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in this video I'm going to teach you how to model anything on blender yeah anything this is a very beginner friendly tutorial so this is how I learned a person who didn't go to design school who didn't take any blender courses I literally learned everything I know on YouTube so this is how I learned how to 3D model things on blender the easy way the beginner friendly way not the very super hard way like a lot of these people are teaching you okay so as you can see here we're going to learn how to make this 3D modeled Nokia phone from the early 2000s it's giving Chrome it's giving Paris Hilton it's giving everything that it needs to give so you can use this technique to literally model anything I've modeled phones I've modeled SpongeBob I've modeled like shoes so yeah if you want to learn how to 3D model anything on blender stick by and by the way we are going to be using Adobe Illustrator for this so yeah so don't come don't come for me in the comments talk about oh it's a blender tutorial uh why you on Adobe Illustrator because I use Adobe Illustrator honey okay so yeah yeah stick by and the haters too get my views up alrighty so the first thing we're going to do is we are going to get a picture of the phone that we want model or whatever we want to model on Google so I just looked up Nokia phone and I got the one that I wanted to model which was like the Y2K early 2001 because that's the vibe I'm going for and I just copied and pasted it into my Adobe Illustrator artboard and then from here we are going to notice like 3D modeling is all about shapes right so how many shapes do we see here we see some like round ovaly shapes for the buttons we see like a long long oblong oblong I don't know how to say that word shape for the base of the phone we see a square shape for the screen so each individual shape we're going to trace it with our pen or our curvature tool here on Adobe Illustrator so the first thing I do is grab my pen or my curvature curvature tool and I go ahead and start tracing the shapes that I that I see on the model because that's the shapes that we're going to use to make the phone on blender so I start off with the base the longest base shape here and I just start tracing away and I just make sure that I remove the fill and I just leave the stroke so that I can actually see the shape that I'm tracing more accurately okay so I finished tracing that and I'm adding a fill just so you guys can see the shape of it as you can see this is the basic shape of the Nokia phone and I'm going to grab my direct selection tool and on each point sometimes there is this little circle thingy that pops up so you can further adjust the shape I'm not really sure what that Circle thingy is called but this part is optional and I'm also going to go back to just the regular pointer tool and I'm going to right click by Mouse and pick simplify and that'll lessen the number of points that I have within my shape which I feel like is a lot better for blender because sometimes a lot of the vertices in blender go crazy because you have too many of them and there's too much going on so the less vertices the better and these two these two things are optional but I feel like it's a good little tidbit to know you know so now that I've did that this is the exact the exact same procedure that I'm gonna do with every other shape that I see here so you know the little plate behind the Nokia um logo the screen the little buttons I'm gonna trace the heck out of everything with my pen and my curvature tool Okay so we've come into a bit of a design problem since that silver plate is separate from the base navy blue phone plate um we're just and we Trace everything so it's gonna look like how it looks in the yellow all we have to do is highlight those two things that we traced and then we're gonna go to the Pathfinder um yeah we're gonna go to the path finder uh section in the properties panel and we're going to click on exclude and that should give us the shape that we're looking for okay hopefully that made sense all right so next thing we're going to do is we're going to use the text tool or the type tool to add in all the text so like the numbers the letters and the Nokia logo uh I'm using I'm using a font that looks the most similar to me like the Nokia font which is this archival black um free for personal use Font and before you even export it just make sure that all the type that you um put into this you convert it into an outline by right-clicking your mouse and creating an outline and that way it'll be editable in blender and the last step on Adobe Illustrator is to export it so just make sure you go to file export and make sure that it is an SVG that way you can edit it in blender thank you for reaching the second part of the tutorial which is the blender tutorial if you've made it this far make sure you like comment subscribe and leave in the comments any questions you have regarding this tutorial so the first thing we're going to do here is import what we just made on Adobe Illustrator by going to fall import scalable vectable graphic and it's probably going to be super tiny so we're just going to highlight everything and press s on our keyboard to make it bigger and then to rotate its axis 90 degrees we're going to press RX 90 on our keyboard as you can see as I rotate it it's given very much flat very much pre-bbl era um so yeah we're going to bring this thing to life and as you can see all the shapes that we've um traced in illustrator are all separate shapes I'm going to quickly add a plane just so you guys can see this better you know because it has a white background but I'm going to add mesh plane then I'm going to highlight everything and I'm going to right click my mouse and click on set origin and I'm going to set the origin to Geometry that way my Axis is at the center of each object first thing we're going to do is add extrusions to all of these objects by going to the object data properties and we're going to go to down to geometry and where it says extrude we're going to add an extrusion I'm trying to get more of a realistic ask type of vibe so I kind of decimated how thick and Nokia phone lines which is like hella thick so yeah and a lot of these objects if your objects are going to have the same material I would recommend enjoying them so that is just a lot less work so like the buttons are all going to have the same material so I just joined all the buttons by clicking on all the buttons or highlighting them or pressing shift and clicking all individual button shapes and right clicking my mouse and pressing join or Ctrl J on my keyboard as I am doing now I also wanted to have that reference image close by so that I can always look at it so I imported it as a I imported the image as a Plane by going to add playing images plane and I already had it on my computer and I can't see it right now because I'm not in um render preview tabs but if you just switch to render preview tabs you'll be able to see it so now that we've extruded everything I want to open a separate window um and convert it into a Shader editor top so that I can play around with my tear my material and the environment so I just removed the material for the outermost panel um just so I can have some contrast and see the buttons and stuff and you notice everything's very flat so we want to make this a lot better and the way we do that is by going to sculpt mode so sculpting things in blender you can adjust the smoothness the puffiness and all that and in order to sculpt things in blender you're gonna have to first select the object you want to sculpt convert it to a mesh and then go to the modifier um panel within the properties panel and we're going to have to rematch this I usually do either voxel or smooth for this I did voxel and this number is just really depends on the size of your object so I think I did .004 or something like that and this is a process that you're gonna have to do so for every single object that you want to sculpt in sculpt mode so that's why I said earlier that it's best to just join objects with the same materials because then it's less work with everything else so like sculpting and and whatnot and once you remesh everything and I'm just going to show you real quick I rematched this one object and I went to sculpt mode and within it's called mode the main three tools I'll be using is the bulb tool that inflates on the smooth tool and you can adjust the radius and the strength at the top left and you basically just go over your object until it's puffed out and smoothed out to your liking as you can see here I usually just go with the inflate tool first and then I go back in with the smooth tool to smooth out any lumps I see and this is basically what I ended up looking like after I sculpted it so yeah I'm gonna go back and rematch and then bring every object to sculpt mode so that I can do the same thing after I've done that with every single object I wanted to do it too I now want to add an environment texture just so that I have something um to look at in render preview top so I change from object to world and then I go to add texture environment texture and then I just go on my computer and get the environment texture I get all my environment textures from polyhaven.com and they're all free and they do change the look of your object drastically you can adjust the lighting or the strength of the lighting right there in that node and now I want to go and play with the colors and all of that which is like my favorite part as a designer really and the first color I always go with is Chrome and by the way if you go with a chrome color and it looks all fuzzy all you have to do is click the object right click your mouse and press either smooth or Auto smooth and all the pixelation will go away and you're probably gonna have to do that with every object really because sculpting it does that to to meshes if you don't you know use a small enough mesh but it's an easy fix so I was trying to go for like a chrome type of situation as I always do like every single one of my tutorials has Chrome in it like I am a chrome addict okay so yeah now I'm just playing around with the colors I'm using simple colors like just metallic colors and like basic colors using specular and the roughness so yeah those are the three um bars I'm adjusting metallic specular and roughness just to keep it simple okay so after I've adjusted the colors I want to add a background so I go to add um image images background and I'm just gonna use our images plane sorry I'm just gonna use a sky background that I used from unsplash.com and they have a whole bunch of copyright images there that you can use so yeah I felt like that went best or contrasted best with um the color I chose for the phone which is pink and Chrome and I'm also by the way I'm rendering in Cycles so you can switch from Eva to cycles and turn on your GPU if you have one now I just want to add some extra light so I go to add lights and you can pick from the various light options here there's like area lights spotlights sunlights so I adjust it as you'd like and I went for like a purple and blue type of situation and by the way you can adjust the color and the strength of the light um by clicking on the light itself and on that right panel a light bulb should pop up as a tab and that's where you can adjust everything zap is completely optional I'm going to add like some sparkles when it um renders so I'm gonna go to compositing top and press on the use node Chuck and then I'm gonna press shift a on my keyboard and type in glare and then also do that again and type in viewer and connect everything as you see on the screen and then slide my my mouse over to create a new screen and I'm going to change that tab into an an image um viewer tab and unclick the background and that way when we render it we'll able we'll be able to see it on that right Tab and you can adjust the sparkles by adjusting the fade within the glare node and now you're basically ready to render just on the top left you go to render render image and as you can see the glare is too much so I went back to the compositing top and I adjusted the fade as I as I said previously and this was the final result um this concludes our tutorial so if you enjoyed this tutorial please like comment subscribe um turn your post notifications on so you know when I post next and thank you for supporting my channel once again I'm on the road to monetization right now so every form of interaction really matters to me and yeah this is how you 3D model anything including a Y2K Chrome Nokia phone on blender thank you for um going getting to the end of the video basically like if you're here if you're listening to me speak right now you're a real one I really appreciate you and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: This is a sign
Views: 12,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: WxwudE3TgHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 26sec (986 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 21 2023
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