4 Skills Developer Don't Know They Need

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hey guys it's your boy joe back out of the game codingphase.com in this video we're going to talk about four skills that you need as a developer but have nothing to do with coding so let's get started all right now the first one that we have right here is data analysis and usually you can do this through some type of software right or you could do it through something like google analytics or even another company that you might be using right to basically gather up data uh from your websites your web applications right and the reason why data analysis is so important is because this is how you get to understand where your traffic is coming from this is where you'll get to understand uh why your users are leaving your site or leaving your application right this is where you get to go in and look at the features that you should focus on which features the users are actually using more often right which features are the ones that the users are going in and for whatever reason they are getting lost or you know uh they can't figure out how it works or why they should use it right you're gonna be able to find this information in the data right and usually it's going to be on analytics or you know google analytics uh some type of service like that data analysis is extremely important for developers now the next one that we have right here is marketing now again you might say joe but i'm a developer i don't need to learn about marketing why should i care about marketing right i mean you should care about marketing if you're expecting people to actually find your application so find the services that you're trying to provide for users right if you don't know how to market yourself even to find a job or again for your own applications or your own services your own products whatever it might be that you're creating then nobody's ever going to find you you need to understand how marketing works you need to understand how to promote yourself promote your applications what are the different resources that are out there that you can use to bring traffic to bring awareness to whatever it is that you do as a developer just because you are a developer doesn't mean that you just go in and code because in reality if you're thinking that that's all you have to do then yeah you might as well just call yourself a co-monkey right that's all you do all you do is click clack and that's the programming and do for loops now you got to think outside of the box right this is super important to understand because without this this is how people come in and take advantage of you let's say for example you have an application but you don't know how to market it right somebody might come in and say well you know what i'll fund your company right you have a great product but we'll fund it and we'll market it for you and we'll bring the users that you need but we'll take 50 percent these people haven't done anything they haven't created anything in your application in your service whatever it is that you do but they'll come in and take 50 or 30 or 20 of your company just because you can't do this on your own this happens all the time if you go and look at what happens like uh on shark tank this is how investors come in and take advantage if developers actually understood certain things like this like marketing and bringing users uh to their services they wouldn't need other people they can do it on their own okay so this is why it's so important to understand marketing understand you know different strategies from you know facebook ads to google ads to you know seo to you know creating uh viral content etc understanding those things are key for your success in 2021 2022 into the future okay now the next one that we have right here is research understanding how to do research is 90 of the job now you might be saying again joe but all i want to do is just code all i want to do is hit my little click clacks and do my little for loops and and set up my little variables yes that's cool but you need to understand how to do research most people that are in the game right they will tell you hey ninety percent of the job is us doing research through documentation through forums through books right etc right you need to understand how to do research to be able to solve the problems okay it could be research to find a problem that you had and you were stuck it could be research for you to find out what type of features and applications you should be building instead of what you want to build a lot of people build things because they want to build it that's the wrong wrong approach you should build things that people actually need but the only way that you're going to find out about that is if you do research if you don't know how to do research you might as well just call it quits because you're going to be creating things that nobody uses and nobody needs okay so research is very important okay now the next one that we have right here is project management have you ever seen situations like this where uh a developer comes in and says hey i'm starting on this project and then they never finish it right or somebody comes in and says hey i got this big idea for this startup and i'm gonna build this huge application but for whatever reason it never comes out right they never get it out there no one ever uses it right shout out to my boy tyler ben i kind of explained to this uh to him in one of our you know discord hangouts by the way go subscribe to codingface.com check out community.codingface.com and also check out the discord coding phase right all of that should be in the description below okay but yeah i was explaining to him hey you always building projects but we never see you completed right you never see that hey i got a thousand users in here hey i got 100 users that are actually signed up to my service whatever it might be right and of course i'm not trying to throw no shade to him but this is a problem that we all have until we understand how project management works okay uh you know time management right understanding how to have deadlines right and set deadlines for yourself okay how to have the mvp minimum viable product right when you're building an application or you're building some type of service you should always start with the most important feature which is going to be your mvp that's the first one that you want to go in and say okay this is our most important feature and this is the first one that we want to release then everything else comes after that okay if you don't understand how to do project management you're gonna have you know problems okay you're gonna have problems building your your you know your projects and also too for working in companies right every company you're gonna see that they're using software like asana they're using jira they're using some type of uh service you know trello right to go in and keep track of everybody's projects and that's why there's always like a project manager there's always like a lead right whatever it might be however your company might be structured right there's always somebody that's setting up certain goals for the team and it's because without project management you really don't know what to build you really don't know how to set things up okay at a timely manner and even you know again which features or first one that needs to be created so that's something that's very very important for people to understand all right so again so we have those four different skills that you need okay we have data analysis okay the next one is marketing and then from there we have research and we also have project management okay without those four skills you could be a good developer but you're not gonna be a great developer okay without those things uh you're basically just a dude that knows how to code and that's it all right so anyways man guys is your boy joe back at it again codingface.com your boys backing out and did it again guys if you want to learn how to code look my advice is come check out codingface.com come give this a try okay come check it out okay we teach you everything that you need as a developer right we focus on the back we focus on getting you results we are not the most popular uh channel on youtube but one thing that we can go and say we get people results okay we get people into jobs we have different career paths we have the content editor career path this is something that you could do in a month and a half html email developer is something you could do in two months right then you have the front-end developer back-end developer full stack developer from there and as you continue to grow you can continue going and specialize in different career paths like react developer shopify theme developer shopify app developer and if you want to build your own company and set up your own maybe sofa as a service or shopify apps right create your own business you could definitely check out the entrepreneur developer career path okay come check it out you can always get started with 20 bucks and that's it okay you get unlimited access to all the programming courses with just 20 bucks like this is super affordable there's no reason why you shouldn't try it out okay so anyways guys is your boy joe back at it again codingphase.com hopefully this was something that was useful for you guys right we got this four different skills that i can tell you right now has helped me so much in my career as a developer all right guys i'll see you
Channel: CodingPhase
Views: 1,627
Rating: 4.8816566 out of 5
Keywords: codingphase, coding phase, codingphase.com
Id: rgEWqwQbNWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 50sec (590 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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