4 Alternatives to Showering

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So, you need to shower, but you don't wanna shower. Let's talk about that. ♪ (theme music) ♪ Good mythical morning! We have a beautiful arrangement with you. We have a number of beautiful arrangements. I'm only gonna speak to one right now, and that's the one where we ask you to ask us for advice, then you ask us the advice, and then we answer the advice to the best of our ability, and then we question why you're listening to us... No, we don't. - ..give you advice. - And we don't take it for granted. And we like questions like the one from Holden B. Huffman! - That's a good name, Holden B. Huffman! - It is. Holden B. Huffen--H-Huffman. - (sucks in air through teeth) - Holden the Muffin! There's a rap there, with the word muffin in it. Holden asked, "What are the three best alternatives to a shower?" - Great question! - I'm glad you AXE this question. Listen, I got you on this, Holden B. Huffman. (chuckles) Holden B. Huffman. - It makes me happy-- - Top three names ever. (Link laughs) Holden B. Huffman. - That's gotta be made up. - Like, make that an 800 number. 1-800-HOLDEN-B-HUFFMAN. It doesn't work like that. You can't just make something an 800 number. - It gotta be seven digits. - I got you on this, because there's plenty of times that I'm like, "I need to shower." - But I don't want to shower. - Yeah. - Uh-- - Water. Showering takes time. It takes resources, and it takes time. And it takes resources. - And you gotta get naked for it. - And you--right. Typically. - I'm fine with that part of it. - Oh-ho! - That's your favorite part. - But the...but the... But the water creeping all over me while I'm naked is disconcerting. - Creeping? - No. - It's like, "Oh, gosh!" - Is it a slow trickle? No, to me it just really comes down to time. Does it really justify it when I could be doing something else? So you asked for three things. I'mma give 'em to you. First one: Do what I do a lot, and that's just take what I call - a head shower. - Yeah. I get down--I kneel beside the shower-- and I have a tub spigot that fills the tub. I just--(mimics rushing water)-- turn that on, put my head under there, and then I just shampoo-- what're you laughing at? I just shampoo my head under the spigot. Because your nose is closest to your head, so if you stink, at least you're cleaning the part that you're smelling. Right. And sometimes, if I really need it, then I'll take a wash rag - and I will make a head-and-pits shower. - Yeah. And I'll shampoo my hair, 'cause my hair gets greasy, my face gets greasy, and my pits get stinky. - So that's all that I want. - Has anyone ever walked in on you - doing this? - (Link laughs) Yeah. Lots of times. It's like, "Is this some religious ceremony?" - It's like, my kids-- - Head and pit shower, kids. - (laughs) - What was happening there? I mean, we're in a drought, people. Second one, I'll run this past you. - Overoderant. - I'm all about overoderant. This is putting a second layer of deodorant over your primary layer of deodorant that you applied yesterday. That gives you another 24 hours, easy. And, I'll tell you, I reserve cologne for overodorant days. The only time--I don't wear cologne often, but when I do, - it's when I haven't showered. - (laughter) - You know what I mean? - (overlapping speech) If I smell like cologne, I probably also smell a little bit like BO, because that's the only time I use it. I'm actually gonna suggest that we invent an overodorant. - Like a system? - No, a stick of deodorant that's branded as overodorant. You only use it the second day to cover over - your previous days odorant. - Do they have a little compartment for spraying, too? 'Cause I need to spray. No, it's a wipe and it goes under your armpit! - But wipes-- - It goes over. - It goes where the deodorant goes only. - What about the cologne? - Well, that's-- - Seperate? - That's moot. - Okay. You asked for three, here's the third one: the mystical world known as dry shampoo. Now, my wife does this-- - My wife does this. - I don't understand it, but I am intrigued by it. It's like-- It looks like baby powder in your hair. It's like magic in your bathroom. How does this work? The first time I saw her doing it, I was like, "You know you got - baby powder in your hair?" - Like a powdered wig. Yeah, I was like, "What's that all about?" - She's like, "It's dry shampoo." - She crossed her eyes like that? - "Yes, it's dry shampoo, Rhett." - (Link laughs) That's how she talks. And she is cross eyed. Just kidding. She's not. But if she was, that's okay. What? - Well, you brought up crossed eyes! - How does dry shampoo work? It absorbs the oils. - Really? - She explained it to me. - Is that really all that cleaning does? - She's like, "It absorbs the oils." But then it's still on your head. Do you shake your head and it all just... - (imitates scattering) It's-- - I know. It goes in. It sinks in. - In the skull?! - I don't think it replaces a shower though. I think this is a bad one. I think you should change your third point to just cologne. You want my cologne to be moot? I think it should be point three. Overodorant, and then cologne, and then dry shampoo is just for the ladies. That's sexist. I'm sticking with it. So there you have four. Here's another question. Charlie Taylor asks us: "What are some fun methods to you help you enjoy cleaning?" Well, I found at least one thing that I think would help me to enjoy cleaning. I found it on a video on the YouTube, - Link, and I want you to watch it right now. - Okay. It's called Amazing Cleaning Techology in Japan. (speaking Japanese) - (Link) What're they saying? OH! - (Rhett laughs) Yeah. - (Link) WHAT?! - (Rhett) It really happened. (Rhett) Did you see that? Look, what?! (Link) What is this? Some magical scraper? (Rhett) It seems magic, but I don't believe it is. I think it's a way to make cleaning fun again. (Link) Oh wow. Look at that. Mayonaisse and ketchup...WOW! - (Rhett) I always get those mixed up... - (Link laughs) - (Rhett) ..and on the floor. - (Link laughs) What? That's crazy! (Rhett) I don't know what it is. It's only got 100 views. (Link) You know what it is? (Rhett) Hold on, this guy's gonna tell us. (man speaking Japanese) - I don't know what he's saying. - But he did tell us. We just have no clue what he's saying. I'm sure he's saying something about dry shampoo. (Rhett) No, he's saying, "You know how it is when you spill - mayonnaise and ketchup together..." - (Link) And then you put your finger in it-- - (Rhett) ..and rub it around? - (Link) And then you're like, "How am I gonna get this off without smearing it with a paper towel?" (Rhett) Look at that! And he's putting it back down - on a little... - (man speaking Japanese) - (Rhett) That's crazy! - (Link) It's like a... It's like a paint scraper. I think that would make cleaning fun. I don't know how to get one, but I would like to get one. Two other quick suggestions to make cleaning fun because I'm very fond of cleaning. In college, our roommate, Greg, - let me in on a secret. - I remember him. He said you can clean the entire bathroom with a toilet brush. Not only do you clean your toilet with the toilet brush, but you take the same brush, and you clean your sink, and you clean the entire shower with it. - This happened to our bathroom that I was in? - Yes. You didn't tell me about that until right now. Once he told me about it, I was like, "This is genius. - I'm gonna do it." - It's not genius! It's taking something that comes into contact with feces and putting it in what comes in contact with your face! - You put your face on the shower? - The sink! - You put your face on the sink? - I do my head and pit shower in the sink, and so my face is on the bottom of the sink... - Oh. - ..when I'm in there. And you got a dookie stick in there with it. - (spluttering) - (Rhett laughs) Yeah, we did it because it had a long handle, but it was not dedicated to non-toilet use. - It was for everything. - That's insane. - Three years of that. - You should have not shared that. - Don't do that! - (crew laughs) That doesn't make cleaning fun. It passes diseases to you, is what it does. There is a final way that you can make cleaning fun. Dance cleaning! ♪ (dance music) ♪ Whoo! - (breathless) - (strumming guitar) You can clean everything with this. (singing) You know what day it is. It's Thursday... - Did you spray that in your mouth? - (Link coughs) (singing) And Thursday means mail. - Whoo, I'm outta breath. - Thank you, Janet. - How are you? - Doing well. Thank you. Thank you for doing well! (laughs) It's not a microphone. You should probably quit touching it. You touched it to my body! - It's been in the tank, man. - It's clean. - The bowl-- - Anything that cleans is clean. - That's what Greg told me. - (laughs) Greg was wrong. Greg also said everything I needed to know in life, I learned in kindergarten. - And he was right about that. - So I don't need to study. No, he said, "Everything you need to know, you already know." That's what he said. I was studying for an exam, he was like, "Listen. Everything you need to know, you already know." - I was like... - (Link cracks up) - So let's just play-- - Well, that changes everything! What was the game that you played? Look at this! - Tell me what that is, Link. - (Link) Look at this, guys. (Link reads) Dear professor Rhett and doctor Lincoln, Good Mythical Morning is part of our daily routine. We decided to make a specimen jar based on the Cockatrice - in your show's opening. - (Rhett) Aw. (Link) This creature is completely handcrafted, including the bell jar, which is just a modified two liter soda bottle. (Rhett) Spoil-ler-lar-ler alert. We hope you like the mythical beast and feel free to name it whatever you like. Sincerely Matt, and Drew, and Red Reina from Fort Worth, Texas. Is it dead? - Uh, no-- - It's a specimen. (Link) It's a dead specimen of a cockatrice coming out of its shell, but it didn't make it, and it's preserved. That's a lot more morbid than I was thinking. I just thought that it was not a real bird, that they made it out of things. And now that you're telling me this is a real dead baby bird that almost made it out of its shell, I just want to avert my eyes. Well, let me clarify. It is not a real thing. (Rhett sighs in relief) Okay, good. So this amazing specimen is going in the Location of Amazingment - over there. - That's a new name. I just made that name... For the next week, and then it's going somewhere permanently, where we can continue to study it for the good of mythical science. I think it's gonna pretty much stay that way. Thanks for liking and commenting on this episode. Remember, you can support the show by checking out lynda.com/rhettandlink, where you can find thousands of online video tutorials. You want to know how to make one of these? Check Lynda first... but then you may have to do Pinterest-- Or if you want to do a 3D animation of something like this, you could probably learn how to do that. Or to photograph it well. Lynda.com/rhettandlink, get yourself a free trial! You know what time it is! Hi, I'm David from Houstin, Texas. (thud) (muffled) And it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. Thank you to the Lorana family for sending us Belvedere in a bottle. You get a signed Good Mythical Morning poster, available to everyone at rhettandlink.com/store. Also click through to Good Mythical More, where we play the Exotic Potato Chip... - guessing game test. - (Rhett whoops) (breathily) You're gonna love it. (crinkles bag) Link is obsessed with butterflies. (indescribable feral noises) - What're you into these--whoa! - Ooooooh! Look at that...butterfly! - I'm obsessed with these things. - Do you see one somewhere? - I'm trying to look where you're looking. - Right there. See? It looks like he has eyeballs on his wings, and it flew tens of thousands of miles in an annual migration. Sorry to disappoint ya'. That's a moth. (disappointed) Oh. [captioned by Sara: GMM Captioning Team]
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 2,783,585
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cleaning, clean, shower, head, shampoo, sink, hair, toilet, brush, bathroom, broom, dance, sweep, mop, lazy, easy, fun, entertainment, advice, fans, facebook, Rhett, Link, Talk, Good Mythical Morning, Mythical Morning, GMM, The Mythical Show, funny, talk show, variety show, Wheel of Mythicality, Mythical Beasts, Mythical, RhettandLink2, Rhett and Link 2, Rhett and Link, Talking, season 6, no poo, no shampoo, no shampoo hair, no shampoo method, shampoo pranks
Id: 7W6y2zkYv9Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 52sec (712 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 16 2014
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