Woman Meets Jesus Face to Face in Heaven

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on february 12 2018 brian hines called 911 tina was unresponsive man i've never seen anybody with their eyes rolled back and and literally starting to turn purple jeff logos their neighbor who had stopped over for a quick visit tried finding a pulse and then began cpr as jeff said brian i can't do this i'm not doing it right so i put the phone down in the rocks and i just start pushing on tina pushing on her chest in the middle of her chest i was panning it was like a man giving every last breath that he had to try to get his wife back i thought she was dead first responders arrived at the scene paramedics administered two rounds of epinephrine and shocked tina's heart i did it a third time when i'm looking at them going guys is her heart beating can you get her heart to beat please god please make her heartbeat tina still without a heartbeat is rushed to deer valley medical center by ambulance as the paramedics continue trying to resuscitate her tina's injuries included a gash on her forehead from the fall a cracked sternum and several cracked ribs from the cpr with no sign of life for over 20 minutes tina is rushed into the er in my mind i knew she was dead there was there was nothing family and friends trickle into the waiting room to pray and be with brian it was a prayer desperation i said god take everything from my life if you'll give me back tina meanwhile tina's sister tammy and her husband dave rush across the desert from los angeles to phoenix she just told me that she had sudden peace sudden like something fell on her piece that tina was gonna be okay [Music] and as she told me that story i got a text on my phone it was from brian tina is alive the doctor explained well we defibrillated her one one more time in the er and she came back but there was probably 27 28 minutes with limited or no oxygen we're going to induce a coma to allow her body to relax while we're doing all these tests to try to figure out what happened the doctor continued to explain most people don't survive after five to ten minutes of being without oxygen to the brain and if tina pulled through she would most likely have brain injuries that could leave her with a major brain handicap reeling from his wife's potential complications brian stepped into tina's icu room for the first time i mean she's vented the thing's breathing for her she's got all these tubes on her and your eyes just immediately go to that monitor watching the heart rate thing the chart and hearing the beeping and seeing the numbers it was crazy but i had to be happy too that at least she is alive meanwhile the icu waiting room was filled with family and friends crying out to god for tina including dave and tammy we were praying the whole time the next day when tina's vital signs were back to normal her doctors needed to determine if she could breathe on her own they decided to take her off the ventilator brian whispered in his wife's ear the doctor needs to know that you can breathe on your own and i told him that you're superwoman can you show him that you can breathe on your own her chest went when i looked back at the doctor and he goes that'll work tina was able to breathe on her own and once she was fully conscious dave placed a pen in her hand and held a notebook for her she just started making marks and i couldn't tell what it was and i was almost shaking i was fixed i just held the book steady because i didn't want it to drop we figured out that she she had wrote i t s r e a l what's it's real and i go the pain the hospital she's slowly nodding her head eyes are closed she's fully vintage she's moving all this and then my daughter goes heaven and she goes she nods yes but as soon as someone said jesus a peace came across her i just looked at darren said she's going to be just fine the doctor warned that she may not be able to speak for a while however tina had a lot to say immediately i just wanted to share that i saw jesus face to face the unbelievable rest and peacefulness of what i was experienced was jesus standing there with his arms open wide and right behind jesus standing there was this incredible glow it was the most vibrant and beautiful yellow with her crack sternum and ribs on the mend tina was discharged from the hospital on february 16th just four days after suffering a cardiac arrest without any brain impairments today tina's training for a half marathon and enjoying life god is real in my life jesus is real heaven is real i know that god can use every situation to make us who we are in christ
Channel: The 700 Club
Views: 2,076,898
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #atp171, 6292608055001, 700 club, 700club, 700clubclips, 700clubyoutube, cbn, hd720, healing, heaven, jesus, peace, prayer, rev_submitted, Tina Hines, Tina Hines miracle, heaven is real, is god real, is jesus real, proof of god, proof of jesus, prayer works, power of prayer, christian, christian inspiration, christian encouragement, gods miracles, god heals, christian stories, testimonies, christian testimonies, seeing Jesus, encouragement, Christian encouragement, purpose, your life matters
Id: Oi8fO0t9zsU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 47sec (347 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 29 2022
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