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hello everyone and welcome to cloud9 blessings this is amber and i hope that you are all having a very beautiful and blessed week thank you all so much for joining me here on the channel if you haven't already please like share and subscribe as well as hit the notification bell so that you are constantly notified when new content is added to the channel weekly in this video you are going to experience a heavenly encounter that our brother in christ shares of his young daughter who had an amazing experience being in heaven in his email it says my daughter avery had an amazing heavenly experience in may of 2019 first let me start by telling you how i was led to ask avery and only avery of our nine children avery was seven almost eight years at the time she is now nine i own a commercial janitorial cleaning company so most of my hours consist of nighttime driving from large cities to small cities to our clients spread throughout different counties here in texas i am driving late one night probably around 2 a.m and i'm praying i do a lot of praying i listen to sermons or even listen to youtube audios while i'm driving i heard of several testimonials of children having heavenly experiences while they slept a question came to mind i wonder if any of my children have met jesus immediately like a loud voice in my head it said ask avery i was stunned because of my nine children avery was the only one i could think of for the rest of the night i could not wait to get home when i arrived home at 6 30 a.m i could hear the children getting ready for school when i turned the corner from the laundry room going into the dining room avery was sitting at the dining table all by herself eating her breakfast like she goes every time and she says good morning daddy and then she demands a kiss so i quickly grabbed a bowl of cereal and sat down with her like a kid sitting down with a bag of popcorn ready to watch a toy story movie i said avery can i ask you something yes daddy she said have you ever met jesus with excitement she said yes i have she proceeded and said i am glad you asked because i almost forgot about it she then says i was four years old when i met jesus while i was sleeping i tried to tell you then she had to hurry off to catch the school bus as she left i couldn't help but remember that she did try to tell me that she met jesus i remember being really busy and i remember her saying to me one day hey daddy did you know i met jesus oh really that's great honey as i went on about whatever busy task i was doing at the time my oldest daughter addison was standing nearby and said she remembers avery saying the same thing to her but addison blew it off as just kid talk several days go by and i'm eating lunch with avery and i ask her avery what did jesus look like she stood up from her chair so she could show me with her hand motions she said he was tall and that he had a bright white robe on with a golden sash on the front of his shoulder down to his hip she said the heavenly place she was had light coming from it all things trees flowers and grass had light coming from within it it was the most beautiful place she had ever seen as she sat back down to eat her lunch she'd quickly jump back up and said oh yeah daddy i saw jesus again last night with overwhelming excitement i asked was jesus wearing the same white robe and golden sash she said no dad this time he was wearing older looking clothes with a rope for a belt around his waist i was thinking this could have been his carpenter clothes or old jewish clothing i asked did jesus say anything to you what she said next confirmed that it was an out-of-body experience because she doesn't use certain words or phrases to express what she is saying she said jesus was teaching me on how to not be rude and not to lie i said really i was overwhelmed again and i asked did jesus have a message for me avery then stood up from her chair walked over to me looked me in the eyes and said yes he does dad he said that you need to be nice to the bad people indeed she was correct because i had issues forgiving people and i would get angry at people who did me wrong she then continued to tell me about the rest of her experience she was asleep and she said she woke up and was being lifted up from her bed and could see everyone sleeping as she was rising up in the air she said she was afraid of heights as she had always been afraid of heights but as soon as she said afraid she said someone was beside her and she wasn't afraid anymore she said they quickly went into the sky towards the universe she said dad i turned back and saw the earth and it was so beautiful she said she passed all the planets including pluto then she said she came to this space of extreme bright light which she described as the most beautiful place with so many colors more colors than the rainbow she said over the next week avery would remember bits and pieces and would come and tell me this one instance avery started by saying jackson our oldest was so happy that i was born which led her mother and i to ask her what did she mean or how did she know that since she was the one being born she said that when jesus appeared to her the second time she said jesus showed her her whole life from the time she was born to the present she said that's when she saw her mom in the bathtub giving birth to a baby and she said she remembers jackson being so happy then avery laughed and realized that it was her being born [Music] she then said jesus called in some of our favored pets that had died over the years she said there were so many animals her mother and i laughed because she had so many animals over the years she saw our trace our black labrador and our pot belly pigs which she said she went up to and hugged she then said jesus called out okay let's bring in the family members as our family members who had passed away over the years walked in she said this one lady walked up to me and said hi avery then asked who are you the lady said i am your aunt callie and i want you to tell your daddy and his brothers and your nanny and papa who are my mom and my dad that i love them very much you see my sister died when she was three months old i was only 50 months old when she passed away in 1974. avery tears up every time she tells me this avery said she looks like her older brother jackson but with long blonde hair avery also met her siblings who my wife and i had miscarriages avery described their age and which perfectly fits when my wife miscarried one older girl and a younger boy she also met my wife's grandparents who my wife never met avery said there were a lot of family members she didn't even know including this one really short lady my wife and i laughed because it had to have been my wife's great grandmother a few weeks later avery was sitting by herself in the driveway and she was making these crosses out of little skewer sticks my wife saw avery holding one of the crosses she had made and noticed she was looking into the sky with her eyes that were full of tears my wife asked if she was okay she calmly said i miss heaven and i want to go back and see jesus i miss him [Music] i really hope that this blesses someone today much love your brother in christ thank you so much brother for emailing in this amazing experience that your daughter had it was absolutely beautiful thank you avery as well and i want to thank everyone who took the time to watch this video today we truly hope that it blesses each and every one of you thank you all so much and god bless [Music] you
Channel: Cloud 9 Blessings
Views: 231,828
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the rapture, raptured, rapture, rapture of the church, Jesus is coming, left behind, Jesus is coming soon, jesus, Jesus christ, yeshua, yeshua hamashiach, dana coverstone, Perry stone, Tim henderson, watchwoman 65, dreams of the rapture, dreams of heaven, dreams of jesus, near death experience, nde to heaven, dreams of visit to heaven, Jesus in heaven, visions, prophecy, revelation, end of days, the bride of christ, children in heaven, animals in heaven, dogs in heaven
Id: _Lr9ayFLUhk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 03 2021
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