4" Sync to Sync 3 in a 2015-2018 Ford Focus MK3.5

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hey guys what's up it's brian from navyupgrade.com i'm in my buddy jackson's 2018 focus st today it's an st1 we're going to be putting sync 3 in it so for anybody who wants to do this upgrade this is for the cars that are between 2015 and 2018 the ford focus so let's get right on into it let's start taking this thing apart and get sync 3 in this car all right guys we're going to try and get this done as a as quick as possible because it's going to be 107 degrees out today this morning trying to get it done before it gets super bright out so uh first thing we're going to want to do is we're going to want to remove this piece around the shift boot so pull from right here and it pulls out just like that and then you might need to use a trim trim tool over on this side to pop these little clips out and then finally there's one last piece right over here that needs to be popped out you can just pop that out just like that twist and it'll pop right out set it aside and now what we're going to want to do is this is going to be the hardest piece to remove out of this entire project this is your passenger airbag light so you want to come from the side here this is honestly i'm probably going to be wrestling with this for a good three to four minutes because it's literally that hard to take out sometimes it's easiest just to kind of nudge a little screwdriver in between my screwdriver is a little bit too big so we can't do that the good thing is that if you ever need to take your car apart again after doing after taking this out after you get it out the first time it gets a lot easier all right so we got an edge and then you kind of just have to pull and then you have to try and wiggle this edge out all right we're on our way it's gonna feel like you're gonna break this thing but i guarantee you're not all right that entire piece is out there's a clip back here unclip it set this aside okay so now what we're going to do is we're going to bring out a t25 torx bit and there is a screw down here set it in your cup holder now there's a screw here sorry i'm sweating already so hot hot day i think it's already in the 90s not even not even 11 a.m and then there's two screws up here [Applause] and finally the last screw right here all right next you're going to want to do is you're going to want to remove your shift knob pop out the spring set it in a safe place i'm going to put it in our side cubby here and now what we want to do is we want to take around here and lift up just like that so i'm popping it out just like that and now what we're going to do is we're going to come back here and there's a bunch of connectors black connector blue connector another black connector smaller and there's a main uh hvac connector right here pop that out and now you're left with a usb connection you can take your trim tool and this is kind of going to be hard for you guys to see but um there's two plastic clips that hold in the usb you're going to want to pry them apart in opposite directions or sometimes if i can't get it out sometimes i just like to take the entire shifter off just like that and then kind of set this down actually let's see if we can get it off it's a very difficult piece to get off hopefully you can see a little bit better there all right so there's a clip right here there's also a clip at the bottom the bottom one's a hard one to get oh there we go see popped right out we're good now we can disconnect the traction control button down here i'm just going to use my torx bit right here to push down on the little tab right there and then there's one more uh sorry this is for traction control that one was for uh power so there's that button right there click that set this entire unit aside and now we're left right here this is going to be really hard to get off again just like that piece so you're just going to have to wiggle it you're going to pull on it pretty hard it's going to feel like you're going to break yeah all right so um keep in mind your uh your airbag light warning light it needs to come through here so don't pull on it until you get that out and then you have one more clip right here pull on that set this aside you're not going to be using it again all right next step is going to be removing this entire unit it's very similar to the 2013 or 2012-2014 models we're just going to be removing it from its housing right here so they're all still t25 bits don't lose your screws and just to get it off now this is your acm which is your audio control module we're going to take that off right now all right so if you push on the screen actually let's take the whole whole unit out there's a swing latch harness actually let me uh i'm going to pop off the cd player here just like that all right three connections back here on the cd player pop pop and then pop we're going to be discarding this because there's actually no cd player in the 2018 so what's funny is that ford was being so cheap in their final model year end is that they started getting rid of a whole bunch of extra stuff that they deemed unnecessary the cd player was one of them so uh jason actually had jackson sorry [Laughter] jackson has a new cd player from a st2 st3 we're going to be putting that in and that's going to give him hd radio and a heck of a lot better audio quality than this hunk of junk so he's going to throw this away someday and then so what we have here is this is our four inch screen we heat this thing so this is your uh 12 pin screen connector just push down on it like that there's a swing latch okay so see this this actually swings down in this direction so we're gonna push in on this little tab here swing down just like that pull out set this aside sell it on ebay get rid of it do whatever all right now let's jump right on into the harness all right guys so this is what your uh all right guys this is what your sync 3 upgrade package will look like when it comes from navi upgrade.com i already have mine open because i'm saving the package for somebody else and if you pull it out there is your wiring harness i always wrap them like this so if you unwrap this you'll be ready to start installing and then you'll also have this in there this is your hazard switch adapter so what you're going to do is you're going to make sure that this guy plugs in here just like that that's usually the first thing i do so we don't get confused later down the line and we're just going to untuck this from right here and we're going to make it run into the back of the car instead into the into the cubby back here and now we don't get confused with anything so now what we're going to do oh the other thing i forgot to mention is inside of your package everybody gets a navi upgrade sticker so if you want to put it on your car so be it if you want to throw it away so be it let's go over the different ends of the sink three harness so your longest end which is about six feet long is your hub power connector so that's your hub power connector and then next we have an rca jack so if you're pre face lift you can actually just plug in a rear facing camera uh if you don't have one in your car and we can get you programmed up for that uh next this is your 12 pin four inch screen adapting connector and then trailing off of that we have your new uh sync 3 panel connector so you can control the new audio controls with your upgrade and then here is the sync 3 apem connector and then finally this is your original apim connector and it goes down to your original eight pin box down here all right so what we're going to first do is we're going to take our sync one four inch a pin connector and we're going to find our this piece right here so for the hub power and what we're going to do is we're going to take this and we're going to feed it down through here okay you can keep pulling on this guy right here for your sink three hub power and all the rest stays up here all right so the first step of connecting anything in your sync 3 upgrade is going to be connecting in your a pin box down here so what we're going to do is there is another swing latch very similar to this so it's going to be in a position like this on your box down here you're going to want to push in on the tab swing the latch out and that's going to push the connector out so let me see if we can get an angle that will show you that all right so if you could see i'm going to reach my hand down in here like this and i'm going to push up here oops it's hard to see and i'm going to swing this latch back just like that and then i'm going to unplug it just like that okay now the next thing we're going to do is we're going to take our adapting harness and as you can see there are three little marks right here and you can see there's three little marks right here so this just plugs in just like this connects in you push push push push and then once it latches in once it starts getting latched you can just pull on that and it'll walk right into place just like that perfect okay now we'll just tuck this away and the next step is sorry excuse me all right so this is already put together we're going to do is we're going to feed our 12 pin connector like this up through here just like that i'm going to set this in right here holding on to the entire module and what we're going to do is we're going to take this put it together just like that as you push the swing latch will come back and then you just push it all the way and it'll lock right in place this is your main power for sync 3. now the next thing we're going to do is we're going to take our sync 3 power a pim connector right here we're going to pull it up through the through the bracket for the screen right here and we're going to connect it in but make sure that this latch it needs to be swung down like that so make sure it's in that position and as you can see three little lines right here three little lines right here and just push in just like that once it latches you're good and now as you can see we have screen so if i turn the car on all the way there we go this unit is a non-navigation unit but we're going to get them all set up here and we're going to put sync 3.4 on it and get them all set up all right so that's half of the process right there now what i'm going to do is i'm going to turn the car off i'm going to open a door so this thing turns off okay let it turn off and the next thing that i want to do is i want to start running my usb connectors all right on the 15 to 18 since you do have a front usb i always recommend that you get a usb extension so what i have here is i have a male to female mini usb cord and this is about five feet in length you can find this on my site there's a link to amazon on there and then we're also using our standard what we always use our six foot mini usb to mini usb mail and that's going to power our hub so essentially let me break it down for you this male to male is going from your screen to your hub and then this male to female is going male end from the hub female end down here to your black box and i'll show you how to connect it all up right now first thing i'm going to do because i do not want to spend all day fishing wires is i'm going to take my hub power cable right here and i'm going to take a zip tie right about here i'm going to pull the mail the mail a bit farther because it needs to come all the way up here and i'm going to take a zip tie zip tie it right here i should make it so that doesn't move and now what we're going to do is we're going to come to the end of all these right here and we're going to put another zip tie at the end this is going to make it so we can feed it all a lot easier thanks to jackson for uh helping out with the camera today very helpful all right um so this is all ready to run so now that we have all of our usbs right here we're going to do and our usb power we're going to come down here reach down until it comes down through here pull off all the excess slack good there and now what you're going to want to do is we're going to take these i'm going to get out of the car i'm going to pull my seat all the way forward i'm going to fish the lines back through here just like that okay so there's a right way to do this and there's a wrong way to do this the wrong way is the way i do it because i can never get this thing to pop up right so um to take the back panel off of your center console there's these two tabs right here and i've i've literally i've seen it done i've never been able to do it myself these two tabs pop up and there's two t8 bits back there but uh i've never been able to do that so let me show you how to do it the wrong way so uh normally you take those off unscrew them and you'd be good to go to pop this entire unit off but let's show you how to do it the wrong way so this is the wrong way to do it we're actually going to break those tabs back there but don't worry because when you uh put it back on there's really strong connector clips back in here that make it so that it stays on just perfect so what we're going to do is we're going to pull from this tray down here and we're just keep pulling there's one tab broken and there's the other tab broken lift up here and it kind of wiggles out just like that and as you can see we broke the tabs right there right there these four clips are strong enough to keep the whole thing on i've had it done on my car for ages it's never fallen off no issues or at all so now what we're going to do is we're going to uh reach up here so we're going to try and do is we're going to try and pop out the original hub um this can be a little bit of a painful process because uh there's very sharp plastic edges on the bottom i would suggest that you wear gloves i've got given myself many blood blisters from doing this before we're gonna see if we can get this sucker out there we go all right got my hands a little bit and then remember that clip that we did in the front for the uh for the front usb we've got the same one back here and we're gonna pry up on this guy pry up on this guy until it's able to pop out all right so first thing i want to come in here and then pry up on this i've never been able to ah all right that just broke that's okay um we're prying up on this little tab here because we're trying to get this usb connection out it's clipped on on both sides very difficult to get out um without breaking this entire little module i wouldn't worry about it because these modules are literally a dime a dozen on ebay that's literally just an adapter for a usb cable um all right pulled on it see as we as you can tell we just totally mangled this thing um if you want you can bend it all back and still reuse it later if you decide to go back to stock but yeah oh and i cut myself nice awesome all right so we have our wires again remember uh see that there is a bolt right here we're going to want to feed these up kind of behind the bolt here so that we don't have to wrap around the bolt and now since we are totally uh totally open back here we can reach back in there grab them pull them up and then get it all nice and taut and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to push these sorry if you want to get up here i'm going to pull these through just like that and what i'm going to do is i'm going to plug in my hub power and then i'm going to wait on these things for a few minutes because i need to figure out which one is for the screen and which one's for the hub because it goes in a certain order this one goes to the screen this one goes to your front usb so keep that in mind so the one diagonal from the power goes to your screen the one right next to your power goes to your front hub i have this all set up here we don't need to be in here anymore so we're just going to put this all back um remember tray goes on the bottom so come up here just like that and then click it at the bottom like i said doesn't even want to come out so i don't even think that those front screws are really worth anything so if you want to break it when you pull it out it's not the right thing to do but it works all right so moving back up to the front here we're going to finish off our usb installation so what we're going to do is there's a tab right here there's a black connector i don't know if you can see you can see the gray one for sure gray connector black connector come with your finger on the back and push on the tab until it pops out and what you're going to see is you're going to see a connection like this all we're going to do is we're going to extend that using our male to female connector just like that and that's going to give us hub power at the front now we have our other end of our mail the mail i'm going to pop this out right here i'm going to feed it back up through the back here just like that and feed it up through here again and then you have your bot connector right there and what we're going to do is we're going to just pop it in right there and it'll fit in very nice and snug now we're going to do set it right here and we're coming off to our gps antenna so our gps antenna is uh just needs to be unwound a little bit we don't need a lot of room so i'm just going to take one strand out just like that this is meant so that you can put it anywhere in your car but we're just gonna put it right up on the dash itself so not too concerned wrap that all away and uh we have our 3m sticky pad on there already i'm going to pull this forward just like that and we're going to take our connector this is your uh the release tab release tab faces downwards and it pops in just like that finally what we're going to do is we're just going to find a nice spot for our 3m sticky pad here get it off all right right there and then we're going to reach back here you're not really going to be able to see where i'm going here but i'm going to reach back kind of up next to our gauge pod here if you're in an st and i'm just going to pop it in right there give it a lot of pressure upwards as you can see i'm flexing the entire dash here and that should be good now all we need to do is we need to connect in our uh you know we need to do unfortunately because uh because we already have this mounted on we need to run our hazard switch so what i'm going to do is i'm going to take our acm off just like that two screws right here set them in the tray pop this guy off just like that set it aside and now let's get the entire unit mounted so we're ready to go make sure that your hazard switch is on bottom and make sure that everything else is in place so that you're ready to go so always double check your connections you don't want to be tearing this thing apart again make sure you have this guy have a lot of people calling me forgetting to plug this guy in this is main power for sync 3. all right so what we're going to do is as you can see grooves grew right here and there's a groove right here now check it out on here notch right here sorry not a notch but a little ridge right here ridge right here bridge right here what you're going to want to do is come in just like here find the little grooves and line them up with the notches i'm sorry the the ridges and as you do that make sure all of your wires are out of the way might be a little bit tricky at first but there we go just like that and i just need to double check that our wires aren't getting in the way because i think that they might be right now as you can see there's a little bit of resistance you don't want that and it might help if you pull your uh acm connectors forward so if you pull them forward just like this just all these other wires pull them forward just like this that leaves less wires out here in the back and uh thank you jackson that so we get them lined up back in those grooves again here and it clicks in just like that now uh what we want to do is i'm going to start screwing in the four screws that hold on the sink three bracket so you've got um got one and then you've got uh two right there and same side three and then last one down here is four so i'm gonna start with the ones on my side all right we're going to do the bottom two first because they're arguably the easiest to get to right there this be very careful you're going to want to hold the screw with your index finger as you start it otherwise you're more more than likely going to drop the screw all right that one's done and finally as you can see holding with index finger going back in here finding the hole done so many times that i just know where it is now here's what we're going to do we're going to take our acm our new audio control module and as you can see you can differentiate the serious versions in the hd radio versions so the premium car versions because they have the yellow tab right there so if jackson were to want to add in sirius xm radio he just needs to add an antenna i do not recommend that because uh sirius says siriusxm radio sucks and the audio quality in ford cars is just absolutely atrocious i would not recommend it but if you have to have it then you gotta have it so all right so next we're gonna plug in these guys plug one plug two you can hear the hear it starting up too finally uh we've got our radio so radio plugs into the blackboard right there and the tab goes facing up looks like that plug it in just like that and uh make sure everything else is stuck back on in here as you can see this is your new uh sync 3 uh controller uh connector so what we're going to do is we're going to place this guy right where the old one was down in here right where your uh where your airbag light connector is so that's in there and now remember this guy hazard switch connector what you're going to want to do is this needs to run over on top of your acm just like this just like that and then as you push it back let's make sure that we oh we must be hitting something um i think we're we might have a couple wires in the way so always double check your wire clearances and right we're mounted up now we're going to take our two screws for the acm feed this back in here just a little bit [Music] okay now we're ready to start putting the car back together let's double check that everything still turns on and that's good we've got a radio signal [Music] so when you have that that just means that you need programming all right so next thing's next we're going to plug in our fascia so we have our connector right here tab goes facing up connects in right there we have our hazard switch right here uh this piece right here where the switch is goes facing the driver's side or sorry not switch but where this little lever is on the connector it goes facing driver side connects in there just like that hazard switch works good to go there and now you just kind of feed these wires back in tuck in and then make sure that we feed the wires in as it goes this is a very important step remember your remember your passenger airbag warning light this needs to come up through here and come through that just like that before you can plug it in otherwise you're gonna throw the whole thing apart again so it's not gonna be fun all right just give it some pressure here and uh we're good to go to start putting the rest of this thing back together all right all right so now that we're plugged in here we're going to want to make sure that we have our uh usbs in on the right direction so um we're going to plug in jackson's iphone here so that's plugged in right here and we're gonna plug jackson's iphone in right here all right nothing's gonna happen because we don't have anything plugged in so uh what i'm going to do is i'm going to test which of these cords uh apple carplay shows up on when connected to the diagonal port here so we're going to plug in here and see as you can see that was the right one so apple carplay popped up so we can press continue agree and now uh we know that [Music] cool all right so now that we know that so now that we know that that's the right cable for uh going straight to the a-pin module we can actually plug in our other one right here as you can see it goes in like that and now we can set our module in place once i get this iphone cable out of the way so as you can see there's two diagonal little notches right there and right here there's two diagonal little notches right there so that's the right way that it goes or you can tell by the usb signal being towards the front of the car just pop it in place lock it and uh we can plug his iphone cable back in close it all up and now let's get back to putting the rest of the car back together all right so we have our bottom trim piece here what we're gonna do is uh if you have a manual car this is your reverse lockout so six speed reverse lockout um what we're gonna wanna do is we're gonna want to feed it through just like that bring it down until it comes through there and now we're going to start plugging in all the rest of the stuff so blue connects your connection goes right uh excuse me it goes right there we have our main hvac connector for power right here okay oh now we have air and then we got that right there and we got one more right here oops nope so this is our usb cable and we can just pop this guy right back in here just like that and then we should have one more connector here somewhere where are you connector right here and this pops in just like that right there and then we can't forget our power on the bottom so uh swing it around here so we got power right here uh so that goes in just like that bottom piece comes in just like that click in and then uh your tools out of the way like me snaps into place just like that and what we can do now is we can put our shift knob back on all right and now obviously we're going to finish off here by screwing the final five screws in so i'm going to start with this guy here how would you look at that so um unfortunately it looks like jackson's module here was missing a connector here so that's not a huge deal what we can do is we can actually take this off like this pop this guy out and what we're going to do is we're going to take one of those connectors from another from his old module sometimes if you need to take this apart this rear uh power is very very hard to get or this rear hazard switch is very hard to get out so you need to take a little screwdriver into the clip here and that'll release it okay so what we're going to do is we have this trim piece out sitting on my lap i'm going to grab his old trim piece here and as you can see we're missing one of these white clips so all we're going to do is we're gonna take this white clip off set this back aside and then we're gonna take it click it in just like that it's in place now we're gonna put the car back together all right there's one two fortunately we noticed that before it was too late and we're gonna remember always feed this through otherwise you're gonna have a really difficult time once you get the car back together and realize that you don't have a half of that on there if you don't plug in your passenger airbag warning light you actually get an airbag light on the uh on the dash so you absolutely have to have it connected all right there we go now let's get back to installing all these screws all right shifter still works still good there all right all right now what we're going to do is we're going to take our passenger airbag warning light obviously passenger airbag reads up connect it in just like that feed the cable back in through push with some decent strength around it and you're good to go finally i'm gonna take this piece right here and uh these little tabs they need to line up and need to go in with each other so it all needs to come from the same angle and it clicks back in place just like that click in there clicks in the side and now we're good to go we have sync 3 in a 2018 ford focus st1 now let's get right on into programming all right so most of the time i would recommend using one of these guys uh they're great they're cheap but um i just don't feel like using this today because i don't feel like flipping a switch or anything like that so you can check out my other videos on how to use one of these but today i'm going to be using an obd link mx plus you can get this on amazon i'll have a link in the description this is a bluetooth module if your laptop has bluetooth i'd highly recommend getting one of these because then you don't have to switch between high and medium speed canvas so here's what we're going to do we're going to plug this into our obd2 obd2 port down here all right as long as the green light's on and the blue lights blinking we're good to go all right so as you can see we don't have any volume controls we don't have uh but as you can see this all works oops source button got stuck there we go uh but yeah all this stuff works so what we need to do is we need to come into four scans so on my laptop here i'm going to open up for scan and because i already have my bluetooth module set up it's going to automatically connect we're going to select this is a 2018 it's going to connect to the car and we're gonna let it read all the modules this can take up to two to three minutes if you're on like a a car that has more modules like say like a c-max or or something has like parking modules or like trailer assist modules anything like that like trucks it's going to take longer because there's more modules to load up but the reason why i like the obd mx plus so much is because it actually reads both medium speed and high speed can bus automatically so on this old controller it'll ask you to switch this back and forth but on the obd-mx it just automatically switches it within the device itself so you don't need to load up anything else still loading up here gpsm and we're going to call this jacksons not 30 2018 focus st sync 3 upgrade and we're going to save this profile so one thing to know if you save a profile uh then that is it's going to save all the modules that it finds on the car so it can load up faster in the future but the problem is is if you use one of these guys and you forget to go into your medium speed canvas and you save that profile then what's going to happen is you're not the next time you load into the car it's not going to find the medium speed canvas because it doesn't think there are any so if you accidentally do that what you need to do is you need to go into profiles here and then just delete the profile using the delete button right down there and selecting the right the right one here and then obviously pressing the delete button but we already loaded up all of our correct modules so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go into this little configuration and programming chipset over here and i'm going to start with um our a pin so our apem is up here we're going to go into as built format module configuration uh changing configuration is potentially not safe so just beware uh car is a little bit low we probably should start the car so i'll have the car running for this as we charge the battery just a little bit we gonna get a little ac going on in here because it's gonna be we're probably into the hundreds already today all right so as you can see we've got uh eight blocks blocks are separated by these little dividers here we're gonna go load all and we're going to go back into our downloads where we downloaded our base to sync 3 programming files from my website oops that's the wrong folder let's go back we're going to go into navi upgrade focus base to sync 3 and we're going to go into apem as built files in here we have a non-navigation unit so and we do have hd radio and sirius so we need to select that we have a non-nav unit with hd radio and sirius we might need to turn sirius off on this car though because we do not have the right antenna so we'll load okay it'll load click write all module configurations completely this actually will completely rewrite the module configuration are you sure yes for sure let it write all right that's good click ok now we're going to go back to stop and we're going to go it's a good we're going to come back into configuration and programming this time we're going to go back down into uh acm module configuration click play and then uh we're going to go into load all we're going to go up back into our downloads then we're going to go into uh navi upgrade focus base to sync 3 again acm files this time and we're going to go into hd radio sirius cd player abt we're going to click ok we're going to write all it's going to write all the changes we're going to hear it restart in here oh so here's an example uh service procedure has been interrupted this will happen sometimes you just need to go configuration to program again click acm okay it's going to read the blocks we're going to load all again we're going to go back into our downloads back to those acm as built files hd radio and we're going to write all again it might do it again to us here we'll see okay blocks programmed successfully please cycle the ignition off and then back on so we're good we're going to turn the car off we're going to open up a door to turn off the sync 3 system okay let it restart for a second now we're going to turn the car back on let sync 3 start again all right and now if we turn on our radio we have full control over our uh audio here what we are going to do is because that's turned to colors we're actually going to go in and we're going to update the entire system but what i want to do first before doing anything like this i want to make sure that my my steering wheel controls work my source button works okay and then sound button works now okay uh as you can see when we upgraded on an 18 focus audio quality goes through the roof so it becomes a lot better because the acm in the 18 focus is just total garbage all right so now what we're going to do is i'm going to teach you guys how to get navigation in your ipc cluster so that when you're driving you'll have a navigation here it'll read in i think it'll read in from apple carplay and android auto but it might just be android auto so we'll find out right now i'm going to click the stop button here and what i'm going to do is i'm going to come into configuration and programming again and i'm going to go into body control module right here bdy cm central configuration main i'm going to click the play button it's going to say 4 scan will load a secondary boot loader to the module this operation is not safe please make sure the following additional connections are met and we're good to go there so what we're going to do is we're going to load all the blocks up here it's going to start ringing all over your dash you're going to get a whole bunch of dash lights it's going to freak you out i remember the first time i did this um i i just got super scared so don't be afraid we're gonna turn off the ignition right now and what we're gonna do is we're gonna go back in here let's click okay when it says turn the ignition off and now we're gonna go we're gonna come into engineering mode with all editable and now what we're going to do is we're going to come down here give me one second let me find out this we're looking for a couple things we're gonna do a couple things to this car while we have it in the body control module area we're looking for navigation system we're gonna go uh navigation system we're gonna go edit selected and we're gonna go navigation system for usa and canada yes and then what we're going to do also while we're in here just to uh give jackson some cool stuff we're gonna give them global open and closed windows so we're gonna oh enable that and then let's see if there's anything else in here that we need it looks like we're all good in here yep we're all good in here so what we're going to do is we're going to click right it's going to say please confirm these changes we're going to say yes please turn the ignition on but don't start the engine so i'm going to push the button so that we're on and now we're gonna click right and it's gonna take a couple minutes to do this uh maybe not too long let's find out all right now it's gonna load the secondary boot bootloader module and let's start gonna ding it on the screen and all that stuff it's going to restart it's doing all kinds of crazy stuff all right we're good there all right block's programmed successfully we're good we're going to click the stop button right here to get out of the central configuration we're going to go back here and we're gonna go into our ipc and uh we're gonna go into ipc module configuration click ok all right and then we're gonna do all right so we're good navigation repeaters already enabled on there so we're good to go um nothing else to do here we're just going to click stop and we're going to go into information we're going to disconnect and the car is ready to go all right so as you can see we have everything working here audio controls everything like that since it's non-nav i actually have a usb drive here so we can update this which is sync version let's find out right now we're currently on sync version 3.0 we're going to move it to sync version 3.4 so what i'm going to do is i'm going to take our usb here and i'm going to come into our back here and i'm going to plug in our usb and then go up here and then it's going to say updating system software and we just wait a couple seconds it's going to restart the system and here's where the scary part happens we are actually going to completely uh rewrite the entire module so if we look here uh screen goes blank and now when it pops back up i'll show you what we have it goes into a completely uh new right module it's going to reach re-partition the er mcc mmc and uh it's going to extract the apps package and we're going to load up sync version 3.4 so that jackson's on the latest version of sync and uh we're going to be good to go here this takes about six minutes on a non-navigation unit but on the navigation unit prepare to go for a nice long drive because uh the navigation unit is uh almost four or five times the package size so you're looking at like a 29 minute 27 to 29 minute uh time period for the update um but other than that it's pretty easy and uh you'll be good to go right after this all right so we removed our usb and now it's gonna restart it's gonna flash a couple times and wait for it to reboot here come on all right we got our st boot screen and we got sync 3.4 all right we'll close this and we have hd radio now which is pretty cool so you get like double the amount of radio stations out which is pretty sweet and so i don't get copyright infringement on youtube we'll turn that down and yeah so now we go to settings go oh no i'm not radio we're going to go into general i'm going to go into about sync and you can see our new sync version that's version 3.4 built 20 021 and uh we got everything up to date and we're ready to wrap this project up all right so that was installing sync 3 onto a base model focus remember this can be done on any base model focus meaning you can do it on your st you could do it on your sc you could do it on your titanium although i think the titaniums they all came with sync 3. so so be it anyways so uh the install is done it's pretty easy install if you need any parts or any assistance with your install feel free to hit me up info naviupgrade.com or check out my website send an email through there uh always happy to help you guys out and if this video helped you out please buy from my store and for my affiliate links on my youtube video and on my website again this is nat brian from naviupgrad.com talk to you later see you next time
Channel: NaviUpgrade
Views: 63,103
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ford focus, focus st, focus stereo upgrade, update focus stereo, sync 3 base ford focus, sync 3, sync 3 upgrade, apple carplay, android auto, ford sync 3, naviupgrade, focus radio upgrade, focus touchscreen, sync 3 focus, add sync 3 to focus, 2015 ford focus radio, 2016 ford focus radio, 2017 ford focus radio, 2018 ford focus radio
Id: OMwzUD3hM_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 3sec (3183 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2020
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