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look I get it you want to make IND games but you feel like the only way to make money is to create some viral game like Minecraft but the truth is if you want to make money there are three cheat codes that will help you create a solid game that provides income for you and your family let's talk about them K North says I feel I get tripped up heavily in the feeling that I'm always working on Concepts that just will not stand out I've really been thinking about the Trinity hook lately so Kor is talking about my proprietary Trinity hook my and The Trinity Hook is simply hey your game needs to stand out and needs to be special so think about your visual your mechanical and your story hook that's the Trinity hook does every great game have all three no but we're not going to have all of our eggs in one basket so we're going to try and diversify our hooks so that maybe one is actually a hook there's your problem Kyle you're trying to think I need the best singular hook most people don't know if a hook is a hook and so what I say is have three visual story and mechanical and hopefully hopefully one is is actually a hook it's basically like putting a six on three sides of a die so that when you roll it at least you land on one right the same is true with your Trinity hook okay so that's going to help you you you're quitting your prototype because your hook is actually kind of sucky we have three so spend the time trying to come up with three hooks if you can and you don't have to be a genius artist to have a good visual hook frankly you just need some good understanding of uh color theory I think color theory helps a lot what is an example of a story hook I can think of set a setting hook but a little confused on what a story hook would be the best kinds of story hooks create contrast I don't know what it is about human beings but they love contrast they love a yin and yang the most famous man on Earth who's the most famous man to have ever lived Elon Musk yeah you think he's more famous than Jesus probably not who knows Jesus's story hook I'm not saying that you have to believe all this I do but what's the story hook for Jesus's story and this is frankly I think why it's stuck think of the contrast fully man and fully God man but God God but man contrast contrast is everything so what is the story hook of Luke Skywalker what is the story hook of Harry Potter guys it's it's so freaking obvious what's the story hook of froto freaking baggin think of contrast what's the story hook of of Luke Skywalker what's the character hook it's he's a boy just like us but he's a Jedi Harry Potter poor orphan child but he's a world famous wizard contrast is everything all right before we talk about cheat code number two if you're like me and you always dreamt of making an indie game as a full-time job I have a free webinar below that goes into exactly how to make six figures with just a demo I was just like you for years I thought I had to make a game in its entirety before getting a paycheck but there's actually three ways to make six figures before even finishing your game I've done this multiple times so check it out below if you do want to go full-time Indie otherwise let's continue when starting out for the first time publishing my video game how do I promote my video game to an audience well do you want an audience for your game or an audience for you that's the first question I want to ask you if you're thinking I need to build my audience well for what for you or your game that's a really good question before you start posting content you need to be thinking about that I'll give you a little hint you or your brand not the game why would we do that I'm going to spend 4 years trying to sell this can why on Earth what I spend four years trying to sell this can of Zia and then once it's consumed and there's nothing left I can't sell anything anymore what you want to do is you want to build a brand and here's the cool thing you can build the brand and this is true for anything guys so like if if you're building a YouTube presence or you're building an online platform like my platform fulltime Game Dev I'm really passionate about it I'm building this platform but I'm also building my games Twisted Tower and my my my studio at most games when I'm building this stuff I'm building a brand that builds trust and an audience that will stick around for any product that those Brands create so instead of just just building an audience for a product you build up an audience for a brand and then you can sell multiple products and then ultimately sell the brand that's really how you want to be thinking about it so it's totally fine if you want to make a social media presence for your game if you want to do that more power to you and I've seen people do it I personally want to build a brand and it can be centered around you so that that audience sticks around there's no greater leverage frankly in my opinion there's no greater leverage than having having an audience if you have an audience sky is the limit as long as that audience is targeted towards a specific type of products sky's the limit Golden Apple says without an audience selling anything will be much more difficult certainly true but Thomas a lot of game developers didn't have an audience and they they're they're multi-millionaires their game blew up yeah and they had brilliant genius game ideas most of us don't have that I'm a big fan of normal people being able to be digital entrepreneurs I want normal people to be able to build an audience and make money with that audience I want you if you feel like you're not very talented and you're not a genius I still want you to be able to make games that's not fair you have to be a genius to stand out as an indie what if I told you hey you can actually just slowly build your audience over time and be able to make a full-time income from games whether it's with an audience with a publisher investment crowdfunding patreon YouTube ads sponsorships there's just a variety of ways to make money or obviously sell your game and just make just enough I mean how many of you would be thrilled to make just enough to pay your bills with your steam sales that's totally possible with a mediocre game it's totally possible but most people don't know how to sell a mediocre game they don't know how to launch a mediocre game okay uh space Cal says can you expand on how to build a brand absolutely so I can't remember who I was watching this video see if I could find it here but I was watching this video and this uh ruri Ohama she she posted a video called this is the only video need you need to watch to start a YouTube channel I think that's what it was called and one of the big messages she said in the video was to build a YouTube channel and the same isry with a brand you need to think if I had a megaphone and I could talk for 10 seconds to the whole world what what would I say that's like the first sort of big element of a brand it's what you stand for okay it doesn't have to be some annoying philos philosophical thing it just be something that your brand stands for so what is Thomas brush's game development brand when it comes to my YouTube channel and my online courses and my videos what's my big theme my big theme is you can be a full-time game developer before you finish your game that's my that's what I'm screaming to the world why am I screaming this because this is something I discovered and I was thrilled about it because it meant that I didn't have to work four years and Hope just hope and pray that your game actually is successful on launch you can actually get investment you can actually get a ton of wish lists and and basically well you could pretty much know that your game is going to be successful on launch and make money but you can also do a crowdfunding campaign you can also build a YouTube channel you can also get a patreon you can build an audience that supports you this is awesome this is my this is my big message so that's the first thing with building a brand as a game developer or maybe you just want to build a brand on social media you need to be thinking what's my big message okay not my big message for my game that's helpful but what's my big message for my studio for my game Studio what is your game studio all about and it's not solving world hunger that's not what I'm talking about it's what's your big message and what are you all about with your games for me what is Thomas's studio all about well what what's my studio called Atmos games so we make atmospheric story games that's what we're about that's all we're about and in fact Twisted Tower the current game we're making feels like a boomer shooter but we're slowly moving it over it's going to fit right into that mold it's almost like gravity bringing it back down to the Thomas brush brand it always ends up back on the Thomas brush brand if I try and make games that are different than who I am it just comes right back and that's what your brand is all about it's about bringing your products into who you truly are and you need to be able to articulate that and so my games are story atmospheric story games so that's what that's what I'm shouting to the world and by the way if you're like me and you always dreamt of making an indie game as a full-time job I have a free webinar below that goes into exactly how to make six figures with just a demo I was just like you for years I thought I had to make a game in its entirety before getting a paycheck but there's actually three ways to make six figures before even finishing your game I've done this multiple times so check it out below if you do want to go full-time Indie and thanks for watching
Channel: Thomas Brush
Views: 11,314
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unity vs ue4, unity vs unreal engine 4, unity or unreal engine, how to get into game development, unity vs unreal engine, unity vs ue, unity game engine, unreal, game, engine, better, ue4, school, beginner, study, program, game development beginner, unreal engine graphics
Id: PGxeyObfrgo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 28sec (508 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2024
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