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today is the last day of 2020 i started making these tutorials as a bit of a joke about four months ago and i didn't think i'd have such a pen community of people that just want to make renders and learn i wanted to make one final video so today we're making a rotating iridescent logo type thing so let's hop into blender shall we so deleting our cube we're going to insert a taurus this one okay before we click anything else down here in this little dialog box we're going to change the major segments to 50 and the minor segments to 25 and then the minor radius if you want to hit 7 on your numpad just so you can see the top view we're going to change that to 0.1 um let me move my head back real quick okay uh hit seven to go to top view and hit shift a and we're going to add some text um hit tab and write whatever you like hit tab to leave text mode in the text properties i'm going to change the font on the font and we'll go for ocr i don't know why i love this font so much actually i'm going to change that to capital now select your text go to object set origin origin to geometry so we've got our origin in the middle now hit shift s and put the selection to cursor so that snapped our text right in the middle if you hit s we can scale it up a tiny bit like this i think that looks good for me and quickly select your taurus right click and shade smooth cool um select your text again and go into text editor hit geometry press one on your number pad to go to the side and we're going to extrude it not all the way i'll just say like a bit in the middle because we're also going to add a bevel so we'll go down to bevel here and increase the depth i normally just make it a bit chunky go back into side view and then holding shift i slowly drag that number down so it's perfectly flush with the side so now i've got a nice bevel i'm going to increase the resolution to 9. and and then if you want this is optional under profile you can go and add like a snazzy little bevel or whatever you want to do i'm not too fast cool now select your text again go to object convert to convert to mesh select both of them and shift and hit ctrl j now we've got a joint object it's all together it's been united it's one hit rx and hit 90 on your keyboard and that will rotate your logo 90 degrees so now we want to make it rotate lots of ways of doing it if you wanted to you could just hit n and uh rotate it on the x oops like that but we're going to use a curve instead so hit shift a and insert a curve and a circle scale it up and we're going to hit tab and select this point the one directly in front of your logo and hit shift s and put a cursor to selected now our 3d cursor is on our point hit tab to leave that and we'll come back to that in a second click your camera and hit shift s on that and put selection to cursor now our camera is on our 3d point what we're also going to do is we're going to parent our camera to the curve so it follows it round um but before we do that let's rotate our camera so i'm going to do alt r while the camera is selected to clear all rotation then hit rx 90 to turn it and if you hit zero on the numpad now you can kind of adjust how you want your logo to look so firstly under output properties i'm gonna change this to 1920 that is the gram ratio nice and i'm going to split this view quickly i hit 0 to enter camera view on this side and i'm going to scale up first let me parent it then before i do anything else select your camera then select the curve hit ctrl p and then follow path and now we've got it rotating if you wanted it to be a bit further away that's cool just move just scale up your circle however much you desire that's cool with me to change the speed of the rotating select your curve go here to object data properties scroll down to path animation and you can change the amount of frames that the rotation takes so i'm going to go for 150 i'm going for 200 frames i'm also going to make my animation end at 200 frames down here and start on frame zero sick so now our curve is going to take 200 frames to our curve our spin is going to take 200 frames to complete i think that is enough modeling for now let's start shading let's do some of the fun stuff so hold z and go into render view we're going to animate this in eevee so under render properties make sure you've got ev selected ambient bloom and screen need to be turned on up here in this window we're going to go to shader editor i'll press n type that and under object we're going to hit world now last time i was super lazy so let's not be lazy this time i don't know why i just deleted that um shift d to duplicate your background node then we're going to add a light someone commented oh use node wrangler i should learn how to use a node wrangler but i got a lot of things going on i'm a full-time uni student so no no lang node wrangler will make an appearance some point in the future okay um yeah so we're going to add a environment texture node over here and the way we're going to connect these all up is environment texture goes to color um we're going to add a mix shader in the middle here and this background goes into the first second background goes into the second and is camera ray goes into fractal and shader goes into surface now this color here you can change it to whatever you want if you notice your background color will change oh i kind of like that nay we go with black um over here we're going to get hdri i'm using urban ally i don't really think it makes much of a difference but i will link it in the description select your logo and go over here to world and hit object we're now going to add some materials to our logo and make it this really cool iridescent shade i said in the last tutorial that i want to do some more complex shaders so here we are this is one step up in complexity let's let's get it so we're going to add a hue saturation node here i'm going to add a color ramp there and connect color to color color to color i'm gonna change this rgb value to hsl and change near too far change this um black to purple and same on this side this will give us a whole spectrum of colors if you can see here we've got the whole rainbow our material is still very rough so bring the reference down to zero and metallic all the way up but nothing is changing it's not iridescent at all so we're gonna add a couple more notes going to add layer weight and put facing into factor we're going to add a magic texture shift a and look for magic texture and put the color into normal let's quickly move over to the other side and add one more note here emission and a next shader here now we're going to plug emission into shader print support into shader unplug that guy plug that in there and then we're going to take a hue and just plug it in there sorry if that was really unelegant i am going to learn how to show node systems a bit better and clearer soon um but this is our setup so let's increase the emission strength and that's starting to look kind of wavy um going back to the magic texture i'm gonna bring this scale down a bit because i just think that was it's just quite intense i'm gonna go over a scale of one and distortion of one kind of like that and the last thing i'll change is just change the hue to point four i don't know why but i like the way that looks um so i think this is it and we're just going to render this out as we always do obviously you can do some compositing if you want check out my previous tutorial for how to add sparkles or more bloom if you want to do that yeah i think we can go ahead and render this out we're going to change this to the desktop because that's all we do and just put a name changes from png to fmm encoding from trust card to mpeg-4 and medium quality to perceptually lossless i think we're good to go so hit render animation okay so this is the final render and it's looking very iridescent and once again thank you so much for supporting this channel in the four months that i've been making these stupid little tutorials i've received so much love and i'm not perfect whatsoever but i ended up getting such a positive response um and it just pushes me to keep learning more so i can teach more this is it for 2020 of internet girl we'll see what the next year brings stay safe as always and we're going to render so much more cool stuff next year [Music]
Channel: intranetgirl
Views: 197,687
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 76yCn3waki8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 31 2020
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