3ds Max Basic Modeling Boolean Operations

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hey everybody and welcome to today's video where we're going to try and explain a bit more about modeling now today I want to show you guys how you can use one of the least used tools when it comes to modeling and that is the compound proboolean now if you've worked with pro bouillon previously if you had some experience with it or you've talked to somebody that has used it they will probably tell you that you should always stay away from bullying stuff because it will leave you with some nasty looking geometry well I want to go ahead and say it right off the bat that is simply wrong bullying's can be an amazing tool to have especially if you know how to work them so let's go ahead and see how we can do a bit of boolean operations and how they work so for this I'm simply going to go ahead and let me create one box I'm going to go 20 by 20 I'm going to middle it out in the center I'm going to hold down shift and hold one back with the version I'm going to copy one more here make sure it's a copy and there we go we have three boxes now so I'm going to go ahead select them all and on them I'm going to apply a simple standard material which only has a specular level at Blastoise this should help with getting some highlights on our models or you can do the same thing with a standard v-ray material you will just have to add a bit of reflectivity on it alright so once we have these three boxes I'm going to select the first one and from here I'm going to go over to create and from here I'm going to change the standard primitives down to compound objects now by default if you have nothing selected you're going to see that a lot of these are grayed out but once you select geometry most of them are going to be available to be selected the only thing that grayed out is the loft and terrain but as basically because those are spline up spine operations for today we want to go ahead and work with proboolean now the difference between boolean and proboolean is that the boolean when you click it it has more or less the same options that the proboolean has but the only difference is that once you can only have one operation at a time so I'm going to go and click on proboolean and let's see what we have four options here so once you click it the first thing you notice is this button over here which says start picking now the thing you need to know about compound objects is more directly the pro boolean is that you have to select two things the first one is that you need to select what kind of an operation this is going to be which you can select over here where it says operation in the parameters roll down menu and the second one would be to select if this is going to be a move an instance a copy or a reference boolean so I'll explain all of them and I'll let you guys see what exactly can happen so by default as it is I'm going to change the parameter I'm going to leave it at the subtraction I'm going to click on move so I'm going to click on start picking and I'm going to click on any of these two boxes let's go ahead and try with the one on the right so I'm going to click and the first thing you notice is make sure you watch this place where it says 0 Union box 1 as soon as I click this box you notice that the Box disappeared but now I have this one subtraction box 0:03 so I'm going to right click so starts up the picking and I'm going to jump over to modify as soon as you jump over in the modify tab now let's see what we can do here so what I'm going to do here is I'm going to click on this one subtraction box 0:03 as soon as I click it you're going to notice one thing that here now we have box and proboolean some make sure that you are on box zero and because if you're are on the first one or if you selected Union you won't see that box so I'm going to click on box and we have this + next to the proboolean so if I click this + I'm going to have this uh where it says operands now when I click this see what happens with our gizmo it moves to the position where our original cube was so another thing is while I have this operand selected I can actually click and drag this and notice what happens as soon as that thing comes near our original box it kind of disappears now the interesting part is what happens if I pull this down on the z-axis or maybe even the y-axis you want to notice that I'm having this hole created in our scene and that hole is exactly where the other box is supposed to be so if I want to see exactly where that box is all I have to do is go over here where it says display and instead of a result I can click on operands now this is going to show me both of these boxes so if I move it on like this and I place it wherever I want it for example let's place it here and click on result I can see that the volume of second box has been subtracted from our original box now here's the thing depending on what kind of operation we have selected we're going to end up with a different end result by default this is set to subtraction over here as you can see it but we can change this to something else we can for example change this to intersection but you're going to notice one thing as I'm changing these operations nothing is actually changing in order to see the difference as soon as I click on intersection or a union or something else I need to update this the way to do it is simply by clicking on change operation so if I click change operation now the only thing that's showing up when I click on operands and move this around is the volume that's that both of these boxes share between themselves there is the intersection on the other hand if I change it to Union and click on change operation now you're going to notice that both of these oops both of these are actually part of the same model now the interesting thing is when you're using the Union and if I press f3 you're going to notice that these are not intersecting anymore but this is all a part of one mesh or one model that doesn't have those inner lines like this so this is really good when you have to model something that's hard surface like this and you don't have to go ahead and cut your original mesh extrude so you can get something like this now here's the other thing what happens if for example we want to have I'm going to put it back to subtraction and I hit it on change operation what happens if I want to have for example a bit of a beveled edge now in in order to get that beveled edge over here what I can do here is I can extract a copy from this so I can click on instance not a cop I'm going to click on instance and click extract selected this is going to create this box now the interesting thing with this box is that once I select it and I move it around or move it away from our original boolean I can add a modded poly on top of this box and if I select all of our edges and then chamfer them you're going to notice that all of those changes that I'm doing through this box are transferring to our cutting over here so I can click it up ok I can also go ahead and change the geometry for example if I'm going to want to go ahead and insert one piece over here and then maybe even extrude it that will update over here and I'm getting a much more interesting shape again if I go ahead and maybe even chamfer these sides you can notice that all of those changes automatically update over here because this is basically an instance of the operand that we use here so I can go ahead and delete this and this is going to stay like this now this doesn't stop but simply having one option or one model I can go ahead and now click on start picking and pick our second box again I'm going to leave it on a move I'm going to click on it again it's going to disappear but now I can click on this button over here and switch over to our second box let's clip an operand move it in position I'm going to change it to well let's try something like maybe a union and it's going to continue let's move it upwards well let's leave it up at something like this now the thing here is that depending on where your model or your up operation has been placed in this list it kind of depends on how is going to behave for example if I click over here you're going to notice this reorder opps and it says - if I place this on one like this and click on reorder opps what is going to do is going to place it on top of our second box now the second box or the second operation where we use the M where we use the subtraction is now below our box that we edit and that's why it's using that same extraction to it as well so as you can see from here the proboolean can be used to create a plethora of different shapes really fast and it's going to give you a lot more control over how your models or your hard surface models can be modeled so we actually saw that we can use this in a many different ways so now let's see how we can use the pro boolean to get some shapes that will otherwise be kind of difficult - or not difficult but it would take more time to achieve without using Pro boolean so I'm going to delete this whole thing and for this I'm going to use a simple box just to start on something like this yeah let's go 40 by 40 - 40 position it in the middle and now again I'm going to apply the same material make it a black color alright so the second thing that I want to show you is how you can use different kinds of geometry to merge them into one shape for example here we have a box and it's easy if we want to merge it with a box but what happens if you want to have let's say an indention that would be something like a sphere or a cylinder or anything for that matter so I'm going to try to go with a sphere click and create one sphere now by default your sphere should is going to probably look like maybe something like 16 sides or maybe even 36 sides and that's not really a big problem is you can control how many sides you want to have for your model now here's what I want to do let's say that I want to make this side of the box have an indention in the shape of a sphere and this side I want to have indention at the edge of this of this box now what I want to do here is I want to take this sphere and I want to place it at the position in which I want to have that hold so in this case it would probably be somewhere around in the middle let's go ahead and try to get it in the middle you don't have to be over overly exact and where you want to place it now here's the thing you want to make sure when you're working with modeling like this you want to use as little as possible in the ways of geometry so the less geometry you using the less cleanup work you're going to have afterwards so as you saw when we started off my segments were set at 8 and this is basically because 8 is the least number of sides you want to have for a sphere in order to geometrically be easy to work with and in this case I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to rotate this for about 90 degrees and position it somewhere around here does really matter I'm going to make one more copy put it on the side it's not in the way and now select our box go over to our compound objects click on proboolean it's okay if we wanted to be subtractive and click on start picking I want to click back to my first sphere alright like we saw previously I'm going to select my sphere over here click on operands and now simply move it into position I'm going to try to get it as close as possible to the edge so something like this there we go but this we actually got that to be in the middle now what I'm going to do is click on our original sphere and I want to go ahead and place this somewhere around over here again I want to get this edge to be in the middle so I'm going to go ahead again rotate it for 90 degrees and I want to keep it something like this but make sure it's in the middle okay hopefully it will not intersect with this shape so again start picking and click on this sphere awesome all right let's make sure that it's in the right position okay so with these two now what I can do is I can collapse this with them edit poly or I can simply go right click convert to an editable poly what whatever I want to do worse here but the thing is if I use an edit poly I will be able to go ahead and go back to proboolean if I want to change something if not then I can just right click and convert to an editable poly since I'm not going to change anything I'm going to convert it to an a low poly now here is the first thing that is going to happen and this is the major reason why a lot of people shun away from using the pro boolean and the main reason is this line that you're seeing here is being created now why is this line being created well max really really doesn't know how to deal with having an egg on in a pre-existing polygon what that means is that this interface was one polygon but here we are we just inputted this sphere in the middle so now instead of a polygon Max has been tasked to deal with an angle or multi-sided geometry so the way that max deals with this is it takes one of these edges on that end gun and connects it to the very first vertex that it can find so it can make some kind of sense so now in our case it connected this vertex to the edge now this is not a really big problem as we can fix all of this but here's a thing that you probably want to do whenever you're using proboolean and that is as soon as you're finished with all of the options click on vertex select all of the vertex and go and click on the settings next to weld that is going to open up your weld threshold set it up at a some small threshold and you're going to notice that before we had 46 vertices and afterwards we're going to have 36 what this does is it's going to take all of those vertices that are close together and he's going to weld them together so with this we actually get to have geometry like this so now all we have to do is make sure that we clean it up so we can use it for our projects so this is what we have so far and I'm going to leave it up like this and in the next video I'm going to go ahead and show you guys so we can clean this up and give it so I give it some clean geometry and some nice edge flows and hopefully you guys are going to understand how you can well get something like this which is more or less a complex shape to be smooth it with correct edge flow so if you guys enjoyed watching this video then don't forget to subscribe hit that like button as it really does help a lot and that would be it for this video I hope you guys had fun you managed to learn something new and if all that was true check out the next video and I'll see you guys over there you
Channel: Denis Keman
Views: 117,971
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3ds max, 3d modeling, tutorial, dkcgi
Id: TDq4yl9XVKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 25sec (1285 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 18 2016
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