4 Questions to Help You Find Your Calling | SuperSoul Sunday | Oprah Winfrey Network

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how do we who don't consider ourselves who aren't artists in the sense of producing art that we can that's tangible poetry or music or writing or painting how can I apply that to my own life well I think it kind of I believe that everybody has a calling of some kind oh god however odd or weird or humble and the way that we there are certain tricks you can use to find it most people I think you are for sure right about that if we stopped and could talk to every person that is watching us right now and turn to them and said what is it that you're calling people would know they'd know it'd be a secret in their heart I know I should do this you know another there are ways there are tricks that you can find out that one thing is to say what are you more afraid of than anything in the world or what would you do if you knew you were going to die in three months what would be the last thing that you would do what would you do it's the old thing that you've heard before you know if fear were not a fact yeah your money we're not a factor so if there is a calling that thing that you're afraid of whatever it is yeah then what if you're watching right now for GoPro do it what if you what if you're watching right now and I I do a lot of speaking around the country and I just did seven speaking engagements seven cities and in Canada this past winter and spoke specifically to that started every one of my gatherings saying everybody has a calling and the real question is to figure your real job in life is to figure that that's the job is to figure out why are you here and get about the business and what sort of response did you get well a lot of people were said that the reason I'm bringing this up is because you said everybody if we were to ask them right now what is the calling they would know I've run into people who don't know I mean I actually I was sort of fearful if that's what the answer would be that I weren't allowed people don't know but you know it's unfortunate there's a lot reality they think they think they think they don't know because they think it has to be some big thing that's what I'm saying so they're not well keyed in so he doesn't let me get another subject okay when we were talking about resistance before as a form of self-sabotage right yeah it's a voice in our own it yes but in the real world we also get sabotage by other people yes and this is a kind of a mystic it's a really mysterious and dark phenomenon if you ask me yeah this question is kind of where do we get the idea that we're not worthy when we're little people tell us we're not worthy yes and when we're little and we start to show signs of going towards the light that's right people that are close to us are threatened by that because it's a terrible thing to say but it's true and because they want us they want to have us you know they want to keep us so they or they tell you I'd open rain all over you or say your how are you gonna be a writer you're not going to make a living being a writer are you going to do that yes right and so you squash that part of yourself in order to please or to wrap peas you internalize that voice and then it comes back and haunt you but even even if that voice wasn't there resistance itself will be giving you that voice but there are sabotage by others is also a very real thing yeah but most of us sabotage ourselves yeah we can do enough of a job that without any help and why is it that you get right to the point where it's almost gonna be you know I've seen people do it over and over and over I've done it myself several times where you just literally sabotage yourself it's almost it you're almost there you're almost there and then you do something to blow it absolutely and that's why it's called the war of art because you have exactly that you have to not be aware of it and keep getting up earlier and earlier and get stronger and stronger to fight it particularly the closer to the end you come to to realizing your dream or manifesting your dream you
Channel: OWN
Views: 1,069,669
Rating: 4.852232 out of 5
Keywords: own, \new episode\, Oprah's Lifeclass (TV Program), preview, \all new\, Steven Pressfield (Author), author, purpose, insight, The Legend Of Bagger Vance (Film), The War of Art, creative genius, creativity, self, inspiration, original short film, Katie Daisy, nature, life, bestselling, advice, life lessons, calling, find your calling, dreams, truth, supersoulsunday, SuperSoul Sessions, SuperSoul Sunday, super soul sundays, oprah super soul sunday, brene brown, spiritual, Religion, God, Faith
Id: 4Rl0N2W7arw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 19sec (259 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 29 2013
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