then we have two black shaded circles and then three black shaded circles we're actually looking for one with four black shaded circles and then if you look at the bottom we're actually losing one white shaded square each time so it's decreasing therefore the correct answer the only one that can be correct is answer option a really simple question number eleven it's your turn again please post your answer to question eleven abstract reasoning in the comment section below for marking what comes next in the sequence is it a B C D or E and tell me why it's that particular answer off you go okay hopefully got that one correct it's a bit tougher it looks easy but it's not question number twelve now these are difficult here we go this is a kind of abstract reasoning test question more tougher than the ones we've been doing which set does the test shape belong to so if you look on the left we've got set a and on B sorry on the right hand side we've got set B and we're looking for patterns and sequences and we have to decide which tests that test shape which set does it belong to does it belong to set a or set B so how do we calculate this so it's either set a set B or neither of them so if we look at set a the images on the left are a mirror-like reflection of the images on the right and that's for the same for each square so if you look there those are a mirror like image of the ones on the right the same again there they are a mirror like image of the ones on the right now if you look at set B the images on the bottom this time are a mirror like reflection of the images on the top so those are a mirror like reflection of the ones on the bottom and again the top ones are a mirror like reflection of the ones on the bottom so we then have to decide which of those the test shape belongs to and actually it's neither of them because they are neither a reflection a mirror light reflection of the images on the left or the right and also top to bottom doesn't work either so the correct answer there is neither so now it's your turn please post your answer to question 13 in the comment section below for mark and this is quite a tough one so you've got set a and set B which set does the test shape belong to there's your test shape is it a set B or neither please post your answer in the comment section below for marking and I'll set the timer for you right now and like I say if you do need more time please even watch the video again or do pause the video okay so you can actually download these slides so if you click link the link below the video you can download the slides and if you would also like some more free online tests to ever try yourself go to the website my psychometric test comm or click the link in the description below the video if you also have a look in the description below the video I've also provided links to to further YouTube abstract reasoning training videos we've more of these kind of questions on there guys really enjoy creating these for you and please make sure you you know give the video I like I'd really appreciate that and don't forget to subscribe and put all your answers in the comment section below and like a cell come on each day for marking thank you very much for watching and I wish you all our very best in your pursuit to passing your online test
Channel: CareerVidz
Views: 331,464
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Keywords: abstract reasoning test questions and answers, psychometric tests, ucat test questions, ukcat test questions, abstract reasoning test examples, how to answer abstract reasoning test, richard mcmunn, how2become, careervidz, abstract reasoning practice test, spatial reasoning tests, iq and aptitude tests, non-verbal reasoning test questions
Id: r4ZSn0ClWpA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 13sec (853 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2019
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