ZBrush Masters Encore: 3D Character Sculpting - Paul Deasy

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hey guys are we all keeping i'll be doing well from where we left off uh two weeks ago i haven't done too much with this guy um so this week i'm going to try and get a little bit more sculpting done last week i was focusing a little bit more i'm just kind of chatting to you guys and answering questions and such so this week we're going to try and get some more sculpting done i think uh still obviously answer as many questions as i can and uh let's have a bit of fun with it and let me know i have some just nice chill kind of music playing let me know if you're gonna hear that because i'd rather just make sure that way if you want to you can listen to your own music or something just keep mine muted on your end and that you can hear me okay and everything and so yeah i thought i'd just just have a bit of a a chilled one this time try to get some sculpting done i'm going on holiday tomorrow well let's say holiday it's a staycation i'm going over to a place called kerry in in ireland it's a it's a nice place as well uh part of ireland funny as a river visiting put that on your list places to see some uh it's very irish part of ireland that sounds funny though so uh today is my my last day of my working week so i'm trying to just wind down a little bit it's been very it's been busy it's been busy and i haven't got to sculpt too much because i kind of at that stage we're just doing lots of like the technical sides of things blend shapes and me topology all that sort of thing just let me know in the chat quiz if you can hear me okay i had to fiddle about with the settings a little bit so just to be sure there's no issues and so i'm thinking this week i might try and um get his head dynamesh together and maybe make some of the clothes so first thing you can see because like we talked before we've got that dynamic subdivision on so that's something that we're going to want to clear up before we start collapsing things because obviously we want to have the resolution now so this is where start adding the adding the uh subdivision levels and get this guy welded together at this stage i think like you can see like i added a little detail there in the nose i'm not so sure like at this stage sometimes i do sometimes is maybe if i want to have some detail in certain areas um say maybe i want to have like some creases in here or something like that you can add that at this stage and then that will carry in to the dynamesh um so that yeah that'll carry on into the dynamesh or you can kind of do it at the dynamesh stage but sometimes it can be helpful to do it here because it means like say for example just here i could just i don't have to worry about when i'm putting in a crease there or whatever don't have to worry about messing up this eyelid i'm not sure if i want to go i kind of really want to well i don't want to go too detailed for sure i want to keep these guys quite like kind of clean and smooth looking hey joe what's up man cosmic cosmin you wrote to me on instagram sorry bro i actually seen it i was in the middle of doing some work and i just put it down and i forgot to get back to you i will get back to you on that the the brushes um well okay so trying to think about brush packs i've actually got because i tend to just pick some up randomly here and there if i see something the arb brushes there's the the arb um pack hey you can find that i'll see you gonna get you a link um [Music] i actually i think i put these on the chat last time um but to be honest i i buy packs very rarely and the reason being is uh there's the r pack brush in there i just put it in the uh in the chat there you can see it here uh so there's this which i kind of used to use a little bit more used to particularly one brush because it was kind of it had a nice feel to show you here the orb cracks so divide this so it's kind of like if you like get stylized you could describe it as like a stylized damien standard i think it can be quite good for hair like for just if you're doing stylized hair you want to put like streaks down stylized hair and stuff um but the reason that there's a there's a skin pack there you go you can see it there pablo munoz it's like he has a skin pack which i've i got because i thought i'll find an excuse to use that but i actually haven't found an excuse to use it yet to be honest um 99.9 percent of the time i'm using the brushes native to my are sorry to see brush the uh the milk brush the damien standard brush pinch and flay that's pretty much uh i think there's any other ones i use that's pretty much it oh h polish that's pretty much all the brushes that i use um so it's uh you know it's not like photoshop for example is a little bit when you're painting in photoshop specifically painting especially it's a bit more important like your brushes because you might want texture and stuff in your in your brush strokes but in zbrush um you know like that that photo brush the crack do you have crack rush like i could gonna do that at the same time a bit of a smooth yeah so it kind of makes it a little bit faster i guess if that's the specific thing that you're looking for but yeah all right hey exe from the uh discord he's a regular there really talented sculptor it's great to have you aboard yeah so so um i don't know if everyone just for anyone who hasn't seen the previous two streams this is a a redesign like a quick sketch i did um for some of the uh for the characters in um pluto i kind of redesigned them just really quick sketches uh just enough to kind of get me going in scopes yeah so we're starting with rev green and uh at this stage we're just after kind of blocking out the the main shapes the figuring out blocking out the head and figuring out the shapes in the head so i might just jump in and dynamesh this guy dynamesh's head i want dynamesh's body just yet i guess we just gotta figure out now just gonna take the add some subdivisions rather than the dynamic subdivisions so that we can get there the higher res and dynamesh see dolls needs to be flipped there's something to be careful of if you have double on because you're gonna collapse something and then find out that it's inside out so i'll just flip it double sign on that as well yes see see there that's just the eyelashes so i had to flip the wrong way but i had double on so i couldn't see that it was in the wrong direction the eyelids obviously i'm not gonna dynamesh that that i had so not the end of the world but still okay it's it's good to keep an eye on and the ears have oh yeah this is something i wanted to do so i want to just in inside the air here just to give it something in there and let's use our our new extrude edge honestly one of the best things that's been added so i need this the best thing that's been out of the z was such a small thing but super um super helpful um monkey with butter uh yeah dynamesh time yet so we'll actually get to do a little bit of sculpting in a more classical sense of the world um khan says hi paul how are you in production how much time they give you to finish one character start to finish so it depends uh on the importance of the character of course so obviously if it's the main character it'll give they'll give you a lot longer if it's a simple background character then less time needs to be spent on that often like often in in where i work they ask me you know that depends on your position as well so i'm i'm the lead character artist uh in the studio i work in so um they'll often ask me for time bids on how long characters will take to complete um so again uh it's not that it's not necessarily a case and it it's it's not exactly a straightforward answer because it really depends on the studio the caliber of work like you're working on you know a low budget uh tv show or game or film or are you working like you know you know with the likes of pixar disney or uh you know epic games or something like that which case um the budget isn't obviously as tight and so a bit more time could be spent on these things and there's yeah the schedule was not as uh it so um it's a it's a really difficult question to answer like i'd love to be able to just say two days or three days and just to give you that simple answer but um there's a lot of different things i play and and also depends on you know like if i'm for example if production asked me how long will something take i'll also have to consider the artist that the task is assigned to because maybe they're junior and they're going to take longer or maybe they're a particularly experienced senior and i know that they can get it done in two days or i know that they can get it done in a week depending or more uh depending again on the actual you know maybe it's a hero character or it's just a side character it won't take long so there's so many things that come into play it's not something like if you were getting into the industry um of course if you're getting into the industry and you're at that standard where an industry like a studio will hire you then you can pretty safely assume that your sculpting is at a decent level um and he's good enough for whatever the studio is that's that's higher than you in which case um you can i would say at that point then assuming you're starting out junior you know that's when you can kind of start to focus on your workflow and your workflow although it has implications on the final look you know like for example if i was if my workflow was to do this in dynamesh it would affect it would look different at the end this this workflow lends to this style um but uh probably the biggest part of your workflow is how quick you can walk so that's and that's that gets more and more important and again though it does depend on the studio i have to say the studio i work for is quite nice they don't put a huge like obviously there's schedules that we need to try and keep to um but they are quite you know lenient that they're they're not constantly over your back trying to is it done yet is it done yet or you know you don't necessarily get in trouble if unless you were to continuously be very very slow but that's like any job if you're not doing the job uh well you know you get kind of a performance you can get like a performance improvement program or something they call it i've heard of that before i know that's that's across industries that's not an animation or a games thing it's just a business thing a pip i think they they call it where they uh they start to monitor your performance which obviously you don't really want to get into that position i've seen it happen to good people though it's not necessarily something that only happens to people who aren't good so you can see i'm just creating that shape there just to get some sort of breakup for them and i can just dynamesh that in do the final shape give me something in there i don't want it i'm going to move this out because i don't want them to uh well i can use remesh by union uh i can show you that in a second because dynamesh if things are a little bit too close like if if say your fingers are like like quite close especially you say the knuckles are closer a little bit and your dynamesh often if it's in a particular proximity it will weld that gap and where remesh by union is handy because it doesn't actually do that so that's one of the problems to remesh by union um that's quite nice hop our sean's in hey sean okay so so just to make sure that there's no gap there you can see this is still applying so we need to start that up extrude so due to this kind of workflow oh yeah depending like if i'm making stuff for the face i generally don't use dynamic um thickness so the the one of the newer tools under dynamic subdivision you've got a dynamic thickness so you have a plane like i could have uh i'll show you real quick so you can add dynamic thickness and that's just purely true dynamic so it's not it's kind of not not really there and um you can hit apply and that will apply this to it but um because i don't because i don't want to not realize that something's dynamic and not find out until i've merged things together i tend to always just you know go ahead and actually just extrude it because at the end of the day like if i don't like that it turns out that it's wrong for some reason i can just ctrl shift and click to hide every other polygroup and then i have a shortcut key for delete hidden so i can get rid of it like super quick so it's not it's not you know it's not there necessarily saving me a lot of time anyway yeah for this workflow prefer stuff like props and stuff i probably would so i need to lower this because i don't want his eyelids to be up to be uh facing the camera kind of too much see how that looks oh you have to turn that off so i don't want the crease because i want to see yeah and i'll just pull this down out of his eye you can see this being an issue later when uh we're getting to the point of like see remeshing and everything together our subdivision layers back pull alloy lid in and the eyelashes are a little bit not exactly where i want them but that's okay we're not gonna obviously like i said i'm not gonna dynamesh them in or anything like that um because we're just doing this for our render if i was doing this for our print then i'd have to merge everything together make sure there's a decent bit of thickness there and stuff for the printable at the moment which i will probably want to do eventually but when i again for anyone who hasn't caught the previous streams uh i'm waiting on a my 3d printer at the moment so i probably will want to go back in but when i want to actually print them i'll go back in and you know update him so he's he's he's print ready okay so again so you've got to make sure double c there you go it's inside out so something to be wary of so i'll just add a few subdivisions i don't know whether i want this hair to be more visible uh sean yeah i'm getting the foot on monox yeah dying to get it now start playing around because i uh we have a printer in the studio and but it was kind of old by the time i got to it a lot of different people had kind of played around with it and stuff so by the time i actually got to it like it wasn't in the best nick um and uh so like i couldn't get a print out of it everything just came out destroyed it was a resin printer as well and i think like doors had gotten in where the the mirrors and the lasers and stuff is and once that happens as far as i know like you basically need like a full asbestos suit and a clean room to actually clean that out so i didn't get to uh i got to grip it was good because i kind of got the grips with the basics of like what you know how to cut up the print and so you know about to how to orient everything so that it prints right in the envelope and things like that but um i didn't get a single successful print over and i tried a good feel basically because no one was using it and i asked could i use it they were like yeah do what you want with it so i was basically using it every day for ages for at least a couple of weeks more and you know yourself you're waiting on like you're waiting like comes up like 22 hours to finish a print or something and the next day you're going to check it it's just a shambles it's like ah to do this again painful um gary you're saying hi paul i'm not very good at learning from tutorials can you recommend any virtual online class for beginners um i know dylan akron has done a bunch of like just tutorials that are sorry not tutorials like just courses but i'm not sure of any other other than the obvious one which is shane olsen's um 3d character workshop and so i mean if if you need something that's a bit more inter like directly interactive that's probably i can't think of anything else that really fits that as well as shane's um i think i could be wrong i think pablo has some courses as well um i'm not super sure because like for me i was always fine with tutorials i was like kind of i never did like 3d courses or tutorials or any sorry courses or anything like that because i kind of learned a lot about of the of what i know from doing 2d and so i'm not super familiar with all the 3d courses i watched a lot of 3d tutorials but that was more to learn software and so i'm probably not the best in the world to ask about the courses but i as far as i've seen um if you're starting out in zebras you want to learn about sculpting and how to use the software and especially if if you're you're better off in like a course type scenario rather than tutorials um even if you're into tutorials shane olsen's course that so 3d character workshop controller link in um and shane's great let me see anyone really that's starting out in zbrush um as yeah there you go so leave the link there in the chat for you oh xc you have the photon s what's what's it what's it like is it gory enjoying it is it do you have any issues with it i i something i really wanted was a decent sized printer that i didn't have to to avoid having to cut up too much and also because i don't want to be printing like tiny little things i'd like to be able to print something you know they can read something story you can hold in your hand um so i didn't i know it's probably recommended to start on something smaller uh aka cheaper but i was like screw it go harder go home at least it was something like when i i learned to play guitar years ago and that was my mentality i was like i could buy like a crappy guitar for 50 quid and and learn on that and that way if it all goes pee tongue you know i only lost 50 quid but then i thought but if i buy something more expensive it will it will mean the the thoughts of losing well i ended up spending like 350 which i know for a guitar isn't like huge money but and because i spent 350's like well i better learn it i have to learn it now because i've put down otherwise i'm just throwing away 350 quid who wants to do that so i'm just this is a bit i could i could like merge these on a different sub tool and i'll apple we're just taking a handy today and we're just going to do it whatever you like so i'm just moving these sub tools up to the top and then i'll just merge them down that's over here i think and hi alex no need for apologies let's create that you can join yeah kev didn't sign there pablo has a brilliant course so you go there's another good course oh actually i i think my tarp has done some courses i'd have to double check that i know he's done tutorials is it that you want you know what kind of oh split you um oh to kill the subdivisions to that um yeah is it is it that you want like feedback or what is it about tutorials that doesn't kind of sit with you yes he had subdivision i had a dynamic subdivision on that let's just kill that add some subdivisions yeah let's put that in there as well so he has a neck so something here's a little this might help some is something i do is uh because i'm always like melvin things in the subtile palette and merging something so i actually have control so you can move up and down in the sub tool palette by just up and down on the keyboard and then control will actually just move it so if i i'm on this sub tool here and if i hit control and up it will shift it up so and usually controlling down will shift it down but i have control down as merge down so i can just go down and say if i wanted to bring like this i can bring that up just on top of whatever sub tool i want and then hit control down and merge so for example i need this shift up or control up twice and then control down once and we're in just a little serial thing yeah does it i've seen a harper sean saying um about cheyenne's course there's a good few people i've seen about in the discord and through the streams as well a lot of people are in that course um and you know i know shane and he's a great guy really good teacher and really good artist so um yeah i mean that's really the one to go for i think and andrews is asking can you demonstrate how to cut holes do you mean for printing is that what you mean to have a like a drain hole and there adam how far is this a working stream or learning as well yeah it's it's about it's casually working and learning so you can walk along with me and you know if anyone has questions and i can answer them i will of course oblige cheers martin um cannabis asking how do you keep the surface so clean so that's you can see there that i'm merging the different uh sub tools now you can see that are different here they're all different pieces so it's about keeping the subdivisions low um i use dynamic subdivision like you can see here dynamic subdivision and then at the point where i want to get all this stuff merged together which i'm going to do now so you can this is a this is a key part of this kind of this workflow is getting everything together so um i've made i've now given them all subdivision levels so that they're they're high res are you know they're at the the appropriate resolution that they're liking them you know they're all smooth and they can um weld everything together and because i kept things in lower subdivision levels i was able to control the surface much easier things like i'll smooth work easier i can just move individual police if i want are edges so i'm able to control the surface really well where if i use dynamesh from the beginning it's so dense it's near impossible to keep that kind of clean edge by using sculpting tools you know to be the same way the same way in sculpting you wouldn't if you're trying to sculpt a nice clean with clay a nice clean surface you use warm clay you don't use hard clay because if you use hard clay you have to push in a lot and you're gonna make bumps and it's near impossible to actually with your hands like go in and push out and get the whole surface perfectly even um it you know you need to have to just let it completely harden and then almost like foil it or um you keep it nice and warm and that way you can it's it's it's much more malleable and you don't have to push in all these little pieces anyone who's sculpted tried sculpting with clay before i will know exactly what i mean um this is if you like the the early stages like some of this workflow comes from because um like i never i guess it comes from like traditional um experience and then applying that in digital so it wasn't like i learned to draw and paint and sculpt before i ever did any sculpting and zbrush and now it's a good while now that i'm sculpting in zbrush so obviously i've developed a lot more now on zbrush because this is the thing i do mainly now okay so um yeah so i i started with the dynamesh kind of method and i found it wasn't getting what i wanted so i started to think about it like the same way i would with clay and stuff and even with clay you don't you take pieces and you might make it in your hand and then you attach that on you know you don't just sculpt an entire head by chiseling it straight out of the lump of clay at the beginning so it's the same principles all right so so there's two ways we can do this we can dynamesh so we can make this put the resolution pretty high and just dynamesh that works that will that will do the job and just know just if you want to cut a hole for a figure oh um i'd use the live billion probably to do that you could also just use a mask and dynamesh and so you could just like and just drive in a hole it's just something like that you want then yeah keep it simple so this is all one piece now as you can see um which is all i need and again i could have used the z-rash or sorry remesh but union um the thing is and remesh reunions great and as i said if there's anything close dynamesh if it's not high res if you don't put the resolution point of um it can often um weld things together that are just close not necessarily touching which you don't actually want like for example if this was too low it might have welded that gap for example or in here which is not what you want but um it's not an issue with this particular piece so um i've got dynamesh just there all i have to do is just hit it so why not um and at this point i can actually smooth the creases here at this stage if i want generally i'll just do it at the bring this up like i can start to take the sharpness out of the some of the edges some of the edges i want that sharpness like generally it's worth just kind of because you don't want like razor sharp edges really on anything it doesn't doesn't render well do i just squash the head yeah that was the perspective or something for a second there we go and so that's i like to just go over it real quick with the smooth and you can see because it's super dense it's not going to lose any volume or anything it's just taking those sharp edges out and now even here i'm not going to go in and start sculpting into this i'm going to duplicate that head you can see i've hidden everything else by just if you whatever you're on you've got selected if you shift i'll shift and click it it will unhide everything or shift click it and it will hide everything so i just want my head and the duplicate i'm going to go back to the original head because it's got some history there just in case um and a duplicate and that way i can now so this is the head isolated and uh a little bit this is always a little bit of trial and error just to see what works best in terms of z-remesh so i'm just z remission this topology back down a little bit and uh that will give me my that what i'm aiming for is my lowest wait subdivision one and then i'm gonna dynamite or sorry subdivide a couple of times after that you'll see now in a second give it too much you won't go so gary i like the live classroom discussions with feedback and critiques with uh participation from our students yeah i mean watching watching them artists walking lives is kind of close to that so at least you're in the right direction cabel's asking how uh to make the claws so what do you see can we touch on that in this all right so that's pretty nice actually that worked out way better than i thought it would i thought this area here was gonna cause some issues but that actually hit the nail on the head so that's gonna be now my first subdivision level you can see like if i use smooth i can smooth super easily where you could see me using smooth with the same intensity on the dynamesh and nothing was moving um so that's good so that's going to be our lower subdivision and now i'm just going to subdivide a couple of times let's go let's go to 5. and then down to project and because as you can see the two heads are overlaying each other here so we're just going to go down to um project all right as you can see there i have a shortcut to control shift q again i know i explained this before but control alt shift i use control alt shift for a lot because i just use that control shift and then different um letters because ctrl alt shift um is not there's there's no pre there's no previous shortcut keys in zbrush at standard that use ctrl shift and alt so it means i'm not overwriting anything yeah it was actually something i picked up from there my old supervoicer stefano stefano dubois another great sculptor and he was working in disney before i walked with him on he'd worked on a big hero 6 and frozen and wreck-it ralph and uh my first day my first studio my first industry job i was sat right next to him so you can imagine that was that was handy learned a lot from him there we go throw me the chat their face well this is yeah still insane and saskia notes hype all loving your character i was wondering about your experience thoughts with drawing i've often heard treaty character artists say practice in 2d is beneficial to understanding shape and form so um i'm not sure if you've caught any of the previous streams or anything i did ask you but that's definitely something that i uh i peddled that a lot like because i was a 2d artist before i ever did any treaty and like i spent a lot longer as a whole doing 2d and then 3d and the principles are all the same you know anatomy and as you say their shape and form and um design and shape language they're all sculpting and draw and share all of those things so um that's they they literally as soon as i started sculpting once i got the hang of z brush i immediately started to be able to sculpt at like a pretty decent level because i already knew all that stuff so they definitely definitely translate across and something that um i recommend for a lot of people when they want to start sculpting like there's a lot of people who uh aren't necessarily artists and then they see zbrush and they think it looks like something that they could be really into and so they want to try to get into zbrush but they haven't got a lot of experience you know drawing or anything like that beforehand um which is can often be the case as opposed to someone who like drew since they were a kid and always did and then they got into zbrush or maybe they were they learned some modeling in like a gaming course in college or something and then they got from there into which is a bit more technical got from there into the zbrush um and for anyone from that end of it that didn't like draw or anything before something that i highly recommend is um life drawing classes if you can do that is um something that would really be helpful that's something i did for years and um my drawing level and understanding of anatomy and form and like quadrupled at least and especially if you can get a good life drawn teacher that is super super helpful all right so you can see now now we've got the same head so we're on this one press down now we're on your own so you're exactly the same except this one doesn't have any subdivision levels so we can delete this make sure this is so because i did this when he did the zbrush masters um episode and i deleted the wrong head now luckily i had a previous one that i made but i deleted the one with the subdivision levels which would have meant i'd have to go back in and do a lot again um yeah so now you can see here's the same head same detail except now we've got subdivision levels and we can smooth things and we can still move things around all that good stuff um sean do you mean who's the guy you mentioned before do you mean stefano i you can see is i put his the link to his iron station or is it someone else i don't know if i didn't mention someone else okay yeah gary so you're saying that watching you guys are great but everyone is too fast i can't follow you but i will check out your recommendations yeah so that's something i was only thinking about the other day so something that everyone should consider when they're learning anything is you know like for example like i've thought about doing a course exactly like that i'm not really as much as i'm not against watching tutorials and learning that way and i'm not really into i've taught and thought about making tutorials and um it's just not something i probably maybe still will at some stage but it's just not something that really excites me is the idea of making a tutorial um but something that i would be a lot more interested in is um doing a course where i have like actual you know um whatever live streams directly with the the students or that kind of thing and then that led me to my point here which is like who would i teach because um you can't teach everybody because not in one go at least um because for example you might have one student who knows zbrush inside now but they want to learn something more about sculpting and then in the same class you've got someone who does not know zbrush and doesn't even know if they need a wacom you know what i mean i've experienced that i remember doing a concept back course years ago and like i was drawn and painting for a good boil at that stage but and then someone in the class raised their hand and we're like do we need to have a wacom to draw and paint and photoshop and at that moment i realized it was in the wrong class um but the problem was that the course had dictated who should and shouldn't join so you'll see on some courses they'll do portfolio reviews first and they'll only accept in certain levels and because that way it can be tailored properly so that the people who do join get the right lessons and so so what i was thinking was and it's something that i was thinking about for myself as well um you kind of need to be ready for particular lessons like it's always good to get as much as you can like it's good to watch the likes live streamers and um you know it's it's almost like it's in a way it's kind of subconsciously going in uh so i do recommend like doing whatever you can whether that's watching live streams or tutorials or um but something like something like shane's course i think would help a lot um and then but like there's always just time spent yourself just figuring out you know the uh at least even say the basics of zbrush so that when you do a course that when someone says okay and now i'm going to dynamesh rather than thinking then you're thinking oh okay i wouldn't have taught the dynamist there instead of thinking what's dynamesh because now you've missed the whole point and you can't always expect the person to go in and explain every button and you know are you know so i'm doing all this and you don't know you don't understand how navigation works in zbrush and stuff so it's very difficult not not just it's difficult first both students and teachers it's really difficult for teachers because um you need to know a musician you need to know your crowd and which can take a little while to figure out well it can take a little while to actually build the crowd and see [Music] you know get the feedback and so on so you can tailor as you go along to to kind of understand better what people want to see and then also what you want to make as as a crave like maybe more beginners tune into your to you know to your live stream and yet but you want you don't want to just do tutorials on how to use zbrush you want to talk about sculpting and the kind of more advanced end of it then in my opinion you should do what you want to do because if you're if you're not then you're not going to do a very good job generally if you're doing something for everyone else and only everyone else you need to you need to enjoy it too um uh sean so it's stefano dubois it's um yeah you have his first name right so it's d-u-b-a-y so if you try it into a station you'll find them just the only one that i see in there pgmp i would love to use zbrush mostly for retopology and fix improve 3d shapes for 3d printing i'm wondering if it could be suited for such task as a parametric software and if so what's your opinion i will um yeah it can't yeah it can be uh yeah well actually for something like that like there's an interesting way to re-topple in z brush by using polygroups i recommend looking that up and if that's what you're looking for and then sweet that should do the trick um i mean yeah there's uh a lot of people that use even for like you know jewelers and stuff that are making jewelry in zbrush for printing and so absolutely yeah no i'm not just saying something i don't like i don't like this i don't like this because that's not what happens in there but she doesn't dip in like that i see i don't so i don't like that so we're gonna have to do something about that and this is the kind of thing like you can't always catch everything i wish i caught this before i did the whole dynamesh thing but i didn't so you know what you're gonna do you gotta just go fix it and fixing it this way is going to be a bit like if this was a separate piece all i have to do is just pull the edge of that i wouldn't have to worry about this where now you can see it's a good example actually so you can see uh if i go in with the damian standard and start going in here like it's pulling in directions that i don't necessarily actually want it to pull causing little valleys where i don't want see that shape like i didn't want that shape i don't want this angle here and it's just by nature what kind of happens when you start so now i have to fight two shapes at the same time i feel like which is a bit of a pain so i hopefully you know because i zero meshed and it kind of follows the edge flow a little bit so you can see there so that's wrapped around the nose more or less so i can use that mask now and i want to make sure this is where i want to make sure that the shape is nice and clean it has a nice curve to it this is where your drawn comes in um because people who draw the nature of actually drawing the line the curves and so on tend to be more at the forefront of your head because you're literally drawing lines as opposed to creating volumes in sculpting and see that's that's icky so we have to go ahead and fix that but um you can think more about cords and all that jazz you can think more about the uh the flow of the the lines that your volumes are creating that's super important so we could do so i'm pulling this out a little bit now and then i'm gonna need to go check this from the front feeling in a second just to make sure i haven't made that look crap so i can do there is on the lower subdivision so sorry i'm just masking that area and then control tap outside to flip the mask and and then i can go down into deformation and you'll see down here inflate now i have them fly here because i use them flight pretty often if i just do something like that so it's not too bad now it's not perfect it's a little bit in there i like it so now we're going in and now we're refining where we want those creases and we don't want those creases refining our shapes a little bit pull this in i'm trying to pull it in like i'm not pulling it in up here trying to pull it in down near the nostril i think i think i'm pretty happy with the overall normal shape i think it's kind of goofy so actually what i should be doing is just so everyone can see that's another thing about stream is sometimes you forget your stream don't forget you're streaming but like you know you guys actually want to see the full sculpt rather than me walking on the abstract thing oh hey deco echo's joined in that goes in with us last week i work with taco and we work in the same studio he's another one of the lead character modelers he also does some super cool um sets and props and he's one of those people who does a bit of everything he's very good at definitely a worthy look actually i've seen them that's actually coming back to you um what we were talking about before uh that i think gary you asked was about um the horses and stuff there's something that i haven't really started yet um it's not it's and i can't make any promises and maybe that's why i shouldn't say anything but i'm gonna say because uh i'm an alpha man and there's a mentor type of thing that record that i could be doing down the line which would be a bit more one-to-one i haven't worked out any of that yet um it's true a specific company that are quite early days and the reason that it reminded me there is because i know darko has uh signed up to it as well and um and one of the other guys that i work with as well that i've streamed with in the past my own channel gavin o'donnell and so you know there's potential there for that and i think gavin is doing painting like map painting and uh environment design and that kind of stuff and he's super super talented as well so definitely if you're into that kind of stuff check him out as well gavin o'donnell that alright another honor you're irishman and but yeah so keep your ears to the ground because that's something that i might do as well and uh darko was part of too um yeah yeah meant yeah i thought you were thought you were saying with your mentor me and so you don't need a mentor that go um but yeah mentor me yeah yeah i don't think they've i don't speak too much because i don't know where they are in the um proceedings so we'll leave it at that but it's so it's a potential thing for the future that i do find interesting i've done some like i i did a i did a mentor program with a french college where i mentored they have like they get shoot like the students do their final year program and um they get an artist who's like working in the industry at that particular task so she had another i don't know who the other artist was but she had another uh working professional artist teacher some set uh modeling stuff and then they asked me to help her with making characters she did a great job um i was trying twitter but it's actually that's that's it's something that i love to do like even this like just sharing information with people and i really enjoyed the owner and i know darko does as well echo does a lot of tutorials um and that kind of stuff um stick your um if you're still there there go put your youtube channel and they'll link there are in the chat there for people i've actually used some of them myself there was a great one there for rendering i wanted to have like that girl has one of his tutorials is about just having a dynamic depth of field because you can set depth of field and arnold but like obviously if you move the camera then you have to move your depth of field and that goes through a tutorial on how to set it up that no matter where you put your camera your your depth of field updates um which i uh i checked out and began to use because it's super handy all right let's leave that for now so we're not sitting on it for too long and um address this clothing thing a little bit so what i want to do is just lift the arms off the body a little bit because i don't wanna like go in and sculpt with the damien standard to create crease in there i want an actual crease i want an actual area where the between the sleeves and the the jacket itself so i don't want to go too mental because i do want to pull these back down so kind of this is like defining how thick his arm is at the elbow basically i don't want to go nuts something like that i will want a loop it'd be nice to get a loop that circles that it shouldn't be an issue we can just when we after we dynamesh and everything we can or we can um we can i'll use the remesh by union on this one just to show the other method and that will keep actually it's a better idea because it'll keep the poly groups and then we can zero mesh by poly group which will give us a loop around the arm where it's meeting the body because the body and the arm are two different polygroups so that's what we'll do something like that will do us yeah that's just easy so the intention there is just to lift them so we can measure everything together then when we have a loop around we have um edge loops around that arm we can just mask out that arm and pull the the arm back down then and all will be well yeah clothing today yeah that's because you asked earlier i think chris right about the clothing so we're gonna so i wanted to fit it in so i'm gonna have a look now so let's get those we're not going to do the feet yeah we'll do legs okay sorry get that out of the way as you can see there in the right if i can move stuff around pretty fast so let's do this so turn symmetry off hit w for our transform go into the settings here and over to remesh by union let's see what that does now similar to dynamesh but different so you see it's it's welded everything together and it's left an edge between it hasn't it keeps the topology of each mesh as is and only affects the in-between and just stitches them together where dynamesh evaluates the entire surface and does a whole new mesh essentially like it's completely different topology across the entire mesh to where i get the the same thing and chris i asked in the last stream sorry sorry brother and we just hadn't got to that point yet in the last stream um because i like to get the you know you want to make sure that your shapes it's better to make sure that your shapes are all working correctly um before adding the clothes like the body underneath is the right shape and then when you add the clothes on you're adding the clothes that they drape on that existing shape so that's why you haven't done the clothes just yet so i don't we won't have time to like finish the clothes necessarily today because actually i want to do a little bit more uh research into what kind of and clothes i want to stick on but um you can see the method at least on hell we're gonna do that so yeah okay so duplicate and zero mesh and before we see remesh so you can see we've got the different poly groups and let's go to geometry down to zero mesh and then here you've got keep groups which is referring to the polygroups so we click on that and we'll see what it does with this number it's slow so might mess something up but we'll see so we've got heat groups on so it's going to zero mesh and it's going to put loops it's going to direct the loops around those to keep those uh poly groups which is what we want because we want zero mesh to give me a loop you want zero mesh to give me a loop around where the body meets the arm there and either side of that and that way i can mask that circular loop around that so i can mask out the arm entirely and then i can easily just uh shift that arm down wait yeah see so i've got a different man now not quite exactly what i was i don't know what a light bulb you know that's okay it's it's it'll do the job right that's not ideal because it does that why did you do that let's go a bit harder this is what i meant when it that's why it's a little bit low because sometimes you get stuff like that and you can lose chunks of volume in aries which you don't necessarily want sorry let's go with let's just go with two and see so again i have a keyboard shortcut ctrl shift and alt you see that same thing again and for for zero mesh i use z because it's zero mesh it's the creative mind um oh dracula from colombia cool hey bro someone beat his belly yeah maybe dracula from colombia yeah look at that could be better could be worse i'm gonna do it one more time no i'm not gonna spend too long if it doesn't if it doesn't it's not perfect it doesn't matter we'll manage probably usually if i wasn't streaming i'd sit for longer and try to get a little bit more towards what i'm looking for oh i'll see your english yet yeah staggers this point now you can actually hold alt and hit c mesh and it will use it'll use a it's a slightly different algorithm right as far as i know and uh so it'll give you a slightly different result so it's something you can try if you're um zero mesh isn't quite giving you the results you're looking for so we'll see what it does differently here oh look at that you can see it's a little bit different but still haven't kind of the same problems i'll tell you what i'll just let's just that's actually just to make sure that it works just so i don't get that crappy stuff here we'll just put it up by 3.5 that way it'll cover it and whatever this spits out we're just going with famous last words select from hi from france i hope i will learn one more time hey select form that's an interesting one yeah that looks yeah you can still see it's doing this weird stuff but there's enough resolution there that's not gonna give us and the idea is look we can select now let's save so i'm just using ctrl and shift again just to hide certain polygroups do that and then flip it and unmask it and now we'll just control tab to flip it and just tap on the mesh a little bit flip that and we can kind of pull it down you see now that's how i move down but i want to keep it up for a minute so now that we have like semi well decent apology for what we need it's not actually a decent topology but for what we need it'll do the job so i'm just going to so let's see you have to make him a he's got to have a t-shirt with a collar like a a jumper over that and then like a gansey job um a lot of people might be wondering what i mean by gansey ganzi is a gansey a universal thing was that another thing i don't know gansey like a like a jumper um and i just saying job because it's what i always say it's a it's a grand job and a big old trousers up you know halfway up his waist halfway up his torso so what i'm going to do here is use the slice tool which is just in your pro in your in your brushes that's around here somewhere slice curve i'm just going to cut that see what i did let's get something a bit a bit more addiction higher we can pull it down there's the fee ah okay all right we'll do that sorry actually i wanted to oh i forgot yeah so you've got that on our body now which i mean if you were done details and stuff you could again go back in and do your um subdivide and reproject the detail onto your own but like there's no detail on this so there's nothing really to project so we don't mind that so we can delete that one and now we've got something now we've turned that into something else that's easier to work with so this is going to be our body and then we're going to duplicate that i'm going to call across here and where else am i going to call i can actually just use the topology now so now the whole top bit is masked we'll actually just shift it down a little bit more yeah yeah yeah and flip the mask ctrl w will poly group the mask and then just control shift sorry select this is the standard one that's on select um it's not flipping because it was using the slice curve so i'll just hit that and click and drag this to switch the selection around and then delete hidden so this is where what we were talking about earlier gary comes in that maybe if you don't know zbrush that's gonna be too fast you're going to be wondering or especially if you don't know any 3d software that's what i'm talking about being about being ready to do a tutorial are ready to do a specific course um there's always a certain amount of time that you need to kind of put aside yourself to familiarize yourself that's what i would recommend anyway i don't recommend going i wouldn't recommend it's just in general going and paying for a course based on something that you know like barely anything about is not not to say you know barely anything but you know in general um and then like there's obviously different levels of information that you're going to want to know like there's there's going to be people and that's always going to be the case which is where the challenge comes in when you're teaching and there's gonna be cases and but that's why i checked the chat is if someone has questions they couldn't follow something that i can try and address it then but um this is where you use your own flight if there is something that i've done that's that you're unfamiliar with then you can ask but there's gonna be people in the watching that are like yeah completely get what he did there and they're just here to kind of familiarize with like a workflow but they know what the tools do and then there's gonna be people that won't know how to do that which is actually ctrl shift and just click on it um and you're inevitably you're inevitably always going to get a mix and this doesn't unless you're doing like a specific course where you have like you've previously went and checked people's portfolios and selected them based on their it's the only way to make sure that you know exactly who you're talking to and you can tailor for that group i tend to tailor i tend to tailor for people who have a good understanding of zbrush like a decent understanding don't you don't have to know it you know you know how to mask something you know how to navigate you know how to merge a sub tool and i'll still kind of explain it because i'm aware there's other people that may not know that stuff and i'll generally explain it as i'm finding it true just to not again not to waste the time with the people that do know i try at least and it's a bit of a juggling involved but um and yes it's i don't want to just if i just talk about how to use zbrush that's that'll be like just talking to beginners because it's you know if you don't know how to use zbrush then it's not much point in talking to you about how to sculpt in zbrush if you still don't know how to use the basic tools in it you know um but obviously i want to talk about the actual sculpting itself and there's a there's a decent request for that there's a lot of people that want to to hear that stuff so yeah just trying to strike the balance and so sean's asking if you are posing in a more extreme pose than this would you do it all in a pause first and get the character close to finished dynamesh then pose with the transpose master so that's a good question oh i actually have an example well something that's more applicable at least that i can show you real quick as you can see this guy is like his whole body's torn his legs are posed his arms are posed and now he's not like it's not like a spider-man pause necessarily but actually the same principles would apply and get the basic shapes in uh i've sculpted the head you know i've done mesh and sculpt the head and but all of this stuff is um is dynamic subdivision is this yeah that's dynamic subdivision um pretty sure yeah so is that so a lot of this stuff is still like no detail or anything like that just just basically the forms and the shapes are in there did that all of that in a pose and then pause them and like i did make some i noticed i did make some mistakes because i wanted to pause the hands which can be difficult um but i i went in and um i i had created a so because the topology in here is working pretty well i had made if you if you separate out a loop poly loop you can run um a curved brush along the edge of a polygroup and by just dragging along it and holding shift and it will run that curve all the way the length of the curve of sorry the poly loop and the the poly the the edge of the poly loop like an open edge so you know you can just duplicate looks of okay that's just really quick so if i duplicate this and i want to polygroup loop and now i want to use this delete hidden so now i can use this so now if i want to run stitching so there was a stitch oh i think this is not no it's not cloth brush do we have there's a stitching brush no maybe not anyway we'll just pick another call and run it along it say chill so you see it's wrapped all the way around there which isn't ideal so all you have to do is just poly group the edges and there you go so it will run along that core of and it'll stop where you have the poly group where you have the a different poly group and so i had done that with stitching on it all the way around this glove and then obviously i had to pause it then and all these stitches we're going all over the place and have to just delete the stitches so i'll have to do that again so you know stuff like that kind of detail you don't really want to do um so essentially like once i get the clothes on this guy could go into that whatever pose at that point and or even i could sometimes depending how i'm feeling just pose the body and then just make the clothes completely in the pose and because i'm gonna you know it's not really a big idea it's not really a big deal to just get the general mesh and like you can see with the trails just like all it did was duplicate the body and cut off the top and bottom like it took a second just to get the general gist of it and at that point you might you're gonna go in and when you're sculpting uh falls or anything like that you're gonna do that asymmetrically anyway so you could pretty much just pose that you could like pose the body there's no wrong answer necessarily but um yeah often you can just pause the body because that way at least if you've got the clothes on top and then you pause everything in t-pose uh using the t-pose mesh then you're gonna have cut through and stuff that you're gonna have to worry about so it depends on the intricacy of the elements in your clothing as well like i i don't have a specific time where i'm like right now i pose it's always based on all right what's going to be i have to think of all the elements ahead of time that i have to make and then pre-plan how to how to do this well like i had one remember early on doing a specific character where it was like the arms were holding uh crossbows so i didn't make a t-pose because i sculpted it from scratches and sculpted it from a base or anything like that um i didn't do an apos i did i actually did the character with the arms bent up because both were all i had to do with one arm then it's kind of rotated not a silly example but it's just the principle of the idea um rather than because once you sculpt that arm and then you belt bend the elbow you're going to get a load of like mess in that the crease and re-sculpt the elbow so rather than i just did that to begin with and then just moved it slightly so again i know it's kind of sounds like a silly example but it's you know if i it's just a case of planning ahead for each character and what's gonna what's gonna be easiest and obviously the more experience you get with doing them the quicker you get at the figure and that stuff that's it like there's lots of times where i don't think no matter how much experience you have there's always going to be for unforeseen issues that you might have to bring forth and then yeah sometimes i have done i have uh paused while they were still in separate subtools because then i can do whatever a little bit of shape on the arm and on the side of the forearm and the upper arm and then pause them and then still be able to move those forms with no worries and then dynamesh them in the correct shape so that's easier again but again it can depends sometimes it can kind of complicate making the different elements of the clothes so you really have to kind of judge it case by case and you're gonna mess it up a bunch of times that's okay because you will learn from it okay let's make this jumper so let's duplicate this again well okay let's do it a different way just for and duplicate that number so another way you can do it sorry another way you can do it is air with the extract just shift drag there and now when you've got a mask you can go down to extract and result tools and extract you see it gives you a new mesh except and there you go so i can use this so i don't want to use flip that hidden and three hidden now and i can delete up here and what i can do here is the perspective off slice here we go it's it's every mesh that's too hot should we keep the um groups again that way you see like a market and all this issue let's hit zero mesh clean as you like let's hear it mesh again because we're low on subdivisions or sorry we're low we're lowering the resolution for the mesh so you can often get or you lose a little bit of volume so you just want to push that back up now we can get the different body groups work smart not hard as they say on jim waltz i always love those quotes as a gym in an ironic way not like a you know not no sad way i'll see it i think i'm gonna be better today i'm just gonna giggle to myself okay let's see here so i'll just say that's his jumper and now we're going to make his it's got a jacket thing hey sebastian welcome extract accept same job again fight here's that slice i'm gonna do i'm gonna slice across here get rid of that oh we should have done that in a orthographic view which is without its perspective as you don't know and tell your perspective and i'm gonna call here off like so um yeah pop boy shape is great thanks man uh how often do you use marvelous designer very rarely i've used i used it on um sculpt i did a voldemort with the cloak it's the only time i've used it from your own personal it's the only time i've used it for for any walk and it's great that i haven't it's not that i'm not being good or anything like that just i generally especially on stylized characters and i like to sculpt them myself to sculpt the wrinkles and stuff myself for better if i'm worse so you can see there i've done that and it's cutting the back off so just so just do that mask it and poly group it get rid of it or hide it i should say now i can flip it's not ideal really i should have caught that but look alright so this guy should have an edge so we're just going to pull the edge out because this is what sirimesh wants just wants to see a surface it doesn't care about what apology was actually there before so if we do that now it should give us an edge here okay go see catch you later sean thanks for dropping boy let's lower that actually let's say the car series measures making a lawyer really let's try our altitude now seems to work fine we don't use that that's okay and just use an old smooth there to get the roundness and then i don't want to do inflate just globally ever so i'm just using the inflate brush and after when we get these things kind of more or less into place we can go into the t-pose mesh then get them closer to where they need to be and get the overall silhouette just move everything together kind of get the overall silhouette working with the clothes so i need to actually could deal with this getting a bit lower yeah there we go that was way too high there this way we can move things around because really what we want is this he's gonna be sitting in his fist so see with the lower amount of polys much easier to control so i essentially want like a straight line almost unless it's like hitting the stomach there which it is we're just going to shift that some perspective back on double now if we just crease this real quick just to show you you see we can control that curve because it's only a couple of polys so it's nice and easy that's not going to give me a lot of hassle and then another thing i can do is i can take this mask edge loop complete inflate center that have a back a little bit and grab that edge again and extrude i'm just going to mask this again yeah flip the mask shrink that a little bit increase this bevel bevel my way there is it's left me no yeah okay let's just do it like this that's okay mask and fight now this is basically poly modeling but see again this is a clean way of going about it so again so we're just going to go with actually in this case this is inserted let's just insert one here mask that and i break the symmetry and yes we were just talking about that a minute ago it's it's a it's really a case-by-case situation you kind of just want to think about what you got to make and think about the character you're going to make and think about what's going to be easiest because sometimes it's better to go up to a certain stage and and even get a bit of detail in before you pose and then sometimes you're better off essentially blocking it out and then going straight to pose and then adding your clothing your details and it's something that's changes depending on the circumstance and what you've got to make so we're gonna go back out um hcdb hey this looks great question for a beginner at 3d art would you recommend focusing more on stylized characters or start with sculpting realistic anatomy if you like doing um if you enjoy doing starlord's characters you know there's definitely an element of you should do what you want to do for fun so that you keep doing it if you don't want to always be practicing and only practicing because if you're not having fun with um your sculpting then it's makes it way more difficult to keep it up and really that's the most important thing is that you continue to do it um that said to get really good at doing stylized characters you need to understand how real anatomy works for sure and so yeah you definitely want to do that um so it's a case of splitting up your studying and then you're like your study scopes and you're just doing it for fun just indulging yourself um because you want to do some sculpting you know what i mean you should really be doing both you should be sculpting for fun because you want to do it and you know sometimes as well then you should be doing some more practical studying kind of thing like doing your anatomy studies um in order to learn more about it so that your fun scopes get better which in itself is fun well i think uh you know you when you walk away from something and you're actually better now like there's such a cool feeling sometimes there's like days where it's like something just clicks that day and you literally feel like gone to bed that night you feel like i'm actually a better artist today than i was yesterday it's really important so both it's the short answer that's where something like i was talking about life drawn earlier something like life drawn is really good for that type of stuff you know you can learn a lot about your anatomy and stuff in that way and then translate that into your sculpting that's a good way of doing it that way when you sit down to zbrush you can just do what you want to do and you can use that knowledge this should be like falling inwards now here so and let's get this into position let's turn off all of this should be just need to lower this sweater thing because his collar is going to come out from there but his little uh what that's called the little card thing i like priests and stuff have that go around the neck no under their collar the white so this is going to be underneath let's do this mask i need to add an edge in here you could pull that off because you want a little like bulge there where his sweater is like tucked into his trousers because he's old just bottom now we can all do is we'll duplicate this okay that's not gonna work the mask won't work so we'll just poly group oh we have it already there we go delete that deflate that so it's underneath and again this isn't like how i make colors or something this is just on the fly yeah okay so color yeah okay i know it's underneath the color though the white thing that's underneath a clerical color clarity color or roman color okay yeah okay sorry i did the common thing and i didn't read the one before yeah so color yeah okay i'll take it making this clergy color um so yeah so i don't have like a process for making clergy colors it's just like you know uh like for those of you who have used zbrush for a while you kind of you'll know what i mean like you you just you know the tools and you're like pretty quickly you can be like all right if we do this this and this then that will they'll do the job you know i could like go in there and like add a cylinder and squash it down and you know do all that kind of stuff and it's just a lot of messing where i can just use what i have here it's way quicker and and it's just i i want to just clear or clarify that because uh sometimes people ask me like oh is you know how do you make such and such a thing like something super specific um or can you go through like something that i did on a stream like ages ago because i made a boot a certain way you know like no idea what i did um necessarily for that particular boot you know it depends sorry mask so i wanted to shape this up so here we could we could use our dynamic subdivision here just to get essentially a preview so we'll just crease and direct subdivision dynamic i'd love to do kind of like joke tutorials like that like clergy color process video stuff like so specific no one's ever to care just for the laugh satirical tutorial channel but unfortunately i do not have that kind of time oh wait i wish i had that kind of time no i don't actually but it's way too much time i don't want to know what it's like to be so bored that i go and make an entire youtube channel just just for a joke um i'm sure you know so let's say see i've gotten caught up in declaration so i want this to kind of do it yeah no i think i do i wanted to like line up sure alright so now we can duplicate this get rid of it's kind of too short or too long it's got that one so this is the color on top of this clergy color yeah yeah so that goes in there so yeah make a cylinder put it in the neck though yeah i mean yeah could totally do that um i mean it's one of those well it's like anything really it's this one made skin a cat you know if i had nothing else there to work off then yeah probably just made us in there but in this case i just extruded it off the t-shirt or off the jumper here because the jumper that's exactly where it's going to be coming from so why not um but yeah in another case you may not have something like that particular circumstance in which case you have to use a different approach like a cylinder for example around the neck so there's that's what i mean by i don't have like a clergy color process but if i do i will make that tutorial that is a tutorial that i will make and because i'll have to like it and share it subscribe or i'll be very upset oh yeah i wanted to okay so extrude double i love as extras such a good addition my favorite tool let's see brush favorite tool in what's your favorite tools put that trolling in the chat what's your favorite tool in zbrush i think i had to go with zero mesh i mean i hear it out loud it's kind of obvious it's not like it's not you know you kind of always like to call the underdog it's not really the underdog oh it's just so useful oh yeah i'm going to add one in there and use mask select this what time is it actually am i way over time probably yeah 15 minutes over see this is what happens when you're making clergy colors you get carried away okay leave them there we've basically dressed them and yeah he's really starting to come together now so i think he's going to look cool grill rev green so we'll leave him there for for today and uh pick it up from here in two weeks and keep going i'd like to when i get the 3d printer and i'll go through all that stuff so stay tuned for that when i get the 3d printer and i haven't got my new machine yet because a couple of people are asking there's some delays with the 3080 so there's that so um yeah thanks for tuning in guys i'm going to go to bed because it's getting late and love is navies catches
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Id: sx57Z-TSQxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 133min 46sec (8026 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 07 2020
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