4 Mindset Hacks that Leo Messi Used to Dream Big and Make It Happen

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have you ever felt broken before have you ever felt I'm not good enough I'm not talented enough I'm not wealthy enough I'm not healthy enough I'm not sexy enough there's something wrong with me people who win World Cups people who you know they go for big things when you talk to them in private they're scared of dreaming big people who have Fame Fortune good looks they have everything you talk to them in private they're scared of going big winning is not just for athletes and we do have something in common with athletes the distance between an elite athlete and a trophy is the exact same distance between you and your next big dream this distance the distance between our ears it's in our mindset [Music] good afternoon I'm so happy to be here today my name is Florencia and something you might not know about me is that I was born and raised and spent the first 40 years of my life in Latin America but four years ago I moved to Europe and this is my first time back in a Latin American Stage in four years and it feels good feels really good um I should not be here by the way because this was the one month in the year that me and my team had agreed on no traveling Florencia but then the Mind Valley team said do you know where AFS is happening and I said no and they said Colombia and I heard Colombia and I could feel my hips going so here I am to talk about the one topic that is most um close to my heart right now and I'm feel more most passionate about which is winning is a mindset and today we're going to unlock Four Keys to to produce magical results in our lives are you ready Let's Pretend We're Latin for a minute let me let me ask again are we ready yeah that feels better I'm gonna start by sharing the story of a young boy with a big dream this boy yeah he pretty much dreamed about playing football his entire life and he got pretty good at it he started playing and practicing and so his parents thought the boy is good let's go and take him for a tryout in one of the big clubs and so they take him and there's a bunch of guys there who are deciding which kid they're gonna sign and which kid they're not gonna sign and so when they look at him they think he is good but what is wrong with him he's too small let's get him checked with the doctors and so they get him checked and yes in fact he did have a problem and not a small problem if you want to be a football player he had a growth hormone deficiency problem in essence he was born with a with a problem that would not allow his body to grow and so these people who are deciding who they're going to sign they look at him and they go uh we're not signing a kid who was born broken have you ever felt broken before have you ever felt I'm not good enough I'm not talented enough I'm not wealthy enough I'm not healthy enough I'm not sexy enough there's something wrong with me well this kid yeah he was born with a broken body but he was definitely not born with a broken mindset and so he said I'm going to keep dreaming I'm going to keep believing and I will do whatever it takes to make this dream come true even if they say it is impossible that it is physically impossible whatever it takes and if that means that every day I have to stick a needle in my leg just to see if my body will want to grow I will do that and he kept going and he kept dreaming at one point he said yes I'm not as tall as the rest I'm not as strong as the rest I will just have to learn how to play football in a different way and this boy who was nicknamed La Pulga in his home country which in English means the flea because of how tiny he was became the biggest player of all times because this is the true story of Lionel Messi yes it is and you can give him a hand the guy who created history in football the guy who just won a World Cup at age 35 after trying for 16 years the guy who was named seven times best player in the world in three different decades which says a lot about him and once he was asked did you ever dream about this and he said I've been dreaming about this big dream my entire life and the reason I admire this guy so much it's not because of how well he plays football and it's not because we were both born in the same country but it is because of his extraordinary talent to take a problem just imagine wanting to play football and being born with that problem he took a problem transformed it into a an opportunity using his mindset and maybe you're looking at this and you think cool story Florencia but just in case you didn't notice I am no Lionel Messi I'm not only let's see how many of you are Elite athletes raise your hands not many well winning is not a few we do have a few but winning is not just for athletes and we do have something in common with athletes the distance between an elite athlete and a trophy is the exact same distance between you and your next big dream this distance the distance between our ears it's in our mindset and today we will see four practical ways to unlock crazy possibilities in our lives so step number one key number one have Big Dreams did you know that most people do not dream big enough even the ones who think they're dreaming big enough they don't why do I know this because for many years I coach Elite athletes people who win World Cups people who you know they go for big things when you talk to them in private they're scared of dreaming big I coach celebrities for many years people who have Fame Fortune good looks they have everything you talk to them in private they're scared of going big why do I know this and this one might surprise you because I teach this um about a year ago I was talking with my son my ten-year-old son about having Big Dreams and so the power of having a big scary dream and so he looks at me and he goes so Mom what's her next big dream and I say well I'm working on a new book and he goes oh another book I go well honey writing a book is a pretty big deal you know it goes yeah Mom but you said that dreams are supposed to be scary and exciting and you've been doing that for many years that's not scary for you and I go well yeah I'm also planning on growing the business and he goes mom you're so boring I want something scary and exciting and so I look at him and I say well okay listen my boring job pays the bills takes you on vacation it's getting late time to take a shower go to bed but that night as I go to bed it Dawns on me the kid was right I was teaching this and it had been a long time since I had my own big scary dream it had been a long time and so I realized but I was not the same Florencia I was 15 years ago you see at the beginning of my journey I was I was a go-getter I was a bowl dreamer I was a girl who would knock on every door who would get a hundred notes until I got a yes I would take risks I would fail and they would then try again but at one point my business grew I became more well known my books became bestsellers whatever and at one point I said uh let's take things a little bit more cautiously you know and so I went from playing to win to playing not to lose and let me show you now what playing not to lose looks like so play not to lose in essence is you keep on doing what you know how to do so in essence what you do is you avoid taking risks and by avoid taking risks you also avoid failure and by avoiding failure I avoid feeling dumb and by avoid feeling dumb um in some point I could feel safe but do you sense a problem here I could feel safe but I was not I was not growing I was not growing anymore have you ever let's see let's do a quick thing Close Your Eyes For a Moment it's a quick show hence nobody will see except me so you can be brutally honest raise your hand if if you have not had a big scary dream for a long time raise your hand raise your hand if you do have a big scary dream but it's so far away that you feel completely disconnected from it raise your hand raise your hand if you deeply feel that you could be playing a bigger game than the one you're playing raise your hand all right now you can open your eyes and let me just tell you something we're all together here if you raise your hand you're in the right place if you do not raise your hand you're in the right place you know why because we all human beings have one thing in common we all want to live the highest and the truest expression of ourselves and so no matter where you and are in your life right now you all have we all have a next level yet sometimes we don't even know what that next level looks like a while ago I was coaching a very famous athlete very famous one top of the game he comes to me and he says I have a problem and I said what's that and he says I have not win a Grand Slam in two years and it's getting on me and so I look at him and I say so what's your big dream and he says what do you mean I want to go back to playing well I want to go back to my level and I said that's all come on dream bigger what's your dream he says well I would like to win a grand slam this year okay how fast do you want that to happen well if it happens within one year I'd be happy what is the fastest you want that to happen I says well the U.S open is happening within five weeks that would be nice and so I look at him and I ask him can you allow yourself to dream about winning the U.S open in five weeks he goes heck yeah what do you think happened in five weeks did you win yes he did win now here's the interesting part because he won the US Open in five weeks but did his level of talent change in five weeks yes or no no this is opponent's level of talent had drastically dropped in five weeks yes or no no the only thing that changed was his mindset he set his mind to believe that that big dream was possible and so he did it and he and it came true and by the way he won three out of the five grand slams that year and so now I want you to think about what your next big dream is and in a moment I will have you write it down in one short powerful sentence but I want you to consider two aspects before you write first one is can you make it bigger can you make it bigger bigger might be um adding a zero to your Revenue goal bigger could be if your goal is or your dream is to write a book become International bestseller or take your business across the border whatever that is can you make it bigger and the second aspect to consider is can you make it faster the time we gave ourselves to do something is usually the time it takes us to do it so can you make it bigger in in size can you make it shorter in time and now I'll give you a minute write it down one powerful sentence my next big dream is it could be personal professional whatever you want to dream about just write it down all right so key number one have big dreams and remember we all tend to dream smaller and we all tend to give ourselves too much time to achieve them so go bigger go faster step number two is big words what do I mean by big words the words we speak create realities do we know this yes or no yes because they change your subconscious mind they produce a change in reality is that true or not yes okay now what are the two most powerful words according to research I am I am in Spanish in French in Chinese I have no idea but what I do know what is ho hi oh oh hi we always learn something new thank you um what I do know is that the two most powerful words according to researcher I am because whatever we say after them shapes are Destiny why because our subconscious mind whenever we say I am takes us a recommend and this is the thing I know you all know this we all know right yet study after study shows that we don't practice it we don't quick quiz again how many thoughts do we have per day yeah yeah there's a debate but a minimum of 50 000 right how many and what percentage of those thoughts are negative 80 and about those eighty percent how many are about our own selves most of them most of them eighty percent our self-talk is negative so um this is stressful right let me just do something to de-stress for a second no what why not good for me how do you know there there's research there's research that shows what that this is bad for you we've all seen the horror photos right I wish we had horror photos that showed what are negative crappy self-talk does to us what if we had a horror photo that showed what our negative self-talk does to our self-esteem to our mental health and to our results because maybe maybe just maybe if we had the horror photos we would decide that doing this is just a stock sick it's doing this and we would quit them both in a second now we know this we don't practice it we think that self-positive self-talk is uh well it's kind of like a feel-good little thing that doesn't really change anything right well self-talk is the fastest way to produce a self-fulfilling prophecy on a neurobiological level and that's on super complex and it's super easy when you have conscious positive self-talk your brain releases chemicals that not only make you feel good make you perform better check this out do we have tennis fans in the house raise your hands okay we do have a few even if you're not a tennis fan you've probably seen or heard these names before Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal have you ever heard of them well I'm glad you do because they have dominated the game of tennis for a decade or more they dominated to a point that other Grand Slam players thought it was completely impossible to beat them until one day a young guy who nobody knew came out and publicly said I'm gonna beat them and everybody thought who does he think is nobody knows him he comes from a country with no tradition in tennis and he says he's going to beat the two kings of this fort who does he think he's so cocky this guy was Novak Djokovic have you heard his name yes you have because he became the number one player in the world he beat them of course and not only that he won more Grand Slams than Federer and Nadal it was not Cockiness it was confidence and he had the confidence to take his dream and make it public you know how many times we have a dream but then we say I'm not gonna share because who knows just in case do you ever do that just in case when we do the just in case thing we put a huge question mark next to our dream and it doesn't work so guess what we're gonna do next remember what you wrote we're gonna make your dream go public hmm I I see some horror faces I see people thinking oh why did I get into this room and how do I escape this room you're gonna have fun and it's super easy and it's powerful please get together with someone sitting next to you getting pairs if you don't have a pair raise your hand look around sit with someone else but you need to work with someone one of you will be a the other will be B when I say go one will start the other is silent listening when I say change what do you do you change you got it okay now decide who is going to be a raise your hands wait and there you go now you are a you we have the A's okay you will you will have 60 seconds to share all right when 60 seconds go by I say change and you say change wherever you are when I say go B starts go B starts all right time to change now a shares all right I love it when this happens because it means you are you're lightening up your dreams but we're moving on listen there will be we still have a day left of afes so I encourage you to keep on doing this okay keep on talking about your dreams did anybody here experience as they were sharing their dream that a part of your brain went yeah um yeah and thank you for the honesty because not many people will will acknowledge that sometimes when the big dream we have is either so big or so different from our current reality our brain might go yeah right this is something that happens when I start working with people and I I coach women to build online businesses so they can have a lifestyle they love and sometimes they tell me things like yeah well I tell myself I'm going to build an online business that's going to Give Me Freedom Financial Independence flexibility and then my brain goes quick reality check uh you have a nine to five that you hate a job that you cannot stand a boss that is terrible and you don't have enough money for rent so how do we build a winning mindset when our reality is so different from what we dream that is when we tap into the power of our subconscious mind there's many ways but this is my favorite one of all so what I do every single day it only takes me 90 seconds and that's why I love it because when I say I have no time this is 90 seconds and all I do I usually do it after meditation but even if I don't have or I skip the meditation I do this every day I rehearse in my mind being the person that is already happier healthier wealthier sexier whatever you want to do I rehearse in my mind already having more influence more impact more flexibility it only takes 90 seconds and every day you can change up a little of the things you see when you do that you create a new reality in your mind and as you know the mind doesn't tell the difference between real reality and imagined one and if you do this every single day with presence and Consciousness your subconscious mind will make sure that the ideal you happens 10 times faster so I I recommend you do it okay so big dreams we stretch the dream we shorten the time frame we use the big words the I am with power with Consciousness and now we're going into the big actions so here is the time where we go from dreaming about it and visualizing and all the nice stuff to actually doing it and when we give that step it could will happen that emotions this thing that Eric was portraying so masterfully emotions can take a hold of us because emotions are great guides but they're very poor Masters and with the mere thought that what if I fail so what if I invest money time energy and this project completely bombs with that mere thought we feel nervous we feel anxious we feel scared and I know that emotional Mastery is a huge subject and I'm not even going to try to cover it in the 20 minutes we got left I was a professor in the university and a master's coaching degree and my class was called emotional Mastery so I know that there's a lot to be talked about but today I want to give you the one tool one tool that I know can produce instant change in your emotions instant it can take you from feeling nervous and anxious and scared to feeling empowered and ready and confident ready for it I discovered this tool 13 years ago when I was facing one of my biggest professional challenges in my entire career I had just been signed as a speaker for Sony Music which was a very rare thing because Sony Music would only take you know musicians on tour and the president of Sony music's thought he was a great idea that we had our opening night in the maipo theater if you've ever been to Buenos Aires this is the most iconic theater I would say even in Latin America this is where the best ballet dancers perform were the best opera singers sing and for some reason we were doing our opening night there and so we were having a rehearsal and I remember this so vividly as you would worry it was many years ago but I remember and so we were doing the checking the lights and the sound and I was standing in the theater and doing my visualization thing and I'm imagining this whole place filled with people and then suddenly one man walks in he was in his like 70s or something so he walks over he introduces himself nice to meet you I've been running this theater for 40 years and I don't think I know your name what kind of artist are you and I go and so he goes um are you a singer no no sir I'm not a singer do you play instruments no are you actress no sir no you are your dancer well after a few drinks I can make my moves I'm trying to make him smile he's not even smiling and now he looks at me and he says what kind of artists are you and so I say I'm a motivational speaker and he looks at me like I just landed from outer space he says you're a what motivational speakers I speak and I motivate people to go for their dreams and he says and people are going to pay to come to listen you speak in this theater and I say yes of course with a fake smile and a fake sense of confidence and the moment he walked out the room I felt like a bag of poop had been dropped on my head and was Dripping all over me and I started to obsess around the thought what if this is one huge mistake this guy knows this nobody's going to pay a ticket we're going to embarrass ourselves and the next two weeks we're one long proof of what emotions can do to you when you don't Master them I'm talking about tossing and turning in battle kind of emotions I'm talking about snapping at my husband and my kids for no reason I'm talking about anxiety diarrhea all day long it was not pretty and so at one point I thought you know what this is ridiculous we're 10 days away from the event no tickets have been sold and so I'm about to call Sony music and tell them we're going to cancel this whole ridiculous idea of and as I'm about to do that and I'm about to grab my phone for some reason I suddenly remember a mantra a powerful Mantra that was taught to me by Jack Canfield a friend former mentor and he taught me this many years ago so I have no idea why I remember that on that spot and he said Florencia whenever you want to go for something but you feel scared or you're nervous or you're anxious activate this powerful Mantra it will shift everything for you and so I said okay do you want to learn it yeah okay let's do something so in order to learn this I'm going to be playing some music and we will be chanting a few ohms and please chant with me because I'm bad at this and after we turned a few ohms we will be chanting the Mantra before we do that just can you tap into the feelings of uh nervousness or an easiness or being a little scared of your big dream can you tap into that if you can't if you don't feel a little scared you're not dreaming big enough so come on tap into that thing of like what if I don't make it what if it's not there what if I embarrass myself and now we will go and chant all right and here we will be playing some music all right take a deep breath in [Music] and out [Music] in again [Music] out one more time [Music] we're gonna start chanting [Music] oh [Music] one more time [Music] one last time and we start chanting our Mantra just follow me [Music] foreign [Music] here we go oh what the heck go for it anyway open your eyes oh what the heck go for it anyway stand up oh what the heck go for it anyway open your eyes and stand up we're gonna move our bodies oh what the heck go for it anyway imagine we have an energy ball we're gonna bounce it from the floor to the sky here we go oh what the heck go for it anyway oh what the heck go for it anyway oh what the heck go for it anyway one more time oh what the heck go for it anyway with some energy oh what the heck go for it anyway freestyle it oh what the heck go for it anyway oh what the heck anyway one more time oh what the heck go for it anyway away [Music] go for it anyway you feel the energy shift that was good this is a little bit of a joke but not so much not so much I cannot tell you how many times I have told myself Florencia what the heck go for it anyway sometimes we feel we have to get rid of anxiety and get rid of fear and feel absolutely confident that's you don't need to get rid of them they will always be there in fact they might be a sign that you're going big so all you got to do is grab those emotions by the hand and tell them let me take you dancing what the heck and you do it okay so opening night finally came for us and here's the thing about Latin American theaters they're very beautiful but it works like this you don't know how many people bought the ticket because they buy it on the spot and so we're there with my mother because I was doing this with my mom and we're standing in the backstage of this beautiful theater and there's a big red velvety garden and we hear some voices there and so we think well someone came might be friends and family but what the heck let's do it anyway and so we're standing there and the big red velvety Gardens rise and our Jaws dropped because this is what we saw thank you we had a full house and we had the longest loudest most unforgettable Standing Ovation we had ever dreamed of and my big learning was never wait for emotions to totally sell do it anyway all right and we're stepping onto our fourth key for today so we got the Big Dreams we stretched them out we shortened the time we use the big words we take the big actions no matter what and then what I call this the big moves what do I mean by big moves I mean the big decisions what do I mean by big decisions the decisions that move the ball forward now the problem is that many times we think we're moving the ball forward but we aren't and we think we're moving the ball forward because we are very busy we work a lot and maybe we're super responsible and diligent and very very busy all day long but what if I told you that being busy does not equal moving the ball forward in your business and your life what if your busy schedule was getting in the way of making your dreams come true what if your basic schedule was your excuse to not make the big decisions that you know you need to make in order to transform your life that's exactly what happened to me so for more than 10 years I had a big dream in the back of my mind and the big dream was what if I took everything I've built in the Spanish-speaking world what if I took it to the English speaking Market and then I would look at my schedule and I'd be like yeah right you need to buy a new life it's undoable I'm running my business I'm very busy I'm a mother of two kids and doable maybe next life and so I would just like push it away and then one day as I shared before my 10 year old son comes and says Mom it's been a long time since you've gone for a big dream and so I realized I was saying I have no time for this and so I did what I usually tell my clients to do when they say I have no time I told them to I told myself to do a brutally honest self-audit of my time and I strongly recommend that if you feel you have no time do a brutally honest self-audit what this looks like is you take an entire week and you analyze everything you do everything hour by hour I did that and at the end of that week I realized I'm trying to find a way to explain what I realized have you guys read the book by Tim Ferriss the four hour work week okay some of you did for those of you who have not in essence he explains you should be spending eighty percent of your time in 20 of the activities that drive the big results well I was far from that let's just put it that way I was very far from that I was busy I was working a lot but I'm very ashamed to say that most of the things that I was doing were not that important we're not moving the ball forward and that is what I call productive procrastination it's not the type of procrastination where you lay in bed and watch Netflix all day long no it's the type where you keep yourself busy doing a ton of things and you don't do what you know you should be doing so if you resonate with this in any degree I invite you to write down this the following question and take it and work with this when you go back home what are the three big decisions that you made in the last three months big decisions the ones that move the ball forward in your business and in your life and in the if the answer is none it's time to take a self-audit and it's time to ask yourself how do I change this and so I was almost done with a shameful week of self-auditing my time and feeling quite depressed of what I was realizing and I received this was one year ago and I received a call from mind Valley and they tell me Florencia do you want to come as a as a speaker to afest to the aphis that happened one year ago and I said sure I can come but you guys remember that my quest is only in Spanish right I'll say yeah well but you can speak English come and do your thing fine I go I do my thing were any of you there last year um you guys changed my life that day you changed my life that day and let me let me explain why thank you for letting me catch my breath um so what happened is I got off stage and I got such overwhelmingly positive feedback and such overwhelmingly unanimous message of do this in English take it to to the English speaking we want to take you as a speaker so I get booked as a speaker eight eight speaking engagements on the spot and as I'm flying on the plane back home I'm flying back to Spain I make my big decision I'm going to launch my brand in English and so the first thing I do I make it right on time to go for pickup to my son at school I pick him up I take him to the beach and I tell him buddy I have a big dream to share with you and he goes another book no it's not another book this is a big scary one I'm going to launch everything I do in English and so he says and why is that scary mom well why because nobody knows me here nobody knows me I have no books no products no team no office and no guarantee that this will work and so he looks at me and he goes way to go mama way to go and so the second decision I make is if I'm gonna do this I'm going to do this fast because the time you give yourself to do something is usually the time it takes you to do it so right now I want you to imagine that dream you wrote I want you to get in touch with that dream and now I want you to imagine that you're the pilot of a plane and that ahead of you you have a short run way and at the end of the runway there's a big fat line of trees and in the back of that plane is your family sitting and your job is to make that thing fly would you go slowly overthinking every step or would you hit that pedal and make that thing fly as fast as you can so I decided I'm going to make this thing Fly Fast first move I do I arrive to Spain I rent an office look at the glamor of this Vision does it remind you of the Mind Valley offices very much not quite there it was depressing but you know I wanted it fast within three weeks it was looking better within five weeks we had our first Studio we started producing content I started hiring people I decide I'm gonna go and hire high-end people I start Consulting with some of the most Brilliant Minds in the industry some of which are sitting here and you know who you are and thank you so much for joining and jumping into this project and I started getting invitations to go to speak to to some of the most amazing places in the Middle East and in Europe and I I don't want to sound like this was all unicorns and rainbows because it wasn't it was not easy the first project we launched we worked really hard on it it completely bombed and failed the Instagram account I started and let me tell you it's pretty humbling to start from zero I went from over half a million in one spec in one language to zero and so I diligently work and I post and we have a social media and manager and and when we reached 20K the account gets hacked and blocked I have been waking up at 5am every single day for the past year including Saturdays and Sundays I'm doing a juggling act between running the business in Latin America running the new business in Europe and raising my two wonderful kids and you might be wondering Florencia are you driving yourself to a burnout no I am not and this is what I know about airplanes and this is also what I know about dreams an airplane will burn 60 percent of its fuel during takeoff now once it is up in the air it will fly across half the globe with the fuel that it has left and dreams are the same way at the beginning of your dream you will have to struggle probably and struggle is probably not the word you will have to put your head down and put the hours in and you will burn most of your fuel in the beginning but once you get that thing flying it can take you wherever you want to go winning is not about achieving things winning is about who we become in the process of achieving them winning is about tapping into our inner energy the energy that gets ignited when we have a new big dream winning is about having energy so much energy that you want to jump out of bed in the morning to start your day winning is about honoring Who We Are and who we may become it's about listening to that inner voice that says I will not settle for less than what I'm meant to be because if I am still alive I am here to be exploring and be expanding and be growing and we were all born with an inner force that can make absolutely and a dream come true one year ago as I was standing here you inspired me to go for my next dream I sincerely hope that our time together today has inspired you to go for your next dream in a big bold way thank you very much [Applause] [Music] thank you
Channel: Mindvalley Talks
Views: 132,838
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mindvalley, how to find love, find love, how to communicate in a relationship, relationship tips, relationship problems, how to deal with relationship problems, how to be in a relationship, Marriage advice, conscious uncoupling, Relationship advice, how to break up with someone, how to get a divorce, how to get over a break up, katherine woodward thomas, relationship goals, future relationship, encourage yourself, how to love yourself, purpose of life, self healing techniques
Id: T_noK2YQ6EE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 43sec (2443 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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