10 GENIUS Decluttering Tips from Joshua Becker I WISH I'd Known Sooner!!

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I have had so much fun filming this series 10  decluttering tips I wish I'd known sooner from   specific gurus minimalists to cluttering experts  today let's focus on Joshua Becker some people   call him the father of minimalism and whether or  not you consider yourself a minimalist or want   to be called a minimalist does not matter at all  if you are here because you want to simplify you   want to minimize in any way regardless of what  you call yourself in the end then hopefully this   video is helpful Joshua says if you are new to  decluttering gain momentum by starting with just   five minutes a day I started with an8 Hour  project when I first started my decluttering   journey this was my pantry I completely um I  did it I finished the project but I completely   overwhelmed myself in fact I chose many large  decluttering projects projects right off the   bat and ended up getting extremely burned out in  the process so I wish I'd started with something   like five minutes a day and started building that  momentum I love challenges I think they're great   because there's an end in sight so he says take  a 12 122 challenge throw out 12 pieces of trash   you're going to donate 12 items and then you're  going to relocate 12 items this would be a great   time to set the time for 5 minutes 10 minutes  and just see if you can find these 12 items be   prepared have a trash bag with you have a little  donation basket make it very easy and just race   the clock don't pick up your phone and if you want  to make it a 10 1010 or a 555 challenge go ahead   and do that whatever you feel like is achievable  that will get you started that's the hardest part   right is getting going at least that's been my  experience so he says specifically the 1222 I   absolutely love it love the concept he says  when we think about decluttering our minds go   to the most overwhelming space and this is what I  would do this is what my mind would do any time I   thought about decluttering instantly my mind would  go to that playroom because that's a room that was   really really bothering me or it would go to the  closet it was really embarrassed by my closet it's   one of the rooms that I felt like I have got to  get this under control my pantry another area that   my mind would instantly go so I absolutely love  not allowing yourself or stopping yourself when   your mind goes to that most overwhelming space  which I think we all do this and then shifting   that and saying okay what's an easier space this  leads me perfectly into the next one he says start   small like in your car start on the coffee table  one small surface start in the bathroom maybe the   bathroom countertops these are very small wins  small victories and again you're building that   encouragement You're Building those muscles and  you're going to get to the large projects you're   not putting them off forever you're just working  your way up okay this one is really good Joshua   says to declutter faster start with what you  need to keep instead of focusing on what you   can get rid of or what you need to get rid of and  I think this can also be a mental shift instead of   thinking oh no this is going to be so hard I'm  in order to have a clutter-free home I'm going   to have to get rid of and your mind goes there  and you go to those items or those things or   those categories that you love and you want to  keep and you start to panic if you're anything   like me and you freak yourself out and you're  like I can't get rid of that I can't get rid   of those memories oh no I spent all this money it  was a gift and you go on and on and on I love the   idea of focusing on what you can keep the Becker  method is where you work through your Home Room by   room starting with the easy places like your car  living room bathroom such a great place to start   and if you're taking my 2024 declutter challenge  it's another series I'm running right now where   I'm taking you location by location throughout  your home and by the end of the year we should   have hit every single spot in your house and I'm  going to declutter alongside you so I start you   in the bathroom I agree this is a great place  don't start with your pantry like I did way too   overwhelming don't start with your closet it I  like to start in Easy places now now that I know   better like the bathroom so start in easier places  go room by room and then finish an entire space   before moving on it's tempting when you feel that  burnout when you're feeling overwhelmed you're   like I want to keep decluttering so I want  to keep making progress but I'm sick of this   room I'm sick of this space and it's hard to keep  yourself encouraged and to force yourself to keep   going back to that same project but I am telling  you it is the way to go so don't move on to any   other project or any other room in your house no  matter how small or large the area is that you're   working on until the spot that you've started with  is completely done Joshua says distinguish between   organizing and minimizing or decluttering this  is something that I was really confused about   for a very long time I thought my problem was  that I wasn't organized I didn't realize the   problem the reason I was so overwhelmed distressed  felt like I was constantly cleaning or else my   house was always a mess I didn't realize that  the problem wasn't a lack of organization a   problem was excess too much stuff and so I love  that he really wants you to distinguish between   organizing and decluttering so here is an example  of that here is underneath my bathroom sink in   my townhouse where I lived several years ago and  before I ever embarked on a serious clutter-free   journey I was just like oh I could probably get  rid of a couple things underneath the bathroom   sink and I'm going to get organized under there  is what I told myself so I bought these pink   bins from the dollar store and I thought okay  great I'm going to organize well guess what I   overfilled I over stuffed I had so much stuff  underneath that bathroom sink when I was done   with my quote unquote organizing SL decluttering  which wasn't really decluttering project that I   still had a mess underneath my sink it was still  an issue still a problem I still couldn't find   things things were still expiring I still had an  issue there and so I had to realize later that   it's not organizing that's going to solve your  clutter problem or make your life easier it's   getting rid of the stuff that you're not using  or you don't need and so that is one huge lesson   that I learned from Joshua Becker originally that  really helped me so I talked a minute ago about   how when we start to think about declutter ing so  often we think about the things that we're afraid   to get rid of or we spent a lot of money on or  that we a gift or just in case we want to hang on   to it in case it's useful in the future and it's  really tempting to get hung up right there and not   make progress at all past that point because we  are still calculating the cost we're thinking I'm   going to be so wasteful if I get rid of this I'm  going to be so ungrateful if I get rid of this I'm   going to need it later I don't want to have to go  out and spend more time and more money replacing   it that just feels so inefficient but he says  the burden of clutter the burden of clutter is   money time Focus energy and space so I think kind  of flipping in our mind where the cost really is   is so useful once we realize it's costing us more  to actually keep the item than it is to get rid   of it it just gets that much easier then he also  says keeping an item does not make it more useful   just because you have three pairs of scissors does  not mean you're actually using that third or even   the second pair when it comes to Sentimental  items which I think hangs all of us up myself   included this one is tough he said your memories  are not stored in the object the memories are in   you this is very helpful when you feel guilty bad  or sad about getting rid of any sentimental items   now I have sentimental stuff I have a couple  bins of stuff I have things I'm saving for my   kids to give them when they're all grownup I have  absolutely no problem keeping sentimental items   but it's the idea that you have to keep everything  where it kind of trips you up it's tripped me up   in the past where I feel like I have to keep every  drawing every school page and I don't remember who   said this it's probably Joshua Becker I think it  is actually if everything is special or important   then nothing is special and important and I love  that it's the concept of just focusing on a few   meaningful things and having that bring value to  your life rather than feeling like or thinking   you have to keep all of it for the items to  or the memories to have meaning finally one   more amazing mental shift he says focus on the  gains not subtraction think about the concept   of how owning less helps you live more so I love  this that he Brens this idea Beyond just I have   less to take care of if I get rid of stuff I will  have less money to spend on my heating and my air   conditioning I will expend less time I won't  have to have so much space to store my items   that's all the physical stuff and I think that is  also really valuable but I love that he has you   envision the light life that you want to live and  focus on the things that you can keep that will   promote that life that you want to have even if  it's simple as can be even if it's not traveling   the world which is awesome that's not my dream  right now I am a stay-at-home mom with my little   kids my dream is to be able to create memories  in the home to not spend all my time cleaning to   have time to read stories and do preschool and  craft like I want to do all of that that is my   dream so if I can eliminate some of the Clutter  or a lot of the clutter in my home I will have   so much more time and energy all the resources to  focus on the life that I really want to live so I   love that I think that's a great place to end  please let me know what your thoughts are what   do you think about Joshua Becker have you read  his book I'll also leave some of the links that   I mentioned in the description box below thanks  for joining me guys and I'll see you soon bye
Channel: Simply This Life
Views: 43,666
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Keywords: becoming minimalist, simple living, joshua becker, minimalist living, decluttering motivation, decluttering and organizing, becoming minimalist joshua becker, minimalist habits, becoming minimalist closet, minimalist home, becoming minimalist declutter, becoming minimalist bedroom, becoming minimalist wardrobe
Id: suyxPstoLjQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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