3x3 Tarp Configurations | 3 Tarp Shelter Setups for Bushcraft & Wild Camping using Trekking Poles

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i'm going to do three tarp setups today you'll need a three by three meter tarp two trekking poles a few pegs and a few guy lines the first one i'm going to show you is the tarp tent just open up your tire peg it down in case it blows off on you so where you want the rear of your tarp you're just going to peg out one loop in on each corner i'll take that out that was just to stop it blowing off of me and then you can just give it a little pull on this side just to get a kind of taut around here and then all you do with this you just took that underneath so you're going to do the same thing on this side just give it a little pull so that's tau along here stick in your peg give a little pull and stick your peg in there and you do the same thing just pack in the fabric in there so you should have this kind of shape so you just want to give it a little pull so that's nice and tight along the side let's give that a little pull and what you do then is take this corner hold holding that where it is and just put that loop in that position and then peg that and that will give you your angle for the side you do the same thing on the other side now at this point your tarp should look something like this so what you want to do next is get a guideline and stick it into this little loop here in the center it'll just save you a bit of hassle later on so you want to have a peg at the ready so just leave that to one side your tracking pole should be set at 125 centimeters so you want to make sure that you get it in the center lane i would go kind of halfway between these two loops if you don't have these it's about a foot in there there abouts so what you want to do then is just make sure your pole is nice and straight so that looks pretty good to me this isn't going to go anywhere nowadays there but to be safe just get this pegged out that's nice and taut there now and that paul won't go on here so your next step then is to attach a guideline onto these just pull that back loop it onto the rear peg and just tension it up so you're just going to do the exact same thing on the other side so that's the tarp tend to all set up i can still fairly straighten it if i was going to sleep in here i'd probably sleep across the back so the next step i'm going to do is a classic a-frame what you're going to need is two trekking poles two guidelines and a minimum of six pegs now you can use extra pegs just like the rest of the soaps the tarp tent you probably could have pegged out the size a bit more and got a little bit more room inside so it's up to yourself this is a nice easy one to pop up so we'll get cracking at this use the pegs to tension it up and get a nice square shape on it so just pull out your pegs these are only to help you get everything straightened up so you're going to bring this loop over to this position just take out your peg there be careful not to move this one and just bring your loop over you don't have to pull it tight or anything like that just get it in the same position and stick in your peg we're just going to do the exact same thing again so with all the tension gone this one's a little bit different so all you do is you pull out your loop get nice and straight here and straight up the side and then just stick an extra peg just into that position and leave that peg there for the moment pull it tight pop in your peg and now we're back to the same as the other side so you just take this peg out bring your loop over pull out your peg and pop it into that corner loop again in the same position so you just do the same on this corner pull out your peg grab your loop bring it over pull out the peg and that's it so we're going to insert the trekking pole now the first thing i do is put the guy rope on and have a peg ready my trekking pole i have it set at 135 you can adjust this once it's in if you want to have a lower roof and a wider space inside lower down the trekking pole and spread out the pegs once it's up you can mess around get tensioned up you're going to the center loop just pop it in there so i'll do is i'll pop in this just get it nice and straight what i'll do now is i'll guide it out so i've obviously picked the worst day to do this video but you get to just down here i'm on a hill and the wind's blown right up and hitting the side of the tarp it's not the strongest setup anyway but it is one of the easiest it's three meters long but i'll lay down enough for you so you definitely get two adults in here like i said earlier if you wanted you could add more pegs in which i would advise for the next tarp setup all you're going to need is six pegs one track and pole and two carabiners the carabiners are for the doors but i'll show you those later on so to start off you peg the second loop in on each side and come into the second loop again just get a little bit of tension on it there so next just set your ball to 125 centimeters pop it into the center loop and raise it up until this side is nice and tensioned the only thing you're going to need here is a guy rope a bit of string an elastic band whatever you have and uh one peg so just pop your pole into the center bring your elastic band or your gear up whatever you have and just raise it up so when you're happy that you have your pole in your center pint get your bit of string just tie it around there it's just going to help you keep the pole in place while you peg it out make sure it's taut just on this side and what you're going to do is you're going to find the center loop for the other side and peg that out so once you have this pegged out you can take off that loop at the top the next step is to peg out the loops either side of the center so you want to get them fairly taut on the side so you're just going to remove the center peg because you don't need it there's two on two pegs on this side two on the other side and there's one either end so i'll show you those now so this is where you're going to need your carabiner it's just to join the two loops so all you do is you find your center loop and you go one loop either side so grab this loop grab the other loop and the carabiner is just going to join them now if you don't have two carabiners you can just stick the peg straight through the center of the two loops and that will hold it just as well it just won't be as easy to get in and out and all you do then is you stick the peg through pull it back and get it nice and tensioned and when i tension up the other side that's gonna all pull together real nice so you do the same thing again here get your center grab the loop either side and just peg them together put your carabiner in there and then that'll hold down just like that you have these excess bits just tuck them in so what you want to do then to get the tension just here just move all your pegs just to go around make little adjustments you just pull it out there gotta get it done nice and taut and it's nice and tight on the side so just work your way around and do that so all you do on the door is you just click off one loop off the carabiner and that opens up now you can go on inside it's a pretty decent space so once you're in you just grab the loop and just click it onto the carabiner the problem i have with this setup is these but if you had a little clip just to hold them back and tighten them up you know wouldn't be a problem so this is the starter size you're dealing with inside i'm 602 again and i can almost lie completely flat the only thing i find with this one is it's a bit claustrophobic because obviously when the doors are closed you're really enclosed um all the way around oh it's solid walls so it's really good and high winds it's a nice tarp's help there is something i want to do with it if it's possibly another setup i'm not sure but i'll do it there now you can have a look at i've never done it before so it's just something i want to try so this is my idea for this you're going to need a trekking pole three pegs and a guy up i hope i've never tried it before i just have it so i'll just unclip this i won't need that anymore and what i'm gonna do is do 125 on this it's like a little bonus one for you grab a guy rob stick your pole in the center and i'd say somewhere there so that this can come down a bit because if you have it right at the edge i'm sure it'll probably slip out so put your guy drop through here maybe a little bonus one for me as well teething problems so i'll have the guy rob's out we'll pop the pole back in and see if we can do it so get your pole pretty straight something like that and then all i'm going to do is i'm going to peg out the corner loops i have to say that looks fairly sexy you know i suppose you call it an a-frame maybe someone knows maybe i've stumbled upon something but uh it's gigantic i'll just show you like it's absolutely massive again you could tie that back i didn't change anything other than one end so that's all enclosed so if the wind was coming from the back it would be brilliant definitely fit two people in here 100 like i have a good i probably have two foot there foot and a half maybe so i'm pretty much in the center here i can set up perfect it's really good it's massive it's absolutely massive i wouldn't say it'd be great in the wind now if the wind was coming this way the wind was coming that way i'd say beary you could probably put another few pegs in maybe guy out the two loops i'm going to leave it here now so thanks again for watching and i'll see you next time see
Channel: Rambling On
Views: 50,947
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wildcamp, ireland, wildcamping, solocamping, camp, camping, outdoors, wild camp, solo wild camp, tarp, tarp setups, configurations, shelter, bushcraft, 3x3 tarp, tarp tent, tarp teepee, tarp camping, backpacking, wild camping, tarp setup, tarp shelter, bushcraft tarp
Id: Yg0uJZumREE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 0sec (720 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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