3D Printing An Entire WarGaming Army

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šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 17 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/glmarquez94 šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Aug 01 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

It's too bad I can't afford a 3d printer

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 9 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/ThisOriginal7 šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Aug 02 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

Really nice to see onepagerules becoming more and more present at big channels, maybe there'll be a day when the "parallel", free rules and 3d printed minis will be a significant part of wargaming to the point of countering GW's dominance.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 17 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/Hikioh šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Aug 01 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

The sculpts from onepagerules have really picked up in quality over the past year. The difference between the ratmen or dwarf sculpts and the newer stuff is like night and day

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 5 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/Werefoofle šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Aug 02 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

One page rules seems based and quality, Iā€™m exited to try this ruleset for some games.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 4 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/SelectionHaunting180 šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Aug 02 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies
so guys yes this video is sponsored by one page rules so i thought i'd do a video on is it worthwhile is the quality of the prints there yet and uh the pros the cons to 3d print an entire army and painting it so there'll be tips on batch painting and armor painting in a very short space of time so anyway let's get cracking so we start off by setting off the core of the army prince now while we're doing that i need to get the bases sorted and i'm going to be doing this in order as i did it to try and keep it as efficient as possible so you guys can learn from that as you can see from the base sizes i'm going to be doing this for kings of war because it's one of my favorite game systems and i've always wanted a tomb kings inspired sort of army and that's what one page rules are offering alongside their other armies that they do but the mummified undead are one of them armies that i've always wanted to do the fact that i have to build them the fact that i don't have to try and source them i can just print them off and it's eight pounds a month now if you sign up to one page rules after three months it gives you fifty percent off their star as well so if you want any back catalogs or the other armies like the da vinci's the duchess or the aliens fantasy or sci-fi they've got you covered and every month you could have a brand new armor that you've printed and painted now on with the video now using some basin slate this is astro granite from my range i sort of add some textures and some height difference and just make something as interesting as possible once i've got that slate down in place we just apply some modeling compound just to smooth the landform out and give it a bit more visual interest than just a a flat base with a couple of rocks on there when you're around the building bases are important no matter what game system you're playing so spend your time on the bases because this just brings the army together you're going for an overall look not individual models or even units so make sure that everything looks averagely okay once i got to this point with the basin the first lot of models had come off in about three hours and while you're modeling compounded everything's setting up and getting ready for doing your basin and painting and everything it's a good time to get your models prepped now this was one thing i always hated about 3d printing but since wash and cures are a thing the easy to remove supports are a thing i prefer doing this to actually building models it's a lot quicker and i find this far more pleasing than actually assembling models myself some people might hate it i absolutely love it because it's so simple to do the next thing that used to always put me off 3d printing models that you played with a lot especially smaller fragile models with swords and spears and stuff like that was resins that was quite brittle however the z mod that i'm using i absolutely love it the biggest thing that i see people doing is over curing their models just don't over cure them and you shouldn't have a problem and as you can see the models are still very durable and i've not had any issues doing this i absolutely love this resin flexible as hell so after setting some more models off i dropped back onto the bases i'm trying to get these done because they need to get have a couple of days to dry up i give them a cream spray with a car primer the one thing i will say with the high coat sprays that i've been using i find them quite hydrophobic so if you are wanting to wash straight over i would advise against um but if you put a base coat of a normal acrylic over the top you don't have an issue and i'm painting these just with light browns creams washers and then just dry brushing back up to ivories and creams and that gives the stones a nice finish now for base in them i hate painting natural colors so what i use is at my basin range which is desert sand and stone for the course areas and a bit more of a color variance and then for the fine covering i use a super fine grade base ready called tropical beach it's a very pale very creamy ultra fine sand and what that does is it sort of blends in with the tropical beach and you get a very nice finish and fun not a great lot of effort and then to seal all that in i do pour the matte scenic sealant onto them and the reason this is we're going to be super gluing the models to these bases later so i want it to be as hard as it possibly can be now there's going to be a few of you out there going why aren't you a fancy large format printer how can i print this as quick the true answer is the smaller printers are actually as quick as the bigger printers you just have to load them up more i can load in 15 models onto this mass 3 printer and have them done in around two hours on the larger printers i can print 25 to 35 depending on posing and how tightly i want to do it but that takes about four hours and this is just to do with the size of the fep bigger printers don't technically print any faster it's just you can print more in one go and the less times you have to set that printer off the more successes you tend to have but i really like this small little printer to say this is going to be about 230 to 250 pounds for the mars 3 which it just shows how far the technology is coming now the fact that you can get this good quality miniatures for an affordable price i i'm all for printing now it's there however the detail on this ewing's printer is just mental and it's my favorite so far now getting all your models prepped for painting is something that takes a long time now this is one of the quickest ways i've actually found it's tongue depressors with mounting tape on it's all very cheap can be found at your local pound shop what mountain tape is it's just strong enough to hold them in place some poses might flop around a little bit but nothing holding with your finger can do i know if you're professionally painting that's not what you want to do but when you are painting this is a very quick way to stick them all on and get them ready for painting now painting the models i choose like a three or four color palette and i paint them like i'd paint 10 millimeter models i literally go around just dotting the colors on if i miss a bit or i'm a bit sloppier and there doesn't really matter the color palette all is colors that work together very well so purples browns grays and i mix a bit of the purple in and and it if there's a bit of bleed you're not going to see it when it's all ranked together so i can actually smash these models out very very quickly with the gold i go in with the bright gold and i just lay this on maybe a bit too thickly because it doesn't cover that well when i paint but it still looks good after the wash step and even though i've got some very basic colors on you can really see the quality of the models it feels no different to painting resins or plastics because they've got that flex and bounce very much like plastic and we've printed them at home in a couple of hours i'm really enjoying 3d printing models now because the resolution of these printers is great and the fact that people like one page rules are offering armor designs two armies even three armies some months parts of the armies anyway for as little as eight pounds a month it's it's nice the fact that i can in two three days knock out an army from something that's been released one month it's a hobby that i really am enjoying because of this and once you just literally throw your wash on i'm using some streaking grime through an airbrush just to get them done because that's 50 models to do you just airbrush that on and it is a bit darting but don't worry about it because we can wipe it off later and doing it like this just means that you're very rushed average the paint with models just starts to look pretty good especially at arm's length and then just rub off the excess or any areas that you want to pale and brushing from above like you would with a dry brush it just highlights all them areas best thing about this is when you're putting them on the bases if you find any areas that are a bit too dark because they're up front you want to look a bit better you can go in a couple of days later and rub it off acrylic washes you can't do that you're pretty stuck and you'd have to paint it so that's all the car done all of it sardomin speedmen mummies um next ups the big fun stuff so that'll be tomorrow we're gonna let these dry up because of the oil and everything that's on them and then we can get them on the bases and finish the bases off and get these done paint up the big boys and then yeah should be pretty done and it's been very very very quick absolutely love doing it this way painting this way for armours because it looks great for minimal effort so but anyway i'll see you tomorrow so day three and the finishing lines here i'm just knocking out this giants the only thing i would have done realistically if i wasn't doing this to a time schedule i would have 3d printed this again i needed to dial the settings in on the mouse 3. there's a few layer lines i think that's more to do with the speed of the lift height and with it being that bit bigger i could have probably dropped dropped the layer height down a bit and it would have smoothed out them layer lines or even played with aliasing all things that you learn when you're 3d printing but i'm going to paint it up because it doesn't look too bad to the eye and you can when you've got some paint on there it does hide a lot of it anyway and i paint this exactly the same way the only difference is i use acrylic washers because i don't want to do an entire whole day of waiting for the oils to dry and then after they're dry i just go in with a dry brush dry brushes of your friends when you're army painting and just catch all the details with a bit of silver and i do exactly the same paint style on the guardian statues and now we're on to the fun bit which is basing the models but before we stick them down i'm going to finish the bases off just with a couple of tufts the reason i do this is just to add a bit more color and a bit more vibrance to the bases and it just adds a bit more details and as you can see just with the tufts the tropical beach and the desert sand and stone no painting apart from obviously the terrain piece it looks pretty realistic and pretty cool for minimal effort which makes it a hell of a lot quicker now a lot of people ask me why don't i pin my models down and there's a very obvious answer if the model's pinned and you go to move a movement trail you go to move a model on a base and you bang that it's stuck firmly in place but what happens is you normally break in the model you break a leg you break an arm off because it doesn't move if you super glue them down with a thick super glue gel and somebody reaches over the table or you reach over the table and you bang your models or anything like that the worse that's going to happen is it's going to pop off the tray you're not going to break the model and then all you've got to do is resuper glue it back down maybe touch up with a bit more and material around the feet if it just rip that off but i prefer this it's safer and it's easy to add more or take a few off and add different models later if you wish and as you can see once the stuck down in place that looks good and this whole project took me three days for printing and painting that's pretty quick and when it's all glued together like that it looks great again you're going for the aesthetic of an army not individual models and when this is all laid out on a table it doesn't matter if you've missed a piece it doesn't matter if the eye has not been painted it doesn't matter if the gold goes onto the robe a little bit and at the end of the day if you really wanted to your front ranks and any model that you can see you could paint them a little bit better while they're on the base i've been really happy with this project and one page rules are offering an awesome product the fact that they offer a lot of car troops and all the things that i hate putting together and the fact that i can just print them tear them off the supports scar free and get ready for painting yes you can 3d print an entire warhammer army and i'm happy about that so guys i hope you've liked this video i'm converted into 3d printing the quality of the minis that are coming off the printers that i've got now are just unbelievable i'm very happy with it the fact that companies like one page rules are offering these pre-supported models i don't have to build anything i don't have to glue anything together the z mod that i'm using it's very flexible the even one's cured it's very robust it's just everything that i hate about the hobby is in the model building aspect of it is fixed with 3d printing and now the quality is there i'm happy what do you think let me know your opinion below but anyway guys thanks to one page rule for sponsoring this video i couldn't do it without them um and check all the stuff below it's eight pounds a month guys you're getting between two three arm different army types a month they're constantly adding to that which i'm looking forward to when they add catapults and a couple of big monsters and things which will be nice when they come out you get bases you get uh like objective markers everything you need for like if you played your sigma if you play your fantasy games or if you even paid one page rules or like kings of war like me everything's very transferable um and that's what i like about what they're offering it's just a full help me for for eight pounds a month and after three months if you've got some old stuff that you want you can get it fifteen off awesome but anyway guys if you've liked this video check all the links below and uh yeah if you want to support me please check out one page rules but also if you want to use the products i've used in this for making the bases and everything else check out my scenics guys all linked below if you can find it in your local shops in america uh eu wherever you are in the world check out your local shops and mine all below all right guys thanks for watching thanks for tuning in um and i'll i'll see you for the next video which again another good one i'll see you then oh love love
Channel: Geek Gaming Scenics
Views: 190,094
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, warhammer 40k, games workshop, miniature painting techniques, miniature painting tutorial, one page rules, one page rules grimdark, Duchies of vinci, speed painting, warhammer speed painting, fantasy, 40k, tabletop wargamming, geek gaming, geek gaming scenics, base ready, lukes aps, painting tutorial, elegoo mars 3, elegoo, uniz ibee, 3D Printing An Entire Warhammer Army
Id: ZJq3kaqpj_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 29 2021
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