3D Modeling with Quad Remesher And 3DS Max

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[Music] [Music] hey everybody and welcome to today's video where the topic of this video is going to be quad remeasure now I asked the question a couple of weeks ago on the community tab in the YouTube channel and the majority of you guys said that you would like to see me cover this topic and I was actually surprised that a lot of you did not even know what it is so that's what we're here to see today what is quad remeasure and how does it work well first of all Quadra measure is a plugin for 3ds max that really really helps you model faster and the way you can get it is just go down to EXO site calm and in here one once you here they have a couple of different plugins you want to go over to quad remeasure just click over here and it's going to tell you that it is available as a plugin for 3ds max Maya modo blender Houdini and I'm a cinema 4d so if you're using any of these software's you can use this plug-in so I'm gonna go back to 3ds max and now let's see how this thing works once you install the plug-in you have a option to basically put it on a hotkey or what I've done is I've actually made a key over here or just a button so when you press it this is what pops up now the way that quad romesha works is very very similar to if you've ever used ZBrush and there you've used the zremesher option so what that option does is it will basically take whatever you have as a geometry and try to make it Quadra fight or all quads now let's see how that thing would work inside 3ds max so let's start off with a simple box in here there we go and let's create a smaller box or let's just create a copy of this there we go make it smaller like this and for this one let's just take a proboolean subtract this and just make it that like this there we go so also let's try to give it a bit more complex geometry so let's adding one extra cylinder in here so let's go from the center something like this give it a height there you go may just scale it upwards so something like this down these lines I'm surely gonna scale this thing in downwards like this there we go something like this would work now before I actually do go ahead and continue with the compounding fluid proboolean I want to do a union but make sure that when you're gonna be using quadrant measure you have quite a bit of geometry to help drive the shape in this case I'm actually gonna I have 64 sides on this cylinder so that should be enough yeah but if we had something like the 16 that we generally start off with a cylinder this could end up being a problem so for now I'm actually gonna have this thing 264 and now we're gonna take a union between these two and make it into one there you go so now if you would like to continue modeling on top of this it would be kind of difficult mainly because well it's there is a lot of angles in here so it's not really the ideal model to start or continue modeling with this so I'm gonna go ahead and convert this to incredible poly and now this is where quadrant measure really shines so the first thing we're gonna do is I'm actually gonna make it a few copies of this so I'm going to hold down shift create a few copies so we can see the difference let's write it with five copies always try to make a copy when you're about to do the quadrature although it's not gonna be too big of a problem because every time it does the rameshan it will hide the original mesh but it's just okay so you can see the difference now I'm gonna want to select the first model over here and the only thing that I'm gonna do here is I'm going to decrease the target quad count to something like 500 now just so we can see it even better I'm gonna go ahead open up my statistics total plus selection and just click apply and ok now when I press the 7 it's going to actually give me some information as to how much geometry I have in this scene so at the moment this thing has 26 polygons or 48 vertices so what I'm gonna do is again turn this thing down to 500 click on remesh I'm not gonna change anything else just remesh it will take a few seconds it will do the calculations and right away it's gonna spit out a model that is going to be more or less in line with what we just put in here so we put in 500 and I can see that in here my selection has 518 polygons and if I just isolate this you're gonna see that it's all caught it up if I turn off by pressing f4 I turn off the edge you can see that this thing looks pretty clean no issues whatsoever but now let's take a look at another option here if I take a look at this left side and compare to this right side we're gonna see that we have a bit of a different geometry and even though it's more or less the same geometry on both sides the way that these edges go are a bit different so what I'm gonna do is I'm not gonna change anything else in here but I know that in here is I can see on the y-axis this thing is symmetrical so in the miscellaneous thing here I'm gonna check on symmetry on the Y and I'm gonna click on remesh again I'm not gonna change anything else so Ramesh give it a few seconds to do the calculations again and there we go right away now I can see that the left side is the same as the right side so the geometry is going across it's all caught it up so if I use the turbosmooth it's gonna work perfectly even though if I put on the smoothing groups there we go we have perfect geometry and this can really really help expedite things when you're just keep bashing things and you want to have rapid development on whatever that you're working so what are the other options well let's sleep here we have adaptive quad count now what this thing does it basically if you take a look at these you're going to notice that all of these polygons in here are more or less the same size so it has no adapter adaptability if we turn on adaptive quad count it will basically try to follow this shape and if there is any need for any smaller polygons it's actually going to put them in here so I'm going to turn on adaptive quad count keep symmetry in to why I'm actually increase this up to 80 we're not changing the quad count again so we're just gonna hit Ramesh now let's see how this thing is going to look right now although I still think that this has a bit too simple geometry and even as such it kind of encapsulated everything perfectly so in order to see how that thing is gonna look different let's go ahead and do a bit of change in this so I'm gonna delete both of these I'll actually take this original mesh put it over here and now let's add a bit more complexity on this mesh so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to cut in into the into the back and into the bottom of this thing so let's go ahead and just create a new sphere and pretty much I'm trying to just to wing this I don't have something set in stone as to how one this thing to look I'm just trying to make it so we can see the options so if we do something weird it just happens all right so something like this again make sure that we have enough segments here for whatever that we're gonna use and I'm gonna go again with a compound object proboolean start picking and make sure it's a subtraction select there we go so now we have a big hole on the bottom and the last thing I'm gonna do is come over here I'm going to hold on control right click and drop in a line so this line should help me draw another you here make these pellets or pretty much anything that matter and what I want to do here with this line is just put an extrude there we go make sure we have this thing going across like so and start picking and you select it so everything on the back side is now gone there we go awesome so now before I actually do anything else let's make a few copies again I'm gonna hold down shift and drag out a couple copies right five and now since we have all of this extra work that we need to do or extra different shapes that we want to encapsulate what we're gonna have to do is increase the target quad town for example now it's at 500 let's add it down to like maybe try to something like 2,000 and turn off adapted quad count and see how this thing is gonna look just like this so I hit Ramesh give it a few seconds and there we go right away I can see that I got perfect spore so pretty much I was kind of hoping that something would go wrong here but nope everything went just right so let's try and add in a bit more details here in order to try to basically break it so we can fix it so I'm gonna select just this edge and again I'm gonna chamfer it so that we have another over here select this entire edge over here again now we're gonna jump for this we're gonna run into a problem here with the geometry but it's really not gonna be an issue because quadrant masher will have no problems with fixing this so I'm gonna leave it like this and as long as the geometry looks clean what we're actually seeing here it doesn't matter we'll see in a second oh I just want to make this thing be smooth again so let's chamfer it again there we go and go something like this now before I actually go ahead and do the rameshan I'm gonna do is delete those and again and just make it do copies of this I want to address another of the options and that is the option for which edge loop control is going to use now by default it's using detect hard edges by angle so what this means it will it will take the smoothing groups and depending on those smoothing groups or they're set by an actual angle as you can see over here but if we have certain shapes in this scene or in this model for example let's try and add in some something in here maybe yeah some of these extrude outwards and let's move this thing a bit back like this something down this line I'm actually gonna go ahead put in a couple of more edges in here not that way though there we go and something like this now what I want to do is if I go ahead and just with that notch in there I make this thing just couple copies I go ahead and just hit the Ramesh with the hard detect edges this is what we're going to get let's give it a second there we go as you can see that's a bit of a problem now the main reason for this happening is that since we actually extruded this thing out of this geometry it probably have having the same exact smoothing group as the rest of it so if you see over here it's a smoothing group one and the rest of this is smoothing group one while these edges on the side they don't have a smoothing group so this is the result as you can see over here we have an issue so how do we fix that well quite simple we just use use smoothing groups option which are not this thing and now in here I can select which of these I would like for them to be the same smoothing group for for example I want to have a nice slope over here so I'm gonna give them a individual smoothing group I have this set up as a hot key if you want to have a way to do this manually just select one of the smoothing groups this here can have its own smelling group and this thing can have its own smoothing groups so now since this thing is gonna be following the smoothing group when it's doing the rameshan and also what I just notice is that now we can't use the symmetry on the why because now it's not symmetrical what we can do is just add a symmetry on top of this like this so now it's symmetrical so we can continue using the symmetry on your Y so let's try it hit ramesh and there we go now it's following with those smoothing groups as you can see over here we have a pretty pretty good result everything is clean even on the backside although this thing is starting to get a bit wonky now but we can straighten those edges without a problem and if we turn off like this we're gonna see it's not really that big of a deal but if it is what say you know you don't want to have something like this over here but instead you would like to have this keep this geometry more pristine what we can do here in that case is for example just gonna add another symmetry here on the Y so we have this thing as it is put a edit poly again let's just redo the smoothing groups this one over there this one over here is saying the one and now this whole thing is gonna be the same there we go now and the other way of doing this is instead of using smoothing groups we can do is we can use the adaptive quad sighs actually leave the smoothing groups for now and use this adaptive to use vertex colors for the quad density now by doing this if you click this speed button it will add a vertex paint on top of this now this is basically the same thing as you have in ZBrush where you can painting on your mesh where you would like to see the remeasure give more geometry so if we see that this place requires more geometry to hold this form what you just go over is go over it click and start painting in details or just make this thing so it has this red color now the red color it won't mean that this is gonna get more details once you start doing the calculations if for example let's say we have more details around here in this case I don't we can just paint around it and that will give it more details so let's just hit the Ramesh and see how this thing is going to look with this the vertex color supplies so we can remesh and a few seconds later we have this different result as you can see now the majority of the density of this geometry is placed around that reddish area and if we had something else that had more minor details around it we could have just painted over it and that way we would have gotten all that information translated quite well when we're using the quadrant measure so it all this setting done actually and select everything delete right click unhide all and I get to basically we select the originals I'm going to delete these as well so now the last thing I want to show you is that you can use a quadrant measure even when you're working with splines and the way it works is you can just take a rectangle for example I just tested out a rectangle a circle or pretty much any shape but let's try something like this two three maybe four there we go and I'm gonna convert this to an editable spline and attach the rest of these splines to it so now we just have this thing here's the interesting thing which is to move this thing to the side if I'm actually gonna make a copy of this thing hold on chef just drag it outwards like this if I go ahead and apply an edit poly on top of this what is gonna happen here is if I take a look at the edges I can visually see all of the places where I have the peaks that are holding those previous vertices like over here so all of these middle vertices between two vertices are from the interpolation so if I reduce the interpolation those things are gonna be given more visible so in this case it's using the optimized option but like I said when you're using quad remeasure make sure that every time you're using it you're using it with an ample amount of geometry to go around so if you're going to be using it with splines make sure you use the adaptive option so this will make sure that whatever you're making with splines it's always gonna have the maximum amount of subdivisions it requires to hold that form perfectly so if I go ahead and edit poly this we're gonna see that even though the these two are exactly the same baseline spline they're gonna be a bit different namely this is gonna have these peaks and this is gonna be perfect so let's see how the Quadra measure is going to deal with both of these so first of all I'm gonna just reduce this thing down to 500 turn off the adapter I'm not actually play around with the adapter for now we're just gonna have this thing turn off the splitting groups the tech cart edges by angle it's okay we don't really need it because it's one plane so with just this I'm gonna hit on remesh oh by the way I want to turn off the symmetry and just Ramesh it will take a couple of seconds and right away this is gonna spit out a very clean geometry here so we can basically go in here select all of these borders maybe scale them in move them and like this and if I go in and further continue we can see that I get something like this really really fast also I can do the same thing up here hit the Ramesh and let's see the difference even at these very low numbers there we go it's really holding the shape really really well there we go something like this so at 500 we can see that it's giving it enough geometry so let's move this into the side unhide at all and now let's try to lower this I'm going to try to go as 100 and let's see the difference yeah this time you won't have the inserts that we have here but it's not a problem so Ramesh and there we go now we can see that it really doesn't have enough geometry and it starts breaking so if this starts happening then you've probably went too low I'm pretty sure that this is gonna happen and the same thing over here because it will not have enough geometry to go around there we go again the same problem with this so if you start seeing this sort of a result you've probably went too low so let's try it another 250 and like I said this is why you want to have different copies when you're doing this because its majority of the times is gonna be just like playing around and trying to find that magical number where your model is gonna have as low as possible in the geometry section but it's gonna have a high enough number that it's actually gonna hold the form really well so let's write over here and there you go very very simple and very very fast way to get something like this so the last thing I actually want to address or show you guys when you're doing something like this is what usually is used quite a lot and do a lot of people this can be a problem and that is when you have to make something that is text based geometry something like this let's just call this like this I'm not gonna change the text I'm just gonna leave it as max text so what I'm gonna do is give it a shell something like this and I'm gonna give it like probably 2000 on the quad count like this so I'm not gonna change anything else just this detect hard edges is fine there's no symmetry over here just hit Ramesh and right away we're gonna get a totally clean geometry made out of quads if you take a look at here we have quite a lot of geometry to go around which at the same time will allow us to add any sort of a modifier than we want so for example if you go over and put a bend modifier on this we can change this the axes there we go we can have any sort of a text bend over whatever that you wanted to Bend and there you go the perfect solution if you have some sort of an ad or some sort of a glow neon sign that's supposed to be on top of something so basically just take the Quadra measure head Ramesh and you can do whatever you want with this text you can even put it on a the former and put it on whatever surface that you might need it to be placed so with this we finish with the basics of the Quadra measure and how it works in the upcoming days we'll probably have a few more videos showing different ways that you can use what we measure how to use it in modeling how to use it in certain cases for photogrammetry and that's gonna be interesting to see what comes but for now I hope you guys had fun any manage to learn something new here today if you enjoyed the video then click the like button and also if you're not subscribed now is a great time to do so if you would like to support me and the channel the support links will be below in the description of the video and as always thank you very much for watching and I'll see you all in the next video bye bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Denis Keman
Views: 28,359
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: kVAjn39zfxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 23sec (1643 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 18 2020
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