4 HIGH PROTEIN Breakfasts to get Shredded + Build Muscle

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so in this video I'm going to be breaking down a variety of breakfast for you all of them are high in protein and are going to benefit your fitness journey some are going to take a little bit more time and others are going to be super easy I'll also be showing some Alternatives whether you're cutting or bulking so let's get into it so starting off we're going to make a smoothie so just a disclaim and you don't have to use these fruits that I'm using you can use the fruits that you enjoy I like berries and bananas starting off we're going to use 60 G of oatmeal your pro tip whenever you're blending oatmeal blend the oatmeal first and that's going to make the Smoothie a whole lot smoother next up add the water put it if you're bulky you can use a milk of your choice and that's going to give you some extra calories next up we're going to add 100 G of blueberries and a banana so what would a high protein smootherie be without whey protein I'm using the blueberry muffin protein flavor and I promise you that it's going to taste incredible if you don't have whey protein don't panic because you can use Greek yogurt or milk as a substitute you may not get as much protein but it's still an excellent source of protein so we'll be doing 1 and 1/2 Scoops in our smoothie which yields around 30 to 35 g of protein [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] nice here the macros and here's the full recipe all right for the next recipe we're making a peanut butter brownie banana oatmeal Bowl now this is going to be more of a bulky meal because it's higher in calories but this is a bodybuilding bulky meal staple this is relatively a simple meal but I'm going to show you guys my tips on how to make it quick and easy so starting off you need oatmeal I'm going to be using 60 g i me 61 G of oatmeal all right so I know this is going to sound crazy to everyone outside of America but Americans don't have these why is known as a kettle in the rest of the world but I believe most households if not all should have one of these so I'm going to get the water boiled and then we're going to pour that into the oatmeal okay now you're going to add just a little bit of water in and let that soak now the reason why I make my oatmeal this way is one usually it boils over in the microwave and it's very messy two it's too hot you have to wait like 15 minutes and it's very clump next is our peanut butter I like to get this in whilst the water is still nice and hot and we can mix it in well so a little tip for you put this on the scale T it out and then whatever you scoop out it's going to show as a deduction I'm going to go with 30 G of peanut butter in my oatmeal next up is the cosmic brownie whey protein this is from Rise if you guys want link is in the description below now I'm getting this mixed in and we're going to add one banana this is an optional extra you can add some sugar-free chocolate sauce of your choice this is a higher calorie option if you wanted to go with a lower calorie option if you're on a cut remove the peanut butter ditch the banana and go with blueberries instead next up this one takes a little bit more time but I promise you it's going to be worth it we're making a ham cheese and mushroom omelette on toast we'll be doing two whole eggs and two egg whites so if you are cutting you may want to go with strictly egg whites because that's going to result in lower fat and lower calories so now I'm cooking my hammer mushrooms on a separate pan this is not necessary you can throw this in the omel let I'm just doing this because of personal preferences now the egg pan is preheated and I've already sprayed some oil so all we have to do is go ahead and add some eggs I'm adding a little on top to help the cooking process now I know there are probably better ways to make an omelette I am just a jum brro that enjoys cooking if you know any better methods let me know in the comments I'm taking the lid off and I'm going to add my ham and mushroom Into The Omelette plus 30 G of fat-free cheese to the omelet so now we're going to make some toast and I hope I don't have to show you guys how to make toast because um that's just pretty easy I'm on a cut so I'm going with this 40 calorie per slice bread but if you're on a bulk go with whole wheat or any bread that you like or prefer oh my ham my Ham's coming out get in there [Music] ham that's delicious all right saving the best for last we are now moving on to the breakfast burrito they're starting off we need to either air fry or bake some potatoes of choice I'm using these mini tat tots because that's what I had in my freezer for when my mom visited we're going to scramble two whole eggs and of course if you want to make this lower calorie use egg whites so now I'm just making some regular scrambled eggs nothing too fancy you just want to be stirring the egg slowly as you go now we need to assemble our burritos I'm using these carb counter tortillas cuz they're only 90 calories per piece so the first thing I'm going to do is add some beef that I had made already I'm I'm going to add 100 G so now I'm going to add my cheese eggs and avocado lastly we're adding some potatoes and optional I'm adding in some homemade pickled cabbage now this does take a little bit more time to prepare but it's perfect if you craving a tasty meal so that's it for the video I really hope you guys enjoyed it if you did please let me know I'll see you next time
Channel: Noel Deyzel
Views: 132,765
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vz1-i9QaNfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 54sec (294 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2024
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