5 Small Town Side Hustles That Make Big Money

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what's up guys hey today we're going to talk about side hustles that you can start in a small town what's up everyone my name is brian i'm a small business owner a real estate investor and an avid side wrestler in a small town of about 19 000 people welcome to my channel and one of my hustles my grocery store hey and out of curiosity let me know the population of your town in the comments below small towns are not necessarily known for their booming economies or their fortune 500 companies but there's still plenty of opportunity here to make a significant income first let's discuss the criteria that i used when i compiled this list i took the top roughly 100 ideas that i could find and i ran them through what i'm gonna call my bs test and here are those criteria number one can it provide an immediate income there are some really great ideas out there but they can take months or even years to cash flow youtube so i decided to leave those things off the list and just focus on things that could create a quick cash flow for you and number two they had to require no special skills or licenses i mean if you need cash immediately you don't have time to go to barber school so that you can cut hair on the weekends for a little extra money am i right ain't nobody got time for that number three the idea has to be repeatable i'm always floored at the side hustle lists that include things like sell stuff you don't use anymore that's not a side hustle that's a garage sale now if you have a way to find items over and over again that you can flip that might be a side hustle but just selling stuff that you're not using anymore that's not a side hustle it's a great way to raise a few extra bucks but it's not a side hustle i chose ideas that could build long-term cash flow things that you could start and continue to do as long as you want and number four was scalability scalability is the ability to grow the business beyond your personal labor output basically meaning the ability to get the business to a place where it earns money for you while you're at home sleeping eating on vacation whatever an example that i've used in the past is in-person guitar lessons so as an instructor it takes one instructor to one student that instructor's income is limited by the number of lessons they can teach in one day on the flip side if that instructor taught those lessons one time and recorded them and created an online course you could sell access to that course over and over again that online course is now earning you money without you having to do any additional work that is scalability another famous term for this is passive income and that is how wealth is created you have to get to a place where you are no longer trading your time for money and finally a flexible schedule this is a side hustle so you need to be able to work it around your day hustle or your regular job okay so with those criteria in mind here are the five side hustles that you can use right now with very little or no money out of pocket and guys i'm sure you've heard every single one of these before it's nothing new but one thing that us humans are really good at is dismissing ideas based on preconceived notions so do me a favor try to clear your mind and look at these ideas as if you're seeing them for the very first time and that's going to be hard to do but try number one automotive detailing auto detailing is a broad spectrum of services it could be a simple soap a few towels and a vacuum cleaner all the way to paint correction and ceramic coatings there are a ton of youtube channels that show the detailing process and discuss all the intricate details of the service i would recommend watching some of them for ideas all right what are the pros of auto detailing income done right this can be a ridiculously lucrative business the charge for a basic detail can range anywhere from 100 to 300 let's assume you charge 150 and you do three cars every saturday that would be an income of 450 per week or 23 400 per year that is one heck of a side income just for washing three cars a week next cost of entry this is probably the most attractive thing about the business you can literally start with a bucket a few towels and a vacuum cleaner granted as the business grows you'll want to invest in better equipment so that you can expand your offerings and charge more but in the beginning start small bucket and towels scalability very scalable train good people pay them well per car not per hour and as long as you're able to find trustworthy people to help you can grow this business as large as you want you could be at the beach while other people are washing the cars for you now for the cons weather anytime the weather is bad you're going to be out of work if you live up north where it snows you're out of work for a whole season and water source you will need access to a lot of water if you aren't able to work from home you'll need to figure this out and maybe that means going to the customer's house where you can use their water skills and knowledge the more in depth you get with your service offering the more skills and knowledge you'll need i would suggest starting small with a basic wash and vacuum and then learning as you go licenses and permits some communities may require a special license or a permit most of the time smaller towns are more lenient than the more urban areas but you should still check with your community just to be sure number two junk removal or moving business drive around neighborhoods looking for trash by the street simply offer to haul it off immediately for the homeowner a lot of communities offer roadside pickup for yard debris or really anything that doesn't fit in your trash can but those trucks can take weeks to come by you find homeowners that don't want to wait for that truck to come by and they'll pay you a few bucks to haul it off nobody likes an eyesore in their front yard you could post ads on all the usual online forums like craigslist facebook whatever else you could find you could maybe put up flyers where permitted and just offer your services guy in a truck will move okay so the pros of this business cost of entry assuming you already own or have access to a truck or a trailer you're in this business for free if you don't then this probably isn't the side hustle for you the profit margin is good but not as good as auto detailing one other benefit of this one is there's a side hustle built into the side hustle and that is scrap metal are flipping items that you're paid to haul off check with your local metal scrap yards and get a list of all the metals that they accept and what they'll pay you for them for example if you're paid to haul off a washing machine maybe you have a local appliance store that would buy it from you or that could fix it for cheap so that you could resell it nothing better than getting paid twice for something once when you haul it off once when you sell it okay cons this business can be a little more expensive to operate familiarize yourself with the cost of dumping things at your local landfill they usually charge by the ton you just need to know that for when you're picking things up you'll also have the cost of gas in your truck and the cost of labor should you need help most of the time when people call you it's because they have either something large something heavy or a lot of somethings and in that case you're gonna need help and help's not cheat just make sure to account for all these things when you're pricing your service and then you'll be fine another con weather again bad weather is gonna sideline most of these jobs unless you're okay with getting wet i mean that's up to you number three power washing have you ever power washed something if so you know how mesmerizing it can be to watch something dirty become clean so fast and this really makes power washing an easy sell simply ask your prospect if you can power wash a small area of their driveway for free sold this almost always guarantees a sell most people don't realize the difference that a power washer can make and when they see it they want it okay now the pros of power washing first cost of entry any hardware store will have multiple options of power washers for under 500 that is if you don't already own one then you just need to put gas in it and you're in business don't buy an electric one that will limit the jobs that you can do profit margin stupid high as long as you can tie into your customers water source your only expense is gas and wear and tear on your machine scalability it's easy just get more power washers and find trustworthy people to run them you can go to the beach while they power wash now for the cons again with the weather but then again you're gonna get wet anyway so what does it matter if you power wash in the rain but that's up to you another potential con is water source if you stick to residential jobs or to buildings that have an external water source that you can use you'll probably be fine most people would be perfectly okay with you tapping into their water supply however some jobs may require you to supply your own water so unless you own a tanker truck or some sort of reservoir that you can haul around on your trailer you're probably gonna miss out on those jobs number four yard maintenance this is probably the most popular side hustle in history but for good reason looking at the pros cost of entry is relatively low most of you probably have access to some general lawn equipment but if not you can get started at a very basic level with a 200 push mower this would definitely limit the jobs that you could take but it would be a starting point like every other side hustle you can purchase more and better equipment as the money begins to flow in and your profit margin once you have your equipment the only expense is gas and maintenance so the margins should be really good recurring business while all of these side hustles offer some level of return business this one offers the most grass grows fast during the growing season leaves need to be raked in the fall and snow needs to be shoveled in the winter that makes this a year-round business with recurring jobs scalability like the others find trustworthy people and then train them well you can then focus on finding the jobs while your crews go out and do the work for you now for cons weather again at this point i think we can all agree that bad weather is not good for our pocketbooks equipment this side hustle does require some fairly expensive equipment if you want to take it seriously so be thoughtful and have a plan before you go out and spend a bunch of money and knowledge yard maintenance does require a little more knowledge than most of the other things on the list you'll need to be familiar with how to trim and cut grass and plants without damaging them it's really easy to cut grass too low and kill it or to trim a bush wrong and stun its growth just make sure that you know enough not to damage someone's yard before you get started do a little homework number five house cleaning there are a couple ways to work this side hustle you could seek recurring jobs cleaning personal residences or you could solicit realtors or real estate investors for jobs cleaning empty houses before they hit the market or in between tenants okay for the pros cost of entry it's a very low startup cost if you clean your own house more than likely you have everything you need to clean someone else's and if you need some extra stuff use your income from the first couple of houses to go buy any additional equipment or supplies that you need basically a free business profit margin should be very high because really there's no expense other than your time recurring business whether you're cleaning someone's personal residence or an investment property there will always be houses that need cleaning speaking from personal experience as an investor if you prove to be someone that can get a property ready to rent for me you will get a call every time i have a vacancy it's really hard to find someone that's willing to do a good job and weather for the first time weather hits the pros column why because you can clean a house when it's raining outside it doesn't matter what the weather is as long as it isn't a tornado so this may not be a bad side hustle to partner with one of the others for example power washing when the weather is bad you clean inside when the weather is good you're power washing outside that way you can work no matter the weather okay so now for the cons of cleaning a house scope of work this may be less of a con and more of a warning but there are many levels of clean you'll need to be sure that you and the customer are on the same page and that the appropriate levels of expectation have been set outline a detailed scope of work and have your customer sign off on it before you get started make sure to specify exactly the job that you will do and what they are paying for it if you don't do this you may clean the toilets while the customer expected the oven to look brand new and could care less what the toilets look like get it in writing okay bottom line don't be afraid of hard work that's what it takes to be successful all of these ideas and plenty that i didn't mention are easily scalable and again that means that you can build them up to a point where others are doing the physical labor for you while you simply oversee the business end of things once that has happened you are no longer trading your time for money and that is the only way that you can make substantial income for yourself that elusive passive income making money while you sleep while you're on vacation while you're at home with your family that's the secret that's the name of the game i hope you found value in this video and that maybe it's caused you to rethink a side hustle that you've just overlooked in the past and hey if you have an idea for a side hustle that i didn't mention or even thoughts on ones that i did put them in the comments below you may help someone on their journey to financial independence and that's what this channel is all about guys thank you again thank you for watching the whole video and i hope to see you in the comments section bye
Channel: upMETHOD
Views: 1,663,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: side hustle ideas, side hustles, side hustle, best side hustles, how to make money, side hustles for extra money, passive income, how to start a business, business ideas, make money, mark tilbury, passive income ideas, how to start a business without money, entrepreneurship, entrepreneur, get rich, lawn care, auto detailing, house cleaning, power washing, junk removal, business, extra money, side job, small town, rural money, money, invest
Id: dInJj8Jmm8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 55sec (775 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 01 2021
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