4 Ways Women Handle Stress + How to Embrace Your Messy Life

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I wrote this last night about nine o'clock so there's no tellin what's about to happen this could be the worst thing that we all go through together also I am NOT speaking on what I told Lindsay I was speaking on oh I'm going rogue I hope that's allowed in Marietta I'm not sure so when you I get the opportunity to speak at things like this pretty often and when you come to stuff like this they say what are you gonna talk about besides you know a love of McDonald's you need something to share with people and I heard that for y'all the the theme this year or so far has been a journey to dot dot dot is that correct a story a journey to or a story to something along those lines for my talks purposes what's written it's a journey to cuz that's what I've got written down oh thank you Michelle so we Michelle asked me Michelle's my beautiful and lovely support staff and she asked me about a hundred times what are they really need your your topic they really need to know what you're going to talk about and I was on vacation last week with the kids and I now need a vacation from the vacation I took with my kids but I couldn't figure it out and I thought well I'm going to talk about a journey to peace because I think that this is the thing that I have worked on most in my life 33 years of trying to figure out how to find peace and I think one of the greatest understandings in my adult life is is truly grasping the gospel and that we are loved and worthy and enough just as we are and we can't do anything to make ourselves more loved or worthy and so I said Michelle that will be my talk I'm gonna talk about finding peace which is hilarious because if I'm gonna be real I totally don't have that nailed down yet and so I but I would like I was gonna figure it out because I thought I can write the things and I can sell the idea that I have found peace in my life and you guys will totally buy it so yesterday when I got done with work my first day back in the office and it was really chaotic and I go home I came home a little bit early and I thought I'll take a little bit of time before we start dinner I'm gonna write this thing down and I'm sitting in my room and I'm trying to write and the boys keep coming in and they're like obviously they want attention because mom is here and that's very exciting and there's dinnertime and bedtime z' and screaming and you're hitting your brother and all these things get in the way and I'm getting so frustrated as I'm writing and like trying not to be a jerk to them do you see them I'm like just five I need five minutes please just give me five minutes and I'm getting so frustrated and I'm like angry at God like I'm trying to speak to women I am trying to offer wisdom and I don't know how you expect me to do that when this chaos is going on and my hair is on fire and these kids won't stop yelling and it's usually when I'm griping at God that I feel him speak to me most I feel like it's my husband's kind of the same way and he said that's what I want you to talk about so I apologize because this is not about finding peace this is about embracing chaos ooh just got real we just got real right now sorry guys I'm gonna find my next point so I am married I have three little boys nine seven and three and a half I have been married to my husband for 12 years I run a website has anyone here actually seen my website all right so two of you are super impressed by me right now I run a I run a lifestyle website for women what recipe to make for dinner or how to make a throw pillow how to organize your kids for school I have a staff of eight I work full-time I write books I say all of these things to emphasize the point that my life is utterly chaotic and getting crazier by the day it's also important to point out that I literally spend my days working on things to explain to women how to make their lives simpler and easier so this is crucial because I'm about to give you an entire speech on running toward chaos on walking through hard things on accepting the season you're in even when the season sucks and I feel like I'm a pretty big expert on living through sucky seasons I feel like probably half of my childhood was that anyone else anyone sucky seasons I know I'm not the only one ladies I'm gonna ask you to raise your hand like 50 times just embrace it just go there so this isn't about throw pillows or getting organized this is this is about chaos and living in it and I think the irony that I realized by the time I had finished writing all this down is that this is the journey to peace that's why that was my reaction when I finished I was like Lord Jesus happened thank you so chaos theory I looked it up because I thought if I'm gonna talk about chaos that that popped into my head and what actually is chaos theory so this is the definition from Wikipedia John last night at 11:00 p.m. chaos theory is the field of study in mathematics about the behavior and condition of dynamical systems that are highly sensitive to initial conditions that doesn't matter now nobody followed that it's okay this is the point this is commonly referred to as the butterfly effect a guy's heard of the butterfly effect not the Ashton Kutcher movies that's the different things thank you for laughing at my joke so basically the butterfly theory is this a hurricane if we if we tracked the path of a hurricane all the way back to where it started level 5 hurricane back when it was level 4 and level 3 and level 2 and level 1 in a tiny rainstorm that you could track its path back across the world an ocean away to the time that a butterfly flapped its and change the pressure in the air and cause this big thing so the gist of the butterfly theory the butterfly effect is little tiny things can have monstrous reactions in our lives I'm gonna get back to that so here's my chaos theory my personal chaos theory is that we are all every single one of us living in chaos in different ways some some of our chaos some of our lives are crazier than others some of our seasons are more chaotic than others but every single one of us is living in chaos and the difference is whether or not we're willing to admit that that's true so chaos looks like my three-year-old wakes up at least once a night this I'm just these are literally my chaos things my three-year-old wakes up once a night tries to sneak in bed with us throws a holy meltdown when he can't we I end up like sleeping in his bed on like a Clifford doll and my back is out and it's a whole thing my website crashed and we don't know how to fix it you have to use HTTP not HTTP do you know what that means because I still don't so where do you share our links they don't always work my brother-in-law has been in the hospital for a week my husband is on a business trip for ten days I get hives or Bell's palsy or stress-induced vertigo I spilled an entire gallon of milk a bird just pooped in my hair a baby just pooped in my hair I fought with my husband my mom my sister I fought with my husband's mom's sister y'all can fill in the blank with your own kind of chaos but it hits us everyday and the reality is that we're all in it I think the difference is how we cope with it and I decided that we all cope with it in one of four ways this is the based on no science this is last night when I had a glass of Pinot Grigio and I was like how many ways here we go here we go so one of four ways you deal with your chaos you ignore it and as I go through this list because I know I were going to talk about things later I learned one of my questions to you is which one of these are you and if you're a fifth way let me know because I need to add that to my list you ignore it you pretend it isn't there you keep your head down you keep working you work harder and harder because nobody can hit a moving target you battle it you clean the kitchen you clean it again you clean it a third time you brush their hair you wash their faces you change them into new clothes so they look perfect you try and manage everyone around you because that gives you a sense of control you drown that's three here we go you drown in the chaos it's all you can see it feels insurmountable it's everywhere and no matter what you do it doesn't get better so you wallow inside of it the problem I know I only did three I know the problem with ignoring it is that chaos is stressful and it will catch up to you so this is my this is how I deal with chaos I ignore that it's happening to me and I work harder this is great this means that I am the most productive person you will ever meet it means that I can write books and have three kids and win at all the things and it's not a problem until I get Bell's palsy for the third time does anyone ever had Bell's palsy in here it's a stress induced facial paralysis where half of your face is paralyzed literally the entire left side of my face just is lower than this you have to wear an eyepatch which is super attractive to the men that you see in life you can't chew you have to hold your mouth closed while you chew when I haven't gotten Bell's palsy I have suffered from vertigo for two years before a doctor finally told me do you notice that your vertigo flares up every time you're stressed out which is all the time you don't take any time for rest because all you do is work work work work work because you are hustling for your worth so this is how I manage my chaos is I pretend it's not there and I will be totally honest because I think that when you are honest in your life it gives other preman permission to say me too I have that too so not only do I ignore the chaos but there are times that I have ignored my children I will reach for the thing I am good at I am great at work I'm so good at it you guys I'm the best boss I think right high five Jack I'm a super good boss I'm a great writer I'm going to all these things and being a mom is hard so I have found in life that there are times that I will reach for the thing that I'm great at and ignore the stuff that's hard because it's just easier that way the problem with battling it the problem with battling chaos if that's how you deal with your own chaos is that you can't is that life is crazy and stressful and sometimes it gets worse before it gets better battling it makes us feel impotent and angry and makes us feel out of control it also I think you assume that the chaos is the root of your problems and it's not you think like why I'm having a hard time because our house is messy and my kids are crazy and all of these things are going on so I'm gonna focus on that I'm gonna make sure that we're spick-and-span and we look great on Instagram and life is great and your marriage is falling apart because you're over here trying to control chaos instead of looking at what's really going on the problem with drowning in your chaos is that it isn't healthy is that you are stronger than this is that you've got babies to raise and bills to pay and sister you cannot do that if you are hiding under the covers I think the biggest problem with all three of those things is that any one of them implies that you are the one in control I think that when we get really good at things battling ignoring going to work creating the perfect pinterest birthday party whatever those things are when we get really good at it we start to think that we don't need God like Lord I'm really really good at work so I don't need to bring you here but if you could help me with my relationships with my sisters that would be great or you know I'm really my marriage is solid I have the best marriage we don't need your help there lord but if you could advise us on finances could we pray over our finances you can help us pay the mortgage this month that would be awesome when the reality is that we're not in control of any of these things so be careful about the things you're good at and assuming that you are the one who is responsible for you being good at that thing I think talking about the butterfly effect talking about the idea that something small can in turn into something monstrous I think this plays out a lot in chaos and crazy hectic lives something little we have all been there for sure we've all been there either with our husbands or our kids or friends or family or something where it's something so small and inconsequential my husband he's gonna kill me never ever picks up his boxers off the floor when it gets in the shower never they're always they're like the hamper is within sight like it's right like make the basket roll it up throw it in the thing this is not that hard to do oh he's gonna kill me but real right wouldn't that be funny if it was like a picture all of a sudden just Dave standing there so confused we go live now to date polish let's ask him so he never picks up his boxers and whatever like fine you succeed in all kinds of other ways like you just don't see them whatever but then when chaos gets worse the boxers become symptomatic of something else and then it's a day 7 and you walk in you're like he doesn't love me this marriage is all falling apart like he's throwing the boxers in my face so I think be careful about letting that chaos run away with you because it becomes symptomatic like these little tiny things turn into something much bigger so he talked about the way is battling it drowning in it I want to talk about embracing it which is the point of this whole conversation hold on I have to take a drink Jack will edit that out in post so um embracing it I last night I was like okay I need to find an example for y'all of someone who embraces their chaos because it isn't me always I'm trying I'm working through it but my friend Heather is the most incredible embrace er of chaos Heather and her husband have adopted three children two of which have Down syndrome she I just feel like she has this incredible ability to recognize that her life is gonna be chaotic and crazy and she just lives in it and finds joy I call people who embrace chaos unicorns because I think they are so rare and hard to find but Heather is incredible Heather is one of my best friends so I have her as as an exemplary unicorn to hold up before you today I think of Heather as one of the happiest people I know and I don't think that she's half because exciting special things happen to her every day I think she's happy because she seeks joy during any given week she's headed to doctor's appointments or meeting with physical therapists she's navigating the trials of ie Peas or fighting for her daughter's right to spend time in general Edie in the width in the midst of what most of us would see as overwhelming obstacles she's texting me pictures of baby moccasins she found at a yard sale she's asking me if she can come pick up my children so that I can have a break when you go to their house for dinner you'll find that it's not perfect it's loud and colorful and messy and so filled with love and laughter that it makes your heart swell to walk through the door and it's not lollipops and rainbows I don't want you to think that Heather goes through life and is always happy and nothing ever gets her down she has hard days just like we do she gets frustrated just like we do I literally got a text as I was sitting in the back of the room that her daughter has lice she just sent me a text oh my gosh she has lice and our kids were hanging out this weekend what I'm so sorry that's the worst text I've ever sent to anybody I am so sorry and I was like well first of all I started scratching immediately I was like but secondly how does like oh my gosh girl I'm so sorry it'll be okay and she just sent me another tech she's like no it's fine because it's you know nine I'm gonna start drinking now and I'm just gonna drink it till the lights are gone which is not real but so her attitude of just like I'm gonna laugh at what this moment is she just accepts that life is gonna be chaotic and messy and she's open about it she invites you into her chaos she encourages you to speak honestly about your own and when you do she pours you a glass of wine and is like me too girl I have those days too and it's not Heather who dreamed this up just had a stellar example Jesus is the ultimate embrace er of chaos he's preaching and teaching and shepherding a flock and in the midst of it he is accepting of everyone the widows the prostitutes the lepers the orphans people with great need who undoubtedly brought drama and stress into his life who weren't always lovable or even kind Jesus looked at them all and said bring it I mean I think that's what he said that's how I imagine Jesus she's like super Street Jesus looked at the messy and broken pieces and he said behold I am making all things new Jesus looks at our lives with their chaos and fears and frustrations and he says to everything there is a season to everything there is a season and a time nope she's got it and time to every purpose under heaven my dad is a preacher and I just messed that one up it's literally a Beatle song and I messed that up during it the whole talk is gonna go downhill now I feel like you're you know all of us are sort of sitting in our houses in our neighborhoods in our cities and you're thinking this is so hard nobody else understands what this is like blah blah blah and God is up there and he's like good and perfect daughter I've been talking about this stuff since Jump Street I told her history in my head that's how God manifests himself these things I feel like I do this where I'm like the you know I get away from the word and I think this has no this doesn't have meaning on my life in 2016 Lord you don't know what how hard it is to do the things that I'm doing and to live the life that I'm living and then when I go back to it I find over and over and over again he was always talking about stuff the core of who we are and what we need to reach for he's always been telling us the same things over and over and over we just need to listen to it okay so maybe you're hearing this thing you're like Rachel you've said chaos 175 times I'm in I get it I need to embrace this and calm down and take a breath how do I do it because I hate that when you go to hear someone speak and they're like here's the thing and you're like that is awesome sir how so I made a list of the things that I do in my own life and I am the first person to say I'm not perfect at this but these things help me and I hope that they will be helpful to you too number one give yourself some grace give yourself some grace where is it written that we are supposed to be perfect where is it written that we were supposed to knock it out of the park every single day I have a bad temper I try really hard to control it my dad had about temper and he screamed at us and so I found when I had my own kids that that is what I reached for and it doesn't happen all the time but it still happens and I stated by it because I think when you recognize something in yourself as a parent that you hated when your parents did to you it's crushing and that's reaming at my kids that's crushing for me but I have to give myself some grace I have to understand that tomorrow I get to start again I'm not always gonna get there but as long as I keep reaching for something better we're gonna find a way through this take a breath I have a my middle son is hard he's hard to manage I had the first child who is a rule follower he's quiet and he's just the he's so man he's following a straight line he's not ever gonna get out of line and so I was like well let's have a hundred kids we are so good at parenting you guys oh my gosh and from the time my second son came out we were like why did they change this like literally took him to the pediatrician and held them out like The Lion King on the rock and was like I don't what we got us something's wrong here and the pediatrician said no this is a normal child your first son is the freak of nature and then I have you know cried hysterically for the next seven years but he is a little crazy and he has a temper and he gets fired up and if I get fired up with him it makes it so much worse so I forced myself to take a breath I forced myself to count to 10 sometimes you have to walk away and come back I know it sounds silly because this is the same advice we've been hearing for ever because it's real also take it one day at a time if I look at the next month of my life I get so overwhelmed I'm like well I'll just I'm moving to Marietta I'm done so you sometimes just need to take it today I'm just gonna get through today and girl if you can't get through today then try and get through the next hour or the next five minutes find humor in the situation like those times you're like I'm gonna have to laugh right now or I'm gonna start crying we had we are almost we're so close and I'll talk about this in a minute about to adopt we're going through LA County foster to adopt and in order to do that you have to have several meetings with the social worker which is scary because you're like are you gonna give me a kid are you actually going to take away the kids that are here in my house right now so you're nervous right and they want to interview your own children if you have kids the county says well we gotta interview your kids and make sure you know you don't lock them up at night I mean they might now with this talk so she said I want to talk to the kids and I thought she would just talk to her older boys who are nine and incapable of having some kind of real conversation and she said well no I'm gonna talk to them all but I'll make it understandable for a three-year-old and so we're like okay and I think she's gonna ask him like what's your favorite color and then if he says like black then she'll be like Oh black oh we've got trouble here in River City so she she says she'd just like right out of the gate she says um what scares you what scares you forward what's scary and I'm like oh this could go so many ways and you don't want to you don't want to interact with them or like look at them or talk to so you don't want them to think that you're giving them cues like like oh no fingers crossed so I'm thinking like maybe the other boys like the middle son I thought for sure he was gonna say something just to be like funny and then we'd all have her kids taken away and be thrown in jail but it's the three-year-old who says like in his cherub voice what scares you forward and he goes um daddy scares me in the night and I'm on one side of the couch and Dave's on the other and were like what and she's got her pen and paper and she's ready and she's like okay okay how does daddy scare you in the night and Ford says sometimes in his bed oh no for reals and and then he just like hat like you're like well this is where I have some kind of accident on my own sofa and I'm like we need a what let's just get through this and as she's asking him the questions he explains that when he gets up in the middle of the night out of bed when he's not supposed to that daddy has a grumpy face and sometimes a grumpy face is scary in the middle of the night but it took 15 minutes to get there and Dave and I aren't allowed to speak so we're like in that same interview they go through elicit has anyone done foster care foster adopt anything okay so in that same interview they go through this list of questions and we're adopting a baby and we have recognized for a long time that because we are called to adopt from LA County that we will likely get a child who has been exposed to drugs but they're very specific they want to know what kind of drugs you will take so you have a ten minute like in ER like they're going through it and she's just reading because this is just her job will you accept a baby that's been exposed to heroin in utero will you accept a baby that's been exposed to cocaine she's just going through this list and it's so horrific any single one of those things is so horrific and we're just answering like yes no yes I do want power steering can I have heated seats like the whole thing feels so awkward that I just start laughing because if you don't laugh you'll cry so find humor in the situation look for the fruits of the spirit didn't think I was gonna go there but I did it's like when we were little and we would eat our breakfast and listen didn't you want to have that tape that the fruits of the spirit nope just me yes all right girl you're my team I got it look for the fruits of the spirit opportunities for patience peace kindness understanding generosity gentleness modesty self-control look for opportunities to be those things write them on post-its write them on your hand put them up everywhere because they promise you that if you are looking for opportunities for kindness you're looking for opportunities for gentleness or self-control you're not going to be focusing on this build whirlwind that is your life you're gonna be living in that moment take a break take care of yourselves go on a date get your nails done go for a run watch a movie read a book whatever it is to you you are allowed I right now I'm giving you permission to take time for yourself the world's not going to fall apart your kids aren't going to stop loving you they're not going to like not know how to read because you took two hours and got your nails done you cannot take care of other people if you are not taking care of yourself so please give yourself permission to have a little bit of time and I don't mean once every six months once a week everyone will live give yourself a break find your tribe if you don't know what it is look around your table I love speaking to women's group because I love any situation where people are creating opportunity for other women to find a community but the thing is you can be surrounded by a table of awesome women and never truly know them and never let them truly know you because you are not honest about your life the question I'm going to ask you guys later at the end of this is how does your chaos manifest itself and how do you deal with that and I would encourage you to be honest because I promise you that when I say things like I scream at my kids that's that hurts my heart I don't even want to say those words it makes me want to cry but someone in this room at least one person went ice cream with my kids and it makes me feel terrible so give yourself permission to be honest because it gives everyone else permission as well ask for help ask for help you don't have to do it all guys back in the day people lived with grandparents they were surrounded by a community of people that helped them to raise their families and have a strong marriage and pray over them when they needed it and now all of a sudden not only are we having to do this on our own but we also need it to look a certain way and instagrams got to be beautiful and the birthday party has to be perfect and our house needs to match and look exactly like real simple ask for help I also think I used to be a wedding planner was a wedding planner for a really long time and Brides would come to me and they would say well I really want amazing food and a dress like this and a cake like this and all that they would make this list and I'm like that is so awesome girl you have five hundred dollars to spend so I would always tell Brides pick out one or two things that are really important to you and that's where we're gonna spend our budget on and everything else will be pretty good so pick out one or two things to you that are really important whatever that looks like you want a home school your daughter that is so awesome even if she got freaked out you want to homeschool your kids or you want to make sure that your health is in check or you want it like your house being clean is really important to you pick a handful of things and do those really well be be in and out of your life do a handful of things really well cheeseburgers french fries milkshakes that's all and out does and they do it awesomely right so you'd be the in and out of your life you didn't think I was gonna give you that quote today but I did and then the other stuff if a clean house isn't super important to you but your health and your kids school is do those two things great and let the house be messy you don't have to nail it all doesn't all have to be perfect remember Philippians 1:6 which is my Scripture right now in my life that I just say over and over and over as we walk through this foster to adopt situation be confident of this that he who began a good work in you will carry it to completion God didn't start you on this journey to leave you there yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death you're walking through it he's not leaving you there have confidence that he started you on a journey that he intends to see to the end the last thing I want to say about this is remember that the chaos that you're crying about someone else in this room is praying for can't lose the baby weight it's been 2 years you can't lose this baby weight my girlfriends who struggle with on infertility would kill for your baby weight your kids are screaming and it's chaos and it's so hard to deal with the mother who lost her son a month ago would kill to hear her kids screaming in the other room you're fighting with your husband that sucks and that's hard someone who's lost their husband someone whose husband is overseas in war who she's not gonna see for 12 months she'd give anything to have an argument with her husband face to face so just remember that the things that you're struggling with are if you flip them if you just change your perspective or a blessing somewhere in there is a blessing seek it out when you feel confident and your abilities to handle chaos nope let me do that again it's not about feeling confident in your ability to handle chaos it's about feeling confident in God's ability to handle the chaos in your life and when you've just except when you're like cuz this is me and Dave right now we're like well our lives are already insane let's keep going you you don't just hide from it or manage it you seek it out because you think well this is the season and this is what's happening and this is what we're being called to do we have been going through the adoption process for four and a half years when we decided to adopt a little girl we chose Ethiopia we said we're gonna do an Ethiopian adoption because we absolutely do not any we don't want any relationship with a birth family and we want to make sure that our kids are as healthy as possible and so we want Effie Opia because in Ethiopia most of the time children are in orphanages because of poverty or because their parents have passed away not because of drugs and two and a half years into that process three years into that process the right when we were like on the list we're moving up the list if anyone's ever adopted you know you're like making your way up the list until it's your turn the government there imploded and there were no more adoptions after all this time and effort and waiting and dreaming and all these plans that didn't exist anymore and for a while we just we ignored it we were like oh no it'll God send us down this path we're for sure gonna get this baby and we didn't and so we decided okay we're gonna look domestically and Dave it was really important to Dave that we do private adoption because again don't want a relationship with a birth family don't want any medical issues or drug exposure and I think God just worked on our hearts and I kept thinking we're here because you know God asks us to care for the widows and the orphans and that kept running through my head the orphans the orphans the orphans and I thought we were supposed to like when God calls you to do something he doesn't call you to do it in the easiest way and I think that a lot of times in my life I've done okay Lord I'll do that thing for you in the easiest way that is the least amount of effort on me you want me to help with this charity cool I'm gonna write a check I'm not gonna do anything with my hands I'm not going to do anything that's an imposition so we worked on our hearts and we decided to do LA County but still we're gonna do an adoption from LA County we don't want any like all the things we just kept saying them over and over and we go to our very first class because you have to do parenting classes in LA County and they tell us at the end of eight hours of the very first class if you want to adopt in LA County you have to commit to six months of foster care before you will adopt and the child are doing foster care with is not the child you're adopting and we were like we got in the car that day and we were pissed we were so pissed we felt like we had been tricked and we talked ourselves around in circles for about an hour and finally what we came away with was we felt like God led us here and we don't get to decide not to do it because it's hard so we had to go home and explain to three boys what foster care was that we're gonna have a baby that comes and lives in our house and will likely go back to her parents and explain it to a little kid my middle son who's like mommy I feel like I would miss a baby if we had her for a while and then we had to send her back somewhere and I said I think I would miss her too but I would rather do the thing that's right even if it's hard on me then choose the easier way because it's hard on me so we are we could right now pull a trigger like right now I could call and say pull the trigger the Hollis's are in and we would have a foster care baby because that's how great the need is in Los Angeles and we asked for to get through February I have a lot of travel this month so we said can we please get through February in the first Monday in March we are going to pull the trigger on foster care and then there's a chance just let's go crazier here there's a chance that while you have a foster care baby you get your adoptive baby and then what happens if the foster care baby isn't able to reunite then she's up for adoption which means that suddenly we're looking at having two babies at one time who are not related who both have their own special needs we both work full-time we have like it just keeps getting worse and people like what are you gonna do and I'm like I have no idea we are literally walking in faith we are literally running towards chaos we were running towards a disruption because even if I don't get it every day even if I don't win at life every day I am confident that if God brought me here and if God put this on my heart then I'm gonna get through it and if you really believe that if you really believe that he is the one who is in charge that he's the one who put you here right now today you can't have fear because like oh my the god of Angel armies like you guys know that song play that song when you get freaked out if you really truly believe that he is in control of all of this chaos then there is no fear there was only peace inside of it so it turns out we did find a journey to peace the last thing I wanted to talk about was the butterfly effect again because I kept thinking Lord there's some analogy here there's some really good way to bring this all back around because I like a start and an end I like it all to come full circle and as always driving with the guys today to come down here I thought butterfly effect can you imagine the chaotic transformation that happens to a caterpillar the complete change of everything that a caterpillar is and the awesome incredible beautiful thing that God turns it into on the other side of that I know that it's hard I know that you all have hard days because I have them too I know that you have days where you think like who thought I could do this yeah right do you think that being the caterpillar who's being transformed do you think that it doesn't hurt do you think that it's not hard do you think there aren't times let's assume that the caterpillar has brain function and all of that that he doesn't think that we don't think just kidding I don't I don't want any part of this of course not but the only way that you turn into a butterfly is to go through that process and I promise you that you're going to come out the other side of this as something more beautiful than you are right now you
Channel: Rachel Hollis
Views: 119,640
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chic, The Chic Site, Chic Productions, Lifestyle, Living, Tips, DIY, Rachel Hollis, Fashion, Beauty, Los Angeles, Los Angeles Living, mops, embrace your chaos, moms, Christian, Women, Christians, embrace, chaos, crazy life, woman talk for moms, spiritual, god, the lord, jesus, Talk, empowerment, wife, peace, woman, speech, christian woman talk, msrachelhollis
Id: zgg6uftGEtU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 12sec (2592 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2016
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