3DS Max Vs Blender - an Arch-Vis 3DS and Blender user perspective| iMeshh

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so i just want to do this a little bit of a disclaimer at the beginning of this video i don't this to be a controversial video i'm not trying to step on anyone's toes i have my own opinions on on this software and the reasons why i like both and i want this to be a more of an opinion piece uh to give you the options to to decide which one you like the best i'm not going to be ranking it one to ten for example i want this to be something which i say why i like it and the reasons why i don't like it and maybe it fits your opinions but maybe it doesn't but i i want this to be quite like maybe a bit more of an open discussion to see my own thoughts hello and welcome to this imish video and today we're going to be talking about 3d studio max and blender i'm going to be comparing both of them because i use both of them on a daily basis i've used blender for many years and then i use 3d suture max for the last two years in a studio so i've had it hands on every single day for i don't know how many total hours i've used both of them but i feel like i am in a place where i can kind of give a justified reason why i like both i'm gonna be saying some pros and cons to both i'm not gonna say one is particularly better than the other because they are different pieces of software and the reason why i'm bringing this up is because in the blender community there are a lot of people who run to the youtube videos for the new updates of 3d studio max and they have to comment but blender is free blender it can do all of these things and there's memes on facebook to say oh but you know blender is better than 3d studio max and it's free and and they just it's just the same things over and over and over again but there is a reason why 3d supermax has its place and there's a reason why people are not changing to blender and i think that sometimes it can be quite alienating for 3d max users who are professionals they've they've done 3d for many many years they go to to universities to study it to then use 3d studio max in a professional studio so they've used it professionally from day one because it's so hard for them to pick it up as a hobbyist so these people have learned how to be professional in their software and their and their work environment and then whenever there's a new update for 3d studio max there's people who comment from blender who seem far more immature to say over blender is better than 3d sugar max but it's that is not entirely true and they they will just see that and be and just say oh man these people just keep commenting these blender people why would i change to them why would i move to something so unprofessional and i feel like this kind of needs to change this kind of mentality if we really want blender to be um industry standard then i feel like we need to change and be more professional ourselves and open up conversations with 3d studio max users on on a on a more intellectual level to say yes i think blender is better for these reasons and let's have a talk about it let's have a discussion rather than just shooting memes at them and saying blah blah blah blah blah you know blender's better than 3d studio max because because there are some very professional people who use blender on a daily basis and i i use it every single day and there are some very talented people over at blender and it's such a shame if there are the select few who run over to these comments and say such comments when you know that they're just shooting themselves in the foot like why would these people you know they want us to be professional and i think we should be more professional so i'm just going to run through some things which i like about both and maybe then up to you then leave it up to you to decide which one you kind of think you want to run with [Music] okay so the elephant in the room the first thing i'll be talking about is the price and blender is free of course and that is probably one of the best things to happen to 3d kind of ever that is the reason why i started using blender because it was free and i thought i want to start learning 3d what software will i use and typed into google and this one came up and i was like well this is fantastic this can do everything i need um the fact that any child can pick it up any granddad anybody in any point in their life can pick up 3d and learn it that is that is amazing that is one of the best things that blender will do and go on to do forever and that is just incredible um yeah so that is that blender is free and that is a huge plus a huge plus now a lot of people do comment the blender is free and 3d suture max is not free and therefore blender is better but there is actually a new thing by 3d stream maps called 3ds indie and what this does is it allows users to buy a license for 294 pounds which per year per month is 24 pounds and 5 cents and that is that is incredible that is probably one of the greatest things happened to 3d studio max in a long time and it kind of makes the price kind of a non-argument to a certain extent the fact that people who are they're probably already professionals anyway and they are earning money through 3d already for them to pick up this software now is kind of a no-brainer that they can look they can already afford this and it will pay for itself off one job [Music] okay so the first thing i'm going to talk about is the saving times and the opening times because that is one of the things which you do most you have to open the program and you have to save the program so i'm going to be opening a blender program blender application and i'm going to then be opening a file on blender and i'm going to be opening the same file in 3d 3d surgeon max with the same amount of geometry and opening it and just seeing which one takes longest so i'll be doing the blender one first so if we just go to here and oh so let me just open it from fresh okay so first thing i'm gonna do is open blender okay so there we go so that is now finished i will put up a timer i presume when i do the post so so we can see which one takes longest okay and here is 3d studio max [Music] [Music] okay there we go so that is the trees and i will see which one takes longest [Music] okay so the first things i'm going to do now is just see how long it takes to save so just press save [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so that has now finished that took a few minutes and now we'll do blender so if i just click here and just do ctrl [Music] okay so 3d studio max took a long time to save and to start and i think that is because it has a lot of bloated old code that they haven't had chance to rewrite yet with blender because it's in a community and it's open source there are many people who can work on it at one time and and rewrite everyone's code because they're not they're not bound by any time restrictions um to a certain extent i think now that they are trying to release certain things at certain times but because it's free software they don't really have to hit deadlines to a certain level but the code is open to everybody so someone from austria or australia can jump on and say hey i think that you've rewritten this incorrectly you should write it this way and it allows for a much more fluid program to be written because it is just open source whereas um 3d studio max they have just their their coders who work on it as best they can but they are they have their time constraints and they are limited to what they can achieve in a certain amount of time um which is which meant over time more and more stuff has been bolted onto the program which makes it means that there's a lot more things that need to go on behind the scenes before it can do its final task um but that has been changing as i said that when i first started using 3d studio max they had these animation layers which would save and it would always be such a long time to save before even start saving you can see that it started saving the file but then nothing happens for like five minutes and then it will start saving but they have completely removed that so they're definitely going in the right direction and and for me the saving thing is much more of a non-issue now i've used to say many times and stuff um but of course you can't compare against blender there's nothing that can beat a whole day of work using 3d max coming home and picking up blender and just opening blender and boom it's done i can just start working straight away almost no time so that is a huge plus for blender [Music] okay the next thing i'll be talking about is actually the material editor and this is very similar to blender but the difference is is that you have these nodes which are for example the principled bsdf here this is the this is actually for uh these are corona materials this is actually a physical material by 3d studio max for the internal renderer um but the thing is that corona knows how to use this so you can see this is a preview uh presented by corona for their 3ds material um which is another really incredible thing that these programs can offer so this is some materials by corona and they all go into these slots so these slots are one two and three and then on the material itself on the object itself you can then go into edit mode and you can tell it which face uh so this face for example i want that to be um i know material two so then every material that comes into number two will be presented on this object here so you can see that this triangle i just chose to be number two and this for me to this level is quite good i actually spoke to charles who is the co-co-owner of imesh to see what his views are about the material editor because he also uses 3ds a lot as well and he says he loves it i personally hate it and that is because for example let's say if i go to this object and i use this eyedropper i can then select this material here and and then i can then go to this tree here and pick this material and so okay so these are the two materials and these are the this one here is actually being shared between two materials and you can already see that things are getting messy and there are some ways to organize it and the idea is you can create tabs so one tab could be for example uh the nature another tab can be for the fabrics another tab can be uh for like uh for other things but the but i find that very hard to use if there is a material which is um like for example this one here let's say this one is a fabric and this one is metal it's very hard to organize and you can very quickly end up with a whole field of just nodes and i know that i can you people can work and they can uh keep it organized and and that is true you can keep it organized but i think that it is very easy for it to become unorganized and that is the problem that i have um the thing that charles loves about it is that he can have a certain color for example let's say this is a color and you can very easily choose this same color to be shared between two materials and that is that is a very valid point i use that all the time too so you can have a whole sofa with different cushions and all sorts but you still want the same color for each so you could just very quickly connect them all and then it keeps it all together and that is that's very cool too but i personally don't like it because it's very messy maybe i maybe i'm just not tidy enough and i should just keep things tidy but i don't know i i i don't like it so let's go to blender so we have the materials how it works is quite similar in that you go to the shade editor you can choose the material but you're only presented one material at a time so these are these are the let's say the four materials which are which were the equivalent to being these ones here so one two three four but over here they are presented here so you can see one at a time which means that it's very easy to keep it organized because it's you can only see one at a time and i can see i can see that the problem here would be that if you want to share a certain color let's say this one to this one you have to then copy it over and it i guess it depends on your own workflow i personally like this i think that it's that it's easier to work with i have had some problems with certain objects let's say you have an object with 20 materials sometimes you can have a car for example and the car will have the um the car paints the the chairs the plastics the the the car wheels the car tires you can have easily 20 30 materials on this on this object and you can then see here all of the materials whereas this material editor you can see all of them here but then let's say uh you have i don't know let's let's just choose it let's just set this to 20. and we'll just copy we'll just copy them over so let's just uh okay so there we go that has now made the material and with 20 things and you can see let's say i see this one i'm like okay this one's perfect but i want this one to be connected also to the same material output as number five so you you can go down it you can see what i'm trying to say it can get very messy and i've seen i've also seen in the 3d gmax community that this that is also very uh controversial some people love it some people hate it and there is also the other the other um editor which is this one here which i've never used it does also it does keep all of the materials in one place so this is the the shader here and then you can change to this one and you can change the parameters but i find that a little bit hard to use because i did use um the node editor of blender first before i came to 3ds so that for me i find it very hard to figure out what is going into where so uh i'll leave that up to you to decide maybe you like to see all the materials in one go maybe not um [Music] okay so the next thing i'm talking about is the integrations between certain software and the the program itself so blender or 3d studio max and with blender with my experience i had been using corona for blender and the integration wasn't particularly good i learned how to deal with bugs it was my favorite favorite renderer so i kind of learned how to to work around and how to make it work and that went on for about two years or so and the development eventually stopped because there's not a team behind it it was just this one guy who was kindly putting all his time to make this plug-in work um but he obviously couldn't keep that up so it was just a hobby for him and i picked up a few other pieces of software like octane at the time and the integration was also pretty cool but it didn't work for me 100 of the time and i think that has changed now actually so octane is very closely integrated with blender now which is really cool i need to actually try that one out um but i find that for architecture specifically i find v-ray and corona or even f-storm particularly good and the render engines which were available for uh blender and not particularly the ones which i would like to choose for for that particular field so then eventually i picked up three digits max and i thought that i'll just use corona or v-ray and they just worked out the box they worked they they weren't kind of in development anymore they weren't in their beta stage they were just completely full programs which were finished they've been used for many years and by professionals and they have whole teams behind them that which are creating a very close integration with 3d studio max and that for me was kind of very eye-opening to be like wow now this is how this thing should work of course 3d studio max crashes just like any program which uses all of your computer resources um you're going to have crashes of course but i find that these programs work so well with three 3d studio max that i was a little bit sad that there wasn't such a thing with blender but the thing is is that these are changing and i have seen that someone has made a plugin which is very similar to forest pack for um blender oh okay so next point [Music] it is auto saving with just gonna jump in here um so 3d max auto saves and and that is a problem because it takes so long to save um and whereas with blender it saves every two minutes in the background and you kind of don't realize that it's saving um but for blunt for 3d studio max you'll see down here it says it will say something like auto saving and press escape to cancel but the thing is that if it's already going ahead and you miss it then it's too late and you have to wait for it to finish and it just crashes for the next five minutes okay so uh back to my point um [Music] yeah so a guy did actually make a program for blender which is called scatter which is incredible and it uses very similar parameters to forest pack and i was actually going to give this a shot because it actually looks like is a very good contender to forest pack i'm guessing that forest pack was an inspiration for him because the the parameters are very similar and i can also see that i would show you actually um at the point cloud but it's saving so we it's auto saving down here so we'll just wait for that but this offers a point cloud which means that it offers certain points to represent where the model is and which means that for viewports when you zoom out it only has a certain amount of points visible at one time which means for a very very large scene it can handle that i've seen for scatter they do off they do also offer a beta for point clouds so i'll be interesting to see how that works but like i was saying that is a beta and it looks like it's developed by one guy maybe they have a team behind them i'm curious um but as i said that is quite new um so whereas forest pack has been around for a long time and it's kind of knows that it can work so anyway so this is forest pack and this is a point cloud you can also change this to proxies and also all sorts of other things um so but yeah i'm not saying that there's nothing available for blender there are very very good plugins available for blender which are made by some very incredible geniuses um i'm just saying that for me when i first opened 3d studio max it was very eye-opening to see some really professional software which just works that that's all that's all i can say i know that this is changing so i'll be curious to see what comes available for blender [Music] okay so i'll be talking about cycles now i'm not sure if this is offered by octane or other renderers in blender i've personally not seen it before but this is one of the most annoying things about blender that it does not offer this because this is such a huge thing and i've talked about this before and that is excluding lights from from the renderer so you can create a light here so let's make a light and and then i can go to the light and then i can exclude the light from an object or i think i can actually press this and exclude this one so this one is now excluded so if i go to the renderer okay so if we go to render view now so we can see um that this object is being lit now whereas if i then turn this one off and bring this one over to the left so it's not excluded this is now being picked up and i can't like i can't get over this is not available for blender just yet because this is so helpful if you want to create highlight on any kind of object let's say you have a chair and you want to make that chair more of a focus you can add a light that will shine just on the chair but the light bleeds onto other objects and in arc fears this is such a huge what artistic tool that you can use i know that there is light render layers and things which you can use and you can do masks but this is just as simple as just clicking on the object and and making it exclude from that one um so i don't know i i think that that one is also pretty cool there's also the other thing another small thing which i personally love about these render engines let me just stop excluding these and that is the just the simple on and off button for lights i don't know if i'm missing something but for blender if i open up a let's just add a light here so let's say i'm working on a scene and i just want to say like this this light is going to be 100 and then i just want to turn it off for a second you can then you can add nodes yes and you can then unplug this um but without having to go to the shader editor to open the nodes to then disconnect it you know i just want to have a button to say on and off um i don't know why that's such a big deal for me i think that i often have just so many lights and it's just so easy just to you know in 3d studio max just turn off the light and you don't have to deal with anything else i guess that's a small quality of life thing that i that i like about uh 3ds but and i know eventually come to blender so whatever that's just a small thing for me [Music] um another thing i like about 3d studio max is the actual texture view and i know that in blender there is also the material preview but i find that personally if i want to just see the textures on the material i can go to material preview but it takes some time to build and i don't want to see in that much detail i just want to be able to see the wood that is on the material itself so i am doing material preview now and we'll see uh when that finishes okay so there we go so that so that is that is also very cool to see and to have that option is incredible but as i just showed you the time that it takes to put that together for me takes too long and that for my particular workflows i find that that is unnecessary that is unnecessary detail um that i don't need um i do know that there is actually a way to view the textures um in actual in blender itself but that also depends on the material on the material that you have selected in here so if i select this one that is the texture that i see if i choose this one then that is the texture that i see but i don't think that if i change the scale that it also updates so it will show the texture but it won't show how it actually is represented on the model itself because i might have this set to scale five where this is a lot smaller but it's not showing me how it actually is and that for me is is quite annoying um and because most of the time i don't want to be seeing the normal map or the height map and i just want i just want to see the diffuse um i think that it is cool that it offers that but i think the fact that it does not allow you to change the scale is kind of the downfall whereas for black for 3d studio max it's always on by default but generally if i go oh i could find a material editor because i changed it so usually when you make a new material you can see here that it's got a red piece on it which means that that material is the one which is going to be represented when you when you apply it to material so you can see here that this one is blue or purple and that is because i have the the normal map going into diffuse so i can take that off and it's like this and then i can plug it in like this and it is green and you can also see that it's slightly transparent and that is because it is also taking into account the actual material and i can also change that i can make it just represent this one instead and now you can see that it's green i think the scale is actually off uh i can turn that off you can see that you can see it here so that is that works so well and and it's kind of something which you don't even think about in 3d studio backs your scene always looks like it has textures and it's always got the right texture that you want to see you can change it if you want it to to then be represented as i say like with this one um but i find that it is quite a lot better than in blender and as i said the material preview that is offered in blender is incredible and it's already done the saving now so it does remember it the detail but you know if you change the scene now it's then got to rebuild it again so i don't know i find this a little bit i don't know i don't say gimmicky i think that it has its place but for me this is not something which i need um but this does actually look pretty incredible [Music] and now i'm seeing this i don't know if i'm being convinced to change but you know i only use at this point i only want to see the textures so i know the time that it took to build for me is unnecessary [Music] okay so the next thing i'll be talking about actually is the the blender community which i love and the fact that they're all so willing to jump in and give their give their thoughts i don't know if this is a positive or negative because i love the fact that everyone is so willing to just jump straight in and just help each other but i find that sometimes they don't always comment in the nicest way in the way in which somebody is asking for so let's say you have created a piece of work which you are incredibly proud of you've sent it to a client they've approved it you've been paid for it and then you post it onto blender community and you are just you are just destroyed everyone says oh you should have done it this way you should have done it this way and you know what you're doing is is wrong that is just incorrect and and the person who posts is just sitting there thinking oh well i've already sent it to the client now what should i do you know i can't take it back and and fix it um i understand everyone is just trying to help them but i feel like that is not necessarily the place and the person who made the image is not necessarily asking for a critique and some people do specifically say like i want your criticism but a lot of people don't and they are just proud of their work and they just want to show off what they have achieved so far and that should just be how it is and i find that the 3d studio max community people are less willing to jump in and say this is wrong you need to do it this way people are a lot more lenient and so this is a a well-known chart and that is basically the level at which somebody is versus what they think that they know and i think also blender blender guru has mentioned this graph before actually and a lot of people who are uh blender users are gonna fall into this category that is just by the nature of blender because it's free and a lot of people are hobbyists and they will fall into the mid-level category where they think that they have learned everything that there is to know what mor is there to know because i've been using it for a certain amount of time because the less that they know the less that they realize that they don't know if that makes sense does that make sense so they would fall into this category so they would say you post an image and they would say oh no you need to do it in this way because that is the correct way and i find that a lot of 3d studio max users are going to be crossing over this border so they'll be crossing into seniority or they work with people who are seniors so they know people who are you know at that level and they know what they don't know so they would be less likely to comment and say oh this is this is the exact way to do it because they might not they might realize that they don't this is quite hard to so they would be less willing to comment and say that this is the particular way to do it because they know that that might not necessarily be the way um and i find that a lot of the blender users need to kind of come up be aware of that and not just be so quick to jump in and say a particular way or or something because i feel like it can it can make it can upset some people and and that is not what we're about we're here to help each other and that that is why there are posts for example called work in progress where people they post their work where they want critiques and they specifically say i want some help because of course in every single image whether it's a finished image or anything there's always going to be some things which you can be which can be fixed i don't necessarily know for this one because this is quite incredible um there's always going to be something and the people who create this they know that they haven't created the the most perfect image that there ever is um i know maybe i know this is also perfect but but you know but you know what i'm trying to say i feel like just be be open be lenient just and taking what they have done and say maybe do you want some critiques i have some some comments maybe you'd be open to listening maybe the person just they said no i'm happy with how it is i know that there are some things which i want to improve and i will improve and as time goes on they will improve so that is um yeah i don't know a negative or positive i i love the blender community for being so open and being so easy to comment and trying to help everyone else but i feel like don't be so quick to judge don't be so quick to comment and and to put people down because that is that is what i i see a lot [Music] okay so the next thing i'll be talking about is the different things i've just completely ruined the seminar let me just uh try to clean this up so the next thing i'll talk about is the things that you can do in each program so 3d studio max and blender they both offer the ability to do different things they offer like simulations they have fabric simulations they each have plugins which are also very good for it there's water simulations um blender though does have everything in one package and you don't need to download any of the software to make these things work so you can do video editing you can do fluid simulations um you can do it with 3ds but i think that you have to have something paid like um like phoenix for example to get like a very good quality simulation but that is within all of blender as one package and i i know that that is very good that it is kind of a one shoe fits all kind of thing however i don't think that it does everything to the level at which you need so yes it might offer video editing and you can do a lot of video editing but the chances are is that if you are a professional you will also have professional video editing software like for example premiere or vegas or or something like this because you don't need everything to be in one package you want to have the best of everything and you will download the software which can do everything that you need so okay you have to do anything so in premiere you can add effects you can add all sorts you can have masks you can do some things in blender but you can't do everything i haven't found that the color grading is as good in blender as in other professional software you can do some post-production as well you can do post production as well in the compositing and there are a lot of nodes for that um like color balance color correction and everything i find that for me i could just use photoshop i would just use photoshop because it is the best tool for photo editing there's a reason why photoshop is is what it is but that is not to say that if you're new to the software and you just want something which can do everything then absolutely the blender is the one thing that you should have you can do everything but i find that for for me on a professional level i don't necessarily need to use the compositor because in my workflow i'm just going to save it out as a tiff anyway then i'll just do in post production and i'll save the the post production in a separate file anyway so i don't know for for me i think that it's super cool and it opens the doors for a lot of people but i don't think that it is necessarily the best thing so yes it is free it can do everything but i find that that can that could be a problem for example um there are a lot of tools which are coming out for sculpting and the sculpting with blender is incredible with the new fabric things and everything i feel like sculpting is quite a big focus for blender because there's always sculpting updates there's always things like this whereas the actual other things like cycle renders things which might help this person those updates come later for example if i go to cycles if i go to cycles there's a thing called adaptive sampling and that has been around with v-ray and corona for quite some time now and it's only been quite a recent update so that is that's something which for me is something which i would use all the time whereas sculpting is something which i very very rarely use but in the past i have done sculpting because the option is there so i guess that's up to you at what level you are if you think that's a positive or negative [Music] okay so the next thing which i really love about blender is the the fact that you can plug anything into the material output so if i just create a quick new material and just add an image and then i can just choose a texture let's say this one and if i go to rendered preview and then if i just press shift and control with node wrangler add-on turned on i can then plug that in straight there and the render time is now zero because this is just being presented as an image whereas if i unplug this or plug this into here and plugs into here you can see that it takes some time to build and add the samples whereas if i plug this in here it's instant and this is incredible for adding masks and creating masks so you might want to add a color ramp and then you can just a fine tune it here on the actual object itself and so you can be like yet that is the one that i want and when i'm finished with that i can then plug that into the rough nurse okay and then set that as the output and then you have the roughness which you want on the object and i find that a little bit harder on 3d studio max for example so there's no way to represent did just this node you have to plug it into something or you can just adjust it and view it on the actual object itself but i haven't found a way to exclusively preview a material at the speed at which you can do it in blender so if you want to create masks and materials you can like you can open open preview window and you can preview it this way so when you're creating a mask you can you know view it here and you can work on it and you can see how it's going to output but i find that i use it more in blender and i think that's because you can see it on the object itself so let's say you have on a curvy object you want to see how the mask is actually on the actual object i find that easier and more intuitive than previewing it and then proving it on the model and i think that the speed at which you can just you know output with node wrangler just oopsie the speed at which you can just output any node is just um yeah makes it far more usable [Music] okay so the next thing i'll be talking about is the user interface and i personally love the blender's user interface i find it a lot more easier to work with some things particularly if i add some some keyframes oh sorry wrong one so if i just add i whatever and move this over oh sorry let me and add a keyframe and then i can just go across and then i can go over here and everything just feels way clean and polished so i go to the curve editor and this is the curves and you know you can see the curves here i can and moving around and everything is quite easy and choosing points is also easy um they're nice and big and bold and is quite easy to move everything around if i was to do the same thing in 3ds so let's just grab this tree let me just actually just add auto key go to f50 whatever and move this over here so then if i go to the curve editor um so oh damn it okay so let that also happens um okay so if i try to find it the points are so small they're so small you can you can zoom in like this which i like so you can hold ctrl and you can zoom in but i find that points are just annoyingly small i i did a lot of animations lately for some kitchens for 3d studio max and i found that the points were just i found that animation in blender is easier to work with i find that it's easier and quicker to to achieve what you want to achieve they could they both do the same things i do think that it is more polished in blender than 3d suture max i find it easier to navigate and find what i'm looking for um i like in the new version which is coming out there's also going to be a search bar so if you're looking for samples you can type in the box and type in samples and it'll present to you all of the functionality all the parameters which have uh that have those i just yeah i personally think user interface is more approachable it used to be a lot worse it used to be like the scariest thing about blender is its user interface but now is quite good i don't like that a new user won't be able to see how to split the window in 3ds i've got it set up so it's just down here and i can just choose how many windows i want over here and it saves them two so you can switch between any of them i do know that in blender you can also create your own up here at the top but i don't like that these are hidden you can't see a new user won't know that they could just oh sorry so a new user won't know that they can they can just um oh it was trying to split and it's quite a heavy scene so it's quite slow yeah they don't know that that's what they can do um and a new user might not necessarily know how to close them so they might be going like this and being like oh my gosh which i have seen before like why can't i close this window and they're just doing it the wrong way round but that is i personally love the blender interface anyway okay i think i'm probably gonna leave that there i think i can go on and on and on with many different reasons why i think either one is better uh than the other or you know there's neither of them are the full package if there was a blend between both of them then i think that i'd be very happy but for my particular workflow my experience um both of them have different reasons to be using both i like both of them and i really hope that this can open the eye open the eyes of some people to be less likely to jump onto comments on three 3d studio max youtube new update videos to say that blender is better so quickly because there might be very different reasons why they are using 3d studio max to using a free program like blender like i said that price might not be a problem for them like we really want blender to be industry standard i would love nothing more than to be able to go to a studio and guarantee that they're probably using blender as their as their software um but i think that we really have to you know come to them with open arms and be more like a professionals towards them to to talk them through why we think blender might be the better option um because it both are very viable softwares and it would just be such a shame for the blender users to have these almost cringy comments on these things all the time when you know that's that's such a small voice for the amount of people who actually use blender um yeah so i'll probably leave that there i i'm i'm surprised if you're still here it's like almost 45 minutes uh so yeah thank you for watching and um i'm gonna try to do a few more videos december got a little bit crazy with releasing new trees and all sorts so yeah um yeah peace out
Channel: iMeshh
Views: 20,946
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3ds, blender, b3d, arch-vis, comparsion, vs, tutorial
Id: -4sZO0wHCWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 6sec (2526 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 02 2021
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