4 Child + 1 Childe = One Big Adventure | Mini Genshin Film

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good morning i want to go on an adventure good morning can i come play with you today oh it's you please if you're going out for a bit of sunshine i wouldn't mind alcohol and explosives yeah that's a dangerous combination i mean do i want to destroy the wine industry of monsta yes but not in that sense i don't know what a wine industry is though is it a monster [Music] let's go let's go [Music] you'll keep me company yeah let's go on a big adventure [Music] is it just me or did i get a little taller it's just you a windy day is a good day for a getaway [Music] this place is so great [Music] this place is huge we're gonna have lots of fun i know it is a whole new restaurant oh it's you i remember you yeah what a bummer i can teach you some ninjutsu and they are all escape techniques escaping is very important i just remembered something i forgot to help dr baiji prepare medications someone learned a valuable life lesson today then i'm sorry i have a poor memory thank you all for looking after my little chichi as for you three communal chaos causing chichi aside what business brings you here yes i want to go out and play take care now catching lizards chasing frogs drawing making crafts hide and seek there are so many fun things to do [Music] i will do my stretches one two three surely i should be doing girls by now he's one of the weird grown-ups wait a second what are you doing here in lewis how have i not heard anything about this this opportunity is quite hard to come by well then amuse me then let's get started lucky all my new bombs are waterproof [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] come on let's get moving there's fire your soul you gotta rock and roll all right that's a wrap ah yeah i'm about to pass out over here wasn't there something in here a second ago [Music] i i will have a salad for simplicity is the way of the astrologer morning on the lunch menu today we have sakura tempura and tri-color dongo [Music] you aren't gonna fight now are you relax is everybody keeping well i know we've had our differences up to now but a few minor quibbles aside we get on quite well don't you think if you joined me on my path to world domination we would be unstoppable what do you say do you accept my proposal uh well raise your no fade i seem really busy recently but now cle has new friends i never thought i'd have a new big brother to help me [Music] you could say that why don't you get back to your normal job and leave us to do the babysitting i want to go on an adventure well in that case the hunt begins yes if gene was listening to this clee might find herself grounded for an awful lot longer time to destroy the wine industry i'm gonna destroy the wine industry in the city if it's the last thing i do seems like i should have just stayed in bed today it's time for you to sleep now [Music] i'm the one who's supposed to be adored by the kids me are talking numero uno ito here in the flesh so you intend to fight me good i won't kill you i'll just play along to feel the thrill of battle fine weather for a showdown ah well how nice of you to join us general cujo are you here to make me big for mercy too i will stay here and keep watch you know the consequences i'll see myself to solitary confinement [Music] [Music] you
Channel: neilleexxi
Views: 1,178,183
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: neilleexxi, genshin impact, #원신, #原神, #ГеншинИмпакт, childe, klee, qiqi, diona, hu tao chasing qiqi, arataki itto, 4 child vs childe, genshin loli squad, klee sayu diona qiqi, childe vs klee, childe vs klee sayu diona qiqi, genshin coop, genshin impact coop, sayu, genshin sayu, sayu gameplay, klee gameplay, childe vs loli squad, genshin chaotic, genshin edit, genshin meme, genshin impact meme, genshin impact edit, genshin impact skit, genshin skit, genshin film, the childe squad
Id: oBymhVeIhwc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 15sec (435 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 20 2021
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