3D Platformers - Game Sack

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hello and welcome to game sack we are talking about 3d platformers this time these are some of my favorite games of anywhere from the ps1 on I love these games yeah anyway let's just get right the hell to it here's Jack to buy Naughty Dog on the PlayStation - this is the second game in the jak & daxter trilogy sadly have never played the first one or the third one which is kind of surprising given that I think the second game is really fun so the story goes that after the first game Jack Dex are in two others find a broken precursor rift gate the gate was reassembled and activated Jack Dexter and the two others were sucked into the rift and get transported to Haven city jack was caught by Baron praxis and was put through dark experiments for two years he was freed by Dexter that little rat theme come on tall dark and gruesome we're ready now they must find a way to get back home but first they need to get revenge on the baron I'm putting kill praxis this game reminds me a lot of the Grand Theft Auto series in more than one way you have your hub world which is Haven City from here you can go around to different areas and give missions from different people the world is pretty big so you have the option of stealing a vehicle just like Grand Theft Auto if you don't want to steal a vehicle because you know that stealing is wrong there's vehicles parked all around the map for you to just take wait either way would actually be stealing a vehicle so yeah you're stealing a vehicle the city is loaded with other inhabitants and vehicles and this itself makes getting around really tough your ride can drive on to plains low to the ground and higher up you'll constantly be switching between these dodging everybody if you run over somebody it's not a problem if you hit another vehicle it's no biggie but you do get knocked back slowing you down the Barons men are all over the place and if you hit one of them then that's when you get into trouble they'll follow you and try and take you out just like the cops and that other game Grand Theft something-or-other if you can stay concealed long enough things will go back to normal on the bottom of the screen is a small portion of the city's map there are icons on here letting you know where you need to go to find a mission if you get lost you can pull up the big map by pausing the game but it doesn't take you long before you start to get a feel for how sneaky the streets are in the best way to navigate them one of the coolest features of the game that I like is that there's a day and night cycle as you're driving around during the day you can see the Barons fortress in the background nighttime is the best as it gets dark you can see the stars in the background the Barons fortress is lit up and you can see all the whites on the buildings and vehicles I really like these touches and it makes a world feel more realistic not that I want a realistic game it just has a lot of variety what is great so I guess you're wondering when the platforming is going to come in as this is what we're supposed to be talking about all the games platforming is done when you enter a mission you'll be doing tons of different missions which means you'll be doing a lot of platforming the platforming in this game isn't too tough mainly because jet controls really well he has a double jump which is always welcome in a game like this the in-game camera works really well and it's almost exactly what I'd want in a camera from this type of game you can control the camera as far as moving it left and right this is hugely helpful I just wish that you could use the camera to look up and down as well there's many points in this game where he'd be nice to see what you're aiming for it's not a deal breaker and you'll get used to how things work for a ps2 title this game looks pretty amazing the city looks great as do all the inhabitants it's got a lot of color which is great because it seems that the time developers really like to use drab colors Jack and Dexter themselves are very cool and likeable Dexter has a lot of funny dialogue and his voice is actually appropriate and not annoying ding-ding hi flora body chains Roach food torture devices hey buddy you seen any heroes around here the only thing that's disappointing is the amount of screen tearing in this game you can't miss it but it's forgivable and you do get used to it this is a huge game it's fun to play in just a great experience from beginning to end if you haven't played this game then do it now I've got to track down parts 1 & 3 let's check out Rayman 2 the Great Escape on the Sega Dreamcast in the beginning of the game you find yourself being held prisoner but your friend Globox comes to your rescue you both managed to get out but you become separated now you're on a mission to find Globox and maybe even rescue them from the clutches of the evil obviously since it's in this episode is a 3d platformer and it's probably one of the better ones on the Dreamcast you can run around in any direction jump and punch you can also activate your helicopter blade thingies in midair so you can float and have a soft landing the game takes place on a large island that grants you access to a bunch of different levels and bonus stages this game is all about the lumps you'll learn powers from the Silver lumps like the ability to swing off of the purple lumps this is really fun and of course grants you access to a few areas you couldn't reach before on your way you'll rescue a lot of yellow lumps you'll usually need a certain amount of these to gain access to future levels so be sure to grab them all sometimes they're even trapped in cages and you'll need to punch them open super yellow lumps grant you five times as many in fact you'll find a bunch of different colored lumps in Rayman twos world red lumps will restore some of your life bar so of course you'll want those too Rayman can even swim but he can't hold his breath forever and the air gauge goes down quickly no problem just grab the blue lumps to restore your air meter hell yeah and lastly the green lumps act as checkpoints when you die you'll respond where you collected the green lump lumps of any color are always beneficial the game is mostly about exploration but there are still a bunch of enemies to fight these are all usually pretty easy and their patterns tend to be fairly simple there's still lots of fun to fight though of course there's some boss fights that you're going to have to deal with and these are also a lot of fun still most of your deaths will likely be from falling into some muck that you're not supposed to touch her even the eternal abyss itself overall the control is pretty good and you usually know what you did wrong when you die the graphics are pretty good though they tend to be kind of dark and vomit colored throughout much of the game that's likely because this is a port of the original version on the Nintendo 64 that system specializes in colors that resemble vomit so it's not a big surprise still the Dreamcast version is the one to get as you can see by this sweet ass side-by-side comparison the Dreamcast has way cleaner textures is much brighter and runs at more than twice the resolution power block but the n64 one is still great fun to play the music fits the game extremely well and is generally unobtrusive my biggest complaint with the game would be the unskipable cutscenesthat's really not that bad this is a really good game and it holds up fairly well after all these years give it a try this is Maximo goes to glory by Capcom for the PlayStation 2 and it shares a few similarities to ghosts and goblins it was only a matter of time before Capcom decided to take one of his IPs and see what they could do with it in a 3d world the game stars Maximo who upon returning from distant Wars finds his kingdom turned upside down and infested with undead his advisor Achilles has imprisoned his for sorceress is at the farthest reaches of his land not only that but he took máximos fiance and forced her to marry him what an ass I'd be pretty pissed off myself and Maximo will not rest until he's trading this out and taken care of Achilles the game has five worlds with four levels within each world you play through an introductory level and after you beat that you come to an open area where you can decide which level you want to conquer once you beat the four levels then you go and fight a boss I was a little bit upset that there actually weren't more boss fights once you reach the end of a level you just finish and exit out to the bigger area it's kind of a letdown and I always felt that I was robbed of a good boss fight the game isn't a cakewalk though because it has a few problems which make it very challenging as you're making your way through a stage you'll fight many enemies fighting all these skeletons and whatnot is straightforward but I always feel that Maximo is constantly open to taking hits response time in this game is super slow it takes way too long to put up your shield after you attack an enemy you don't always need your shield but when you do it would be really nice of controls are more responsive then there's the camera it's not a mannequin you have no control over its movement for the most part it functions just fine but there's a lot of times when you're stuck looking at your character and not what's ahead of you you do have a button that will Center the camera behind your character again but it's not responsive and all you do is end up pushing it a lot and of course the reason why we're making this episode is the platforming Maximo doesn't platform as well as he should this is a problem as there's been more than a few times where I make a jump just to end up overshooting a platform and falling to my death the same goes when the terrain starts to crumble beneath your feet a lot of times it's really hard to get Maximo to get off these crumbling areas and then it's too late you're dead it's not impossible it's just kind of annoying the main reason it's annoying is because the checkpoints and levels are spread out pretty far having to go back to one and fight all the way back to where you were is just time-consuming not only that when you run out of lives and continue it costs coins the Grim Reaper requires certain coins and he'll give you another three lives but these coins are hard to come by every time your game ends his price goes up money is a very important thing to collect in this game even if you want to save your game it cost 100 coins so collect money every time you see it you'll definitely need it I don't like this feature but that's the way it is saving should be free and you should be able to do it anywhere but no it costs money and there are very few areas to save man it sounds like I'm just ranting on all the bad points of this game it's not all bad though and there's a lot to like here the graphics for example are enjoyable I like the cartoony feel for the levels in the characters I like these areas that you walk over in the skeleton hands come out of the ground and train grab you just keep jumping and they won't be able to touch you I do like the music it has the slightest hints of melodies from the older ghosts and goblins games maximum howl fights well and he has a few moves that he can do it would be nice if you could lock onto your enemies but is still completely playable the best part about this game is that you can easily buy it for less than $10 and I do think it's well worth that price you okay 3d platformers are you liking 3d platformers maybe better than 2d platformers what's your deal now I can't say that I like them better but I do like them very similar to each other I think they're both very strong and how they play out three platforming works really well in 3d what do you think it can it can end in a camp and same with 2d 2d platformers cannot work very well if you're in the wrong developers but I think there are more good 2d platformers than 3d that very well could be yeah let's look at a kind of a crappy in my opinion 3d platformer right now here's sonic adventure for the sega dreamcast i bought this back on launch day and i absolutely loved it i played through the whole thing unlocking almost everything there was to unlock this game with Sonic's first real 3d adventure and also the first to use his homing attack which is done by pressing the jump button again while in the air much of this game takes place in the adventure mode this is a free roaming quest type thingy where you can talk to people and laborious ly explore through various areas this is honestly quite boring and unfortunately takes up a large portion of the game wandering around is just kind of a pain because none of the doors are labeled so it's all based on memorization the camera is also completely awful probably among the worst I've ever seen you can attempt to control it somewhat with the LNR triggers but they're backwards so you'll almost always start spinning in the camera in the wrong direction first the game even apologizes for the crappy camera in advance of you playing your first action stage and that's kind of funny the action stages are much more tolerable but even they have an age that well the control isn't very good and the analog stick acts more like a d-pad I say this because I'm always bumping in the wall since it seems like there isn't much actual analog in the controls I don't know maybe I'm just too used to analog controls in more modern games the stage design seems really cool at first but sometimes it just gets crazy you can't tell what the hell is going on at all throughout the game Sonic will unlock a few more abilities that will help him reach places that he couldn't before you can play with multiple different characters in their own unique missions once they've been unlocked and who the hell doesn't want to play as big the cat on his epic fishing quest hell yeah sign me right up for that of course each character has their own unique control method and stages defined unfortunately even though I used to love this game I just can't stand playing it anymore I've tried playing it a few different times over the years and I just cannot get back into it it just feels repulsive to me nowadays the graphics are pretty good for their time and I still like how a lot of things look and the music is nothing short of outstanding probably the best and anti Sonic game ever but nowadays the game makes me kind of nauseous and I mean that literally and I just can't react to the primitive controls in the camera this game also has unskipable cutscenesthat's epic game while trying to skip this nonsense that i don't care about big mistake is i had to sit through all of it again anyway these days I'd recommend finding the soundtrack and just skipping the actual game since we're here let's see if Sonic Adventure 2 also on the Dreamcast and proved anything believe it or not it did but only barely fortunately I still have my old save so I can go straight to the stage select as you can see here I've cleared everything as well as it can be cleared that's right I also used to love the hell out of this one there's a lot of action stages here and that's always a good thing as the story progresses it forces you to play as different characters depending on what's going on you think this would be a good thing to help alleviate repetition but it's actually the game's biggest failing mainly because of the stages where you play as knuckles or rogue these two creatures are on a mission to dig into the ground to find multiple items in each of their levels this is extremely tedious your item detector will beep when you're close but that really only helps a little bit you just got to keep digging and digging the camera during the action stages is a little better now but it's still not great the graphics are still good but this game tends to be a bit darker the music is also still good but nowhere near as good as part one you got to love that sweet ass wrap that knuckles gets you know be the fighting okay maybe not this game is pretty much where sonic ended for me after this I just didn't care anymore if you like these two games that's fine but personally I've grown out of Sonic feel free to let me know in the comments how horrible of a human being I am these games also received a slight update on the Gamecube but by then I just didn't care Mirror's Edge is a first-person action platformer this is the ps3 version but it's also on the Xbox 360 PC and some mobile devices the game was developed by Dyson released by EA dice is a solid developer and even though they mainly are known for the battlefield games he also made rally sport challenge series for the Xbox one of my favorites Mirror's Edge is another very solid title you play the role of faith Connors who is a runner in the not-so-distant future the city that she lives in is almost crime free but is heavily policed so there's no privacy being a runner face delivers packages data files or whatever people want and it's all done behind the government's back as far as characters go faith is awesome I like her attitude and she's not portrayed as a sex symbol she dresses for the work she does and it's not the least bit revealing not that you get to see her while you're playing the game there is one scene that I like right in the beginning faith jumps under the landing skids of Hilla copter you then get a glimpse of her hanging from the chopper in the windows of the building she's by it's really cool and one of the only scenes in the game where you get this here fully the city is a huge playground for these runners and as you can see the gameplay gets its inspiration from parkour parkour translated into a video game means platforming and this game is loaded with it every level has you running jumping climbing sliding and wall running until you reach your goal the cool thing about this is that you still see parts of your body when you're performing these stunts about the game I like that you can see your hands and feet when you're jumping over railings and such the police always seem to be hot on your heels and there will be times when you have to confront them if you can sneak past them without fighting that's great but that's not always going to happen fighting police is easy when it's one-on-one it's when you get more than one on you that's when it gets tough but if you can manage to take one out then you can grab his weapon the shotgun works a lot better than punching and kicking since you're trying to make your way as fast as possible through each area you feel like you're going to get lost not to worry because the game will help you out if you see anything red this is where you want to run to whatever it is from a door to a pole to some random wood lying around take that hint and go for it this is how the level progresses you can also hold in the circle button and it will point you in the direction you need to go the game isn't easy though and you'll definitely be dying a lot there's a lot of trial and error gameplay here still I didn't find it annoying as you don't get set back to tremendously far from where I really like the graphic style in this game I like that almost everything is white you're running along and get hints of colors and then all of a sudden you run into a building and then your eyes get flooded with these vibrant colors of blue and then pink the colors just pop out and it really gives a game of style all its own after each mission then you get treated to a cutscene that advances a story these are all cartoons and they look okay I'm not a huge fan of the artwork here but I guess I don't hate it one thing that I am a huge fan of though is the soundtrack the music in this game fits perfectly to the action the soundtrack is by Magnus Berger soon also known as solar fields Magnus I'm sorry if I mispronounced your name but is here Paul he's a Swedish electronic musician and he did an amazing job it's a great mix of ambient and electronic music this is definitely one you can listen to outside the game I listen to it quite often in real life and each track is just quality Mirror's Edge is an amazing experience the only problem that I have with this game is that I can only play for about two hours before you start feeling motion sickness the camera bounces around a lot and an old guy like me just doesn't have the stomach to play for long periods of time other than that give this game a shot you won't be disappointed dice is going to finally release a sequel in 2016 called Mirror's Edge catalyst and I am eagerly awaiting the return of faith Connors is Super Mario Galaxy for the Wii how utterly refreshing this is to play after talking about Sonic Adventure at the start your special one invites you to the castle look at you all excited to get some nookie from your special one but then of course Bowser comes in and takes away your special one mainly because that's his special one as well then you wake up on a floating orb that the game designers call a planet turns out that you need to rescue a bunch of stars or something I don't know what's going on here and honestly it really doesn't matter much but now you're on a floating ship which is commanded by Rosalina and if you do her bidding you'll be able to get your special one back anyway I really like this one because it was a lot more like Super Mario 64 that it was any of the other Mario games there are no big and small Mario's or anything like that this time you're running around what the game refers to as planets and all of them float in their own galaxies Nintendo forgot about the solar systems and the importance of oxygen and oh yeah screw how gravity works but you know what that's ok because we're not playing for a science lesson you run around these oddly shaped planets that are smaller than some people's homes and everything spins around as you move some people say that this game is disorientating and it can be especially when you're upside down but it really doesn't take long to get the hang of it like in Super Mario 64 you're after stars and each level has at least one along the way you collect star bits by pointing the Wii mode at the screen and touching them this feels kind of tacked on to me but you can use these star bits to feed hungry Lumas to access new areas you're usually free to roam anywhere at any time but the level design usually guides you want to set course and there's really only one way to beat each area if you waggle the Wiimote you spin and this is the best way of attacking enemies this stuns the enemy and you can finish off the kill simply by touching them you can also butt stomp them but due to how crazy 3d this game is it's a lot easier just to spin there's a lot of different mechanics that you'll use to defeat bosses and get past areas in a level like turning into a B for example he can stick to certain areas and fly for a limited amount of time like pretty much all mario games the bosses go down after only three hits same with you by the way unless you collect a special mushroom which increases it to six this game is extremely fun to play and the controls are all very responsive my biggest complaint would probably be the alarm that sounds when you're low on life oh and sometimes the camera gets kind of wonky but that's pretty much the case with all 3d platformers I think the game looks fantastic for the Wii imagine if the we had been an HD system like it should have been oh man thanks for gimping out Nintendo still the colors textures and overall design of everything looks fantastic even better is the music this orchestrated soundtrack is a huge departure for the Mario series and it's very welcome yeah sure sometimes normal Mario music shows up here and there but the new stuff is the best stuff it really helps to give the game that start a spacious feel for a lack of better words this game should definitely be in your collection since I talked about Sonic Adventure 2 I guess I got to talk about Super Mario Galaxy 2 as well oh darn basically this one is more of the same more or less this time you have a typical stage and world structure and other things that bring it closer to the normal Mario universe for example you now have checkpoint flags in each level so you've got 49 different galaxies inside of seven different worlds again I don't think that Nintendo understands how galaxies and worlds work but whatever this time around Yoshi is here when you ride Yoshi the star pointer becomes your guide for what Yoshi eats look at them giving Kirby a big ol kiss here oops looks like I accidentally killed Kirby no big loss Yoshi can also float for a bit in the air in some levels he can eat red peppers and that'll make them run really fast for a short time the control is still really good and the level design is also just as good as it was before this one seems less Spacey however and seems to take place in a more natural setting well natural for a Mario game anyone the graphics are still great and there's no complaints here the music is good but it's nowhere near as good as it was in a previous one not even close here you get mostly your average Mario type duties with very little of the epic sweeping score of the last game it's basically what you'd expect to find in any random run-of-the-mill Mario game so there's really nothing here that stands out still the game is great fun to play though I did enjoy the first one more it was fresh and unique and this one seems more like a quick follow-up a lot of people like this even more than the first whatever just make sure to get this one as well all right guys there's some 3d platformers for you it's only a drop in the bucket of the vast majority of them I thought we covered all the 3d platformer but you would think so Joe but if it's not in this episode it doesn't matter or it might be in part two you never know so just hold on wait wait wait wait I just I just looked at our videos and I don't see a part two anywhere well it's because we haven't made it yet oh yeah yeah anyway let us know what games we should include in part two and in the meantime thank you for watching game sack oh hi Dave hey Joe how you doing I'm great man are you ready to play some wicked sweet 3d platforming Noah dude yeah let's do this man right what the hell are you doing I'm gonna play a 3d platformers oh not like that everyone knows that the Sega Master System classes are the best classes to use
Channel: Game Sack
Views: 244,500
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sega, nintendo, turbografx, pc, engine, gameplay, video, games, retro, genesis, snes, nes, master, system, mario, sonic, rayman, adventure, galaxy, super mario, Mirror's Edge (Video Game), jak 2, jak and daxter, maximo
Id: mO34d4Q0b0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 18sec (1638 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 18 2015
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