4 Tips to Master Small Letters on Caps | Digitizing & Embroidery

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so today i'm going to be talking about uh very specific details on digitizing for small letters that's a question that i get uh asked often so i am making sure that i'm gonna go and through every little detail that i use to show you guys how you can do those very small letters on richardson caps not only on anything on richardson caps and that are going to come out as crisp as you could possibly have them we're going to be going into the digitizing after we do some digitizing then we're going to go and see what the actual final product would look like and we're going to be embroidering it so you guys can see the whole way through all right so without further ado let's go ahead and get started let's jump into the digitizing all right guys so we're gonna be using chroma luxe all right this is uh the top tier of the digitizing software for chroma and since we're going to be doing small letters i'm going to go ahead and get one of my favorite quotes and that's going to be from nelson mandela and that's going to be uh let me tell you it's going to be it always seems impossible until it's done and i chose this specifically because of that because i know it always seems really impossible but once you try it out and once you learn uh remember you don't know what you don't know so i'm about to teach you so let's go into the text tool that's the first thing we're going to be doing this is going to be very simple it's going to be text so let me go ahead and just write down the quote first and let me make sure i'm on caps and there we go now this is what i'm going to do i'm putting the whole thing just so i can have uh the same size for all and basically the first thing that i'm going to do is uh i'm going to give this some space now as you can see all these letters they're very close to each other so um you can see here how the it the eye and the t are very close so all i have to do here to make some of that space i'm going to go into my space here my space percentage now this one is going to be i'll just say let's let's try 30 giving us some space now you're gonna see the difference there you go it's a big difference now and i know it kind of looks kind of like a lot but i'll show you exactly how it looks in just a second let's go back to the i t now you can see the difference here now the i and the t are very spaced out the reason why i did this is because if you have it too close to each other you're going to uh okay i'm sorry if you have it too close to each other you're going you're going to um have too many uh too many details and when it's too close and on top of that it's small you're not going to really see uh that that detailed so for you to be able to notice what it actually is and you can see it from farther away you can see it here and now the next thing that i'm going to do is go into my um my underlay so let's go into the underlay it's going to be right on the top here and now when i go to the underlay i want to make sure that i take out the underlay the reason for this is because when those letters are very thin and very small when you're doing an underlay sometimes uh the thread doesn't have enough time for it to get some tension because it's just so small that it kind of leaves a little loop all right and then if that leaves a loop then when once the satin stitch uh that's gonna be covering uh the actually doing the the letters um you don't want that little loop to stick out and then those are very hard to take off afterwards so i'm definitely going to be and this is one of the key notes if you guys can get a pen and paper and write this down so the first one was give your letter some space and then after this is going to be take out the underlay completely all right so i'm going to go ahead and do that now as you can see i want you guys to see the difference now all letters as you can see here it's the only underlay it's not really an underlay it's just a little uh run stitch that's just to hold down the uh the how do you call this uh the stabilizer if you have any so but that's not really going to be noticeable now you can see the difference here this one and then now i'm gonna go back to the uh the regular how all letters come so all letters do come with their underlay now the next thing i'm going to do is after i take my underlay and i have to say that's one of my the most important things that i do i'm going to go over to my push and pull composition so this is the third tip that i'm giving you guys poor push compensation is very very important why because when you're doing the small letters they're trying to pull against each other right so if they're so small you're not going to see so much of that so you want you want it to seem like it's too thick for them to actually be embroidered but once it's embroidered you're going to see a huge difference how they actually pull against each other and make themselves real nice and thin okay so for the push and pull i'm gonna go into type um i'm going to press on this and now you have two options you have percentage or absolute which one do you want to use i usually use for small letters just percentage and i will put it to a pretty high percent so if i'm putting percentage you're going to go over onto the value and the b option is the one you're going to be changing all right usually i would put about 120 to 130 uh when i'm doing just regular push and pull compensation uh that's the percentage but since we're doing these small letters i'm going to go all the way to 150 all right so that's almost half its original size all right so i'm now going to press apply and you're going to see as you just notice right now how thick they got so uh usually when you see this you say well i think this is too thick this might not look good because the m doesn't have a lot of space in here trust me or the w or even inside of the a but trust me once you embroider this all of this are gonna just sink into each other and you're gonna see how you're gonna have enough space in in between everything okay uh like i said it's only because we're doing small letters so let's go ahead and go on to the fourth tip the fourth tip is going to be the actual uh density that we're going to be using so for the density i'm going to have it at 0.4 this is actually perfect 0.4 you could play around with your density uh now this is a very tricky part so if you're using a cap that it's uh very structured and uh it has uh this kind of like a garment that you kind of like you can see that there's uh there's like some gradients in there and basically small layers won't work very good with those just because uh the the the threads could hide in between that garment right so then what i'm using is a richardson 112 for this uh just because it's one of the most difficult caps to embroider on and for one of the most difficult things to do it's also uh small letterings so i'm just going to show you you know the best of the best now uh when you are doing other caps that might not have that nice smooth feel like the richardsons have uh you might want to play around with your density maybe bringing it a little bit higher by bringing the number down or maybe even taking some out all right sometimes you could even use some stabilizer or some topping actually to try to get those uh those uh threads to stick out a little more okay so in this case since i'm using the richardson 112 i'm going to leave my density at a 0.4 all right if this doesn't work for you guys go ahead and raise it to 0.5 uh i've seen it work a lot of times but just just because for me richardson 112 work perfect with 0.4 density and the next one is i like to change uh my stitch length uh to a 2.5 uh that's just optional sometimes it doesn't really uh you don't really need that to do this sometimes but i prefer doing it so uh if you guys want to try that out uh it's probably gonna work best now that i've changed my uh fonts and i'm going to change my font really quickly from standard let me just make sure i'm still here yeah all right so i'm going to change this into a uh uh like i said a uh bean now you could do two ply if you want so you could try it out i just feel like the works best okay and i'm going to press the apply button and as you can see here it i'm not sure if you guys are able to see it let me see if i can take the screen out of here as you can see here let me just rewind this really quickly we went from sixteen thousand stitches uh six hundred sixteen thousand six hundred to seventeen thousand eight hundred stitches so as you can see added some stitches in there and not only stitch it's adding some uh not only satin stitches but it's adding some of those uh uh run stitches as well all right so now obviously this is not the size we want it so i think from this point on i'm pretty much ready to actually put this into the size that i needed to be so let's go ahead and do that now first thing i'm going to do is break it apart break up the text and as you can see now i have them all broken up so i'm gonna go ahead and select my uh lines so i'm gonna select this one and i'm going to right click and i'm going to group it i'm gonna do the same thing to the next line which is going to be the impossible [Music] all right and i'm going to now set my um set my style so this is what i'm going to do i'm just going to put it under i don't i'm not really too worried about having a centered right now but basically what i want to do is just this let me get this one now we're going to grab it bring it under and then i'm going to get a nelson and put it under here as well now this one i'm just going to give it a little bit a little bit of a gap uh just so you can tell the difference now this next thing i'm going to do is i'm going to grab it all and then i'm going to use my horizontal centering and tool here on the top and i'm going to press that so we can center them straight across here so this is exactly what i want now let's see how many millimeters we have in just the eye here all right look at that exactly five i think this is good enough i'm gonna leave it as is now for this design i'm only not gonna do just just these letters um i'm also just gonna just add in uh a vector file uh just so the hat can look really nice so let me go ahead and import my bitmap nelson here we go all right so what i'm doing here is just putting a hoop um it's okay and there we go so now all i have to do is get my fonts and since i'm gonna be having a gap in the middle that's another thing uh i pretty much already uh digitized this here i'm not going to waste your time and showing you how to do this we're only here for the small letters so i pretty much already did this i just wanted to you guys uh to know this um i'm just going to add a little line in here let's do let's see let's do a rectangle yes let's do a little one here and then we're going to convert this into a satin stitch so let me go ahead and make sure my stitch length is going back to uh 2.5 instead of 3.5 and now i'm going to go over to pull and push make sure you are adding your push and pull compensation uh and i'm gonna go ahead and put this also at a 150 this is 150 percent on the uh on the b value here okay and there we go all right so let's go ahead into the machine now and let's get this hat to embroider all i'm going to do is make sure that i'm centered i'm going to trace and that's pretty much it everything looks good i'm not going to hit anything so let's go ahead and press the start button so what i'm going to do is i'm going to start it off a little bit to the left and set instead i wanted to move it just a little bit to the left i don't want anything to be touching there so let's do it right here all right right there [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] i gave you a lot of tips and tricks on how you can digitize for small letterings right now i didn't tell you the tips and tricks on how to actually embroider all right so there are some things that you have to do to get it nice embroidery right you don't want to have any tails now i bet you guys did notice how in each and every letter i actually had the machine trim now that's not necessary for you if you don't want to if you rather just go through it really quickly and then later on clean it up me personally i like the machine to do everything for me so i just let it trim everything and it mean it only took like 10 or 15 minutes max and it was a total of like uh i think it was 15 000 stitches so around that time now uh there are some things like i said for you to be actually able to embroider this one of those things is that you have to use a specific uh size of thread so i'm using on this machine i'm using the 60 weight thread now not only that i'm also using a specific size needle i'm using the 65 by nine size needle so those are the two main things that i recommend you to do whenever you're trying to do very small and thin letters okay on top of everything that has to do with the digitizing as well okay so now uh if you guys want to check out i have an awesome video that i made where i made the smallest letters as possible and small letters at the bottom also richardson as i told you guys this is a richardson cap and all of them that i've done are on richardson so if you guys just coming back really quick let me grab it so we did did this one here which is small letters as close as possible to the brim of the cap with some 3d puff and if you guys i don't think you're able to see this through the camera there but there's a little rated r very very small right in there so i don't think you're going to get the best quality out of it right now but just trust me if you can't see it through this camera meaning this is very very small and it looks very very nice if you guys want to check that video it's on our youtube channel embroidery hub and take a look at that video so you guys can see how i was able to get this very very small letterings in here and as low as possible to the brim of the cap with 3d puff this was an awesome video i had a lot of fun with this one so if you guys want to see uh something done go ahead and write it down in the comments below we'll be happy to uh try to make those videos for you as you know we do this every week so please stay tuned and make sure you follow us on instagram make sure you watch my videos you're really going to enjoy them alright guys this is it for this one i hope you guys have a very nice day you
Channel: Ricoma Embroidery Machines
Views: 10,591
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Keywords: ricoma, ricoma embroidery machines, embroidery, embroidery machine, machine embroidery, commercial embroidery machine, best embroidery machine, embroidery hub, embroidery business, embroidery for beginners, cap embroidery, custom cap embroidery, how to embroider, richardson 112, ricoma mt 1501, machine embroidery for beginners, machine embroidery ideas, sewing, small letters, how to embroider small letters
Id: P4nluzCf-xs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 5sec (1025 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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