3ds max tutorial - How to create Photo realistic Materials

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hello guys in this tutorial I want to speak about photo realism and how to create photorealistic materials for your scenes so first let's talk about material properties and which properties does materials have so I created this JPEG like it can spec for you so every material needs to have reflectivity because in the real world there is no material which doesn't have reflectivity on it but it can be really small amount of reflectivity that we can think that this material doesn't have it but in real life every material has a little bit at least these are little bit of reflectivity so maybe some part of the material is reflective much more reflective than the other part and if it's like this we're going to use different reflect reflectivity Maps on this material and the second is poisonous and it controls basically the how glossy is material is for instance it is is it mirror or it's something like metallic reflections or it has some torch on it that affects the closeness of the material and next parameter is index of reflection and it basically controls the how metallic is your object is for instance if your object is metal you can use the higher values on this index of reflection reflection value and if your material is plastic you can use one point six or less in your material don't worry I'm just speaking about this idea this basically and then I'm gonna show you which what each of these parameters does to your material and the refraction is basically if the lights go through your materials or your material is transparent or your material is glass this parameter controls how reflective is your material and this bump and displacement controls the highs basically the displacement of your materials it means if you have small dents and small scratches on your material were you gonna add black and white material to your black and white texture to your material to give this bump and displacement to your material and the transparency of your material and it's basically controls the light which sucks your material for instance if you have some organic materials you need to use transparency on your materials because all organic materials like skin or for instance potato or any kind of translucent material it absorbs the light and it gets bright inside and that's why we need to use this grand transparency on our material if we create organic materials okay let's go back to our scene so this is the scene we're gonna work on and let me show you entirely what it consists of so it's basically box I deleted this part in order for us to see it and I created three windows to let light come in and this is it basically and I'm gonna use Corona Sun and I use Corona sky as my environment and as you see we have nice sky here okay so let's go back to our camera view and now we're gonna create floor material let's close it okay first let's select our floor polygon and give material to it so let's create new material choose Corona material and assign material to our floor let's change color to see if it apply it it's applied great let's change the name to the floor material okay now let's add our diffuse color now I'm gonna use this texture as a different map and it's basically floor tiles and it has some blank space in between them so let's drag this material to our diffuse what okay and it applied automatically and maybe you think that it's great but it can be much more better so let's first give perfect ivities to our material so let's make it one and as you see it immediately gets reflective but for instance let's go back to our image processed our image our tiles can be reflective but the reflection is not so high it's not like a mirror so it needs to be glossy matte a little bit method and the parts in between them doesn't need to have reflection because actually there is nothing there so we need to change our material somehow to let 3ds max know that these parts this doesn't need to have reflection and that's why there is a slot for us to put black-and-white map on it and basically they which part of the map is white it's gonna have four reflectivities and which part of the image is black doesn't will not have any of activity but if the any part of the image is great for instance it will have a little bit less reflectivity forces we can do it so here if we change it to black there's no reflectivity if we change it to gray there is a little bit reflectivity and if we change it to white to reflect ivities increases so we need to create now this black and white map that we talked about so let's open the Photoshop and start creating our maps okay Photoshop is open let's drag this into the Photoshop okay so what we need to do is change it to grayscale and now we need to give a little bit contrast to it to get rid of these white and gray areas and to keep only black flags in between them so we press ctrl + M or we can go to image adjustment curves okay and now we increase these parts of the image and lower these parts and let's adjust it so that unless we see it is okay actually it's okay so these parts of the image it will be less reflective but it's okay mainly these black areas will not be reflective at all so we can actually do like this we can just select the paintbrush increase the size and choose white and we can just paint them let's go back and decrease the hardness of our brush so let's paint a little bit so that this middle part reflective we just need 3ds max to stop creating reflections in between the materials in between the tiles so we can create this white areas by ourselves without losing the information okay it's basically I'm creating this by hand in order to in order for you to have idea what you can do okay now I'm happy with this result and now I'm gonna save this map press ctrl shift + S and type click okay so as I said before what it's gonna do is make this white areas reflective and make this black areas known reflective so let's open 3ds Max and add this reflection map to our reflections lot and now we can see that these parts doesn't have any reflection and to see it clearly let's turn off diffuse and look here as you see it's clearly visible that these parts doesn't have any reflection maybe we just need to come closer or change the view to see it better [Music] okay so this is the reflectivity parameters of our material and we fix it as we think it's good okay the next parameter was referred closeness so let's control let's change the closeness to see what happens in Spain if it's one it's reflective as a mirror but if we decrease this closeness parameter it the reflection gets blurry so this is much better now maybe we need to do visit more okay unless you see these parts see who doesn't have any reflections okay but we have maps load for the glossiness parameters too and it's basically it for the materials which have different glossiness value in different areas and actually this parameter gives much more realism than any parameter because in real life when we look to the surfaces of our objects or any kind of objects these surfaces have imperfections on them and these imperfections such as scratches dust dirt and we're these all parameters affect the glossiness of our object and object will have different cousins value on different areas of the surface that's why we need to create this black and white material and send it to the gloss and slot and what it does basically so let's go back to photoshop and open histogram for history go back so what we need to create is change this to black and white and we can use this image as it is now so the white areas is gonna be much value which can have much value of reflective or closeness and the part which is black is gonna have less value of course as for instance the pass which is a real black it's gonna have to zero the new parts which is gray is gonna have 0.5 for instance and the parts which are white is gonna have the value of one so maybe we just in need to increase the contrast a little bit or increase the practice the same time meet your judgement scores so increase it okay this is good now let's save this material as a glossiness map okay now let's add our Lawson's map and see what happens so it's maybe we just try to drop this okay and as you see it has nice variations in the reflection bosses but it's still too low because we reflections or reflections get blurry so in order to increase this we need to make it more bright and when you have map here these numbers won't work anymore because the value will be taken from this map and now what we can do we can go back to photoshop we can increase the brightness and save file and go back and replace this material or we can do our adjustment right in 3ds max so we open our course in this map we go down and open this output panel and an able a color map and press this button to see the texture and this is basically the texture we created in Photoshop so now we need to make it brighter and basically these two parameters control the brightness and tackles value so select all of all these two dots and right click and choose busier corner and now we can move these points and now we can adjust our values so as you see when we make it brighter the reflections gets clean and we make when we make it darker reflections gets blurry so this is as you see so what we need to do is make it a little bit brighter something like this okay and the cool thing about this reflection glosses map that each area every area is kind of different person's value on it when I first look it here and if you give more contrast to it it will look like there is some water on it so let's see it make it darker and make these parts of brighter and now it will look like some parts of the floor is wet but now it's better to decrease the contrast [Music] and make some nice bright reflection clothes in this material okay good now what we need to do is check this index of reflection parameter so our object is not metal and that's why we can use standard index of reflection on this material and if we change this for instance to 99 our floor is gonna be metal unless you see but we don't need the metal floor we need to have stone floor and that's why we change it back to one point five or maybe one point six so you can experiment it with that if I always when you when I use the glossiness whether you're too low I increase this value maximum to two so that the reflections is visible okay now what we need to do is hand look to refraction parameter and basically this is how glass is your object so our material is not glass that's why we're not gonna change any reflection parameter and basically if we change the fraction our floor will be glass that's why we reverse our change and go back to the zero okay now is what we need to have is displacement and bump so basically what we have here are only image so if we change this delete this or turn them off we're not gonna have any bumps here and what we need to do is give some information to the bank channel so that max will understand that which part of the image is going down and which part of the image is going up so in order to create this we need to go back here Photoshop and it's actually the same with the other map parameters like to watch the brighter the image the higher the value and the darker the image the lower the value so all these black areas will go down and all this black areas will go up but these gray areas have will have some opens down to but we don't want it to have you just want our intersections go down and nothing else and that's why we need to create more contrast on it so let's go back image adjustments curves and let's make it brighter and something like this okay so it's we can go to the dodge tool and [Music] like make it make on press some in these bright areas to make it brighter this pass basically affects only the dark areas and leash rights the same okay this is fine so let's save this press ctrl + Shift + S save it as and we can use this map as a displacement map too and now I'm gonna show you how we can do it so let's go back to our folder find the back map and drag and drop these two bumps loads and let's see what changed and as you see change our material and our material now has nice details on it so let's go you but the problem with this bump map is this bump map is only the lights place only use the lights and actually there's nothing going up and down it's like faking the up-and-downs for us but it's the good part it doesn't force your max to use its full power unless you see it's not going down it's just faking it and if we look it from here you don't see that something goes inside goes down okay so it looks nice it doesn't make your scene render longer but it's fake so if you want it to show it real close the bump map won't work for you so if you showing your material really close you need to use displacement map it's basically the same you just throw this map down to the displacement slot choose the instance and turn off the bump and now our image is really going up for material unless you see we have this height here and displacement map doesn't have any values here because this is controlled from here so what we need to do is make these black areas go down but this time we have max level of ten millimeters it means that white areas go up so we make it zero and change the minimum level to negative for instance five now these areas went down we can see it clearly from here that it's really going down and in order to create these nice details because it's like draft so we need to go to the render settings go back to performance and change the screen size pixels on this placement to one and now it will render longer but will look much better as you see [Music] okay but I guess the needs of five is real high number so we change to negative one okay now we have nice details okay so let's go and activate the reflection slot also iq8 the reflection glows on the spot and activate the diffuse slot and this way we have nice floors nice floor material with really nice details on it and if you think this material slows your computer down you just can turn of displacement and turn on back map it will give you nearly the same result with no forcing your computer no slowing down your computer and let's have a look how it behaves and there are different conditions so I really like this material those it has nice details and nice reflection menu and nice reflection closeness value on it it's basically looks like real stone floor [Music] and we basically created all materials from the one image and I guess you like this material too you can change this material as you wish and basically if you get the idea now you can create your own physical physical right materials I would like to change the sky you can see the our material here and it's really nice so let's change the sky and see how it reacts to the different sky and different environment and for this I want to go here and find the Condor bitmap and now let's go to your HDR let's open this image let's turn this off let's open our environment and move it there and now let's turn off the Sun because this HDR image has Sun on it and now let's increase the exposure value from our camera parameters so because it was Sun and it was really high intensity light here I decrease the exposure down now let's make it zero or maybe let's increase it and let's see how are material reacts rats to the new HDR that we created I actually really like this Terrell really much it has nice reflections and for instance if you think that reflections are really low you can go back to your material and increase the reflection goes honest on it so let's go back and go through a flashing goes in the slot go to the output and make it brighter and by making brighter you increase the closeness value of your material and now it has nice reflections [Music] so you don't need to go to Photoshop to change everything use can change some parameters right inside of the 3ds max so we can just select these and hide unselected see how it reacts decrease exposure we can give contrast from here okay let's see it's really nice [Music] we can activate this bloom and let's increase it to five five nice Moony reflections and because we used maps as you see these parts is really going down and it doesn't have any inflections here okay let's render it and see how it looks like let's make it bigger [Music] so I will like this material and I hope you like this material and this tutorial too and I hope you learned a lot of from this tutorial and now you can create your own fiscally correct materials and see you on next tutorials thank you for watching bye [Music]
Channel: CG Tutorials
Views: 110,643
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3ds max, tutorial, 3d, max, 3dmax, photo, realistic, photorealistic, material, corona, render, renderer, reflection, glossiness, translucency, bump, displacement, map, refraction, ior, index, of, metallnes, floor, tiles, autodesk, learn, teach
Id: OlsUvAMa6Ok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 47sec (1787 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2017
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