4. The Sons of Issachar (Pt. 2) - Keith Malcomson

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please turn with me here this morning to one chronicles chapter 12 if you find one in second Samuel one in second chronicles sorry one and second Samuel one in second Kings one in second chronicles then you'll find my text here this morning 1 chronicles 1 chronicles chapter 12 and we're here at the 4th and last of my messages on this series my series is is this the last generation is this generation that you and I live in is it the last generation before the coming of the Lord is it the last generation before everything happens that the prophets prophesied that is our series and this is my last message the sons of Issachar part 2 the sons of Issachar 1 chronicles chapter 12 reading from verse 22 for at that time by day there came to David to help him until it was a great host like the hosts of God then verse 32 and the children of Issachar which were men that had understanding of the times to know what Israel ought to do the heads of them were 200 and all their brethren were at their commandment then last of all verse 38 and all these man-of-war the could keep rank came with a perfect heart to Hebron to make David king over all of Israel and all the rest also of Israel were of one heart to make David King let's pray together here this morning Father we do thank you for your grace and your mercy then your hand upon us that you're saving lies nor God that your touch and hearts that you're building a church my God we're asking you this morning that you continue to build a church in this city of Limerick nor got built out of mighty conversions saved out of drink and drugs and immorality and Catholicism and atheism and evolution my god we're praying that you built for yourself a house of glory and my God we pray that this church in this city would have the ability to discern the hour that it lives and it would have the ability to know what it ought to do in this last hour then generation give us an awareness that we're in the last hours of time that it's the last days that Jesus is coming again my god do we see prophecy being fulfilled all around us will you stir our heart in this garden nor God will you convict those that need save will you deal with the backslider nor God we encourage those that love you and follow you then walk with you and Lord go to friends who labor in the gospel my god strength in their hands nor got to grab Oh God Souls from Hell itself nor God in these last hours a time we do love you the nurse for your bless and on your word in Jesus mighty name amen we're coming to this last lesson and this series is this the last generation last week we began to deal with the sons of Issachar as a picture of what the church's to be in this last generation and I want to continue unfinish was this noise when we come to this issue a Bible prophecy or what's being prophesied in the old and the New Testament concerning the return of Christ and what is going to happen in the end days I want to tell you there's never been more talk by Bible prophecy than this generation there's never been more books written never been more television programs that never been more superstars of religion talking about Antichrist or Christ coming or the signs of the times but I'm able to tell you here this morning like I did in the first message I am sick of blood moons Bible codes stargazing moon gazing and date setting I'm sick to the back teeth of people coming up with special revelations special insight to dates and to celebrations I am tired of it let us one more time come back to the Bible to the words of Christ and hear what Jesus himself said about the last days we have already covered Matthew 24 then we looked at 10 signs of the last days 10 signs that Jesus gave and he said when you see these signs that means I'm coming again it means it is actually the end then Matthew 24 Jesus said called this the birth pangs are the beginning of Sorrows he said there's a time an hour when the beginning of Sorrows is going to begin there is a starting point there is an hour set in God's calendar there's a time that he alone knows which is going to be the beginning of Sorrows something is going to begin something is going to start that wasn't here before what is it it is the birth pangs like a woman who's pregnant when a woman gets to the end of her pregnancy the contractions begin she's been pregnant for nine months but no comes the contractions are the birth pangs to say oh you better get ready get your bag packed make sure your husband is fuel in the car make sure you're ready to run for the hospital this is the beginning of everything that you've long awaited for since Jesus also in Matthew 24 said there's birth pangs there's signs that are gonna begin to come very fast and very strong then they're gonna begin to increase they're gonna begin in the last days and when you see them come strong and begin to come fast then look up you knew your Redemption draweth nigh you know it's the last days what were those 10 signs first of all deception in the church second of all wars are hearing rumors of wars in the world we're gonna sit as an audience third of all the clash of culture forcible famines visible pestilence sex of all earthquakes in diverse places haven't we for three weeks right around our world scene earthquake after earthquake volcano after volcano do you realize we are living in the greatest famine in all of world history there is right now the greatest famine that's ever been recorded in world history jesus said when you see these six signs come fast and furious you better get ready this is only the beginning of the last days this is the beginning of the end where you'll never go back again he'll never be stopped nothing is ever going to change this is the beginning of us going right into the last days but he said when you see these six things it's not the end yet he give another four very clear signs peace he mentions these four signs seventh of all worldwide hatred of the church in every nation its betrayal in the church a spirit of betrayal is going to sweep local churches number nine abounding iniquity and around the church and tenth and lastly the worldwide preaching of the gospel by the church these ten signs are given by Christ to say it is the end in Matthew 16 and 3 he says you can discern the face of the sky but can you discern the signs of the times can you diagnose them can you see them do you understand them sings I'm just saying that by way of introduction to say our generation your generation of the church and in this city of Limerick no generation in world history or in church history has been given as many signs in the Bible concerning their generation as us in this room no other generation in 2,000 years of history have been given such strong clear signs to say this is a sign that it's the end times this is a signal for you that you're gonna do this is a very particular nudists season of time we are literally surrounded by these signs signs of Israel or what about Ezekiel's war in the Bible where it says Russia and Turkey and Iran are gonna unite I'm gonna come against Israel all of these things are water part world government do you realize the IMF met this year talking publicly about its plans for world government and a world economy they're actually angry at mr. Trump and they said we're gonna bring in a world economy that's IMF this year and I believe it's today the 1st of July that actually all of their plans come into place they're not going to do it today I don't know when they're gonna do it but the Bible says you're that no one is gonna buy or sell without the mark of that system you see technology all of the technology of the mark of the chip all of its in place no generation has been given the signs that you and I have been given this Bible is literally filled with Bible prophecy and they're signs to say wake up church wake up sinner you better get born again if you're playing with sin you better run from it like it's a house on fire if you're backslidden you better get back to God if you're a Christian walking with God then be encouraged here today all these signs are given let us preach the gospel just one last time but let me take you to my text 1 chronicles chapter 12 and verse 32 concerning the sons of Issachar and it says the children of Issachar which were men that had understanding of the times 2 knew what Israel ought to do notice again with me the sons of Issachar notice what the Bible says about them they're a peck of what you and I are to be in this generation they had understanding of the times that word times is very important over in Acts chapter 3 Peter preaches and he talks about times of refreshing times of revival times when the Holy Spirit is going to come to the church and revive the church there's gonna be times notice that word underline that word times you've got to understand the time you're living God has actually set very specific times in church history for governments for the church and for revival and x3 it also talks about times of restitution or times of restoration when God is going to restore to his church things that have been lost so we see there's very clear specific times and some 102 it says that it has come the time has come for the Lord to favor his his nation of Israel this set time to favor his people and our words he's going to shine on them or what about Daniel chapter 7 22 it says until the Ancient of Days that's Christ until Christ comes and judgment is given to the Saints of the Most High and listen this and the time came that the Saints possessed the kingdom there is a time when you and I are going to possess the kingdom we're going to take it off the governments of this world we are literally going to possess the kingdom of God we're not gonna be trampled on and mocked anymore there's a time set in God's calendar when the real church the real people of God those who believed in him by faith are literally going to possess the kingdom when does it happen when Christ comes again we're not going to usher in the kingdom we're not going to possess the kingdom Christ is gonna come and then the nations of this world are gonna become his that's what the Bible clearly says notice were soulless there are set times and God's calendar for revival they're set times for God to raise up Kings under poll King Stein there's times for revival times for restoration when God restored to the church the just must live by faith times when holiness is being restored or they guests of the Holy Spirit have been restored you see God has this thing called times said in his calendar they're not in the hands of man they're in the hands of God and can I tell you something I believe with all my heart there is a time appointed time for revival yet to come in the Greek language in the New Testament there's three words for time there's crew knows look at your watch that's Chronos that's the time how the hours tick by but there's another word called Karros Karros it's the word for time that we're talking here listen to what it means in the great it means the right time the proper time the critical time the opportune time or the best time for action it is a crisis hour an hour that comes and you must do something it is an hour time it is a short window of time that demands action and a response if you don't know what to do and when to do it you're gonna miss the opportunity but the word time or Kairos means God has said times and they'll never happen again quite like that it's a unique time in the church where God is going to do something then if you're not ready and if you don't know what he's doing you're gonna miss such that's why we need to be praying that's why we need eyes that are open and we must be like Issachar we need to understand the times we need to have understanding of the times that we actually live in do you realize the hour that we've come to Matthew 24 the beginning of Sorrows either it's already begun or it's about to hit us with such a force that you cannot imagine listen to me what this are Matthew 24 the time is a time of great crisis of great change of significance of confusion it's going to be the beginning of things that we've never seen in our world everything is going to begin happening with a great intensity and a great power that nobody will talk this is the end but can I tell you something else it's not only in the devil's hands it is a time for the new beginnings of new movements in the earth of new dealings of gods and in the hearts the god that will govern the entire future it is a turning point in history socially politically religiously morally educationally our world is changing right now and it will never be the same again can I tell you that this morning the Bible warns us that we are living at the most critical prophetic time that has ever been in all of world history in all of church history in all of political history this is the MU Shanique our and this is why Jesus gives us more signs for the hour that we live in than any other time in history do you know why he done that he wants you to be like Issachar he wants you to have eyes to see and to understand what is happening the sons of Issachar did understand the hour that they lived and remember last week what I said there are servants there were soldiers they were scholars when they were students I want to look here for a moment before we close and a thousand years of history you'll say mom will be here too denied maybe were well but just sit tight a thousand years of the history of the tribe are the sons of Issachar I want to take you from the days of Moses all the way through to the days of Nehemiah we have the history of this people 1,000 years and can I tell you whatever generation they were in whatever was happening in their day politically or socially or religiously in this people you see those who knew the time that they lived in like Jesus says you could discern the signs of the times they knew when they were living and they knew what to do let me give you three examples out of the history thousand year history of Issachar first of all I want to look at the days of Tabora or Deborah and Judges chapter I like to call her de Bora I prefer that to Deborah but everyone calls her Deborah judges chapter 4 and chapter 5 in the days of Deborah we actually see how these sons of Issachar discerned the hour that they lived in and they were able tact if you don't know what are you living if you don't know the generation we live in you're not going to actually be playing around with this world you'll waste your lifetime not realizing this is the last hour than generation then judges chapter four and five we read about the history of the judges and in the end the book of Judges we read of three hundred years from the days of Joshua to the days of Samuel when it got to the days of Deborah we read it by jabbin king of Cain Canaan or of the Canaanites he was the king of the Canaanites come for 20 years he oppressed the children of Israel for 20 years we read of his 900 iron chariots now look at it this is a nation of Israel do you know what the Bible actually says amongst forty thousand men of Israel you couldn't find one armed soldier there wasn't one fighting man amongst forty thousand men you could search time after time village after village and you go where's the fighters where's those with a sword in their hand where's those preaching the gospel in this generation you can find it in this hour the pastor's aren't even preaching the preachers aren't even given the truth anymore I assure you this is a very serious hour that we live in when you can search in Thailand and can hardly find a real fighter in the church a real man with courage hard to find a man of courage in Limerick is not right hard to find a man who knows how to live above sin be a real husband be a real man of God or a real father it's very hard and it's a dark hour we read the 20 years that this the Canaanites oppressed the people of God there was new unity there was no fire there was no fight for 20 long years they were defeated there was nothing but sin and coldness in the nation and the enemy laughed at them persecuted them opposed them and subjected them for 20 long years but in judges chapter 4 we read of a lady called Deborah it was a judge and a prophetess she rose up under the Spirit of God sat under a palm tree and prophesied to the nation of Israel those in Israel who desired God went our - that woman to sit at her feet she was actually called a mother in Israel that she was the only female judge in the entire book of the judges to know what she says as she sat under the palm tree she sent a message to a man called beric and she sent to him and said barrack the Lord commands you to raise up an army of ten czars and man you're to raise them up and then you're to gather at Monkey Bar and when you gather there you are going to defeat the enemy can you imagine getting such a prophecy you can hardly find one fight man I want you to get ten thousand and with ten thousand you'll destroy the enemy in the nation what a prophecy well we are told that he said he said lady Deborah he says if you don't go with me I'm not doing it but if you go with me I'll do this thing and should prophesy them says ok I'll go with you but because you wouldn't go and fight the battle a real man you needed mommy with you well do you know what's gonna happen that you won't get the glory of this battle a woman is gonna get the glory and eventually the general gets killed by a woman called al new glory is going to go to barrack honest well Nami went with Parekh but listen to what it says in chapter 5 15 it says in the princess of Issachar we're with deborah do you see what I said the princes of Issachar do you know what this foul involved 10,000 untrained men ten thousand men had never fought about actually gathering in a place and they waited for the enemy do you know how many enemy came 100,000 trained soldiers with their 900 chariots it was a well-trained military army and these 10,000 are there but who Swiss them who is actually with them who would you side with what our army would you want to fight on whose side would you want to take in that generation if you were there in Israel looking at the great aggressive military force of the Canaanites on this discipled untrained gathering of Israel who which army would you stand with and actually says the princes of Issachar were with Deborah even is a car and also barrack he was sent on foot into the valley there on foot new chariots and it says for the divisions of Reuben there are great thoughts our decisions our resolutions of heart notice with me for a moment that generation in that time for 20 years had been like this new victory new uprising new great preacher new revival new defeating of the enemy 20 long years the saints of God were all divided the real people of God weren't even in unity it was under Welman odds but worst of all it was a woman in the midst of it prophesy and preach to them you need to stir yourself she's actually there preaching a barek wake up Eric wake up Eric I wish you ladies would do that to men you men in Limerick I'm gonna follow God even if you don't you can go after the drugs and the drink and the immorality as for me and my house I'm gonna walk with God I am gonna follow this God since if the man in this city aren't men enough to follow God then let the ladies follow God and begin preaching to them an evangelizing sin you must be born again that's exactly what happened here look at this victory it's a car said it's a woman but we knew she's a prophetess we knew she's a judge we knew she's a woman of God we knew that God is on her side and you know what we're going where God is I don't care about numbers I don't care how impossible it is I don't care how crazy it is we're going to side with Deborah notice that is a car could discern the times they lived in they could discern where God was they could discern that God was gonna win a great victory Hooters hasn't been revival in 50 years oh I've heard everybody talk about revival there's new revival oh I've heard talk about miracles I haven't seen any then just stick a row into bed I assure you all right this is an hour in which we must discern the are Saints I believe something's gonna happen in Ireland I believe something's gonna happen in Limerick oh I know it's impossible I know it's unlikely for a bunch like you and a building like this to see revival but I assure you this is where revival always began it's when the numbers are against us when only women want to come to the meetings I tell you when the enemy is life for not us let us make our stand here sinks Issachar new this is the way your new reuben musa tribes didn't even join deborah you know most people want to come with new victories one learn a revival outcome their meetings where were you in the prayer in Seoul these years where were you in the gathers oh yeah you'll jump on and run out of your pub whenever revival begins what about being here now you need to discern the times you need to know the are we living Matthew 24 this is the beginning of Sorrows someone is gonna wake up and say this is an hour to get right with God but secondly not only the days of Deborah the days of David let me take you to is a car in the days of David you'll remember with me Saul was king of Israel for forty years for two years he followed God for thirty-eight years he was a rebel he's anointed he's got the position he's got the numbers he's got the power he's got the height I'm sure he had the voice as well he had everything he had all of the armies all of the armament all of the technology all of the money in the nation but for thirty-eight years as a leader in God's house he was a rebel against God but you know what we read about us a little shepherd boy 17 years old Kenan anointed by an old prophet called Samuel harden a little hillside village where nobody could see it but that old prophet poured oil and said you God is gonna anoint you to be king of all of his people in the nation man II didn't know what he was going to have to face for the next 13 years David ran from Saul in caves in wilderness and even to the land of Philistines Saul chased him with the spear trying to kill him with three swords and man do you know what the the mummies used to say to their little children if little Jimmy Jones wouldn't go to sleep at night David is gonna come and get you in the middle at night if you don't go to bed I tell you his name was adoration he was use he was the worst person in the nation he was worse than Hitler and that generation he was running for 13 years and yet he was a man of God with the anointing God says I'm gonna make you King it got so bad in the case he said God are you sure there's only one breath between me and death you prophesied I'm gonna be the king of Israel that you've chosen me that you've anointed me Samuel one of the greatest prophets in world history prophesied over me and encouraged me but man not my life I'm gonna die you see since the real work of God does go through years like that but in second samuel chapter 1 we read the king saul gets killed on the battlefield he's been king for 40 years there's no arc he had no desire to bring the Ark of the Covenant up to Jerusalem he was not a man of Prayer he didn't make altars he didn't care about the presence of God he didn't even miss the presence of God he was a man who sought witches and who sought other spirits rather than the Holy Spirit of God what a disaster but the man died and then his fourth son called Ashbaugh Sheth actually took his place his fourth son takes a position on the house of Saul continues for another seven years where's King David King David actually moves from the caves to Hebron the highest hill and the entire nation of Israel it was harder to get to it was hired to get to it was rougher to get to than any other place in the entire nation but David choose it and we read that one of the nations one of the tribes sorry of Israel one of the tribes come and anoint amid Hebron and sin we recognize you're the king we recognize you as our King we're gonna follow you and they went to Hebron David stayed at Hebron for seven years during that time we're told in the Bible that the house of Saul got weaker and the house of David got strong no notice says David as a criminal he's he's got his face some wanted posters he had a flee everywhere he went he had a ban on guard he was considered one of the worst man in the nation but the house of David is getting stronger he is preparing to take over leadership in the days to come but we read that the house of Saul was slowly getting weaker year by year since what actually happens listen again 1 chronicles chapter 12 what it says it says that there were numbers of bands that began to gather to David and came to David at Hebron to turn the kingdom of Saul to him according to the word of the Lord do you realize 1 chronicles 12 is all about the history of David from the cave a dalam all the way through until he's reigning in Jerusalem it's a slow progressive rise of David where David's going to become the new leader the new governor the new military power in the nation and the house of Saul is going to be cast art but listen to where is the car fits and verse 32 and the children of Issachar which were men who had understanding of the times 2 knew what to do what Israel's ought to do the heads of them were 200 and all their brethren were at their commandment do you realize what happens here as David is at Hebron 200 leaders of Issachar come to him they have understanding of the times that go we understand what's happening we know what's going on you see we were a part of Saul's Kingdom we sir Saul faithfully all through the years we realize that it wasn't time to change anything we didn't like Seoul we didn't like what was happening in the country we didn't like the fact that the ark wasn't in Jerusalem or that Saul was an amount of Prayer we didn't like that but it was no time to change we can't change what God isn't going to change but since when God begins to move we better move with all of our strength you know what this church is here for we are just getting ready for the time there's gonna be a time change there's gonna be a radical change in in the true Church of God I assure you there's gonna be a change of government there's gonna be a change of military power there's gonna be a change of teaching and preaching there's gonna be a refreshing from the presence of God it's not over yet but sings we need to prepare as a church know in the cave a dalam or on some heparins hell if you don't prepare now you'll never be ready for a move of God those who are backslidden lazy out in the world playing games working on somebody's when they ought to be in church I assure you they will not be ready for that refreshen they're wasting all these years and well I'll jump on the bandwagon when God moves yeah do you know what people who jump on the back of vehicles through half of them break their neck they fall off they kill themself half the time her Sharia is a card discerned what was happening they discerned no is the right time to follow the house of David nor is the time to go and seek David David was still a small minority but what a dynamic minority David was a king without a nation without a throne or without a crime most of the nation were against a most of the tribes rejected him and yet as a car come and say you will be our King nor as the are nor as a time they realized that God was finished with the house of Saul I know this was King David's hour until now he's persecuted until now he's laughed up until now he's made a mockery of his stone he's pursued with sole leadership sole leadership or throwing spears left right and center at this man but you know what Issachar said all of that's gonna change right at this time we're going up to Hebron junu helbrans hard to get to it was a tough narrow way but these are the times for change can I tell you it's time the church changed I am sick of the flashing lights I am sick of the laziness of church I'm sick of preachers trying to entertain I'm sick of the money gospel it's time to drug addicts and prostitutes and Catholic idolaters an atheist and evilicious get born again and come back to the Church of God let's have a revival again let's have an old-fashioned revival where we come back to the real again notice that as a car came with 200 only 200 of them a small group is enough a remnant within a remnant there was 87 thousand fighting men and it is a car but who need 200 discerned the hour that they were living and 87,000 didn't come it was the two hundred who come do you know what it says of other tribes fifty thousand came one size again ten thousand came how many came from Issachar two hundred men who could discern there are only two hundred but what an important two hundred it also says there were heads their leaders do you know you can be the head of your home you could lead a children's work you could lead the evangelism but you've got to be doing something it says those two hundred were leaders if you get the leaders right everyone else will be right get the head of the home ripe the homes gonna be right get the preacher right the churches gonna be right that's what we're looking to do here get order back again if a man isn't right was with goddess family won't be right that's one sure thing he can go and dream and hope and pray and believe if you're not right before God nothing in your life will be right your work life won't be right your home life won't be right no son will be right your money will be cursed in your pocket I don't care if you're a millionaire the money you'll curse shall burn a hole in your pocket why you're not walking with God since these sons of the car came to David it was a time change they understood the are that they live in but notices well says they knew what Israel ought to do do you realize they had a message for the entire nation two hundred men who said we know what you ought to do you're here at Hebron I tell you they're going preaching the David do you realize this is the hour for change do you know God is gonna change everything no do you realize I know what you've gone through this is a governmental hour and change everything's gonna change in this hour I assure you mother said well I'm not sure about that Reuben was having a vote over in their core we're gonna take a vote on what we thinkin revival you know what is a Kirsten I'm telling you this is the are let's go make David King a tourism suitable in the days of nap you don't even know who need our business must eeeh need up thirdly and lastly in the days of need up we see is a car as well and 1 Kings chapter 15 made up was the son of Jeroboam Jeroboam was the king of the northern ten tribes who split the nation he actually rose up and took ten of the tribes and left curved the tribes and the Bible says it made up did evil and he made Israel to sin and he provoked the Lord to anger no notice what happens he's provoking the Lord he's actually causing the ten tribes listen he is the cause of it he's leading them into evil he is a very evil man and the Bible says that a prophet comes to him and 1 Kings 14 and actually prophesied that God is going to judge his family and tear him down and destroy all of his seed in the following chapter chapter 15 a man arises who heard the prophecy who could see what was happening in the nation who could see what is happening in his tribal ground his name was Pasha listen Asst Pasha of the house of Issachar who was he he was of the house of Issachar he was a son of Issachar it says that he conspired against need up why did he conspire he was of a tribe and a people who said we knew what they are is what is they are there's a prophecy in the previous chapter said I'm gonna judge Jeroboam and need AB I'm gonna judge them and destroy them need AB and the house of Jeroboam is going to be destroyed Pasha and the tribe of Issachar he looked at the Word of God he knew the character of God he knew the Dussehra God and he conspired against him and bashes mudan and rained on the throne in his place do you realized Nate I've only rained for two years he could have reigned 40 years he coulda rained 20 years but here is a man who says I know they are that were living and it's not God's will for him terrain it's not God's well friend to be in the throne some years ago we had a man a preacher he was a solicitor with BP oil traveled all around the world was on a plane every single wake he had preached for us on a Sunday night every other Sunday night he had come and preach for us he got to the church he said the elections are coming up in Britain and the labor the the man who's gonna be for labour who everyone has seen he's gonna get in and he's gonna be the next prime minister he said I find myself in first class sitting by this man who's everyone has sinned in the newspaper he's gonna be the next prime minister and he says as we sat there he began to pray and he said Oh God do you have a message for this man Oh God what is it that you had say to this man what is sure well the Lord spoke to him and said this man will not reign do you know he died before the elections he took a heart-attack died when i d'ont eternity he never got here I assure you we serve a God who says I can raise up and I can - Stein we've got a God who can put Trump in place it can pulled on a Russian or a Chinese part of a government don't tell me our God's not in control our God is a God who not only raises our political leaders and affects world governments and affects the direction of our world we also serve a God who can raise up new preachers hear me as I close here what are we to do what are we actually gonna do in 1 chronicles 12:32 we're given this about the sons of Issachar they were not only students and servants and scholars and soldiers they were also seers they could see back the way and they could see forward it's the is a car is a car isn't a special anointing there's no special anointing it's hard work if you're gonna be like Issachar you're gonna have to study the word you're gonna have to watch the signs you're gonna have to know the character of God you're gonna have to watch the scene of politics and the social change in our wealth since everything is changing in our world right now in our generation and mu search to not know what's happening everything is changing in our schools in our city and our nation in our economy everything is getting ready to change and I'm going to show you at best we only have a few years left before all hell let's rip in our world it it is time for this church like as a car to know the timing of God to know there's a divine time schedule that it's God who changes the seasons it's God who changes the times it's God who raises up the preachers and it's God who hides the little Shepherd boys on hillsides with a slingshot it is God who does all this it is God who left Saul in place 40 years as a rebel against him consultant a witch it was God who allowed him to be there never the Bene hence the Kenneth Copeland's all the folks teachers like Joyce Meyer I tell you don't think that's accident let their their don't get discouraged God leaves them all in place you know why he says I'm preparing a David I'm preparing a people I'm preparing preachers you don't even realize that them in a I'm preparing pastors and evangelists and apostles I'm preparing man who are gonna evangelize again the last revival hasn't been the last missionary movement hasn't been the last souls to get saved haven't been most of the church today the real church or sin it's over the day of revivals is over new great missionary movements are gonna happen again oh we believe in the real and we reject the false but you know what this is Laodicea this is the apostasy it's all over that's only half the truth I've got a lot of scriptures I could give you can I tell you we are in the most remarkable change morally politically educationally socially in our world the most radical in six thousand years of history but there's one more piece to go there there's one more piece on it's a true church the Bride of Christ you do you realize right now and this is where we're up and this is why this church was birthed we have been birthed for this time and this hour and I'm telling you here this morning on its own record I'm telling you there is preparing to come to our world a change of leadership in the real church a change is going to come and I'm no pro facade I just know the Word of God I'm not giving you a strange vision or dream or anything else I'm telling you the character of God one last time before we get out of here while we look at the apostate Church in deception false prophets with their signs and wonders that's the false we look at the government's trying to create a one-world government one world economy and a one world religion we see the homosexuals dominating our schools and our education system and infringing on every area of life there are only one and a half percent yet they're dominating our society it's all happening but where is the church the church LCC is going to be a vessel for God a new Cruiser body of righteousness and listen to what it says as I finish his a car not only understood the times understood when they were living understood what was happening but they also knew what Israel ought to do like and David's day let's make David King the shepherd boy it's time for him to rule in the real church the real people of God and that the those under him will be at his command you see we're to have a message for the entire people oh I know that's ridiculous but I'll stuck in the corner of this High Street made up of such a rabble like you saved out of every strange background and situation I'm telling you God's gonna have a church on this corner that is a message a message of insight for this are knowing what is happening on what the Church of God ought to do on what real preachers ought to do and that's why in one week's time we've got preachers coming from America coming from Germany coming from all sorts of directions why is that there's a message in this house to say this is the will of God and this our this is what God has always said and he's still saying it we only have a short time to work we are in the beginning of Sorrows but gern the beginning of serves as politics and religion and morals and even our world begins to grown under the power of waiting for the coming of the Lord as sure yet the church has one last hour it's not the end yet but since we're in the beginning of Sorrows and I'll show you this church we are gonna preach we are gonna evangelize we're gonna pray for a revival a revival is gonna be in this church god help me I'm gonna pray I'm gonna preach I'm gonna believe there is gonna be a revival in Ireland III tell you among stir travelers we're praying this nation may despise them people may laugh on the streets I'm praying for a genuine revival amongst them I'm praying for revival amongst a drug addicts I'm praying for the Catholic Church to have a revival not look inside it but to come out of it and to get porn again can I tell you we must discern the are you need to know the are that you've been brought here to are like David you're gonna sit in the case in non God's forgotten me you're gonna be like the saints of old who got to scourge and said man that I miss Scott knew you're in the center of the will of God why do you think truth is being preached here why do you think that we're here no one the reality of God known the power of God real conversion not just a sinner's prayer not some token prayer or saying I'm a Christian but a heart change regeneration the new birth the changing of a nature my old nature very new nature a new creation in Christ Jesus we finish this series and I say I do believe says the last generation you have been born you've been chosen you've been specifically picked by God to get bored again get saved come into the church at this hour for this time it's not accidental don't say I wish you would have lived in 1859 and revival for 1904 or 1906 or some other day I assure you sinks the best is just ahead and God has kept the best for the very end I know it's an hour of apostasy it is getting dark right there the politics will never change from here on end the social realm and religious realm won't change but the real Bride of Christ is gonna make herself ready for the common over Lord Jesus Christ much Jesus said in Matthew 24 this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the earth in every nation as a witness to all nations then shall the end come I'm not gettin outta here until I see the fulfillment the fullness of this gospel being preached but can I warn you we are going to preach and have the power of God again but we'll be in the midst of great darkness great hatred great opposition great confusion but in that last hour the light and the glory of God will arise upon us why is that to give sinners one last opportunity this city is filled with people who have never heard this nation is still filled with children never once heard about Christ and you and I are called to be a part only a part of that vessel in this last hour since I gaze a car through a thousand years of history there was always a son of Issachar he said I know what hour it is do you know what hour it is this morning do you know the day that you live in do you understand what Jesus said in Matthew 24 and do you realize what he's expecting novice let's just stand here
Channel: Limerick City Church
Views: 585
Rating: 4.8400002 out of 5
Keywords: Limerick City Church, The Bible, Keith Malcomson, Jesus Christ, Is This The Last Generation?, The Sons of Issachar
Id: V96vt13Eq7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 8sec (3188 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 09 2018
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