3D Text Animation Tutorial in After Effects | NO PLUGINS | Reflective 3D Text

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in this tutorial I'll show you how to create a reflective 3D text in After Effects without using any plugins let's jump to the tutorial first I'm going to create a new composition name it render it will be a 1920x1080 30 frames per second then open a 3D renderer tab for the ranger make sure you select Cinema 4D and then click ok now I'm going to select the type tool from here and type the text to something like 3D I'm using integral bolt font for this then I'll simply select the text layer down here and press s on the keyboard to increase the scale of the text itself like that and I'll align it in the center using the Align tab now we need to make the text 3D by checking this box if you do not see the column click toggle switches and modes until they do and make the layer 3D by checking the box now let's create the camera without we go up to layer new camera and I'm choosing the 35 millimeter preset then simply click ok now let's select the camera orbit tool this one and rotate the camera slightly so we can see the text from the side say something like that we can see that the text is completely flat and there is no depth no Extrusion to it so let's go ahead and add some right now first I'm going to select the selection tool then I'll open the geometry options for the texts and for the Extrusion depth as you start increasing it you can see the text is getting extruded so I'll say Extrusion depth to 50 but we can see the text still looks very flat because we don't have any Shadows yet and the way we add Shadows is by adding light layers so before we start adding light layers make sure you set the views to two views and then this one to top view so you'd have the top view of the text on the right and the regular V on the left we're going to use the top view to adjust the positions of our lights that we create so let's go ahead and add like this let's go up to a layer new light and for the light type I'm choosing the parallel light color white intensity 100 and cast Shadows is on click OK and this is the light that we've created you can already see the shadows and how much nicer the text looks so I'm simply going to select the light and place it to the bottom left corner like that and then you get this point of interest that you can point the light towards and I'll simply point it toward the texts like that now select the light layer and press Ctrl D to duplicate it and then I'll simply drag the light the duplicated light to the other side so the bottom right corner and do the same with the point of Interest simply pointed towards the text like that now we'll select both of these lights and press Ctrl D to duplicate them and I'll move them across to the other side so they would be behind our text too something like that and point both of those two to the text as well so we've created the lights from all different sides pointing towards our texture let's go ahead and create the reflection now so I've included the hdri image into the project file you can download and use it if you want or if you have your own HDR image or any kind of reflection map you're more than welcome to use those so I'm going to go back to the project panel and create a new composition from here and let's name it map now I'm going to drag the hdri image in here I'll scale it up all the way then I'll search for caution blade effects and presets add it to the reflection map or the HDR image I'll set blurrinage to 4 very slightly blur it out and make sure they repeat Edge pixels is selected now make sure you are at the beginning of the timeline press P for position create keyframe for a full position then go all the way to the end of the timeline and slightly move the uh the map to either side so something like that to create a slight movement now let's go back to the render composition open up the project panel and drag and drop the map composition like that now right click on it and select environment layer and the way we bring the reflections we can switch back to the one view by the way so now let's open up the properties of the text go into the material options and find the reflection intensity it'll be set to zero so it's just increasing you can start seeing the reflections on the text so I'll set mine to 100 and also let's set specular shininess to 50 and that'll give us a very very nice reflection as you can see and let's also enable the cast Shadows so in here cast Shadow so it'll be set to off so you just enable it and you'll get extra noise shadows in the the text now once that's done let's add a slight color correction to everything so let's create a new adjustment layers relay a new adjustment layer and then search for Curves and effects and presets and add it to the adjustment layer let's create a slight s-shaped curve so a point here bring it down then a point here and bring it up then I'll switch to the blue Channel and slightly increase it like that to give a text a very nice Bluetooth and now for the animating the text working in 3D is very heavy on the system and the previous will be very slow so what I suggest you do is click on this draft 3D toggle so as you do that the reflections will be gone everything is gone but this is ideal for animating because the previous will be very very quick with this so I'm going to move to the beginning of the timeline I'll select the camera open its properties transform and create keyframes for point of interest and position I'll select the third camera tool and zoom into the letter d like that now I'll select the camera orbit tool and slightly change the angle to something like that so that looks good now I'll go to five seconds select the third camera tool and zoom into the uh three like that and I'll select the second camera tool and slightly move the camera to the left and in the end we should get this nice panning to the left as you can see previous are still a bit slow so you can always drop to your half and that is the animation we're getting so once you create the animation select all the keyframes right click any of them keyframe assistant easy user just press F9 as a shortcut and once you've done the animation you can click the draft 3D toggle and the reflections and everything will be back so again one thing we forgot to do is add bevels to the text let's open up the text and open the geometry option so by default bevel style is set to none and here you get three different options I really like the angular one so as I select it you can see how much nicer that makes the text look you get these nice bevels that you also get to adjust so once you've done those we can go ahead and preview the text of course you're more than welcome to experiment with different camera angles to create your own custom animation I'm just showing you the way of doing it and the rest is up to you and that is how you create a reflective 3D text in After Effects without using any plugins I hope you enjoyed and loads of the new in this tutorial if you did do not forget to leave a like thank you for watching and I'll see you in the next one peace out
Channel: Smertimba Graphics
Views: 31,839
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d text animation tutorial in after effects, no plugins, after effects 3d text, after effects, after effects tutorial, motion graphics, motion design, cinema 4d, c4d, after effects 3d animation, after effects 3d tutorial, after effects extrude text, after effects text animation, after effects easy 3d text, 3d reflective text after effects, after effects cinema 4d, after effects 3d light, after effects 3d type, 3d text, 3d text tutorial, ae, tuts, 3d text tutorial after effects
Id: yR5bparLMNI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 16sec (436 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 07 2022
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