3D Logo Animation Tutorial in After Effects | No Plugins | 3D Intro Tutorial 2024

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in the tutorial i'll show you how to make a simple 3d logo animation in after effects without using any plugins let's create a new composition and call it main for the main comp 1920x1080 and 10 seconds for the duration click ok then create another composition and name it like i'll make it 600x600 then drag the logo of your choice into the logo composition press s on the keyboard and adjust the scale if needed then go back to the main composition and drag the logo camp in here straight away make it 3d by checking this box but if you don't see this column click on toggle switches and modes until you do and make it 3d now let's create a background by right click new solid i'm going to name it bg for the color i'm going for something off white and make sure to place it below the logo comp so the way we achieve extrusion in our lego is by duplicating the logo composition a handful of times and offsetting each subsequent one on the z-axis just by one pixel so you could either do that yourself individually duplicately and move them one by one or do something really simple so here's what you have to do select the logo composition press p on the keyboard right click on the position and select separate dimensions then click away hold the alt key and click on the z position stopwatch just left click and type the word index then click away and once you start duplicating the layers as many times as you want this little expression will do all the work for you so before we start duplicating though let's go to effects and presets and search for brightness and contrast add it to the logo composition save brightness to minus 150 and also check the use legacy and we did this to create shading on our logo once it's a 3d object so now i'm going to select the logo composition and duplicate it 30 times you can do as many times as you want so the more duplicates the more extrusion you will get on your logo as you can see i've got 30 copies of the logo composition and just to clean things up i'm going to select the second logo from the top and scroll down all the way and select the second logo from the bottom then i'm going to click this button the shy button and activate this shy mode to hide those unnecessary layers because we don't need to see them we'll be working with just the first and the second one select the first lego layer right now and delete the brightness and contrast from it now let's quickly add drop shadow to the last logo layer that would be the furthest one to the wall or to the background so add that to the last lego layer to the 30th one and in fact some presets i'm going to set softness to 100 and that is pretty much it and now to show you that the logo is now 3d object or at least we made it to be a 3d object go to lay a new camera we're going to select the 50 millimeter preset then press c on the keyboard just like the camera orbit tool and move the logo around you can see that it's a 3d object and you can see that it has shading on the sides that's because of the brightness and contrast effects we applied to all those layers now let's go to layer new null object i'm going to rename it to cam control to stay organized and make it a 3d object by checking the box then parent the camera by dragging the pickup tool from the camera onto the null or the cam control now and let go now select the cam control and press r on the keyboard create keyframes for xyz rotations then hold shift and press s on the keyboard to bring up scale also create a keyframe for scale then drag and select the rotation keyframes only and move them forward for now then at the beginning of the timeline let's set x rotation to be 45 degrees y rotation 45 and zero rotation to 15 degrees so in case if you want a different angle you can experiment with the values yourself so now i'm going to select the selection tool and move to four seconds exactly and move the end keyframes to four seconds then for the scale it can actually decrease the scale and that will bring the logo closer so i'm going to set mine to 70 percent then drag and select all the keyframes right click on any of them keyframe assistant easy so you can press f9 as a shortcut go to the graph editor right click make sure you edit speedcraft then select this uh right point here nicely select all of them and drag the handle to the left until the influence is about 75 then click away and select the scale only select the left point for the scale and drag the handle to the right until the influence is again about 75 percent the next of the graph editing preview what you have so far and this might get a bit heavy so you can always drop the resolution to a half or a third because we're working in 3d and that you know takes a lot of resources and so far that's what we have so now let's add that light sweep effect that a really cliche effect go to effects and presets search for cc light sweep add it to the uh first logo the first one to the front i'm going to set shape to smooth sweep intensity to 50 edge intensity to 100 and make sure you at the beginning of the composition select the center point right here click it and place it at the bottom left corner of the logo composition create a keyframe for center at the beginning go to four seconds and just drag this point and you know move it across the logo to the top right corner then press u to see the keyframes drag and select them both press f9 to easily use them go to the graph editor and do the same thing just drag the points inwards until the influence is about 75 for both sides and we can do another preview due with the light sweep included and that looks a lot better in my opinion so now at this point if you want to add a secondary animation like a scaling of the logo you can go to the logo composition itself if you don't already see the scale values of the logo select it and press s on the keyboard until you do and create a keyframe for scale move that keyframe forward for now set the scale to be zero at the beginning of the timeline go to one second and move the end keyframe to one second drag and select them both press f9 go to the graph editor and move the right keyframe handle all the way to the left to nicely smoothing out the animation you can go back to the main composition now and see the scale up of our logo now at this point you can add your text whatever you want it to be so i'm going to select the type tool here and type google.com i'm switching back to the selection tool to reposition the text i'm going to align it horizontally and move it slightly up then at four seconds i'm going to press p on the keyboard to bring up position i'm going to hold shift and press t to bring up opacity and create keyframes for both then move back one second increase the y position value slightly to bring the text down a bit and opacity to zero percent i'm going to drag and select the keyframes press f9 go back to the graph editor select the right point for both values and drag the handle all the way to the left and now we should have a simple text animation in case if you feel like the timing is off you can always you know move those keyframes either forwards or backward so in my case i want to move them to two seconds so the animation happens sooner and this is pretty much the complete look of our lego animation i hope you enjoyed and learned something new in this tutorial if you did please give this video a like that would really help me out a lot once again thank you for watching and i'll see you in the next one peace out
Channel: Smertimba Graphics
Views: 461,332
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d logo animation tutorial in after effects, 3d intro tutorial, after effects logo animation, after effects tutorial, after effects, 3d logo, 3d, 3d logo animation, 3d animation after effects, 3d logo after effects no plugin, 3d logo animation after effects, 3d text after effects, 3d text after effects no plugin, 3d logo reveal after effects, after effects 3d logo animation, 3d shapes, how to 3d, 3d extrude after effects, 3d logo after effects, logo, ae, 3d intro after effects
Id: AncnuhGuzvE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 8sec (428 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 18 2022
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