4 Ingredient, NO-Knead Ciabatta Bread Recipe | The EASIEST Way to make Ciabatta

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let's make one of Italy's most famous breads  ciabatta it's a no need bread and it's known for   its incredible open crumb structure and crunchy  crust for most Italians it's the iconic sandwich   bread and unlike many italian breads the date way  back to before the Roman Empire this one is quite   recent it was invented less than 50 years ago near  Venice and despite its humble beginnings Ciabatta   has quickly taken the World by storm today it's  one of the most famous Breads in the entire world   thank you so much to everyone who ordered my new  cookbook it would mean the world to me if you left   an Amazon review it really helps out new Authors  now let's talk for a minute about the three key   features of proper Ciabatta it's a heavily  flowered bread and has this beautiful pattern   of lines along its crust the crust itself should  be golden brown and crispy of course the final   feature the big holes are iconic for Tabata I'm  going to show you how to achieve all of this to   make a truly authentic Ciabatta Ciabatta starts  out like most no need Breads in a bowl combine   water salt and yeast I like to use a square  container as it makes things much easier when you   go to shape the dough if you don't have a square  bowl or container use a regular round one to keep   things simple I'm using a high protein Italian 00  flour to make this bread any high protein bread   flour works now to be really authentic Ciabatta  should be made with mix of flowers head over to   my website for thein recipe where I talk more  about how to make a blend of flours made from   different Wheats for this bread if you want to get  fancy otherwise for everyone else including me any   good high protein flour will do the job as you can  see it's a very wet dough we'll cover it and leave   it for 30 minutes to let the flour hydrate after  30 minutes we're going to use the stretch and   fold technique to work the dough weigh your hands  the water will prevent the dough from sticking to   your hand hand you're going to perform your first  sets of stretch and folds we're going to do three   sets of stretch and folds take one side of the  dough lift stretch and fold the dough bringing   it to the opposite side of the bowl rotate the  bowl one quarter and repeat this process another   three times this method helps the dough start to  develop gluten cover the bowl and come back in 30   minutes and do the next sets of stretch and folds  after 30 minutes weigh your hand again and perform   another other sets of stretch and folds as you  continue to perform the stretch and folds you'll   notice the texture of the dough will gradually  change from a very Shaggy dough to a smooth soft   stretchy dough that's the dough developing gluten  cover the bowl and come back in 30 minutes and do   your last sets of stretch and folds now we  are going to put this dough in the fridge   and let it rest overnight this step removes the  need to use a Biga which is used for commercial   production of Ciabatta during this time the dough  will develop flavor and I personally think it's   a lot easier to deal with cold ciabatta dough  than room temperature ciabatta dough it's such   a soft dough that having it cold makes it slightly  easier to shape the dough fast forward to the next   day we're ready to make chabata now unlike most  jiggly doughs that are baked in a dutch oven or   in a tray like focaccia ciabatta is shaped by  hand this can be a bit tricky so I'm going to   share with you a few tips that have really helped  me throughout the years this will get messy accept   it it's the beauty of making homemade chabata dust  your countertop generously with flour when I say   generously I mean generously remember ciabatta  is sticky and it will stick to anything now take   two clean kitchen towels and arrange them on  your flour free countertop and again using a   sieve cover them generously with flour this is  where having a square container really helps   to shape the dough as it naturally forms a rough  Square you're going to flip the dough onto your   floured work area give the container a nice rub  be patient eventually the dough will release from   the container and drop onto the table using wet  hands you're going to stretch it out into a rough   square and fold the dough in half onto itself this  will crave more tension in the dough which will   give you better oven spring when you go to bake  it gently tuck in the edges and using a floured   bench scraper cut the dough into four pieces this  recipe makes four or mediumsized chabat you can   of course also make smaller ones now using your  hands like paddles quickly lift up the dough in   one movement and gently place it onto the flowered  tea towel you want to stretch the dough forming a   sort of rectangular ciabatta ciabatta in Italian  does mean slipper slippers come in all different   shapes and sizes you want two loaves for each of  the kitchen towels gently cover them and let them   rise for 20 minutes while we preheat the oven to  450 50° F ideally switch on the fan if you have   it now ideally you do want to use a large piece of  stone using a stone to bake ciabatta is really the   best way but you can also preheat a large baking  tray if you don't have one pop that in the oven   and allow it to preheat for a good 20 minutes  place a sheet of parchment paper on a topping   board or a coing rack the parchment paper along  with a board or a rack will make it easy for you   to slide the chabata into the oven now for the  trickiest bit of the whole process you'll need   to flip the dough onto the parchment paper which  will then be going into the oven there's various   ways you can do this I'm going to give you two  options and you can use whichever option you   prefer the first option is to place the sheet of  parchment paper and cooling rack over the dough   making sure to not smush the dough and quickly  flip the towel so the bottom will be the top   of the ciabatta the second option is to gently  flip the towel and roll roll the dough onto your   hand then place the ciabatta onto the parchment  paper and rack now here you can really see those   beautiful lines that are result of a wet flour  dough resting and expanding on the tea towels   dust off some of the excess flower and you might  think oh no I've lost the lines no you haven't   just lift up the parchment paper and they'll  come back we're going to slide the parchment   paper along with the dough onto the pizza stone  before closing the oven door throw four ice cubes   into the base of the oven that will create the  steam needed to allow the chabata to puff up   before the crust sets bake the chabata for about  20 minutes if you're using the fan option the   parchment paper will Brown as well if it starts  to burn though you might want to remove it halfway   through baking allow the tat to cool completely  these are crunchy the Crumb is soft these are   delicious now jabata is conceived as a sandwich  bread in Italy we like to keep simple you can   never go wrong with Morella mozarella and I love  Rughetta I think in English it's called arugula if   you've never had it try it it add so much flavor  and salads and sandwiches it's delicious the   book is available worldwide it is officially  out and you can order it at the link below
Channel: Emma's Goodies
Views: 359,067
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Keywords: ciabatta bread, ciabatta, ciabatta bread recipe, no knead ciabatta, no knead ciabatta bread, no knead bread, no knead bread recipe, no knead dough, easy ciabatta, easy ciabatta bread, easy ciabatta rolls, ciabatta roll, emmasgoodies, emma fontanella
Id: APKiFBfnt9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 22sec (442 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2023
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