3ds Max 2020 Corona Render Interior Tutorial | Lighting, material and Post production

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hey everybody thank you for watching hm studio this tutorial is going to be like a workshop i'm going to be teaching you how to make materials do the lighting and also we're going to do some post-production in photoshop so without any further ado let's start i've chosen this master bathroom for my workshop which is a very regular bathroom with a shower screen a bathtub and we have the vanity over here alright as i taught you in my previous tutorials the first step is to enable the override material and assign a simple corona material to that since all the materials in this scene will be in a range of gray to white it's better if i make the corona material a bit brighter so let's instance the material into the material editor and increase the diffuse value up to 160. okay the next step is to exclude the light and glass materials from the overhead material so the light could travel inside through the window now let's start the render to see what we got as you can see it's completely dark because we don't have any light sources in the scene so let's start by adding the chronosan into the scene now we're going to set up the light mix in order to make the lighting process a bit easier so far we have two light sources and this way we can adjust their intensity much faster and also easier alright let's click over here select instance lights which is the default value and click ok and now let's run the interactive rendering again now we are able to adjust their intensity from here i'm going to decrease the sunlight's intensity and also make the environment light a bit brighter when i finish the modifications i'm going to click on this button over here this button bakes all light mix colors and intensities into the scene lights and after clicking this the image displayed in the frame buffer will be temporarily changed to non-lightmix version and if you want to get the desired effect you need to re-render the image and also lights that are instanced will become unique so we're not going to have instant light sources in the scene anymore but it doesn't matter because we can control them over here in the light mixer you remember that we've changed the intensity on corona sky so if i instance the corona sky into the material editor you can see that it's plugged into a color correction node with the exposure of 1 0 279. okay let's add the halogen lights so i'm going to select and isolate all of them and from the top view i'm going to add a corona disk light below each and every one of these halogen lamps before i copy this light i'm going to add an is profile to that and i'm going to use this one which comes with the corner renderer now let's increase the intensity up to 200 and make it a little bit warmer since i want to use the instant slides option in the setup light mix menu and since i want these lights to be in separated groups i'm going to copy the first one and instance the other two so they work in the groups of three once again let's set up the light mix and start rendering we don't need any of these options so let's disable all of them now i can just turn off all the lights from here and adjust the intensity and color of all of these lights separately so for this one i can make it a bit warmer or cooler but in this case i'm going with warmer let's add the environment light also and it already looks good but let's enable all the other lights to see what the result will be with all the lights together it looks pretty nice so far and now that we have all of our lights in the scene it's time to make some materials okay i'm going to start with the mirror material so let's create a corona material and change its name to mirror let's get rid of the diffuse because we don't need that and increase the reflection of the one put 999 as the kernel ior and that's it i'm going to disable the overhead material since i don't need it anymore and let's take care of all the chrome objects in the scene first of all let's select all the objects with chrome material and i'm going to use the chrome material from the corona material library okay in order to do that let's open up the material library find the chrome fingerprints material under the metal category and assign it to the selected objects the only thing that we have to do right now is to add a uvw map modifier to these objects select the box mapping and enable the real world map size that's it so i'm going to hide these objects for now and continue with the handles for all of the handles that i have i'm going to use the rose gold material from the metal category once again let's add the uvw modifier with the same settings and hide the objects once we're finished okay i'm going to use a single material for all the tiles and stones that i have in the scene so let's start by selecting all of them except the floor and create the material now open up the material editor and create a corona material as for the diffuse map i'm going to use a bitmap this is it i'm going to use this one for the diffuse and i'm going to use the real world scale and use 150 centimeters for both width and height now let's increase the reflection up to 1 and apply the texture to the selected objects now we need to add a uvw map modifier enable the real world map size and the box mapping all right in order to randomize the texture on each element of these objects we need to use the corona uvw map randomizer so let's drag it into the material editor but before i do anything else i would like to render the scene for you guys to see the difference after we use the randomizer all right as you can see it looks seamless which is not something that we want now let's put the uew randomizer in between and adjust its setting as for the mode i'm going to use mesh element and as you know each of these tiles is one element so uh for the next step let's change the offset on u and v from zero to one with zero 0.25 for the step and 0 to 600 360 for the rotation with 45 as for the step now you can see it's completely randomized and it actually looks good for the floor tiles i'm going to use one of the ready-to-use corona materials from the material library so let's select the floor tiles open up the material library go to the stone category and apply this material to the selection now we need to add the uvw map modifier and also use the randomizer for this material as well for these small tiles i want to use the same material but i want them to be darker at the edges so here's what i'm going to do i'm going to add a corona ao map here in between and plug the diffuse texture to the unoccluded node make the occluded color to something grayish and enable only the same object occludes now let's apply the material and run the interactive rendering okay i'm going to change this color to red so it gets easier to tell the difference reduce the max distance to one centimeter and change this option to outside plus inside let's also increase the color spread to 0.3 okay it started to show up but let's increase the color spread to 0.6 okay it looks good now i'm gonna change the color back to gray let's make it a little bit darker i also want to make the dark areas on this texture a bit brighter because i don't need that much of contrast on them in order to do that i can double click on the bitmap enable the color map in the output rollout and move this vertex up to 10 percent here you can clearly see the difference right it looks like i forgot to apply the stone material to the backsplash so let me do that and we're going to make the fiberglass material afterward okay let's create another corona material change the diffuse color to 190 increase the reflection up to 1 and decrease the glossiness to 0.6 and apply the material to the selected objects as for the bump map i'm going to use a texture which i've downloaded before i record this tutorial which is this one now let's apply a uvw map modifier with the same settings as the other ones and change the width and height of the texture to 5 centimeters now let's see the result i'm going to disable the interactive denoising so i could get a better look at the details let's increase the size of the pump maps texture to something like 10 centimeters for this tutorial i'm not going to make very complex materials and i'm trying to keep it as simple as possible until i make some more videos dedicated to making materials alright this one also looks good now i can add some cameras and start the rendering so let's put the first camera right here and make it perpendicular to this wall i'm going to make it a bit wider when we don't have enough room to put the cameras we can always use the camera clipping in order to do that we just need to enable it from here and increase this value to get rid of everything that is blocking the camera's view which in this case is the wall and the bathtub don't forget to enable the automatic vertical tilt because this one is really important okay this one looks good now let's add another camera over here and disable the camera clipping since we don't need it anymore in order to get a little bit of depth of field i have to move the camera's target to here enable depth of field and reduce the f-stop to 1.8 all right i'm going to render these two cameras without changing anything in the render settings and will do some post-production afterward alright guys rendering has finished and this is the first one this is the raw render straight out of the corona renderer without any adjustments and here is what i'm going to do let's turn off all the lights and then enable and modify them one by one just increase or decrease the intensity and make the lights warmer or cooler i mean don't be afraid to try different lighting setups until you find the best one for your shot and as you can see this is exactly what i'm doing right now i've decreased the environment and corona skies intensity and made the halogen lamps a bit warmer and that was all now let's give it a little bit of contrast with the curve i've told you all about this curve in one of my other videos and you can find the link on the top right corner of the video right now so make sure to watch that one also because i'm sure that you'll find it useful now let's enable the glare on bloom and increase the bloom effect and we're done now we can do some post-production in photoshop in order to do that you need to first copy the render from here then open up photoshop and create a new project and paste the render with ctrl v always the first step is to make a copy of this layer so if something went wrong we could get back to this one if you select the camera raw render from the filter menu this window will pop up and there are just a few steps to completely change the way that this render looks and they're pretty easy let's just play with these sliders until we're happy with the result i always start with the clarity and texture then i manipulate the contrast highlight shadows and other stuff let's just add some bluish tinted shadows and make the highlights a bit warmer and we're done with this render and i'm going to repeat the whole process for the other one as well alright guys that was all for this video and i hope that you found it useful if you have any questions you can leave them in the comment section below and i will write back as soon as possible once again don't forget to subscribe to the channel if you think these kind of videos can help you to improve your skills okay be safe and see you next time you
Channel: HM STUDIO
Views: 49,215
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3ds max 2020 corona render interior tutorial, corona render interior lighting, corona render, 3ds max corona interior lighting tutorial, 3ds max corona interior rendering, 3ds max corona render, corona render 3ds max, corona render tutorial, interior rendering 3ds max corona for beginners, corona 6, corona renderer 6, corona renderer 6.0, interior design, interior rendering post production, 3d max, 3d render tutorial, rendering tutorial, 3d render, corona
Id: MbZ_e7nd0wY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 22sec (1462 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 08 2020
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