3ds Max Tutorial Lesson 04 Animating a Car Path Spinning the Wheels

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[Music] you hello everybody today I'll show you how to make a wheel spin around when the car moves along a path on the previous video I have shown you the tutorial and how to make the car move along a path but as you can see when the car moves along a path the wheels of the car didn't spin around each wheel should rotate by the x-axis in order for the wheel to turn the first thing that we need to create our helpers to make it easy for us to control the car let's proceed now switch to the car scene [Music] we will create a helper for the wheel and the body of the car click on helpers tab then click on point button [Music] click an empty space on the scene and this little box will appear [Music] change the size of the box make it bigger by clicking the upper arrow [Music] then click on a line button well the box is selected then click on the car and the pop-up will show make sure you check on the x-axis y-axis and x-axis on align orientation tab then click OK now the helper boxes in between the car but it's small well it is selected click on modify tab click on the upper arrow to increase the size you can adjust the size and move the box according to your choice you this is okay now [Music] you next we need to link the car body to the helper [Music] you click on select and link button click on the car body and drag to the helper now the connection between the helper and the car body is created that's why when we move the helper the car moves with it let's change the name of helper to help car buddy you now click and helpers tab and click on point to create a helper for the wheel change decides to get a good shape of the helper while clicking on the helper select align then click on the wheel and this pop-up will show then click OK change the name of the helper to help car wheel FL where FL stands for front left [Music] you click on point again and do the same way as we did before to create the helper for the other wheels you change the name of the helper to help car wheel fr fr for front right you again we need to link the wheel to the helper click on select and link button and then click on the wheel then drag it to the helper do the same way to the other wheel you now you can see the relationship of the car body to the wheels of this on this tab you let's check by rotating the helper of the wheel the wheel rotates and follows you we also need to create the other link between the helper of the wheel and the helper of the car as the same way you now let's check if we move the helpers the car will also move and follow [Music] you the last thing we need to do is link the rear wheel to the helper of the car buddy you do the same way as we did before [Music] you now when the helpers moves the whole car moves as well [Music] you finally we finished putting helpers for the car you now we go back to this scene to make the wheel spin before that we need to know the value of the four milliliter the radius of the wheel and the total length of the path prestige switch the top view and press Z to zoom in the path while selecting on the path go to utilities panel where you can see the measure tool it returns a valley a tad over 9600 six millimeter remember that Valley as you will need it in a second the second value we need is the radius of the wheel we can create a sphere and compare it with the wheel the value of the radius turns about 320 millimeters now we need a formula for this to make the wheel spin here's the formula diagram in a circular object the amount of rotation or alpha is dependent on the radius and the arc length both of which are based on the data that you have the arc land when flattened is the same value as the distance travelled by the car at any given time the distance travelled by the car at any given time can be assumed from the total length of the path which is constant and the percent value of the travelled path is a variable that changes with every frame with that information the value we are looking for that of the Alpha angle Express ingredients is equal to the arc length divided by the radius since the arc length is the same as the distance traveled the formula becomes alpha equals distance over radius the radius in this case is 320 millimeters and the distance D however is variable and defined by the percentage of path travel as you can see the wheel should rotate by the x-axis the distance travelled by the car is determined by the helper of the car body as it travels on the path this means we need to establish a relationship between the main helper and the spinning wheel select the car body helper and right click to get a quad menu choose wire parameters transform position path constraint and % then click on the front left wheel and choose transform rotation 0 Euler X Y Z X rotation the wiring dialog appears first we need to choose a link direction the rotation of the wheel is based and path travel so we set it one way where the main helper controls the wheel pin as mentioned earlier the distance is based in a travel percentage of a total path length that makes the D value in our formula equals to 9600 six point five seven eight percent nine six zero zero six being the total path length and the percent value a variable that changes with every frame let's enter this value nine six zero six point five seven eight percent and wiring dialogue since the formula for calculating the spin angle is d over r add a 320 to the formula in the wiring dialog now click the connect button to evaluate the formula scrub the animation slowly to see the result in the viewport the front wheels now spinning appropriately [Music] select the formula and use ctrl C to copy it to memory and dismiss the wiring dialogue repeat the procedure for the front right wheel this time though instead of rewriting the formula simply paste it using control V and then click connect button scrub the animation both side wheels are now spinning properly you you can also repeat the procedure for the other rear wheels there goes our wheels rotating thanks for watching see you till our next tutorial goodbye you
Channel: a2 visualization
Views: 10,607
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Keywords: 3ds Max learning channel., 3ds max animation learnining, 3ds max tutorial online, 3ds max animation for begginer, Architectural visualization learning online, Architectural visualization tutoring online, architectural visualization tutorial, architectural visualization tutorial online, path constraining
Id: zxL2lPalTd8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 11sec (1091 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2019
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