3D Model XMen's Omega Red in ZBrush #withme ! - Mike Thompson - Part 3

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[Music] do what is uh what is up i see a few people starting to come in a room what's up guys my name is mike thompson i like to draw and paint and sculpt stuff for money welcome uh if you that music might be a little loud and turn down oh no wonder turn down the earphones okay cool what's up everybody uh today if you are joining me for the first time i am mike thompson i'm an illustrator i work for companies like hasbro and uh sideshow and a bunch of guys uh dimension films things like that painting and sculpting stuff so if you were here before i was working on this guy this omega red and uh let me know if the music's too loud hey what's up you're russian all right tell me if i'm messing it up now what's going on no beard cleaned it up cleaned it up you know what it was just coming in patchy it just was a mess i don't have a i don't have one of those sweet uh pandemic beards like everybody else so what are you gonna do babyface fence during the house um so yeah if uh you were here last time i was working on this guy i went in and detailed him a little bit more in the face um i think i kind of got my pose figured out for him and so now i'm figuring out his gear right because i got i got the pose down let's move this over a little bit can i move this over to where am i going to put it let's put it on this side there you go all right cool uh hey thanks man thank you puff puff um yeah so all right so i started just kind of figuring out the clothing on him um if you're not familiar with a regular omega red he is a villain in the x-men universe kinda has powers like wolverine um he's got like some whatever the russian equivalent of adamantium is and uh he has these long tables that comes out of his arm uh arms and he tears folks up with it so it's like this guy right here right so um i went and made a pure ref uh board that has toys it has other people's sculpts it's got um it's got mild sculpts on it it's got everything i put it all on here i threw the kitchen sink russian uh insignia everything daniel bell stuff shout out to daniel bell still still a gentleman and a scholar um so i got his stuff on here because of course right if you're gonna do something look at the best and so got all that on my reference board in addition to this here which is my anatomy ref right so this is all stuff from this is all stuff i was using from come on baby move over there you go uh stuff i was using to figure out the muscles on these guys um so a lot of reference a lot of reference a lot of reference all right um and so anyway put all that together and that's what i use to get his anatomy kind of figured out and so now i'm just kind of tightening that up going in and looking for any last minute uh kind of things that could be better and cleaning those up yesterday i merged his arms onto his body so now this whole upper body is one thing along with his neck i kind of fixed his neck head is its own deal because did i print the hulk yet no not yet not yet i've been working on uh on a thing for um for a client so i haven't had time to work on that a couple things so let's see you you don't want to sketch your designs in dynamesh now so much dynamesh so i like to have like really low low clean topology so if i step down on this guy see like i like to have my stuff look like this because i go and tweak it right so i'm today gonna go in and continue to tweak his pecs a little bit move things around where they're supposed to be and uh with dynamesh it just gets too wobbly now i do use that when i'm cutting and keying on putting things together uh i'll dynamesh it after i do a boolean feature and then i'll do sometimes i do a rematch sometimes i'll just leave it alone sometimes i'll just decimate it so uh that is it let's see did you print that hold no i said no hey what's up sour dip naf doing pretty good you all right so um step back up and since you guys were here i started working on the hair a little bit figuring out how that's gonna work now i just put his head on his body so the hair kind of i should tweak that now actually let's do that and again i step down real low on this and you'll see that the hair is penetrating the mesh so let's fix that and again head is not part of the body because um well two reasons i can divide it and get more detail uh when i go in and do things like add um uh add pores and things like that so that's good and then the other reason is because i have a second portrait for him which is um closed mouth right so i have portrait one and portrait two so it's this one and if i turn on my color here you can see i went did a little poly painting um just some you know not a whole lot but just enough to like give it a little bit of tones and it makes it a little easier to see way easier to see look at this guy on the left he looks like he needs to get some sun you guys all right let's see what else is going on in the chat oh just one more thing do you do here earlier dude no so i'm gonna continue to do a little bit of hair before i get into uh the clothes today so what i can do now is turn off everything i don't need let's turn off that um i can just want to get this hair kind of where it's supposed to be and eventually it's all going to look like what's up uh here in the ponytail in the top of his head mostly all right so that's not too shabby i'm gonna add some more i went and put a i felt like with this big metal band on his forehead it should have some kind of uh padding underneath of it so i just did like a really rough uh like padding thing if i turn off the dynamesh you can see or a dynamic subdivision you can see it's all super low right so i can add my um edge loops and things like that to keep it clean and then i can sculpt it so that's what i'm about to do here let's get this so it's not going through the hair oh you know what i didn't have i didn't have my symmetry turned on so let's turn that on and you kind of lose it on the other side if i do that but you know it's okay so let's mirror and weld let's see solo oh i can't marry well i forgot i won't do that because i posed it last night i kind of moved the head i used to have the head set up um for the last cream and actually up until yesterday where i had uh i had it centered on the world and it was in um it was symmetrical but uh i undid that yesterday so now i'm just going in kind of sculpt this up the way i want how's everybody doing let's see 10 of slug what's up um this must how do you do symmetrical eye flex shoulder pads so i'm gonna make those and um i'll make like half of the hard surface stuff and then um you know mirror and weld it and then i will kind of move it into position since i kind of broke symmetry on this guy thank you uh michael space here in the object is the base here one object or you just sculpted it oh yeah base here's one object this is just this dealer right here turn on double it's just this got that friar tuck y'all yeah scrunchy makes it scrunchy is it makes everything better so i got a nice scrunchie going on here all right so let's uh hide his body for now um still not totally done with that it's still looking a little janky in some of these spots but it's pretty close as i say i'm gonna get off and then i start sculpting most of this is going to be covered up anyway but if i get it right now then i can uh then i can um not have to worry about it later i'm bummed out because the arm fell off of my dude and snapped the finger off so i keep gluing it on it keeps falling off but you know what are you gonna do man so so oops yes and yes okay all right and uh i'm not completely sold on the hand position either like with the tentacles probably gonna wrap these fingers around a little bit so he's holding it kind of like a whip almost like a whiplash from [Music] the iron man movies uh iron man 2 i think and then this front hand i don't really love this like so maybe i'll do like a more dynamic like spider-man kind of deal that'd be kind of cool so let's get to the hair all right let's see let's see what else is happening and you turn the hair into yeah so i could turn on i could turn on um gravity and do some stuff with that with the hair if i wanted to i didn't think about that that'd probably be a cool way to get some you know get some nice uh deformers to it yeah no it's probably painted that's just some some quick poly painting again biting off daniel bell biting off daniel bell i i usually sculpt everything just gray and uh i saw him doing this and i was like you know what it makes it easier to read the forms and you can always just turn it off right you just turn off your uh turn off the little pencil and you can see things or your brush rather and you can see a little better so let's dig into this hair a little bit um did i use custom brush for the hair um well wait a minute for the hair i'll show you i'll show you now why not i just show you see bobby poster what's up what's up bobby bobby's holding down b more for uh for the folks so omega has radiation burns all right so with my dude is that what it is radiation burns i didn't know that right so with my guy i went and made a second i like the idea of like almost circuitry on his face like if you look at a printed circuit board so i did this deal where i made a duplicate of his face and then kind of did roughed in this just to give me an idea what it would look like and then when i turn on the face you can see it kind of comes through like that right so by no means is this the final deal but i can turn it on i can turn it off and see what it looks like with or without it and uh and so that's that's kind of what i did um it'll be cleaner it'll look better later on but for now this is what it is inflate is the new up john quest johnny quest would you recommend for the first 3d piece you know what do you like what do you like do what you like cursor looks different it's weird um i looked at the youtube video after the fact that it has like some line stuff on there i guarantee it doesn't look like that for me i don't know what that's all about all right so uh hair hair hair let's turn off the tentacles turn off a lot of stuff let's turn off the tentacles let's turn off the body let's turn off the legs let's get into this hair a little bit oh would help if i found some hair reference [Music] so right now this is all kind of low and there's a lot well there's a lot here so let's do this with me first i'll divide it again a couple times and uh everything is poly grouped by the way that's how i'm separating it so let's hide everything with this piece yeah and then i'll turn off this one and actually let's step down as low as i can because i want to get it clean right i don't want it looking wobbly everything has got to be and i also like to have a little bit of h polish so it gets ribbony in some spots as opposed to looking like tentacles [Music] hair is always a big like i don't know i stress it um because it's i've seen guys who can do it fast um and you know that's cool but that's not me and also um it's like a whole process you got to get the forms looking right before you even get into the details because it doesn't matter how much you detail it if it looks like spaghetti right you don't want that oh i wanted to show you guys i just uh let me do something real quick so i just found my hasbro gi joe artwork out in the world and pick this thing up this is my roadblock so this is what i do for a living you guys people ask me hey you paint two yeah that's this is how i make my money is doing doing this kind of stuff painting stuff and now sculpting as well all right so i like to turn on play build up turn up my lazy radius on my lazy mouse and turn down my intensity and just start kind of figuring out some of this stuff here for me is a lot of just kind of happy accidents oh also make sure you have backface masks turned on you're not gonna have a good day and it doesn't matter if it looks messy at first like just don't sweat it i'm gonna make sure to give myself plenty of time because i definitely want to get to his uniform today start getting some some piping and stuff done figure out some of the breaks in his uh in his outfit and i did go into photoshop and [Music] start to sketch this right so this is like a this is what i'm having like this is kind of what i have in mind for it as far as the panels go and the boots i want to have big chunky boots um and uh the top obviously is going to be wearing a shirt and stuff like that and then uh just kind of sketched out what i had in mind for the shoulder pads very close to the comic book i want to keep it comic accurate and then just kind of put my my spin on it a little bit omega red has been sculpted so many times by dope artists um for you know like prime one and xm and stuff like that that you're not really reinventing the wheel or anything you just wanna for me anyway i just want to do uh i want to do my take on them and a friend of mine who if i don't mention every pod every every podcast every stream i i feel bad um because uh brad helped me figure out how to pose guys right like i was very nervous about posing my people that always felt stiff um stuff like that so we worked together on the pose for the hulk and um and we also work together on the pose for omega red so he'll come up with a dope pose for me i'll go in and start sculpting it and uh and we've done that for a couple pieces and they always come out kind of fresh i think so shout out to brad grotman animator extreme all right let's see what else is going on gus viola that's sick thanks man he has cybernetics but he has radiation burns because of trying to replicate logan and a canadian okay all right yeah so clearly i need to go do my research on youtube a little more on him what's up all right turn off solo and it probably makes sense to go and do a few of these strands first so let's go back and grab this one and you can see that's kinked up i think i lifted that one up and um in fact let's do this i'm gonna mask that and step down i want this hair to almost have like an anime kind of a flare up in the front so so whenever the hair starts to get kink kinky i uh i just inflate it and smooth it and that kind of works out those problems and then i can shape it to whatever i want i shape it to whatever i want [Music] and keeping this low resolution is great for being able to go in and just find the find the forms you know like pose it until you find what you're looking for all right all right that maybe let's do a little pinch yes she's fixing some of these some of these forms [Music] there's that annoying song hold on sorry about that guys i know your ears are probably bleeding i meant to pull that out get out of here meant to pull that out of the playlist so all right step up a little bit see what i missed hey misha uh zbrush so they have um what is a zbrush z brush not light what's it called um there's a there's a like an introductory version of zbrush that's free it has like six brushes but it's a lot i mean it's it's enough to get you started and figure out how to you know start using the interface and all that good stuff and uh and things of that nature all right that song also is loud to me i'm gonna skip this one as well um you're out of here dude all right cool um poor mini there you go thank you thank you guys yeah so uh core mini is definitely the way to go um and then if you like it and you don't want to spend the whole grip for it at one time just get the um they have like a monthly subscription kind of like photoshop and everything else where you can just pay for it in uh increments which is nice so i got zbrush several years ago but it was crazy because um at the time i was like man this is a lot of money to be spending but they've come out with all these updates and this is like the plug plug plug plug right i'm a company guy but seriously i usually rush every day for client work and for like personal work and uh all the updates are free which who does that adobe definitely doesn't do that so um so anyway totally worth it to me i think shoot corel doesn't do that so it doesn't matter the uh the resolution is low here because basically all i'm looking for is guides to to detail later on basically so if i can get this looking kind of like a ribbon of hair that's twisting around then go and add the detail later on oh and uh somebody was asking me earlier about dynamesh so when i am sculpting details of hair heron hair that's when i'm usually doing it with dynamesh turned on because i can quickly get the resolution i need and i don't have to worry about i don't really have to worry about the uh the topology that much once i have it kind of laid out the way i want oh the music is on like double time there you go that's how it's supposed to sound that was like crazy free hugs for all i will take you up on that i would like a free hug does it include a free update for the next major but yeah yeah absolutely absolutely yeah once you've got the work coming in a lot of our programs tend to pay for themselves yeah exactly exactly kelsey in the house that's my student yo coming all the way from australia it's probably like four o'clock in the morning there i don't know what time it is but it's like late it's dedication she stays up late for me all right let's turn on the other ones let's see this and this all right so it's penetrating down like that that seems fast too there you go yeah i was on some 45 speed nobody knows what that is see back in my day we didn't have digital music and stuff in the cloud we didn't have clouds we had clouds but they were in the sky so we had to listen to music on things called records and uh eight-track tapes and cassette tapes so funny i showed my kids when they were younger uh a cassette tape and they were like what is that like come on man so anyway 45 was like this little tiny record and you could speed it up so everybody sounded like a chipmunk i'm an old dude hello all right so there's that let's um maybe do a little pinch pinch oh yeah saving is good maybe i'll save every once in a while all right 40 oh my gosh 4 30 a.m that's so crazy all right today is thursday you better have your assignment kelsey just because you came in here i'm not giving you any breaks [Music] kelsey always has her assignments chris i never freeze what's up what is up my brother how long have you been sculpting um probably six years six years painting all my life saving is overrated until it's not all right oh let's do this strand i have up here let's do this one my hand is sticking to the screen uh oh there it is pinch there you go give me a nice hard edge what's talking about all right um i don't know that this has a whole lot of subdivisions i guess it has enough let's see what happens uh the music playing now this is a song called i do you hiding a blonde piney point well listen not gonna lie i am half german and i do find blonde hairs in my mustache from time to time so i'll never tell i'm hiding some gray hairs up under here but nah hiding the fact that i have not given myself a haircut yet this week oh that's too high heavy turn that down let's turn that down son there you go all right so what i probably want to do with this this does have subdivisions yeah let's see i'm going to split this one because i want to take it to final split hidden i gotta drop down below uh well before i do let's turn on everything i'm gonna do a save state then drop down um all right all right now split hidden photo what is happening here solo there you go all right now split hidden all right there you go so now i can divide this again and get some detail and i'm going to cut in these lines probably thicker than they would be in real life because i plan on printing this guy and i want it to i want it to uh hold my print all right let's turn this on see what it looks like and then i can step down and reposition it because it looks like it kind of got pushed back into the mesh i just wanted one piece of hair that looks like it is folded not folded but like up and angled from the rest of the hair so i thought it'd be easier just to split it off do it this way you might be asking yourself why are you doing this when you already have all those pretty much the same thing there so when i put this all back together with you know the boolean mesh it'll look like it'll look like hair as opposed to just strands anyway super excited you guys i just finished up i can't talk about it but i just finished a uh my first sideshow piece like first really really big piece so i did a painting for them and another sculpt but this is like uh it's gonna be a big one excited about that that up probably be easier to see too if i change the color a little bit color let's move this down now i can see it so all right so just a little something to break it up all right let's go back to these guys and now i want a few more stragglers like around the ears and stuff like that but i'm gonna hold off on that i'm just gonna step down and just make sure everything is positioned the way i want it you can always add that stuff later on so now let's take this guy and start to figure him out [Music] i'll check the chat in a minute let's see what we got here haven't cut my hair in this pandemic yeah my thing was crazy that's crazy i got a i went and bought some clippers and uh i was doing pretty well and then uh i thought i was doing pretty well anyway but like to be honest you screw your hair up in a pandemic and nobody cares but um i'm gonna say yeah now's the time to learn how to cut it and then my son came over and gave me a fade in the back we had like that uh poison hood moment where he like hooked me up it was nice um so i think i might uh stick with this regiment my boy tighten me up in the back i'll do the the fade on the side keep it clean and uh save some money indian army what's going on yo yo what brush is that looks pretty good um the brush i was using so i made this thing called um it's happy trails which is basically it's based off of a brush i found on uh i think brad found it on on uh gumroad called the jaw cut and we just kind of played around with it and now it's uh it's nice it's pretty nice so let's uh step up on this one it's probably going to look kind of wet because it's still kind of low but check this out it's clean it's very clean and if i turn it up the intensity it's like really get some nice nice form changes thing is though if i start off doing it this way the hair always looks like ice cream like soft serve ice cream so i don't really like to start this way step down maybe smooth it out a little bit [Music] and then step back up again i have some of the form still there so i can go in with my clay build up and just go on top of it and uh and get what i'm looking for everybody knows clay buildup is dope that's what i use for all of my muscle block in so if we go back to um go over here to photoshop and turn this off um let me lighten it up so like you can still see in the legs the legs are all um legs are all just the uh clay clay tubes clay build up clay tubes rather and uh and that was what the upper body was too you can still see it in the hands super super loose but it's great for building the forms and then and then you just go and smooth it out and detail on top of it like i'm going to go in here today and add some veins to him in the areas that are going to be exposed and uh and all that good stuff so love that brush and i'm just holding alt to switch between building up the forms and and subtracting like additive and subtracted [Music] [Music] thanks kelsey oh how can someone become your student it's um so the school is called uh cg spectrum and the classes that i'm teaching now not this stuff per se yet uh i'm gonna work on a curriculum for that for uh next year but for right now cheers chris i never freeze um for right now i'm teaching it's intro to concept art um and intro to three 3d concept art so that is that's a class i'm teaching right now and i think if you reach out to them and you you can actually ask for an instructor and they'll put you in their class all right so that looks a little more hair like see all this stuff i did before i don't even like it i'm just gonna get rid of it that's the other great thing about um the uh clay buildup is you can just kind of completely get rid of stuff and build it back up it's like clay hence the name um all right so that's that strand let's turn on the other strands [Music] get in there get in there let's go back over here step down just wanna make sure when i print this i don't have holes in the mesh so i'll probably end up bullying bullying this together and uh give it a dynamesh [Music] or just go right to decimate after i get what i like i'm saying play last all right see what else i missed here when i buy your shot show schedule sending it to dc for you to sign i could do that i have got you bradley zbrush on ipad pro um i know they have applications that are like zbrush but i don't think you can use zbrush on an ipad i don't think it has full applications yet does it if so then i might have to rethink that thing um but yeah you do it sure great idea actually you know what no not so much um so this is the thing i got a mobile studio pro from wacom i'm i like from a wacom stuff too so i got a mobile studio pro and um you think that you're just going to be able to take that thing to the park and do everything on it but you still have to plug in keyboard and sometimes you need mice and you know um like if you're using my or something you're going to want to use a probably a bluetooth mouse and usb c hub and you've got to plug it in because the battery life on these things is not amazing um so by the time you're done sure you have like a really cool tablet but for me oops sorry about that for me um it's it's not as portable as it seems i don't know i did a youtube uh review of the mobile studio pro it's on my youtube page livetartworks.com um yeah go to the youtube page and uh you can see what i thought about it let's see yeah gamerx yes definitely uh my friend do you have base meshes so i pretty much use the um like if i'm looking at the base mesh let's see is it covered up it's covered up by the thing let's move this over here for now go into tools actually let's go to mic brushes [Music] all right well apparently i didn't this is a later later update of zbrush i didn't put it in here but i i just basically used the um uh nick's human mail this dude frame don't switch frame so i use this guy because he's got good topology and uh and this is what i'm starting from mostly all right let's get my chat back over here like this oops no not like that yes and don't do that um mine is almost at my shoulders oh you're here uh is it okay to contact studios with your portfolio and tell them you're interested in working absolutely make sure your portfolio is is nice maybe show it around um show it on our station um i mean your portfolio could be on our station so get feedback um before you reach out i know that when i was trying to get down with sideshow um i've been trying to reach you know kind of get in the fold for five years and looking back at where i was five years ago i was not ready so um you know um more often not you want to make a really good first impression so just make sure that uh make sure it's it's tight that's all but yeah yeah reach out show me your portfolio so what's it going to do say no maricat what's up thank you um how do you change the icon of boot uh what you talking about willis how do you maintain the clay brush crisp no no no no no no nobody called you bixby all right i don't know like i don't know what that's not talking to you uh great stuff how many how many man man how many um gigs of ram and what does your system have all right so i just i just finally got the machine that i really want so i'm gonna tell you guys this under the impression that you will not come to where i live and steal my stuff but uh 128 gigs of ram [Music] and uh what is it 2080 ti card and water cool system so yeah what else um what are you calling high def uh i can't remember what we were talking about remind me venezuela hey how you doing uh thank you thank you the ipad would be super cool to get a brush on it yeah some work thank you what is going on oh boot in the right corner oh oh oh okay um so that is from a sculpt i did for a client and um i just turned it into the uh i turn it into the icon view so under preferences cam view sorry cam view you can scan through your stuff and you can also save things as a cam view so if i let's see if we can get this to work real quick turn this off i feel like mike pavlovich he like shows you stuff and it's dope so let me try to do that too all right so let's turn off poly paint on this dude turn off color on him and um let's do just like a little render right quick i want to go to the back thank you okay so this is what i would have oh i think the teeth are masked i mask those teeth are they messed no i guess not all right um so what i could do now i'm gonna turn off this thing and just do a render [Music] okay so now if i wanted this to be the icon view i could go up to preferences make cam view and it's going to do a bunch of pictures of this thing like it'll just up but you know what no no let me stop and stop me stop stop stop stop okay make sure your item is centered in the screen right so because i've moved mine off center it doesn't really work all right it won't let me stop either so basically it goes and it captures all of the turnarounds of this thing and if it's centered on your on your in your world then you get what you see on my screen like the boot is basically a sculpt that i made and it's rotating all the different views so when that's done it saves it as a photoshop file and you import that in it basically looks like it looks like an animation thing so you have like you know all the views kind of turning around and you import that in here and then you get your um pitch cam view my goodness my cat has been all over my keyboard i got hairs everywhere uh all right so anyway joe drust does a much better job explaining it and also mike pavlovich can explain anything better than me please believe [Music] all right so let's go back to the hair i'm gonna cut this light off because now it's hard to see what i'm doing cut off that rim get this back up here where i had before how does it look darker oh distance is there you go um let's go back to here let's do the same thing on the other side all right so i'm going to just rough this in real fast and then i'm going to do a detail like i did on the top of his hair and then we're going to get to close because i could be here here all day doing here [Music] [Music] [Music] all right this is lores so looks a little janky it's okay step it down let's pinch it a little bit [Music] um let's go what's up and if i can draft some of this stuff close to his head then it will probably be better than having to worry about these pieces breaking off if they're printed separately so that's what we're doing that and let's pinch this uh where's mcclay my clay snake tubes there is snake hook rather turn off rgb all right okay so uh i'm just gonna detail one of these strands and then we'll keep it moving let's see what else is happening here [Music] yeah the new amd process is crazy i have a 3900 x but like if you tuned in last time somebody was asking me about graphics cards like i'm done i have everything i need i don't need anymore you know what i mean it's like uh diminishing returns at some point so like constantly chasing what's it's like video games or you know iphones or whatever they just come out with another one every year crazy for trying to get the latest one every time this thing is respectable and i just got it like before this i had a 1080 ti i had i think uh 32 gigs of ram and um uh what else yeah um 18 1800x 1900x amd card or a chip brother okay right let's detail this thing um so what i'll do for this now is i'm gonna split it off um and i'll split off the three that i had because i want to subdivide those and i don't want to end up with like 2 million polygons for something as simple as this like that's crazy oh look i don't even have this hair going through the let's fix that [Music] [Music] it doesn't make sense if this stuff is not under the headband [Music] do so [Music] do uh all right it's too hot to be wearing this thing let's get that out of here uncle jesse wait is that the uncle jesse what's up dude i uh i'm a big fan my friend thing about buying the uh what is it the uh any cubic uh photon monox because i i watched your show if this is the youtube uncle jesse [Music] what is this thing oh this is uh this is uh omega red the x-men let's see chat about what cheers [Music] yeah um this is a cintiq pro 32 and um and so that's what i'm working on i have my keyboard in front of it and a mouse over to the side this side let's see um what else did 30 80 but i just bought a 2070 super yeah you're good you're good chris hello from france oh thanks more ram 3d what's up all right cool um so all right what were we doing i was going to detail now i'm really going to do the the hair now guys i'm staying there for how long now that's it 2 44. have i really already been on for let's see two hours almost it's crazy feels like i just got in here all righty dad let's get get to it turn this down um i'm going to split these hairs strands of hairs bundles of hair bundle hair ahead step down split hidden tool over to sub tool um now i gotta find them there there all right so now that i like these what i can do is uh i can divide them again and start to detail them really helps if i hide some of this stuff [Music] all right so this is what i'm going to consider like the second stage of doing this hair because i don't want to uh i don't want to go crazy adding strands at this point right because what's going to happen is um i'm gonna subdivide it and it's gonna look soft so i just want enough that when i turn on the um when i turn on the uh the rest of his head it looks like it it kind of fits and then when i'm done with everything like i did on the hulk i'll come back and uh i'll come back and really get you know kind of go hard on there see where it is where is it so like if we look at this oh of course it's low-res but anyway when i printed this i don't have the hair here but i do have this [Music] so like all of the detail i sculpted that in at the last minute like i just kind of get the basic forms and then figure it out later so i think that'll be good for now let's turn on the other ones while i'm here let's do this one also [Music] it's the thing about hair too sometimes i gotta pull the line like three four times to get it to to be in the right spot i saw eric sosa doing a uh magneto and he was just like knocking the hair out every every stroke was perfect dude but eric is a beast so i'm very fortunate to be you know to be friends with a lot of really talented dudes so um i can you know i can always look to them for making my stuff better and as far as i'm concerned like you never are done you're never done improving i think when you think that you are that's when you you kind of fall off you know i hate it when i see an artist that is they're good but they're just like i couldn't possibly be any better i've arrived and then you know it's like whatever dude you're done when you're dead [Music] all right so this is enough for now i think that'll do all right not super clean but if i turn off that like most of that hair is hidden anyway [Music] thanks being like games he designed 777. thank you facial scarf hey thank you yeah so it's it's it's rough right now but let's see if we can get it get it dialed in a little later go to reach a point of profession where the tool software is no longer created rotation yeah exactly well said michael montoya merchant high res to get the water tight final yeah so what i'll do is i'll i'll boolean these together sorry my allergies are like making me sniff um but uh i'll boolean all these together and then i'll go ahead and uh dynamesh where i need to and then decimate um with the keys so everything is is good to go so do yeah um it's funny if uncle jesse is still in here i i was trying to get the uh the lagoon saturn because i watched your video and got super hyped for it and both pre-orders i was there like first in line had the thing in my cart and went to pay for it and it was like yeah nah it's gone so by the time i got my credit card information in both times like with a span of two minutes it was gone so i was like you know what dude i think we got some bot action going on here so i decided to uh decided to look at the um any cubic the new one and uh after watching raphael grissetti's video talking about it i think that's gonna be the one i go with but shout out to you for making all those videos man they're fantastic yeah so at the end of the day as long as this thing doesn't look like uh like i said like um soft serve ice cream then i'm okay so right now still is kind of there but when i go in detail later on it won't hopefully all right so i'm gonna call it on the hair for now let's turn back on the body body back on and uh i spent enough time working on hands and streams i know you guys get tired of that mess so let's start to figure out the gear for him and i'll go back and get my uh let's do a render real quick go back and get my oh you know what maybe i'll save how about that haven't saved in two hours there you go keenan collectible industry please help what uh getting into the collectible industry you just gotta reach out to these guys on instagram and just get yourself in front of them try to get the try to get their attention sideshow same deal is there a good way to deal with job anxiety [Music] that's a tough question it's like deadlines can get you pretty amped up and uh you know you just gotta realize that at the end of the day it is a job and if it's a company you're working for and you're not happy there you know start looking for a way out don't leave first find something you can go to and then and then you know give them your two weeks or however long you plan to do and make an exit on good terms because you never know you might need them for a reference or something like that say hey mike what's the material what material did you use to pour the silicone for the hulk mode um [Music] so the silicone is uh the silicone is mold max 30 from smooth on and this is probably like 200 worth of it but um that's just the bottom half i didn't do the top half yet so this is gonna i gotta sell some statues man to make up for this but um yeah smooth on mold max 30 and the resin is the resin is uh i don't know what the amazon is i have it around here somewhere that's sure off the top man that thing was heavy or i'm out of shape or both hey mike let me see i already did that clear calm work nice to watch greetings from russia thank you my friend uh what do i like more painting or sculpting so it's very interesting question that you asked me i'm glad you asked me that question and i used to joke around like so i've been painting all my life and uh and i only started sculpting like i said maybe like six years ago so sculpting is exciting to me right because painting i can kind of i can kind of do it in my sleep i'm just used to it that's what i've been doing since i was a kid but i really enjoy sculpting oh come on man don't do that there you go let's move this seriously i gotta get rid of this mouse i'm waiting for amazon prime day and then i'm gonna get rid of this mouse this thing is your days are numbered logitech for real all right let's turn back on drawing so this is what i'm thinking for the gear so let's do this i'm going to do a uh save this as a jpeg save desktop call the saw [Music] okay in photoshop let's get my let's get my pure ref and bring it in just drop it in here remove this over here and now i'm going to start trying to figure out the outfit um before i do anything i'm going to save again and do a quick save as well since that's done all right so now i have something to go by which is [Music] good [Music] i'm just going to polygroup this kind of based on my sketch and then break it up so all right and it doesn't have to be perfect i should be using the um pen instead why am i using the pen let's go to the mask pin mask pin there you go okay so [Music] oh uh if you're not follow me on facebook and you haven't seen her already i did a pitch for netflix um or a movie just came out called uh hubie halloween and uh i watched it it was actually a fun movie um it was pretty pretty dope actually with um with adam sandler so i'm gonna show it to you real quick quiet here it is yeah if you haven't seen this yet it just came out yesterday it's actually pretty good little adam sandler huby halloween thing it's fun stupid movie they didn't use that by the way those are the brakes all right so that's not bad that'll kind of work for now looks like i missed a little bit okay so that's that all right so for now that's kind of what i'm talking about all right so let's turn the legs back on turn off poly paint and let's get this color let's say i'm gonna save this just in case and um color bill okay all right um so i'm just gonna kind of just block in some of these forms really quickly with my dam standard how did i cut down on the other side i think it's down more down like this so at this point i'm just sketching it in doesn't have to be great because i'm not gonna use a lot of this actually that needs to cut under a little further that and uh let's do something like all right let me hide these arms because it's going to make it hard to see what's going on here actually [Music] [Music] [Music] okay replacing with a pen and tablet which means don't you find however that sculpting has improved the dimensional quality of oh yeah absolutely yeah yeah uh michael my sculpting has made my paintings infinitely better and i think vice versa like that's why i was able to pick up sculpting so fast is because i already you know learned the forms and stuff with uh with painting so yeah i think it's you know it's like the old masters they used to do both and you know one only helps the other they've been messing with us for about a week well they didn't realize how important polygroups are yeah polygroups are very important very important um michael i got into zbrush because i was working on um i was working on package art for uh gi joe for hasbro and i needed to be able to figure out how the guys look with their gear and everything and the light kind of rolling around all the forms and it was just way easier having you know like rudimentary sculpts of them with with you know squares and stuff that represents like a backpack or whatever so that made me want to sculpt and then you know fell in love with it and um and uh also i was uh a big fan of the sideshow sculpts like i always wanted to own those and uh and you know one day wanted to uh wanted to work with them as well so yeah i'm going to have clothing over this but the thing of it is if i can get these muscles i'm going to figure it out now then uh you'll be able to see them through the clothes you know and i don't have to mess up once you start getting piping and all that on there you don't want to have to go back in and fix stuff you know like that's not it's gonna make life really difficult once you have the clothes on the dude so yeah that's why i keep going and playing around with the stuff also i'm a big fan of asymmetrical muscles i think that looks more realistic to me so i hate to see the six pack that just looks like it's copy and pasted one side to the other you know when you're looking at reference of a lot of these guys um bodybuilders and stuff like that they're they're not necessarily symmetrical there are some you know obviously there are some that are but i think the ones that aren't are more interesting all right so back to the gear um his arms back on let's turn the color back on i turn the color back on i'm going to see that i need to fix it yeah okay so the good news is i don't care just yet keep on keep on just kind of scratching in where i want these breaks to be reference for big buff men um i have a i have a pinterest page with anatomy it's got men women everybody you know great shape out of shape whatever and uh it's mic to artworks so everything for me is my tr word so just go to pinterest type in at my t artworks and uh you will see where i get the belt reference all right let's turn down that light because now it's crazy there you go turn that down let's turn this off let's set up the light all right anatomy refs here i'll type it in caps lock is on there you go that is me um sweet mug yeah yeah alright pose yeah you know what it was uh it's fun it's fun all right hello jl past in the art 3d art where did you learn sculpting in zebra prize did you take classes yeah um so i started off by getting books um i would just buy books off of uh amazon and and look at how to do stuff and then um youtube a lot of youtube videos watching guys like mike pavlovich um and ryan kingsland was a big big help and then you know more recently than that looking at guys i really admire like you know um uh daniel bell and eric sosa and you know joe minna there's so many really hosting diva really of just so many people who are killing it that there's no excuse not to come away learning something all right so let's get back into figuring out the gear i don't know what they're doing outside but it's super annoying now because this is out of symmetry this is where it's a little more difficult and in fact why am i doing it this way i shouldn't do it this way i'm going to turn off the ad i'm going to color it let's turn back on the color [Music] um and i'm going to draw these forms in [Music] first that way if i mess it up it's okay i might mess up the sculpture itself kind of sketch [Music] that's all right this whole thing needs to move over too that should be all the way over there and this one probably doesn't need to come this far out [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right that's not over here it's like a rubik's cube get one side and the other side is out it's all right i know for a fact i'm the only one that's gonna sweat if this is correct or not people probably don't care it just can't be like way out look crazy it's really this should come down and then in but i'm gonna have it so pinched under the arm anyway that what i'm looking at on the other screen if you're wondering why i keep looking back and forth is the other screen has my um so i can move it over here as my sketch let's put this up and over all right [Music] goes up and over maybe we'll do [Music] like this too [Music] something like that um i'll just realize i don't have his outfit connected would make it hard to stay on so all right so i know at some point i'm gonna come do some color breaks for the materials uh so might as well see what that looks like now i'm just going to switch to a darker red and see this looks like once i find something i like then i can go through and slice this thing and you know define these forms and put in my uh you know go ahead and assign materials and things like that so that it it looks like an actual suit you know what i'm saying are you listening and when i put the shoulder pads on it's going to start to look a little better than this but for now um that's something all right um let's turn the pants back on and sketch that out hey edgy [Music] how do i do this [Music] [Music] cheeky edge um [Music] his arms away actually let's just isolate them [Music] so i want to kind of contour around some of these muscles uh just to find those a little better in the suit [Music] just finding them um and not you know not staying so rigid that it has to it has to go around every grouping but um but it helps to figure out what i want to do now back here i didn't draw this out so i'm not sure exactly what i'm doing on this part but i do want to start to comp in the uh figure out the boots as well and detail the legs a little bit so right now you can see they're still they're still loose right the upper body is not it's way tighter actually so let's get these legs a little dialed in get some reference for some legs [Music] um and i like to leave some of these irregular areas like i don't like to smooth it out until it looks like balloons right because muscles don't look that way they're you have fat on top of them you have skin stretching around them got veins sandwiched in between all that mess and it uh and it gives you kind of an irregular look so i like to keep that in my sculpts i think it looks a little more realistic when you do it that way so all of this is going to be covered under his under his uh his shins and you know calves and all that stuff but if i have the forms right then it makes sense you know so yeah makes sense to do it beforehand it's time to upload three o'clock one more hour yeah so if you guys have any questions about anything let me know see what this chat is saying here um hello sup what's more fun making a stature an action figure i haven't made any action figures i would really while i was a kid i loved action figures i wouldn't be like super excited about dude i don't know what they're doing outside i don't know if you guys can hear guys can hear that but it's crazy um i wouldn't love figuring out joints and all that stuff um but uh i love making statues like it's fantastic um was i'm gonna say layers for the sculpts no i do sometimes but um i'm not now not right now because i'm i have a whole bunch of iterative saves where you know when i was taking chances with figuring out muscles and stuff um uh i i saved layers because i didn't want to i didn't want to lose it anyway let's see how important is it for socialization of the artist for work these days well well if you're like me you don't socialize very much like the the one thing about this pandemic is i've been preparing for it for 15 years and uh i think the sun is overrated so i don't tend to go outside that much i think people make a great big deal about the sun and i'm not a fan to be honest with you so staying inside is not a big deal for me but now you i mean yeah socialize definitely with other artists and it's like anything else you know i know a lot of artists who are just weird because we're artists and everybody's got a thing so um you know i wouldn't sweat it too much so i like to keep these low subdivision levels because i can go in and if i see an area that looks like the surface is not smooth the way i want if you smooth it out in the lower levels and then step up you can keep the the details of the high frequency without losing them and you get a nice you know smooth lower um lower detail all right i don't know if that made sense probably not i'm all hopped up on coffee y'all [Music] oh so his arms are exposed let's do some veins that's always fun that i will use uh layers for and a morph target because i don't want to mess it up the other thing too is i did kind of mess uh i messed up his like the areas around his arms i turn on my paint it doesn't match anymore so the good thing is i saved a store point like a history state so now what i can do is i can move this out of the way here move this out of the way i can go to his upper body and turn on my color and i like the poly paint so i don't want to affect that but i do want to go back to before i scribed in the lines all right so i'll go down to uh project and i just i don't want to project the color i just want to project the um the surface history right so i'll hit project history and shift there you go did you see that if you blinked you missed it let me undo you see how it looked before where i had the uh let's turn off the color so you can see a little better where i had these lines drawn in here like into the surface sculpted in rather uh i don't want those there anymore so what i can do is i can go project his and uh it'll take me back now what it did do is it kind of messed up my abs so um because i want to keep those i'll just mask them like that and now i'll hit project history all right abs are safe back to the way i had it before still have my poly paint balling yo all right so that's good now i can start let's get some veins in his arms because that'll be make it look like a real muscle man it's out of the way let's take this guy and you can see i started doing it on this one before it's one of my favorite parts of sculpting so first i want to store my morph target uh so it's gonna morph target and let's see now i have one here before i wonder what it has on it let's switch and see what it looks like i'm gonna turn off the poly paint first now i must have stored this a long time ago so it's probably gonna look way different let's say yeah it's in a different position for one thing but you can see the uh oh yeah i don't know kind of see the difference but anyway i'm going to delete that more target store a new one and now i can start to put muscle in here i'm not muscle i can start to put the uh the veins in here and uh if i mess up i can just use the morph target to get rid of it like to turn up my lazy radius on my lazy mouse to around 30 and then when i draw these things out i also put a alpha on there it's alpha 1 and then when i draw these kind of looks like veins right so let's look at this dude is who's here let's go back and hit this one make a little thicker and he's gonna have gauntlets on his arm so it's probably gonna be covered up but uh sometimes it won't be gonna have those giant shoulder pads on so you may see this probably won't but i don't know it's there so that's what's important i find smoothing it back a bit in some areas and kind of helps the realism [Music] this guy is uh is clearly like roided out of his mind he's really pissed um all the time he's got like that uh i can't remember the name of it any comic book fans who remember what the russian equivalent of adamantium is that he has but he's anyway he's got that going through his veins so he's probably like jacked out of his mind here got that rim deserver strength going on feels better than he has in 20 years [Music] but yeah so that's why i'm like i don't mind going super hard with the with the veins and then dialing your back [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] so good news is if i do anything on here i don't like i just can switch to my morph brush and it will essentially erase it away to the previous store where i save the morph target uh uh okay all right so let's do the same to his legs same as this over here saved oh um thanks michael let's see how do you do the line straight so i'm using um lazy mouse and essentially what that does is as you draw out your line there's a lag behind it professor boom uh there's a lag behind it and what that does is it allows you to um you see that red line it allows you to uh you know uh draw straighter more precise lines basically like that like this all right so and he's gonna have a lot of like faints on his form but the thing about the forearms like i said they're completely covered so not waste time on those uh let's go to the i really want that vein on his bicep to be crazy though so let's see i'm gonna try something see if i can't make that larger like i always like when that vein is like ridiculously pumped up and then when i print it it's gonna look it's gonna look good too so maybe let's do this step down a little not that much and i'll turn off my alpha turn off my alpha and now draw it oh my gosh so huge all right now step up let's do a render see what it looks like yeah that'll work light on the other one just over i'm so hungry right now okay you know just because i can let's put a little skin texture on there too and see what it looks like break it up a little bit because right now it's super smooth i normally wouldn't get to this part for a long time but what the heck uh first i'm gonna throw a little bit of color on this where i want like this probably standard turn off add turn on rgb that's heavy [Music] that so this may be a little more red [Music] and then back it down a little bit [Music] [Music] [Music] too much [Music] [Music] oh i said i was gonna put skin texture on here all right i got sidetracked let me put that on now a couple more veins a few more veins i'll than important problems all right and hide these hands because they are so not done there you go all right let me save this first don't make any mistakes yes let's look at the chat um does it work with a mask yeah yeah absolutely yeah um lazy mouse definitely works with masking perhaps added challenge to sculpting [Music] yeah it's just something new it's the new style senpai what's up professor bob what is up hey silence thank you thank you mr do you make profile pictures for people i don't really do that sick up yeah yeah man you know i got that for christmas actually i know i didn't um one of the holidays got something pay no attention to the cat here that stuck to it not a fan son yeah all right permit for life yes yeah yeah um all right let's see place been come with yes yeah all right so clay spin is if you press your comma key and go into the um the uh tray here go to your brushes click on clay click click click click clay here it is don't know why they're not in alphabetical order but clay spin is in here now i move mine out onto the uh onto my interface because i use it so much so um here it is right here actually spin yep so just kind of gives the texture as well as um as well as building up your forms so pretty pretty good let's put this up here yeah i'm so great right now void it out y'all very pissed all right pain takes inspiration for these veins from your own bicep you know there was a time there's a time when i had the killer guns not never but they were better than they are now i tell you what i have like the matrix body right now y'all and i'm not talking about like in the matrix i mean like on the nebuchadnezzar that's a real deep nerd cut for y'all by the way deep deep nerd cut carbonate car carbon aedium yeah that's what it is all right so that's what he has instead of adamantium carbonadium thank you ej 3dtv i don't sculpt with perspective turned on um i do not seem sick veins use a mouse yeah use a mouse and a pen both double threat double thread mostly to pen for sculpting mostly all right what else anything else on here titanium white exactly happy little danes thanks man science do you incorporate dynamics feature in your pipeline dynamics feature just talking about willis oh you mean like uh dynamic subdivisions if so yes it's nice rector and keyshot yeah yeah absolutely take the key shot decimation yeah when i'm ready to print uh after i cut and key i will decimate this whole thing thank you thank you all right cool so i made it through the chat now what did i say i was gonna do oh um a little bit of texturing in the skin a little bit of texturing in the skin but you know what all right i'll do it the hell i'm gonna save first because i have a feeling guys i have a feeling that like the skin texturing is usually the last thing i do so i don't know that i'm going to keep any of it and also i don't think i have it decimated up high enough to really hold anything interesting but let's see let's see shall we all right i want to uh go to my tray got my brushes mic brushes skin all right um so let's just see what some of this looks like here yeah i probably would need to decimate this i mean let's just make this uh divided another time let's see when i turn the hands on so i mean i can let's do it all right so we're at three million polys now so if i were to go and put texture on there i don't necessarily like this one say let's get something else skin look like let's try this one am i using color too i'm using color so the way i would normally do this is to make layers and uh first i sprayed down i'm not even doing this the way i normally do it so this is kind of pointless let me undo this undo [Music] all right cool um yeah so normally i'd make a layer spray down like a base coat of the skin and uh just to get break it up so it's not quite so smooth looking i'll do that in another stream like how much time do i have left yeah let's just work on the legs for now uh legs and then i believe i have to make the shoulder pads as well so i've been putting those things off reference again this doesn't have any legs on its [Music] it's a arms bit all right so what i'll do is i'll get my sketch bring that over oh look at that i didn't even notice you see it switched out it used my uh remember we made the the icon of my head oh jeez let me get this out of the way let's turn this up straight so you see there's the head icon and i can probably go in and make it bigger if i want it size turn it up it's there um and then if i wanted to keep it i would save it right so if you missed that part go into youtube and check out how i made that but i am going to go back to my boot because i like my boot let's see next next next next next there it is there's my boot okay let's not color the add this light is making it super hard to see what's going on turn off rim light there you go and let's switch to basic material right gray turn this thing down it's too much so she's gonna have giant knee pads on so again you're not gonna get to see a lot of this but it's okay because i'll know it's there too much um [Music] um [Music] fabric is one of those things that it actually relaxes me to sculpt it um i really enjoy it so a lot of people ask why i don't just use marvelous or you know even now the features that i have in zbrush um i really liked the new fabric features in zbrush the the physics but i don't control them so good yet so um it's like uh the 5050 you know like i'll probably come in and use it later on but i really like sculpting you know the folds and finding where where wrinkles should be and all that good stuff so that's just me [Music] all right one thing i do want to do is start to figure out his boot so let's make a duplicate of uh is [Music] i'm going to duplicate his legs i kind of already have what i need here so let's go to i'm going to clone this [Music] duplicate and step down to the lowest subby level um delete higher delete delete higher like that i just want these parts and i want to delete everything else so delete hidden all right so and then um shrink this a little bit so let's grab let's grab this and shrink seriously uh check visibility let's see new dynamics menu has come with zero tuning over dynamic simulations oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i use that off dynamics great thank you thank you very much all right why isn't it shrinking it's weird all right let's do this then [Music] hmm [Music] probably going to want to keep those pieces because i have to build up the piece that goes in front of it but let's see i'll keep it i'll keep this all right so now let's turn back on uh let's do this group polymash those separately and uh let's give it some thickness turn off double q mesh and use extrude hollywood ball give this thing some thickness yeah i want this to be bulky like i want to feel almost like colossus's boots whoa not like that not like that not like that um let's do this one all right i know what i want to do first let's do this i want to grab my slice curve hide everything but this and let's isolate the bottom of that not like that okay okay that'll work get the other one [Music] same deal it's gonna be a little hard to find that edge hmm close but no cigar i'm just gonna mask it and do it let's see well wait a minute i can't see my hands in the way come on dude all i want to do is isolate the um the bottom of this and it doesn't have to be perfect it just has to give me an edge loop that i can work with so that even will work right that's actually kind of dope um so now turn on everything everything there you go um i'm going to go and i don't know why it won't let me shrink these polygons is so crazy i want that one and i want that one that yeah uh w okay there you go so now let's remesh this see if we can get a little something better than we have first i want to do a quick save in case i lose it what time is it another 20 minutes thanks like zero all right geometry see remesh i'm gonna turn my adaptive size down to zero and actually keep it the same and turn up the curve strength uh yeah and let's try see what happens here okay oh before i do though first i'm going to save a history state like that all right now zebra mesh okay not too shabby so now if i go to project sub tool project history there you go now giving my forms back and you see how now i have like a nice clean edge loop on the bottom of the foot so i can go in and actually fix this now so if i were to smooth this out here and here here starting to look more like a shoe less like whatever the heck it was before i don't know what it was before it was crazy so we have that all right and i'm looking i'm not looking to make the actual boots right now i don't have enough time but i do want to i do want to figure out the uh the sub tool so that i can go back into it later and get it so let's turn back on our legs okay and you can see it's penetrating there through the mesh so i'm just gonna grab my move tool and bring it out i could probably inflate it but i don't want it to get i want it to get too balloony right now so i can just nudge it out this is how i normally do it so there's an awesome uh daniel bell video that he has on his youtube where he shows how he kind of uh he makes a tennis shoe and uh and i was watching it yesterday and he's got some some nice little tricks on there to keep it clean and break up the forms and everything so i think that's how i'm gonna approach this boot but full disclosure that's that's his technique i didn't make that up all right so this is looking a little better let's turn on transparent so i can see how i feel like it's a little chunky but it's okay let me bring it in a little bit all right turn off transparency turn off poly uh the group wait a minute i thought i extruded this did i i guess i did not all right so that's okay because what i can do now is i can i'm going to flip it and then extrude it inward so let's say geometry what is it under and the defamation where's flip i had it on my i had it on my ui and i just changed my ui and it's hot oh here it is all right cool so i want to use that again so i'm going to go ahead and add that to my ui let's move this out of the way go to config and enablize custom enable customize enable eyes that's not a word grab flip and bring that over here all right then turn off that save ui um i'll save it later i'll just save custom store config so now every time i open up zbrush i have that over there i use it a lot actually all right so now it's inside out right looks weird we're looking at it inside out so what we're going to do is i'm going to group the entire thing and then i'm going to glutamizing modeler and i'm going to extrude it inward like this let's actually do it so i can see how thick it is there you go [Music] and you're not going to see the inside of that but i do want it to penetrate the leg because i want it to be watertight when i finish these boots right so that's that boom done now i can hit um i do want to isolate the inside from the outside so let's isolate just the outside now i'm going to hit auto groups there you go so now i have the two of these things that i can work on later all right go through it smooth it a little bit grab this [Music] all right um so oops let's copy these subtools rename [Music] copy go back to my legs and paste there you go now he's got some boots it's got some real soft boots i'm gonna put in some holding lines just to make them a little less soft so they look like big old socks let's go back over here i like this song this is a good song to handle what's that here this song is dope all right um the boots now if i turn on dynamic subdivision it's a little less soft still no detail right still looking weird but we'll handle that take care of that later you better believe it now the thing about this is now that i have these boots i can uh i'm doing on time all right still got another eight minutes so now that i have the subtool that's going to be boots which is right now marshmallows i can go through and shrink the inside of his leg because i know that i kind of have the proportions the way i want and i just don't want it penetrating the mesh so i come back over here like this and i that's this and let's grab this w uh i don't even have to show them there you go so now i can shape these things and make them feel a little more the way that i want to look and if we look back at my sketch you know there is a plan like i will have the big piece here that goes over the knee and all that stuff like that's coming coming soon to uh omega red near you i just thought undo history is not the latest one storing i'm not asking you to store the undo history i'm asking you to show me the money why is it doing that cancel my hand solo storing dude i don't know what you're talking about all right see this is why we have quick save so hopefully i have a version where it's not acting crazy all i'm trying to do is unhide the hand and it's talking about under history all right there it is whatever whatever whatevs let's turn on the color let's turn on the other stuff oh look at those big white boots you got the disco boots just go boots y'all oh color move out of the way for a second please there you go color fill no not that color nice christmas tree guy that'll work maybe darker yeah a little darker [Music] all right so those will be boots in the future um yeah so let's do a render real quick and i can read the rest of the comments all right uh turn on my light again and when i take this into key shot it's going to look good i think maybe what i'll do is post on instagram later on that if you're not following me on instagram please give me a follow mikety artworks i post a lot of stuff there personal stuff um the hulk progress when i start printing this guy progress for this guy you know what i'm saying yeah right so starting to look like a a dude um oh you know what preferences not preferences render let's do this let's make it good render properties no shadow let's turn up the rays let's turn up the blur a little bit let's turn on the sharpen filter let's move them over here now let's see what it looks like as i read stuff all right let's see um that's better all right display properties thank you thank you mirror is mirror no uh do i have symmetry on is that what you're asking me um the answer is no um some shoes he's practically pushed yeah he's practically fully dressed that is correct what are you still doing up my gosh that's my student you guys she needs to go get some sleep um you're gonna do are you gonna go through materials and light caps maybe struggling archive kind of stuff yeah i could i'm not great at that stuff i i'll be honest with you i love zbrush i'm not a fan of the of the the the bpr comic style renders and stuff like they're great for people you know who maybe don't necessarily do this kind of stuff uh or paint for a living but i do so i don't mind just painting this they do help sometimes though um i can knock out a uh a quick bpr and use that as a base to paint on top of so let's do this let's make a beauty pass for for the youtubes let's turn off first let's turn off the color on here let's get them white with these big disco boots and find like a cool angle like ah so maybe perspective let's turn let's first now i would turn on perspective let's turn some perspective like oh my gosh all right um but maybe not that much let's see draw let's do 85 there you go it's a little more my style a little more me all right so let's do this one let me move this light up because it's making it harder to read tool light bring the light up bring this back there you go let's turn this down a little bit okay render oh i have basic go back to my material better and uh turn it up a little bit more than that there you go render um all right whatever and then draw layers i'll bake that make a new one um create draw him out oh one time y'all one time ah come on t frame all right whatever let's do this boom put him here like this let's put color on him now tool color turn it on stay on will you color makes a difference i think and now let's do actual size and do a render or not a render but save as export oh come on man i gotta get rid of this mouse come on amazon prime day this mouse sucks document export as a psd and call this zbrush layer url all right now we can go over to photoshop and uh open it up don't forget to watch hubie halloween you guys i'm not getting paid to say that i just liked it um i'll make red and here it is all right so that is it for the week um if you guys enjoyed it please give me a follow on everything um especially instagram and uh i will be back in two weeks let me see if i missed anything here do you see this guy in your dreams uh not yet i work on it a little bit longer probably i see the hulk in my dream still why'd you sculpt without perspective assuming you even um i never sculpt with perspective turned on i just don't do it i always turn it on after the fact trevor lawrence what is up brother trevor's my man how you doing trev um old timer okay i was friends with trevor now i'm not friends with trevor anymore screw you trev all right guys um so yeah i'm out um have a great week stay safe and i will see you next stream peace kelsey i will see you in class all right y'all take care bye
Channel: Pixologic ZBrush
Views: 3,491
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zbrush, zbrush tutorial, zbrush beginner tutorial, zbrush 2020, pixologic, zbrush free, z brush, sculptris, pixelogic, zbrush live, zbrush download, zbrush core, zbrush trial, zbrush brushes, blender, 3d coat, 3d modeling, digital sculpting, zbrush student, etsy, zbrush character modeling, zbrush character, zbrush sculpting, zbrush realistic face, 3d printing software, 3d modeling software, zbrushcoremini, zbrushcore mini, zbrush mini, figurine, zbrush 2021, xmen, omega red
Id: sAYHpVThJl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 182min 52sec (10972 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 08 2020
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