2019 Live ZBrush Sculpt-Off - Group 2

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[Music] welcome back hope your break was excellent I'm here with Joseph hello hello and we're starting round 2 round 2 group 2 zebras live disculpa we've got a whole 12 new artists this time around Oh another dozen if you caught this morning sculpt off it was amazing incredible so no pressure these guys no pressure none none so we're gonna start this off and here in a few minutes we got about 10 minutes before we yeah click our lovely time here and count down from 3 hours so our contestants here today they are 12 of them this is the group - so there's 24 total and they're all competing for the zbrush championship bragging rights and that's it's a heavy belt but we usually wear it yeah it's around a little bit so there's a lot of interesting stories of contestants from previous years going through the airport with the belt so it's always a wonder if they look at the artists and think maybe that they've won some boxing competition and they're just like what the champ [Laughter] there are some really cool prizes but there's also if you are just now tuning in there's only gonna be one grand toppdogg winner that's correct so this year instead of having two divisions which with a hard surface and organic we've combined them into one competition so it's all 24 artists are battling for that first place spot and we gave them the opportunity now they can do hard surface thing do organic extra both so we've given them more freedom this year in terms of what style their works gonna be done in along with that this year we also love them cement more than one entry if they would like so during their three hours if they want to submit one entry they can do that you want to submit to all the way up to three entries they could submit so say one of you finished early and then what's the fire off another entry then go ahead and do that in their three hours now the theme this year is emoji visualizations so we gave them a list of emojis which was about seven thousand or so yeah there's a lot of emojis on this whole wide world and they have they're tasked with choosing the emoji then generating a sculptural interpretation from that so let's say you do the know you get to pick the energy this time astronaut astronaut or dragon or lizard fair game and with these would go through and they sculpt their interpretations so if you did an astronaut probably want to look like a sir yeah but you could also maybe do a dong caster but some of the emojis are just displaying emotion itself and so what I'm hoping is if anybody chooses those they're gonna take their sculpts and like really push the emotional aspect of that characters right yeah organic or hard surface or any of that like it's gonna be crying if it's a crime emoji head one in terms of the competition and so they cuts us again this year is all anonymous so even just gonna I don't know whose screen we're looking at me super adult it could be anybody screen we do not know the voting will be done on ZBrush Central and that voting will start on Friday at 12 p.m. and that's la time with that so it'll be anonymous as well so you'll need to log in and then vote for your favorite entry and then that voting will take place across the summit which ends the voting itself ends on Sunday at 3 p.m. and then the winner for this 2019 live scoped off competition will happen at 6 p.m. so that's when we will announce the winner of the contest so we're about to start it off here we've got it is 351 you have a few more minutes so first want to give a shout out to our sponsors this year yeah so a lot of the sponsors have donated some wonderful prizes for the winner of the competition yeah some of the sponsors are also sponsoring the summit as well but we have a specific set that are just sponsoring the scoped off so we want to thank Mamaki for their one of the 3d printer companies that has a full-color 3d print and it's actually pretty awesome we saw we were at Comic Con they're print quality is really cool full color and so they are giving away three prints for the top three place finishers in the competition so first second and third they will receive a Mamaki print of their choice next we have Wacom and Wacom supplies these Cintiq sand tablets that are so using for this competition so the artists were allowed to tell us if they were going to use a Cintiq or a tablet and why couldn't helped us supply those devices for the event they're also giving away their new 22 inch Cintiq petition so thank you to Wacom next we have key shot so Luxy on and as provide us with their licenses key shots so that they can use the ZBrush to key shot bridge to sit and eat their bottles from there and do final render passes if desired they're also giving away pro versions of that software to some of our winning places as well so thank you to key shots finally we have formlabs please for webs if you guys are not aware they make 3d printers and the form 3 they're given away as a to the first-place winner so they're gonna actually end up that is a really amazing prize because just having your sculpt go from digital to real life it's such a satisfying moment so really awesome stuff from our presenters also this year to Mike Bordin designs made us some gloves and so each of the contestants here at the sculpt off are getting these special ZBrush gloves so if you're unaware of what these are so when you're using a tablet or a Cintiq they're actually quite large right so you're oftentimes when you're drawing you're going across the surface all right so this helps keep smudging down and also makes you go a little bit smoother yeah sculpting your model so it's a real thing where you're like as your skin catches mm-hmm but a but it leaves all the important no manipulation fingers available so fancy so another thing there so thank you to Mike Morgan designs for that let's see if you guys are joining us use the hashtag ZBrush summit to say hi are you guys at work are you hanging out with a group of folks just all streaming it and watching together from the couch like take a picture tag ZBrush um it's like yes and also we'll be monitoring the chat too so the other day comments have Annette want to give us any help the emojis that we're trying to name off this up because we definitely appreciate it there's so many emojis that's impossible for us to know all all of them oh my goodness alright one more thing before we start the timer here so also for the zebra summit this year we're also giving discounts on ZBrush oh yeah so we have 20% discounts for the petrel licenses and these consist of ZBrush and also ZBrush core and we're also giving away 20% towards the monthly subscription and also the six month subscription and the monthly and the six month subscription they will use a coupon code so the coupon code for the monthly one is summit one month and the coupon code for the six month is summit six month and if you have any questions on any of those definitely hit up the chat and they'll be more than happy to help you guys out so we're gonna start yelling at these guys here alright it's almost time yep get ready okay so should we start exactly she wait five minutes we should start exactly at four cuz some people aren't even going to tune in to the channel until 4 p.m. and that's when we did tell them everything let's go through a list of our contestants oh yeah we'll do the bell start the timer and get group 2 going [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] all right we're getting ready we're getting ready everybody here is like revving their engines ready to go like everybody has the rush up and they're holding their styluses I respect their commitment to the time limit to the time limit no I mean this is a pro group all right so we'll run through we got we want to start exactly a four class to be about three minutes yeah so coming up for more scheduling over the weekend so this is the first day of the zebra summit which is just the scoped off Friday Saturday and Sunday the zebra summit will take place this is happening here in LA at no-man's campus so if you are in LA definitely come out and visit us at the zebra summit entrance is free we're gonna be doing presentations all day Friday holidays Saturday and all day sunday so a lot of good stuff also most of the presentations if you guys are not in LA are also gonna be streamed online at ZBrush live.com there is one presentation that will not be streamed but all the other ones should be good to go so you can tune in at ZBrush live.com you can chat with other ZBrush artists and then comment on different things but if you're in LA as well make sure you come by stuff on the gnomon summit no man definitely stop by our here cuz not just like the talks and whatnot but there's so many artists there these artists that you're about to watch sculpt they're gonna be all hanging out on campus it's a really really good time and full of people who want to kick out about sculpting just as much as you do and we've a bunch of sponsors they'll have booths here as well so if you're to come check out that form three we were talking about earlier yeah they'll have one here on-site come check it out see how it prints I think it's almost I think ready all right let's get back to the camera stoked okay we're gonna do the countdown should we just count down from five are you guys all prepared for this am I ready five four three two one alrighty we're all ready let's see eight minutes eight seconds then dang it's gonna be good so as we're doing this so at least I think for the the last group forget about an hour and a half before we started like kind of zooming in you're gonna get a lot of six of the artists at the time just think kind of see where they're going with all this yeah once again they were limited to a fresh install ZBrush and we only allowed them to bring their hotkeys and UI so they couldn't bring anything else so they are free to use any tool that is ships with ZBrush so you can see we got some demo heads here we add um that was soldier as well I think that's a Julie model up there so they were free to use any of it and the goal this is that if you just bought ZBrush today and you installed it you too could achieve mm-hmm the same thing so there's no magic tools or magic materials or magic brushes that these artists are using they're all using the same thing that comes with the shipped version yeah and it's really amazing to see that what they can do in three hours with these tools now these artists had about a month of a heads up to kind of like formulate their plan for today but they didn't get to bring anything except for reference maybe a concept that they drew for themselves everything that they're sculpting is happening right now so starting out with his easier starting out with just like the demo man or you know the mannequin and stuff like that so we're gonna see all their creators has his creative decision-making come together real time real time yeah then we do give them uh as Jessica saying we give them of about the theme of the emote the competition we give them a time to kind of digest that and you know what they're gonna do so we don't throw them in 100% it's it's kind of daunting to be like here's seven thousand emojis one and make a cool thing that's gonna win you all the prizes all let's hop over the other screens excellent here is our second set of six in group two here oh they're ready got like a dragon taking place over there I like what they're up to as you see the difference and where they all start from I see two usage of Julie model here we got at least two of those we've got demo female head we had the demo soldier and the other one and the demo head it's some blocking out with just Spears we've got some looks like sculptors pro usage right out the gate into another dragon at the top there nice yeah I mean every artist how they approach something is completely different and also a lot to do with when they started using ZBrush so there are tools and whatnot that they're really really comfortable moving fast with we may have a lot of dragon emojis on this one I've seen three I don't love dragon so heck yeah give us every dragon yeah also if you're like scrolling through all the different emojis you're like what what really inspires me okay so dragon dragons are fun to school ah that's really cool wow this group is already vastly different than the previous group yes is this excellent let's hop back over to the other six now this stage more silhouette kind of getting generated and processed so looking at the shapes and the forms and you can see some people already have their templates loaded in huh and they're lining up there that is such a clever way so like they know that they're sculpting to frame and that's what they're gonna get yep very very smart so all the contestants were given a template file so all the rendered assets they're gonna be judged on their image on zebra central and we gave them a template file which they have to fit their final image into this way they're all unified it's all gonna be portrait format for that so that's why you can see with the bottom middle screen here that's framed to that rectangular vertical rectangle this way the framing of it is all gonna be neutral across all the contestants as well and you focus purely on the artistic properties of their work yep it gives them sort of like a fair basis to be compared from that's actually one of the main reasons where everything's anonymous I know that everybody's like I love this artist and I love this artist but which one is them well we want an artist popularity not necessarily to sway the votes and for the best piece of art to to rise up cuz we've got new comers to ZBrush and we've got streamers with huge huge huge followings like ZBrush is a a really great community and everybody here deserves a fair shake mm-hmm and our last two winning contestants are here in this group as well so Donna and Martin there are one of these screens somewhere we'll see if they can hold on to their title we've got some really excellent artists so we will see yeah we're gonna keep it on this overview just because so much of the broad-strokes not necessarily details are happening right now so if we zoomed in on one person working on something you'd miss maybe some really big sweeping changes yeah but we will get into the zoom ins at least after the first hour for sure yeah because these are the were the the largest changes in the competition are gonna happen at this level yep right at the start and just gonna see how they're gonna flush out their forms oh I love how middle bottom already going in and doing some huge sweeping poses and whatnot like they're like symmetry nah nope I'm straight into the dynamic end of this process let's hop over to guys we got horns horns all over the place looks like a lot of sculptors probably a snake hook usage in that little one hmm which gives that nice kind of pull off affect the sculptors pearl brush or option inside as the brush will allow you to give you well when used will give you dynamic tessellation so as you're sculpting the model will tessellate so it's really nice with the snake hook brush because you can drag out those nice sweeping strokes and as you drag that stroke out its gonna populate that stroke with geometry so you don't get all these little stretch triangles you kind of get this nice flow happening to it yeah whoo antler horns I also love the anatomy happening up in the top right yes it's just I love everybody's process no artist approaches anything the same like you give them the exact same tool set and everybody's gonna do something different that's the other thing great about these built up as well because that's what you're seeing here like they're all given the same thing all the computers in the air are all random and campus here one of their labs all the machines of the same specs so that tablets some have some teks but that's by preference mm-hmm and then the installs of ZBrush are all the same so rad so with the emoji visualization that we're doing for these sculpt off that's happening right now if you are coming on site or these summits we will also be doing an on site challenge that is going to be based around emojis emojis as well for that challenge it's gonna be similar to the Michelangelo challenge from 2018 so you have 15 minutes to create an emoji 15 minutes is fast it is fast and after that has been created it'll be submitted and the winner of that competition will receive a Ulta maker printer Wow or two they are sponsoring the it's you Wow yeah so it's a pretty good deal and you can if you're on site you can definitely partake in that challenge multiple times we had a lot of artists last year that came for the Michelangelo challenge and submitted multiple entries I love it and then we can't wait to see mm-hmm it's pretty exciting and then with that as well the um was my not here well with the emoji challenge we're going through and not only is the winner going to walk away with the Ultimaker printer but in addition to that we will go through and pick some of our favorite entries from the emoji challenge that's happening on site and those emojis will be embedded into ZBrush central oh that's really fun special emojis for zero central users so if you want to come to the zebra summit and it's Friday Saturday and Sunday you can come down here and you can try your hand at another competition involving emojis head on out I really hope a lot of people in chat now are coming and joining us this weekend I mean if you're in California it is worth it and there's no entry fee to get into the summit we have a bunch of great presentations lined up and go get into all of those I think we also may have some of the workshops still open as well so if there's any seats in there you could probably also be coming out sign up for that there's workshops too if there's any seats available those workshops are excellent because it's like you the instructor and a bunch of computers so you're getting like a lot of hands-on instruction they're very small you know instruction is yeah so you don't have a ton of students in there with the instructor so it's very personal hands-on and they go through a lot a lot a lot of stuff everyone's I've seen parts of well been extremely excellent do you want to see the other hats do the other half wait yes that's right so got some pumpkins set for Allah ween I love that they made it like I really what do you care loom gourd that's not like the perfect pumpkin so if you're messed with paper clay yeah I have although not in a long long time we did so this was last Halloween it was my soulmate he sculpted a gigantic paper pumpkin heads I love it did you wear them for Halloween we wrote were them for Halloween we also made gigantic Foam swords that is how you need a cloak and a gigantic for I'm sorry oh my gosh you guys were like headless horseman yes and Alice's my daughter's hers was pink and she actually cut out Leafs out of paper the paper that's a colored paper Oh construction paper construction papers here we go thank you that's like something special in fancy nose the basic words that you forgot yes she glued them all over it so the hearse was all like pink it had leaves oh and then we have miss over there when they talked they lit up you are a very cool dad okay I don't know what we're doing this year yet got figure it out alright so if you guys are just tuning in this is the ZBrush 2019 live sculpt off we're here in Nome ins campus here in Hollywood we have 24 contestants competing this year for a single championship belt so we've combined the hard surface and organic divisions into one single division mm-hmm and the artists were artists are now competing for that championship belt and to be crowned champion ZBrush sculpt off something well no that's like now it's the wooden champion to rule them all yes a little the artists like use all their skills and all the different sorts of styles of modeling not just organic or hard surface yeah so I think so far in the last groups we had one hard surface that was clearly hard oh yeah somewhere we had one that would we had an alien that was sculpted head and then ended up with you know Arbor and stuff like that all scoped it out in three hours so a lot of more variety and kind of they're open to a lot of the artists do what they do rather than trying to constrain them to you got to stay here or you guys stay here mm-hmm now let's see if we even run through the artists that are in this group really quick [Music] so a ton of great artists competing in the competition this year so many good artists seriously and I love the images that they chose to like represent themselves as artists there's a really really fun and badass stuff and some of the artists that are in our competitions too this year so some of the 24 will also be giving presentations oh there's a few that are going to be doing presentations so sculpting in the sculpt off you have some that are even sculpting in the sculpt off okay doing a presentation okay then I'm also teaching a workshop oh dang that's a lot this is a business trip for them it is all business all work serious business so the summit will be happening this week Friday Saturday and Sunday they'll start on Friday at 12 o'clock and then we'll continue out through the day well pixologic presentation at 7:30 on Friday then the summit will continue on Saturday and Sunday if you are in LA and you get to the gnomon campus over here definitely come on out they get into the zebra stump summit it is free just guys show up we'll let you write in and see all the presentations and talk to all the amazing people that are here that are all using ZBrush so it's a very huge community that comes out for the event so a lot of good stuff here we've got a bunch of our sponsors showing up with booths as well so I'm going to talk to them and then on Saturday night - we have a little after-party as well yeah if you're gonna come out and you only have a little bit of spare time come out Saturday evening and meet everyone and hang out talk sculpting talks fishing cool prints yeah we have a nomen has a gallery open - that's focused on all the artwork of ZBrush as well you come see that gallery show - so a lot of our contestants here have submitted works for the gallery so that's really cool mmm the gallery princess you were done through arts station and there oh there I'm doing a new thing they're coming out with and all the prints are from themselves the world is really awesome principal hello so we're at 2:43 yes we've barely 50 min 17 minutes whatever but already if people are making huge strides like you can already kind of tell like what's happening we're gonna hop over back to our sixes we've got a samurai so we got some crazy sculpting already happened in the one so that's the flushed out now just detailing now the big question is what emojis - these match up I could maybe tell a few from the last session like the dragon so we got all those right yeah but I mean what are there multiple emoji dragons I'm sure they're internet let us know Internet I'm sure there's more than one there's 7,000 it's gotta be theirs dragon dragons well there's there's the squiggle dragon which is my favorite dragon so you got a few oh yeah hmm cool well I think we're gonna be seeing a lot of a little bit of everything we just really have which one they pick we never any dragon or the first one no not at all we had demons though people yes we did have some demon the ZBrush community really does embrace demons and Dragons yeah we're fantasy up in here so over there six here's our dragons so every time I started dragon I get about I get the head done and then I dislike it throw it away do you get intimidated by the scales I have never made a dragon that I like after a certain point oh look at that I start it and then I look at it and then I just are you doing full-on dragon are you doing though I don't have any just get past myself with a bust we've written how do you pronounce that I only ever read it w yv r en where it their wings are their arms as well so like I love that based on the physical anatomy of a dragon that like their wing structure if they have wings or not there's like whole different names for each of those yeah so I guess we'll find out if these are serpents or dragons but you store their wings and arms then the other thing that I don't know why I never realized this earlier in life what maybe think about you know mythology of dragons dinosaur bones oh yeah yeah and then like the Komodo dragon you know that that God those things are vicious and venomous are they venomous or are their mouths just so dirty that they cause necrosis with their bite I think that I think it's the dirty mouth Internet will correct us but I think it's really kind of amazing where people old people's like the mythology started from and it's like oh we found this like ridiculous the size bone it must be from a dragon it's totally a dragon this one night came to here the other day I think you slip piece it all together you just have like this hodgepodge of bones you have this gigantic head and then this little chicken leg it was a dragon so who knows no I love it got some really cool stuff coming along already i love how everybody approaches eyes as well like that's such an integral part of a character like i and then the whole socket and the lids and whatnot so you're gonna see some people creating all of it or just like flushing in a little bit of detail yeah or old-school sculpture style like recessing the pupil and adding the speck I think most people I remember I think all these artists that we've seen today they end up as using the eye as a separate piece of geometry mm-hmm he's gonna get that clear transition from the lids well because they plan on making it glow later on correct we've saw some glowy bits earlier but also it gives you the freedom to mess with those eyelids a little bit more without having to risk up that eye every time I've seen any medium usage in this group we had seven the last one so a lot of them are going in now and just hand sculpting stuff here it's really cool you know and folks aren't using too many crazy brushes so I feel if you're new to ZBrush there doing anything crazy in all of this it's you know moves and snake hook so you cook is a great brush that you don't I don't get to use it nearly as much as I want to but it's powerful and it does some really cool stuff you guys at home or wherever you are if you're watching what brushes are your favorite let us know we'd like to yeah what's your go-to you go to five five brush top five is I have my snake it spray five yeah they build up damn standard uh-huh smooth stronger oh no none of that random that wimpy smooth smooth stronger come here so judgy about the smooth fresh true artists like no I don't like blue I like cerulean no you don't sneak hooks that cooks on there oh yeah and then move oh I use moves like a mofo I used to use clay and flatten instead of clean smooth the time but I haven't done that work flowing years shoot what's made stronger know that stronger I guess a lot now is that the smooth where you let go of the shift waddles don't know that's a polished smooth because I really like that one so so bonus points so Jessica's just I just didn't know the name announcing some some tips and tricks that's a tip and trick is it as you're smoothing you hold no shift you're smoothing instead as you brush if you release shift the ZBrush will apply a polish smooth so it just basically approaches the whole deformation of the smooth a little bit different and better it's not as like I don't know it doesn't blast things down as so yeah so the big thing on that one is if you ever have a point in topology we have a you know triangle that's generating that nice Dibble and you go to smooth it and that dimple won't go away yeah it keeps on getting that keep swinging it and like their dimples nibbler turns into little black ball it's great okay if you then take that and use that polish smooth as well it will then smooth it out yeah it's a good it's a good smooth Russian shoot I actually use okay we got stop talking for minutes or switch okay there we go so standard so a lot of folks in the chatter kind of like the basic ZBrush toolset like definitely standard and clay claybuildup is pretty popular move is a must like I don't even feel like that should be considered a brush it is necessary in but you can also use snake hook to move which I do more frequently than really yeah but it's so strong no it actually is really I use move topology than most I use that way more than move because I got so many overlapping whatnots so if you guys are just tuning in this is group 2 of the 2019 ZBrush Live sculpt off the theme this year is emoji visualizations so the artists are here there's 24 of them competing for one championship belt this year and we gave them a list of about 7,000 emojis and they were able to pick the emoji and they're tasked with creating a sculptural interpretation of that emoji so if you think about say the crying with the left cry the left crying I like the last guy say you know a character that's crying and then maybe puddles and puddles and puddles of water yes it can also be an animal at that stage like you could have a little puppy that's crying with puddles and puddles of water you're like all the heartstrings so there was a lot of creative ways that could be done to establish that interpretation of that emoji mm-hmm another thing we asked them to is to stay away from anything that's already kind of existing in pop culture so if my like to go to examples of this are you wouldn't if you have we're doing the sad face you could not sculpt Keanu Reeves and then if you want to do like the hearts with eyes and smiley face probably don't want to sculpt Pikachu love and coffee so those are both ah you know popular culture references that could be easily novel so we want to see their heart work their interpretation of Avengers and focus on their art rather than a character from something that already exists yeah and so I mean if you're gonna see some similarities like pop culture whatnot artists draw their inspiration from just about everything in the whole wide world and so you might see something that you're like oh it's totally that character it's probably not but hopefully everybody's doing something very like original anything to do so we gave them two monitors as well so they have their main Runner which is what you guys are seeing and some of those are some cheeks if they have a Cintiq the one to use and then on you have a second screen and on their they have reference image so there's a lot of reference images that are up right now where they're using some of them have scopes that they've already kind of practiced with so that their practice versions of their sculpt that they're kind of using as reference as they're creating their masterpiece here in this three hours so if you guys are watching this too.we this is a vanilla challenge which means that bae version ZBrush they got was just from a fresh install and the only thing they were allowed to bring was their UI and Hodgins let's check out the other six how we switched over recently no switch touch it up okay good so if you guys are watching and you've never used ZBrush before we're also running specials for the summit this week so we're giving 20% off on our perpetual versions of the software which is ZBrush and ZBrush core so those are by once and we've never charged for an upgrade so that's for the ZBrush and ZBrush core we also have a subscription plan that we started this year as well and we're giving 20% off on the one month and six month subscription so the one month plan has a coupon code of summit one month and then the six month has a coupon code of summit six month so if you have any questions on that you can go to our chat can just ask them there and they'll be glad to give you that information you can also go to store pixologic on to get those deals and those are only for the summit which is taking place starting today and then Friday Saturday Sunday so if you want ZBrush and haven't had it before and you're inspired by what you see right now hop on that I have had ZBrush forever never never in her ever and I love it they've always given me the new one when it comes out yeah I use it nearly every single day at work and then when I actually have time at home I totally use it there even just a concept stuff out like I love working in ZBrush and I think with the two just super used everywhere now in terms of industry stuff so we're talking earlier like Jessica does a ton of costumes yes everything else and so can be used there jewelry is another big thing yeah and dentistry prosthetics automotive movies and video games yeah but just so many different uses your application really that of course makes this it's a 3d asset so you can see and see whatever you want out of it people have been doing whole facades for buildings I love it they've scoped it all out and then milled and stone so lots of different venues coins as anybody in a particularly interesting industry in our chats or following us just use the hashtag ZBrush summit like share with us I use the brush for this weird and unique thing I use zebra I use a brush to designer really uh-huh is your deck real fancy right no it's just the best way for you to communicate what you needed yes I took some pictures generate some sand and was like hey mata Mata mo okay that work yeah that's it so down to two hours and thirty minutes so we are thirty minutes can you believe that these scopes as complicated as they are are only thirty minutes can you achieve that in 30 minutes it's tough I don't think I can obviously no you're like no we're gonna air these artists are exceptional and wonderful and focused I also love okay so I know that it's not necessary for production but for a sculpt that's just meant to be a sculpt I love saying brushstrokes and the striations in it that show kind of like the artists hand so the imperfections I really like it and that's one thing where I think with painting and stuff to or even anything mm-hmm if you you want those imperfections is that what shows the difference between it being 100% machine generated yeah so you do you want Skynet or do you want an artist's work I love it and so I mean I know that this is definitely like the unfinished version of a dragon and an unfinished character face but I really love seeing the artists hand in it mm-hmm dragons are looking good I think you got an L I seen here I love elves so when the guys told me what the theme was I was like ah my most used emoji is this ridiculous the weird eyeballs with like the squiggle line on top and then I put all fears on it so it's like this really disapproving grumpy elf I'm a dweeb I say I haven't saved as a hot key I also used the Kirby dance but I'm like old school like my emojis aren't pictures they're ASCII characters mm-hmm cuz I'm old well don't worry they'll translate those you'll type it in one time and it's gonna change and you'll see it go to the icon format that's okay they did that to my caret underscore caret um so now it's like a little like smiley face emoji which is fine but I like it old-school alright let's hop over the next six so people to give a shout out to our sponsors for the live scope off that's happening today is our second group and we have a bunch of our sponsors that are also sponsoring some of the events at the show as well but we have a particular group that is sponsoring the live ZBrush sculpt off so we want to thank Mamaki they are giving the some of the prizes for our competition here so first the second and third place will all be receiving a full-color Mamaki 3d print on their choice and these prints look really awesome we had a chance to see him at Comic Con where there this year and there it's pretty incredible because basically one of the prints we had had a lot of underbite kind of surfaces and if you were to head and paint that you couldn't do it yeah so it got all the color it was basic about cavity and instead of having to paint the mouth cavity write it all out and so yeah that's getting really really cool like my first experience of that was way back when Blizzard did the 3d prints of your character from World of Warcraft oh yes and they did kind of like a color film it's coming such a long way I love that and then also want to thank Wacom for supplying these antiques and tablets they're also giving the first and second place a 22-inch Cintiq when they're new ones so they've just put out so those first and second place contestants for the sculpt off this year will be receiving one of those I also want to thank keyShot so lucky on sent us the software of keyShot or the contestants used here with the ZBrush Dookie shot bridge they're also giving away for a second first in the second place and also third place the full key shot pro software package so thank you to luck Seon and ki shot for that I also want to give a shout out to formlabs so formlabs is giving away a form free printer to the winner of the contest here and they will be here on at the summit as well so we'll have a booth set up so if you guys are in town and you head to the summit make sure you stop by the booth and check them out Elva forum three down there with them so another excellent 3d printer that just the quality on that is then the reliability is really really nice so I highly recommend the four machines and finally we also want to give a shout out to Mike Morgan designs so each of the contestants was given a custom glove and these are sculpting gloves so basically when you're sculpting on a Cintiq or a tablets you have your hand which is going across the surface and after you're sculpting for like 17 hours it takes get a little warm and so your hand also gets a little bit warm and your boss is like this deadlines coming keep going you got another 20 hours and so as you're doing that May I'm gonna start sticking right so that's what this gap solves and they got these nice custom ones that Mike made that actually have the Z Z Man and the ZBrush logo on them actually see one of our contestants wears yes yes so they're actually being used right now they're useful now we were talking about earlier that you get the software and it's the vanilla version the software but we didn't mention the gloves so the glove could be the magical aspect which is making everyone complete these brilliant works are three hours so this compute power glove and its own way yeah super powers right so we're 224 still guys more time with us yeah well do you want to start zooming in I'm seeing quite a bit of work done and I feel like we deserve a closer look let's go down let's hit what's it this one yeah it's a little sculptural details here going in this one I'm gonna go with anything devil is their mask emoji you know what this one I cannot wait to see what emoji that they were inspired by there's an ogre oh yeah yep and go with that yeah mm-hmm oh I actually really agree with you this is definitely the ogre emoji what do you use the ogre a Muji for like when you're like really grumpy that you didn't get your coffee or it could be the Oni yes it could be the Oni that's the other one it's definitely I think that's what I was I'm pretty sure on that they could think we're safe for now wouldn't it be funny if somebody did the vomiting face emoji one I would have picked up something something really healthy I think that the other one we were I was kind of thinking that was just the plain emoji you just like just the standard smile you know like at the plane you just sculpt the plane here's like all right there you go mmm this one's pretty awesome with the setup using the frame as your guideline it's really smart because what matters most is the final image so they are preparing themselves for exactly what it's really cool it's also giving this nice kind of perspective element too because they have their it looks like a sword and the foreground there and the rest is fading in the back oh and if they do some like z-depth sort of like masking you can get some really cool final composition it's my favorite thing about like the 16-bit an 8-bit side scroll stuff where they were playing where they play with the background oh yeah the two layers and then like the one she's no the other yeah yeah so it's like just one and then this one yeah different timing ooh there's the scaredy-cat emoji oh I might have done scaredy-cat we have some more sculptural stuff here making a collar it looks like now which emoji there's so many people emojis that are like people doing things and being things that can be just yeah it could also just go to the immersion so they could design whatever character costume whatever and then it's the end of motion that changes it yeah yeah the smiling or the vomiting you're not limited to know that aspect of it this one's looking pretty cool - we got a pumpkin man here oh that's cool is there what is the Halloween emojis what are those jack-o'-lantern Oh roasted sweet potato that was no it's got the battle yet to be fair I had missed the roasted sweet potato emoji really recently with all food based ones I'm like oh how do you feel about sweet potatoes about this you know there's a if you want the definition sometimes called a yam in there I realized that it's not to be confused with the potato no no plain potato confuse it with the potato that's a roasted sweet potato but no this for Thanksgiving is delicious I've actually even quite a few sweet potatoes recently perfect tasty it makes me sad they're not yams yams are actually like a really like root vegetable though they are before turnip than potato I don't know I still like potatoes potatoes for me are higher on the plain potato on the eating level than a sweetener we just have a place near us used to have a potato burrito and then potato what isn't it whatever you else you put in the burrito so if you like it could be anything but it was amazing and then they change it to sweet potatoes ah not as amazing no cuz it's sweet yeah burritos aren't supposed to yes huh so that that's where that's really where my judging this comes at once wheat potatoes you're like you've ruined it you ruined my potato best thing about this year's sculpt off theme is the amount of Dentistry we are seeing in people's souls cuz there's so much emotion that can only be portrayed by opening the characters mouths or like we're actually seeing people concentrate on teeth we could say that pageantry of Dentistry Oh full-on costuming I like it demo soldiers never looked this good there is a genie emoji oh about that one this would be a good one I'd say that would work it could be so if you guys are just tuning in this is the 2019 ZBrush live sculpt off you're watching right now group two so we have red group one this morning which was a consistent of twelve contestants and this is group two that consists of another 12 contestants mm-hmm all 24 contestants are battling for the single championship belt to become the ZBrush sculpt off champion this year right on bragging rights yeah bragging rights this year too for the contest we do not have a hard surface or on organic division so we allowed the artists to sculpt whatever they feel they want felt they want to do they wanted to sculpt hard surface they can go ahead and sculpt art surface if they wanted to sculpt organic they can do that and they can also sculpt in between so they can sculpt pretty much whatever they want yeah and another thing we did this year too is we opened it up so that the artists could submit more than one entry if they liked during their three hours I don't think we've seen anyone do that yet but basically they could submit one entry two entries or three entries now the only requirements on that were that each entry must have depicted a different emoji so you can do two smiley face emoji Z and a do a smiley face then maybe a frowny face or a dragon an airplane and the sweet potato I think that's a lot to ask of an artist in three hours I agree it's a lot it was it we wanted to see what would happen you're like hey you have this option to be fair in previous years there have been some artists who have finished quite early just really totally could have done a second sense um some really amazing artists - so this one's looking pretty cool huh thank you for zooming in now this is the one where they were doing all the stuff yeah it was just all spheres to bring in the muscle groups and why not right yep and right now he's using their he or she are using the transpose all selected sub tool option there whoa so the here's our seventh sub tool eyes are separate sub tool and the head is that was a really clever clever way to like approach posing when you've got a character that's like yeah and we call it the pizza boxes so if you're gonna have one pizza you're never gonna if you're not having a party you only want one pizza right mm-hmm we're gonna have a party you're gonna want at least three pizzas so click change that little icon there will determine you're gonna have a party I'm just gonna stay in are you gonna call friends over I love it you raised are a very hungry bunch here at the ZBrush offices aren't cute I think that's part I don't know I've never my daily routine of eating should probably be increased I think a lot of cereal and I don't eat very often I love cereal though I don't cook very often on weekends yeah but weekdays I'm just like getting calories now well it's got to be hard cooking when you're in costume oh that would be exhausting and you very seldom eat polo in costume because you're fancy you don't spill something on your silk I love stylized mouths like the way the lips combined with the lower the under your lip mounds that I don't it's the next tool of muscles or something but I really love all of the shapes that blend together in the mouth and really enjoy having the opportunity to sculpt that type of stuff from scratch and it doesn't happen very often because yeah the works work so fast you've been grabbing all this characters the closest to it and then you're taking it and transforming it into a new thing but that's the other thing with the sculpt off to a lot of these artists you know they do work in the industry doing industries doing various things and so this is also made kind of like an outlet of okay I don't really do this oh yeah and to be fair then they get to be their own art director and make all the decisions and creative and otherwise just all completely on their own so you're really seeing their brain on display which is why you got to give them lots of love and respect because this is hard and for that Pascal Tufts I know a lot of the artists that are taken in the event to God you know lucrative offers after oh yeah mm-hmm that's awesome because basically I mean you're here for three hours you're showing what you do all right so it's a great Avenue to be like hey as an employer I'm looking for artists well how do they work there you go there's three hours of them working yeah no that's really intelligent how cute I like the take on the ears being kind of down is there a bunny emoji certainly but it's ears that are straight up I think there's people with bunny ears oh there oh that's exactly what that one is okay yeah we found one and we know exactly what emoji it is like it let's go check on Wow do I like it think they're just gonna symmetry that over yeah gosh I love the Asian dragon like cuz it's all so much movement and all its little tendril bits mm-hmm and there's something with the amount of digits on the fingers that correlates between what type of dragon it is I I believe you but shoot I don't know I never really considered cuz you know yeah some have three uh-huh yep actually shoot area help us out well it might just be like you know frequently the wind dragons which are the squiggly serpent ones their paws are more lizard like so maybe three I don't know that's really cool I'm just a fan they can give it six toes and have it be polydactyl and I'm all good with that like kitty kitties another thing I've seen a someone's sculpting like a tripod dragon though like a dragon with only three legs I bet you the dragon is dead and there's a knight standing next to it having cut off alike be really cute like a little tripod puppy but it's a dragon oh um How to Train Your Dragon oh yes yes leave the wing oh it's the way yeah it's his writer that has the missing leg that's correct all right so you guys are watching the ZBrush live sculpt off this is group 2 this is the start of the ZBrush summit so the first day which is today it features the sculpt off tomorrow we will start our presentations and our normal general admittance into the event so if you're in the LA area definitely come on by and so Friday starting at 12 o'clock la time you will have Newt Studios starting us off in the presentations and we'll be streaming presentations all day then on Saturday we will continue with the ZBrush summit so more presentations also we have some worksites workshops that are happening on site some of them I think still have some open slots so if you go to Z bar central.com you can look at that and if we're finding on attending you may just want to see if there any of those workshops have any open seats they're really an excellent way to get into ZBrush and also find tips and tricks that um professionals end up using some really cool stuff and then suddenly we have some more presentations as well the ZBrush awards will be on Saturday night too and then there's going to be an after-party after that so definitely come on out here in the LA area stop by the gnomon campuses here say hello during the summit we're also offering 20% off or the perpetual licenses of ZBrush so we have the perpetual which is ZBrush and ZBrush core we're also doing tour percent off for the monthly subscription and the six month subscription and those have coupon codes that can be entered in to achieve those discounts so maybe more information on those just hit up the chat and we'll send you those stuff there or you can also go to store dot takes a logic dot-com sculpting the cloud and a stylized one at that that's so cool so here's some so we talked about earlier how we just gave him the vanilla version of ZBrush mm-hmm and with that they were allowed to bring any there were custom brushes so we've seen one arson last group was making their own so there's another example of that so taking a plane and sculpting a pattern here in generating new brush so they just sculpted all of that and they turned it into a brush to create like skin texture I'm very excited to see this happen and so that's created the brush and are now applying it to their sculpt so really cool functionality there and this allows you to instead of going through and sculpting all that skin detail out every single time and smoked it once yeah you want to work smart gosh that's cool yeah it's another good trip just hitting the edges of a surface with a really strong brush which will make a pop out a super day a lot of times the you look at a skull your your eyes gonna catch those areas of transition okay that's where it's gonna go and so anyway areas where you have surfaces bumping into each other or the ones that are gonna become more interesting it's really cool yeah this is really red this is like a master dragon class did we get all the dragons we get this dragon he or she was working on the cloud oh yes but it's still super rad behold amazing work done in less than an hour yes we're almost at the our mark here so that contestant sculpt in for an hour let's go back to the groups of six can you imagine if the top middle was like that Finnish scope oh thank you snacks so ever contestants I think it's taking a potential break here so screen savers kicked in on that one up there so we can zoom in on some of these yes please Samara is there a samurai emoji there's got to be oh for sure Z is bright is there one well there's the castle there there super is yes a lot of masking here and this is another area those transitions so using masking to do this too is another great way kind of enhance those areas so you can mess them out and come through and off those edges see a nice clean transition geometries always sometimes a little bit easier than trying to sculpt that perfect edge mm-hmm just cram two pieces of John Berry together and you get a nice edge yep you got a work smart I've got a couple friends in chat right now like bill Roper who I met ages and ages and ages ago and he's kind of a badass in the game industry I don't know if anybody played Diablo or anything like that or who hasn't played the other let's just put it that way if you haven't you're in trouble and tons of games like I am shortchanging him right now by not mentioning everything these work on but I bill no I think I've lost a lot of years of life to Diablo honestly like all of the video games that you play you can't fault yourself for it because you're gaining inspiration you're staring at art look what your industry you're in now like that was homework what are you talking about stru I probably could have done a little what I I had to after a world of warcraft and typing in slash played oh man luckily I split my game hours across two accounts so it's like no I haven't played very long in Civilization though about thousands of hours I had a few friends who wanted me to get back into the vanilla wow I was like no classic is super fun yeah I can do it I spent massager vibes yeah I remember this I still remember having a Murloc seat ally little the little collected pool mm-hm collector's editions versions maybe a little Diablo oh yeah and then it was their job oh there's a zergling like a panda yeah yep little baby fell asleep mm-hmm you know one year for the cosplay competition at Blizzcon a girls dressed up as that panda and she had a little stick that had the Z's on it that she spun so it looked like the Z was just going up up and up it was really really cute like it was everybody in the audience was just like oh but once again I hold two video games really comb work especially if you're a digital artist like embrace it that hobby has only helped you the IRS doesn't like that [Laughter] can't write off all the video games I can what are you talking about maybe I got the pumpkin pumpkin here that's a really wicked jack-o'-lantern well done it's hard to get those uh like he used the boolean essence to kind of generate this teeth skills use masking it's easy you think that well they just made it as like Jacqueline they did like a separate polygroup for the insides the hidden and deleted the stuffing yeah uh-huh and then just shelled it yeah that's a good way it's mine yep this was going shiny shiny and chrome is it the robot emoji oh how cute that material looks nice see I think is it so we didn't allow them to bring in anything but their custom UI and custom hotkeys so anything you see here it's all done with the vanilla version of ZBrush and they were allowed during the contest - you know modify change do whatever they want so as we saw we had some people making their own brushes mm-hmm some of these materials have definitely been modified - that you're seeing so they started with something and then changed it to what they want well that's like one of the really nice things about ZBrush in general is like the hood you can look under the hood at any time and change things around as you want granted it's kind of intimidating to drop down a menu and be able to fiddle with so many levels of alteration and whatnot for brushes and everything but powerful I like how manic this one is here's the last one of this six there's a whole cape in it it's got hard eyes oh my gosh I love this one so much right now that's so cute love with it the night he's just in love of the night it's pretty good so for the theme this year the theme was emoji visualizations so the artists had the contestants had to pick an emoji and then sculpt their interpretation of it so we gave them the full list of emojis we were pondering you know restricting them to a certain amount it was like see what they do give all overwhelming choices yes I said we have a wide range of stuff in here in terms of the different emojis they've all the heart-shaped eyes dragon I think that that was pretty awesome yeah finding a way to insert humor into your sculpt it's challenging but like it's so satisfying to see let's hop over the other room okay definitely genie so dragon dragon genie dragon we will find out and we will find out how it is definitely gone to genie now oh yeah the coloring you know for sure it's gonna be good actually doing that whole like head wrap thing is such like a fun like I would love to just sculpt that wraps and wraps and ties and bows just cuz it's satisfying to do that stuff I want to sculpt now if any of your sculpting during the competition oh yeah sure what you're working on if you can ZBrush summit yep or if you're following along with the challenge all on your own if you got inspired big maybe some of this stuff you're seeing here share it with you brush them it ping us on Twitter - or here in the chat got the posing going on now there's our information for following us here I'm going to now check the Twitter zbrush summit hashtag so we are now under the two-hour mark or yes under the to it they've less than two hours left in the competition now for the last group that came through here we had about it was probably at the last hour where they wouldn't start working up on their rendering so we probably about another hour of sculpting that these artists are gonna do and then it's gonna get transferred over to the rendering aspect of stuff very nice there's a guy out in Macedonia working on his night or his elf Ranger excellent I'm all for that elves Rangers more elves elves with bows yeah like how can you go wrong are you still doing anything involving elves and dice I haven't had time for D&D in quite a while mostly because it's like you have so many friends to get together to play the games all your schedules have to combine yeah it's been a little tough which is such a bummer because it's so much fun I really enjoy the story elements of it how it the group we play a lot of our friends as a campaign that's based around vampires whoo now vampire is my favorite tabletop and so we do that and the group that I play with we go chaotic pretty quick just destructive Claire's awful vampires yes and so we're gracious that our DM is puts up with our shenanigans because it's a lot issue he wouldn't quit you cool if it bothered my character I think is died twice now almost and came back or did Yuri role there were some mystical spirits at play you're very nice a DM let me just say well especially because the deaths and both my character doing really stupid things should just let you terrible see all these dragons and you're like I think Apeco does best so a you deserved way worse but I mean shoot it's also fun just to be shenanigans mm-hmm I'll talk about my video games anyway yeah I played how I live oh this is cute this one's good too oh the iris is like a whole separate object smart way of doing it yeah like the flatness as well too the other thing I was hoping to see in 2019 they introduced some of the NPR filtering mm-hmm also gonna see if any of the contestants was going to use that as well but as you were mentioning earlier some of the stuff especially with pipelines and things yeah you may not be ready to go that route yes yeah if you kind of slow trickle new features into your workflow cuz like especially for a competition where it's like a lot of stress and you got to get a lot done you don't want to experiment today you want your planet was happy to be like you know such-and-such point I should be this far and by the way we're just over an hour into this competition there's two hours remaining well an hour and 55 minutes but I've had tentacles looking so cool I think it's you know I think it's part of the dream but you can see the wonder this one because the all those scales were done with a single drag really so they created their kind of the brush and then just write about yep powerful it's fantastic it looks great and especially like when working with brushes you can also add color into it and how colors received on that brush as well so oh yes definitely a genie I love the huge mustache yet have it like with it where it kind of looks like a lamp that's that's how you gotta get that mustache it's got to be like a lamp oh man and that's just because the genies been in that lamp for so long but the mustache just grew yeah he has does have a razor no super fuzzy grandpa eyebrows eyebrows are so integral into portraying like all the emotion stuff the emoji emotions okay all right so you're just tuning in you're watching this you brush 2019 live sculpt off we have 24 contestants this year competing for the single championship belt to be crowned the winner of this sculpt off so let's go through and see which contestants we have in this group so we got a wide range of contestants mm-hmm we run that here quick [Music] all right so excellent group of artists that are competing this year so talented in both groups so the guys turn into the first one those was the list of the artists that are here competing in the second one for the competition's we do as well we try to keep this as anonymous as possible so that's why you won't see any artist names on any screens and even Jessica and I have no clue who's sculpting what so no clue um so we see all the monitors you know at once we have like all little picture and pictures of all the sculptures that are going on but as for which artist is doing one we are clueless the voting for the competition era will be done on z-bar central so we will after the event today the images will be collected and they will be going up online or voting that's gonna start on Friday at 12 o'clock the link for that site will be voting Sailaja calm and the ZBrush community you guys out there will determine the winner so you're gonna vote on one image of all the entries and then those images the top images that receive the most votes will be going to a panel of judges and they will just verify these votes make sure that no one has valent no one has broken any rules and then the winner of the competition will be announced on Sunday at 6 o'clock so make sure you guys vote on zebra essential.com and the voting will start on Friday at 12 o'clock now everyone's just tuning in we want to thank our sponsors that are making these sculpt off happen here we're live at the gnomon campus here in LA so with an omen for allowing us to use their establishments yet again for another sculpt off like Jessica for showing us helping me commentate on this no I've got to thank Joseph here I also want to thank the Maquis for giving me some of the awards for the sculpt off this year so Mamaki is donating three full color prints to our top three finalists for the event so for a second third when I thank Rackham for allowing us to use the Cintiq tablets and also the Cintiq s-- and also the tablets for the event here so their artists are all using pen devices and they're all Wacom devices for the competition here also a thank Luxy on for allowing us the usage of key shots and they're also giving away key shot Pro versions for our finalists in the competition as well also a thank formlabs for providing the form 3 printer which will our first-place winner will be receiving they're also going to be here at the show as well so if you're in town coming by the zebra summit it is free to get in stop by their booth say hello you can see the forum 3 down there with them and talked about all the great things they're doing with 3d printing and finally what I think Mike Morgan designs for giving all the contestants in the sculpt off this year one of his gloves he has these sculpting gloves that he creates and he's made us a special ZBrush one that has the ZBrush logo on the backside of it and so if our contestants currently have them on and are using it so that may be the determining factor as we mentioned earlier in how you can get this quality out of ZBrush 3 will definitely speed you up because then you're not fighting against humidity and whatnot we actually had a viewer from South Africa in the chat saying oh I think I need one of those my hand is always sticking yes my tablet it really does help like I use fingerless gloves because my office is also cold freezing blizzard takes their name seriously and it helps just with that glide but if you are in a hot environment where you get the same problem like this is the whiz it's pretty fantastic actually this is a good size too mm-hmm so we have about an hour and 48 minutes left of the competition they're getting three hours total to create an entire image representing an emoji no pressure but I can't believe it's only been an hour and people are as far along as they are like there's some pretty complete characters always a lot of these could be already you know done it's done are we getting the Canada emoji it could be the kind of imagine the maple leaf is it it could be wings for a Phoenix no it's the UM pumpkin yeah it is okay it could be a second emoji you like overachiever so you were mentioning the first time around how to enter to offer yourself as a participant for this but like when does it happen how do you sign up so before the way before the summit will take place we open up submissions and then we easily post about this on zebra central comm and basically you just fill out a form and you submit your artwork and then that submission will allow you to go through and potentially get into the sculpt off so all the hours here ended up submitting their stuff and then getting into the sculpt off and they're here today sculpting so definitely go to zebra central com look you know visit it I usually have it as a home page on my browser name before that pixologic it would still be like one of the tabs and startup tabs it's like your morning routine yeah it's like opening the newspaper iteration get you through the day and so definitely check back on that because when we open these submissions for that there will be a note on that also if you're not subscribed to our newsletter we also put that information through there so you'll get emailed when that happens as well and then you can submit and try to get in the sculpt off for 2020 awesome and then you'll be here for three hours just if anyone tells you it's not stressful you should see some of these artists they they come in in there there's a lot of like relaxation like that happens after I was like no one's relaxed right yeah they finished it's just like you just see them all go yeah well everybody really breathe like it's really quiet in the room right now because everybody is so focused and so concentrated like they can't waste a minute they've got a plan of attack to get the image in the colors and the lighting in renders everything deliver that image like that's a lot to ask of anybody in three hours you know way back to the first sculpt off it was this goop churn it was a final image but it wasn't there was no color or anything really on it though we've done quite a few so I mean we've had ones that were 3d printed out so we wasn't that the voting was done on the 3d printed and also the image we've done we've tailored the contest over the years and we try to keep it a little different so I think the last one of the tear cards is pretty awesome oh yeah I like that theme a little esoteric but perfect actually I like artists making art and whatever inspires the artist you're just gonna get excellent stuff out of it so we're gonna get a full costume out of this - it looks like man it's a lot of work there's a lot of work we're joking earlier that a lot of the contestants here also you know doing stuff like this maybe part of their day job as well and after you jump in a contest for three hours and do some amazing piece of work you're gonna get back to the office and the boss is gonna be like hey you told me two weeks that depends on the art director honest like we get a lot done if you do whatever you want it's true um you know the concept team overwrite work is fast like this I have so much respect for artists that can hustle and come up with creative really wonderful ideas this quickly it is definitely a talent mm-hmm and all these artists are just flying through this stuff here let's get some more painting we saw some painting earlier too with breaking up those details to then render get some of that stuff to pop out oh yeah I mean the skin isn't just one color it's like all fancy dappling exactly like that more dabbling in hard to happen that's an emailer brush usage here some poly modeling inside of zebra that's gonna end up being glass mm do you think I don't know am I wrong shoot maybe Road never mind forget I said anything wait what is it shoulder that's shoulder oh it's like a robot shoulder joint mmm intergalactic alright let's hop over to the other side here back to our dragons it's really interesting to me that we didn't have any dragons at all first round and there huh ZBrush folks love dragons I guess I don't blame them this is some really cool stuff but they're not all the same like they're all they're all very different very unique and artistically their own thing here like the freckles I really do but once again this was started what a little over an hour ago it's crazy like this wasn't days ago this was today again at 4 p.m. nope and oftentimes to when these artists are working as well they're working on like individual parts and things as part of the one girl's hair here yeah but you don't ever like sometimes you won't see the full model until the very end like you won't like even us oh that's true cuz I mean every artist has their own workflow and they know what they're working on they don't need to see the whole thing so we'll be like what's that sphere a part of wait which model was this now we know which emoji this is there's a bunny girl emoji man we're pretty sure that's it yeah so we're like okay we know one oh we get whispers hurry up the Jeannie ones yeah and the Dragons we're going the classic Jeannie if that's money no doubts on this one I do it's nice and clean mm-hmm there's some more dragon detailing wow this has really come a long way just since the last time we zoomed in although it's like a very old dragon because it's got like the warts and the wrinkles and the bits and the growths and stuff like it's kind of like a catfish really it is because of the little wispy bit wispy bits like that that's we're calling him now wispy this whole lesbian his whiskers it's really cool getting those teeth in there oh and there's an angled back teeth that's to keep the prey from escaping what elevators no oh a what a fish actually have the teeth like that yep oh and then the secondary set that like runs on the in terment gars yeah yeah as an artist demon you're gonna be working on stuff that doesn't exist in real life so finding something that anatomically informs your decisions mhm and then finding the more obscure reference to use it you're gonna create something that maybe somebody has never even seen before - and I think we have anything that kind of grounds it in reality to it give someone a point to connect to okay and then they then it makes the other elements more believable yeah so it's like ah this is believable this is believable but it's something that's never been seen before I don't know how much time do you spend watching like Blue Planet and all that not too much but enough yes it's more we've also in North Carolina we have a lot of wildlife oh so you just look outside see I uh no I mean I've got a fair amount of coyotes count right okay I just can totally count that's a that's a pickle I'm sure are they tasty I don't know I've never oh do you catch and release got it so if you just turning in this is the ZBrush live sculpt off for 2019 we have 24 contestants currently battling it out over the period today for the championship belt we're currently in group 2 so we have 12 artists competing right now our first group went this morning this is our second group and we're a little we're most at the halfway mark nearly 90 minutes in and you see how far these guys have gotten the gals have gotten yeah we're just gonna do a brief overview just because everybody's working so fast so things are really hustling along with every single character every concept it's very exciting what's your favorite oh if you had to choose an emoji to make into a whole sculpture what would you choose might be a good one yeah internets which one would you choose just send us the emoji hashtag ZBrush of it no we can all okay let's just get a bunch of eggplants that's right eggplants and sweet potatoes also known as a yam and then I like the the pumpkin ones got some like style to it now Oh sassy - yeah some really cool stuff going on just so many different approaches there's no wrong way to approach something in ZBrush so I think this one's no genie so I think of two genies in this one what do you think I think you're right well it's blue is there anything else that's blue there's aliens or blue no they're gray it could be blue my aliens are blue I feel like in my universe aliens up okay girl robot Samurai Oni slash ochre and jack-o'-lantern mm-hmm weird name we'll go through the list here we're trying to guess heart I dragon I don't know what the heart I dragon wouldn't be it just you just give me that okay yes we just heard of it so cute and it's like strangling nice it's a really fantastic I just 1:04 dome in squeeze everyone call him George it's also we gotta just notice this on this six screen here mm-hmm it's like there's this little space where is my face stop hey girl hey OH welcome to the 2019 school all right so we're gonna go through a list of our current contestants here little video on who is competing since this is a anonymous competition here we can't really talk about the artists that are competing here but we're really proud of who you have here it's a very excellent group of artists we just want to show a quick video of who is competing [Music] and we're back hi again so we are almost exactly the halfway mark and that is wild how much they've got done do you think a lot of folks are gonna be taking things into lighting and sort of like materials multiple that's right everyone's really really bad pretty far along like all of them like there's I think they're more awake than the morning crew I'm so sorry so sorry morning although 11 a.m. it's not that early so our contestants are jet lagged as well coming from where we have some all over the world really you can't say no one give it up we have a bunch of contestants that have flown in I don't know if they've been here for 24 hours yet oh oh my goodness that's a lot of pressure actually although if I was flying someplace I would want to get the hardened thing done immediately so then I could just enjoy being elsewhere mm-hmm that's a smart way to do it yeah so we try to do this before the summit in the past we have done in simultaneous thing it was like you would be in the scoped off and people would have to choose between watching the sculpt off or watching a particular presentation mmm I don't want anybody have to choose we don't want the artists who are here they'd have to choose exam that's a good like Thursday background kind of like thing your work you're doing what you need to do and you're sitting over there yeah watch other people just make cool stuff mm-hmm all right well let's get back to it yes please show me more see which one my new we got all sorts of stuff genies got a LLL nails yeah oh that's a good brush I didn't put spiral on my list that spiral so probably on the list too it's not gonna be in your top five how often do you spell yeah yeah pretty much everything you like I just had a little like yeah cuz you can do it really light and just adds just a little bit so they can you know like how he's doing this first pure like you could hit those he could hit those gauntlets with it and it's just like to be fair yeah twist is definitely one of like my always have to have it on hand because you're right it's useful it's definitely for conceptual stuff and things like that just trying to cuz it does get like these claw happier shapes yeah the tips of armor just yeah you're not wrong I just uh I didn't think of it and now I regret not saying it take the move brush off no take anything before you take my move Fred yeah cuz look just made one and now has a whole bunch of them damn they're so twisty and they're ah ha ha and then how they're all unique yeah that's gonna turn into a really nice composition when this artist decides to make the final image let's even get any more artists using the spin brush you're hoping you can actively influence the artists right here in control extra points to spin brush so we may get some usage here let's see searching for the spin brush oh cool claws not listen scope is Pro up spin spin spin nope yeah is it down there is it on the list we have two monitors here the ones really big and we keep looking at the small one it's cuz it's got every screen no let's try another dragon to get spin here Mugen colors all places I'm a big fan of red dragons are like like the the taper head on this one too it's got a nice front profile to kind of the pointy dog of dragons dragon with the pointy nose yeah I really love how much color and whatnot adds to the final image for everybody competing so you're gonna see a lot of folks enhancing their scopes with like color and all of that I actually love using certain brushes that effect turning off sculpting right and just having color on so that way it can fill the recesses or just hit the tips it's like the equivalent of like a dry brush over really educated sculpting yeah the term dynamic brush that room adaptive just with color yeah or you can do some masking by cavity mm-hmm grab some stuff and like really enhance I saw a couple people getting an Bok passes out of ZBrush in their own way because you could also mask by ambient occlusion yep yeah some pro level stuff that your end up seeing for the final rendering and coloring and all that stuff just enhanced advanced advanced there you got another the other dragon here this one's getting the coloring done - do you think they're done with the you think when they go on in the coloring stage they're done with the sculpting I think that you do some coloring and then you hit up sculpting as needed honestly and then you could do a little bit of sculpting with a color associated with it after you've kind of like laid down some base stuff I don't know I don't want to speak for these artists because everybody's got their own workflow but I definitely have added more sculpt and more color on top of like a base pass so this one's getting some clothes now nice adding just a little edge loops to sharpen the stuff they can smooth it all out Matt just fixing all those edges so for the contest we limited the amount of stuff in which the contestants can bring so they were only allowed to bring their hotkeys and also a UI so then we're allowed any custom brushes any custom materials any custom based meshes they had to use everything they can all use stuff that shipped with the retail version of ZBrush so know the stuff they're doing here is unattainable yeah everything is shows off they're in the program sure to go so you could download ZBrush to do exactly what they're doing here today and with that in mind if you have not used the brush or you're not a owner of a ZBrush license we are giving 20% off or the summit and I starting today and so we're giving 20% off of our perpetual licenses which are for ZBrush and ZBrush core and we're also giving 20% off our ZBrush subscriptions which has we have a mum one one month subscription plan and we also have a six month subscription plan so we're giving 20% off on both of those as well to find out more about this limited time offer check out store pixologic on or send a message in our ZBrush live that come chat and somebody will point you in the right direction as you were mentioning earlier I bought ZBrush one was like $200 I think yeah I mean was a while ago - and never charged for an upgrade um I actually it was I love using legitimate software so like I like buying stuff when I can and it makes me really happy that it's I don't know really kind of the ZBrush folks to always make it a perpetual license like you own ZBrush you're a part of the community permanently yeah you buy it once and you're good to go and and then there's so many versions of ZBrush out there like ZBrush core which is for like a student's budget yeah and also just if you want to dabble in you know creation of 3d assets yeah it gives you a totally jump in it's definitely the the route to go and then we have an upgrade path for that as well so you can go more on core to ZBrush somebody's asking and chat about that as well and I think we've got somebody monitoring the chat in all the different places that you're watching this streaming they can answer your questions what not super Pro group so you about 25 minutes until there is an hour left we'll probably take a break about then okay you guys for another 25 minutes we're gonna hop around some more sorry the the claw was getting a little bit further along and I just wanted to show it cause like you know everybody knows like dragon face is driving the wing museum but like the Klaus it's really really fantastic and it's like what animal are they being inspired by is it we're a few line is it more just some birds or we got a bird bird bird bird bird is like your you know your dragons you want to have those kind of a skel scaly type fingers kind of like those yeah but they're so um well shoot Birds it would be more bird-like if it had the other talent on the back of the end mm-hmm so I'm thinking it's a little bit more kind of feline to be honest that's my opinion I'm gonna see you later if you go that way okay no but it's got more knuckles yes you go the the instant connection which is like wizard yeah right and then birds the other out mm-hmm I don't know I don't know cat don't know if I got feline you think this is more lizard yeah look who's a bird it's cool yeah I'm all for it it is definitely a dragon claw [Laughter] get the tongue look at the coolness that they did with their like texture scales and stuff this one's gonna look bad when they get that into he shot if they take an indication shot it'll be read straight on the ZBrush too but I think they're gearing up for some cool stuff for the last hour and a half getting that shiny I've gotta hit this because I see a CEO no it's a more spin brush it is if you have an addiction to spin brush it's all James Kane's fault oh but that like it makes sense for a genie as a character cuz they're like kind of wispy bread yeah this is gonna be really cool I'm excited to see what it evolves into for the final image how do you think they're gonna render this all you know having an American translucent mesh that then bleeds through so you gotta have that underlying structure where it's contained in like a bottle yeah so the body is the bottle and then conceptually I love that yeah like this yeah I think that's pretty cool I like that like what's going let's see what the other six are doing if you guys have any questions in chat definitely shoot amount so for the subscription versions of ZBrush the code is for the one month subscription it is summit one month and then for the six month in his summit six month I saw somebody asking in regards to it so it's and you'll see it like once you enter the code you'll see it on check so there was the information there so yes nobody course some of that hit itself we will attempt to answer them I want to thank our sponsors briefly so I thank the Maki Wacom Lux the own gave us our license key shots form labs and of course Mike Morgan designs and head us up with these gloves so thanks all our sponsors for making these felt off here happen I'll someone give a shout-out to no man for allowing us to use their labs yet again for another year it's a great space it's like the perfect thing so like they have all the machines set up for students yes and they're good machines take over the entire room and then just do our stuff no we try to put it all back nicely the way it was until next year so I actually went to school here at knowing and it's really nice to come back for this ZBrush summit each year because so many memories so much good art good friends all that this works if you're left-handed to like yeah and I don't know maybe people that's couple two though can you imagine if you were like what was the inventor that did that was that DaVinci yeah he's just like I ain't got time for this I got a that's the next competition next year we're gonna get the school scoped off but you know you you just use your non-dominant hand that'd be good too but what you had to do one and one and you have to submit both we're gonna need more computers it's gonna need more computer you got 90 minutes left yes take a no no an hour and maintenance is left well I was continuing my stopped oh Lord I think you might have given a heart attack to something we had an hour and 19 minutes left just all the boot button so we've got like really crazy emotion bottom right mm-hmm we got painting starting new bottom left we're gonna jump with it okay yeah I want to go see that now the interesting here too is how far are we going to paint cuz if you're only gonna see it at this angle mm-hmm did we did he really he or she really need to paint they've got an idea of what they're gonna sculpt and they sculpt it and then they haven't really thought of like the framing maybe or they saw something new in their sculpt that they wanted a feature that maybe they never I don't know giving yourself a little bit of wiggle room for the overall pose is intelligent this one we're focusing on the human aspects so there's more mouths building for you yeah so pretty I love the like slightly sleepy mm-hmm is just so soft and gentle ah that's really pretty I see a robot yeah some robot no people let's go check out the I hope they have a picture of like maybe Robin Williams or something up on their screen as like reference just to get that like really like mmm massives yeah like laser beams smile yeah they've got two screens there's a screen that you aren't gonna see and that's got all their reference or concept things that they gathered to help them create whatever they're creating some cool stuff now you were thinking that this is also a genie I think it this is blue blue but it could also just be one of the emerges that's based on emotion right so it could be super true yeah and it's definitely a lot of emotion a lot of emotion and here we ever this is the pumpkin the root system was breaking free is it be free free I've got some Posen mmm I wonder what angle they're gonna use so this like a sword pose like hand like this may be really easy to make especially um the samurai sword it's not like it's pretty standard hilt and whatnot it's good use of masking oh yeah also giving that nice kind of swoosh yeah this is our second group today for the ZBrush live sculpt off we have 24 contestants that are competing for the championship belt this year we have all the contestants are in one battle for the belts so we do not have the divisions of hard surface or organic this year and this allowed the artists to be you know a little more free on what they wanted to sculpt so they can sculpt hard surface things going organic they can sculpt a mixture on both it's kind of freeing them up to be a little more creative Destin's themselves were given the theme about a month out so they had a little bit time to practice here so then we're coming in to the competition not knowing what theme was a theme this year is emoji visualizations so they were tasked with picking an emoji from one of the existing emojis I think there's a list of about 7,000 of those and they had to take one of these emojis and then sculpt their interpretation of that and a lot of the buggies are used for all sorts of different things so some of the standard ones have like specific meanings mm-hmm and then you have be like the dragon one is definitely gonna be a dragon right yeah this is getting to look like Dan from Street Fighter cool you know I went and saw a bunch of different samurai armor sets while I was in Japan most recently and the artistry for all that stuff is bad a us and just families would have certain elements that they would put into their armor and on the masks and on the helmets and just so much that you don't realize goes into creating that until you see it up close and talk with somebody whose whole life is researching I love it I like going to museums a lot I feel like a dweeb but I learned a lot and so cool like the wild color choices that we're going here and just like how manic the expression is another it's more sculpting here mm-hmm I don't know which one this was do you remember which one the rest of this model contains it is the dragon that's hugging okay is it yeah I think it was is this gonna be a different model must be the same it's the same that's still a large list of substances got away yeah yeah I think I don't know they invited some stuff because I'm curious I think it is the moment the dragon that was framed I think you're right definitely not Qin's I went through a phase where I just wanted to sculpt like the lower half of the jaws like chins and stuff you just have a library I'm just okay I didn't save it I just practiced you know but the shoulder girdle you just a little too much of that let's hop over to the other six see where they are at and then we're in a super detailing stage on some of these so I mean everybody's gonna be finished with their scopes today and then we're gonna compile all the finished images put them up on ZBrush summit no actually on super central yeah ZBrush central and tomorrow starting at noon you can start voting on who's your favorite and there's gonna be 24 plus images of all featuring a different emoji and the cool final image and voting is going to continue all weekend so there's gonna be the summit going on and all the different talks and whatnot you can take any time an opportunity to vote on your favorite image emoji and then Sunday 3 p.m. voting closes panel of judges is gonna make sure everything is kosher and then the winner is gonna be announced at the final closing ceremony 16 is correct that is correct it's gonna be pretty exciting I'm I'm always excited for this like the sculpt off is first off just watching people work is exciting and then seeing what final image is super well received honestly everything's really well received like no one is forsaken in the voting process no and and then these artists gonna enjoy the whole summit the rest of the weekend unless they have presentations or doing workshop that's enjoying it in a different way oh wow yeah this one's pretty crazy yeah that's gonna frame beautifully in the final image hello detail arts yeah yeah and together and I love how many different textures are being utilized because it's like some stamp and brushes some twisty bits flowy pieces flowey pieces some more hand sculpting for you you know what I like everything [Laughter] a little subtle strokes yeah that's some real like fine attention to in anatomy it's some beautiful stuff there we got some hitting up the bony planar surfaces getting some eyelashes it adds a lot though look especially getting capturing that like the way the shadow falls on lashes I think is one of the things I think it's personally I think rather having them as separate geometry works there too yeah oh then trying to create like a surface balloon yeah that's a really really narrow spark spot to me trying to pull or snake hook some stuff out yeah exactly I think if you want the nice points on the end of it oh yeah first style is to look like this yeah very intelligent choice and then as they're duplicating these two they're getting masked so they're able to manipulate just those all one that they just threw out teenagers this is the one that has all the internal swirls you see the arms too like they're not connected so they're just overlapping because you don't really need it connected to get the result you're looking for know that super drew especially if it's like in just an image in the end of it all exactly it's quiet in here that's because we have a little over an hour left no one's resting on their laurels for this competition you know everybody was working right up until the wire for the morning group as well what's true like I think one person finished maybe five minutes early and that's it so you're watching the ZBrush 2019 live sculpt off this is the first day of the ZBrush summit this is the skull puff takes place on Thursday tomorrow starts the ZBrush summit this will start tomorrow at 12 o'clock your little schedule here for you guys will be live streaming all this on ZBrush live.com I think all the presentations will be streamed live except for one there was one that was not able to be streamed so we'll be filling in with some other content during that time if you are watching us online if you are coming out or live near the gnomon campus here in LA definitely come on by and the admission into the super summit is 100% free so you come on out Stephen partake in the presentations here in Norma's campus and then there's also I think some of the workshops that still have some slots available so if you want to come and take any of those definitely check online and see if any of those still have seats cuz they're an excellent value um the information in the instructions you get the classes are small they're pretty much almost like I don't have any students it is but it's you get a lot of hands-on time with the teacher and the instructor so it's highly worth the opportunity and the voting fuel I've scooped off will be on zebra central comm and that will start tomorrow Friday at 12 p.m. as well quick shout out to our sponsors for the sculpt off this year we want to thank Mamaki we also want to thank Wacom and cue shots and form labs and Mike Morgan or the sculpting gloves for all the contestants yep also nomen and no putting up with yes we're always putting up with us so we're gonna take a break here in about four minutes and then we'll run some of our promo stuff well ZBrush live also hosts a lot of great artists that stream every single day every week yes you enjoy this stuff there's tons of it times and so they donate their time and just show ZBrush and action for hours and then while they're doing stuff on Zoomer sicom you can actually go in and ask them questions see how they're doing things say hey how'd you do that yeah go back and generate those processes and visit get you learned teach you all the secret huh or just inspire you to try something new like yeah it's worth it as you burst as always like workflows are changing and involving that's right so the tape team I think we're gonna break it out let me get some water and get some water come back get hydrated and then we'll be back all right dude for the fun [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi there my name is Eamonn after i'ma ZBrush artist that specializes in 3d printing ideas to reality come join me on my stream on Thursdays and I'll talk about my own IP fungus ors and how to get an idea out of your head into a 3d printed prototype and into a finished product hope to see you there happy zbrushing hi to the bank my name is Annika Doha in Nevada and I'm a technical artist by day and a carat artists quite nice I've been streaming pixologic for almost two years and I should talk about PR Development positivity and how to navigate the industry in a more healthy and sustainable way I stream every other week in Portuguese and English and you can find me all over the Internet's as ana carolina arts see you soon [Music] hi I'm Ashley and this is Monty and we stream over on the fix logic channel on Wednesdays at 6 to 10 p.m. est I usually do character and creature concept sculpting and this guy likes to make his limp noodle full of disapproval kind of appearance so if you want to come say hi to me and the dog we would love to see you and I hope you have a great rest of your summit hey what's going on guys I hope you are enjoying the ZBrush summit here over on the live stream on the pixel logic channel if you guys don't know who I am my name is Ben or I go by folly GaN around here if you guys want to check out my live stream on the fix logic channel I stream on Tuesdays at 6 p.m. Eastern u.s. time or 3 p.m. Pacific stop by and say hi or if you want to check out the rest of my stuff just Google folly gun or go to youtube.com slash polygon I hope you guys enjoy the rest of the ZBrush summit I'll probably be watching right here with you so if you see me in chat say hey and until next time you guys have a great rest of your day I hope to see you around [Music] hi my name is Bob Riley I'm a freelance character artist for the film and game industry with over 20 years of experience some of the titles worked on there it's Age of Empires 3 doom and most recently Borderlands 3 you can find my work at be Bradley calm for an art station art station comm forward slash spark or an Instagram at Instagram calm horse /b Briley underscore art I also have a company with James Cain and Martin Vera Hogan called Grimm and you can find our work at we are grim calm if you were interested for my ZBrush live videos I cover creating creatures from sculpting the poly painting to final pose with a heavy idea of flow design and silhouette in mind and you can find those at pixologic comm /z brush life section I will be attending this year's ZBrush summit so I'm looking forward to it I hope to see a few you there and thank you very much for watching hi my name is Ollie I know who you are I'm the brush lifestream sim cricket Phineas Oh Talia new flavor yes dreamers the brush life through hidden the canal EXO little kiss quick chop his own personal use the brush motels Resnick yummy delicious and if he's coming would you rather it was eveness way extremist pursue bottom drug the stitch so we share upon the skulls come on brainy mean that assumes opposition translates evil most energy no site is a brush life preventive and wellness miss you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hey guys my name is Paulo munos Gomes I'm a pretty concept and character artist and I love working with savers I run the silver kites website which is a learning hub for digital artists professionals or even 3d enthusiasts that want to level up their skills in ZBrush and other software in the industry I'm also an online instructor over a 30 concept artists comm where a teacher pretty in-depth course called the extra mile from silver sculpture to polish illustration but more importantly I'm part of the silvers life team so I'll be streaming live every week around 4:00 p.m. Pacific Standard and the dates might change that you might have to check the schedule over a silver slide so come and join me in the series live sessions as we explore workflows all the tools and features that this great software has to offer to help us improve and boost our creativity now enjoy the rest of the summit and I'll see you soon over at ZBrush life Cheers hello this is southern this is solo month this is my sculpture in quake I used to make a lot of sculptures in clay but now I do a lot of sculpture in ZBrush so go check my streams where I do different strange creatures and characters [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey there it's a vestinel from Quebec City I'm streaming for collectibles IRA's measures being sculpt like all kind of crazy madness I'm streaming around 5:30 Pacific time on the Mondays and sometime Thursday so anyway to see you there bye bye welcome to the ZBrush summit I'm Steven Anderson and it's really fun to be here you might recognize me from the ZBrush live and for those of you who aren't familiar with my segment on ZBrush live but to be able to go through and take the time to invite you personally to come and visit me on the on the live streams on ZBrush live we talked about character creation and environment creation and specifically how environments can benefit from character driven tell us storytelling I hope you enjoy the other presentations these guys they're great so enjoy have fun and I will see you around bye guys [Music] [Music] [Applause] my name is Shane Olson hi I'm Shane my name's Ashley Adams my name is I'm not I'm the red here in that door the big part of my workflow is trying to [Music] you hi I'm Victor marine from Invictus thanks I'm concept artists and digital and traditional culture I use the brush since version 105 I think ZBrush is the perfect tool to fuse the digital traditional world I'm the official translator from the Spanish version and I will teach in my Spanish streams lot of tip and tricks and different workflows hope you enjoy secret summit pick up friends [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you and we're back we made that quick we did figured you guys wanted to see what the final grips are doing this we try to come back as the super confessor Iran vessel you'd like coffee Ok Go caffeine for that also we're really excited to see what everybody's doing how it all is them coming together in the last final 48 minutes oh my gosh just 40 minutes left yeah they can do it I believe in all of these sculptors so alright you ready yeah let's show em deep dive here we go so let's go through the sixes we'll get back to where we were oh man lower right now has two models oh well didn't say I think though the bunny one had have two right oh shoot yeah you know you're right ha ha they're going full emoji yeah we got a second one of those it's looking pretty awesome yeah that really is got some rendering happening than one of the Dragons oh my goodness we got the eyelashes done mm-hmm so much sass like extra specials that's the um you know the emoji that's rolling its eyes yeah yeah it's just like oh you can hear the groaning all right let's hop over the next ones check those guys or the same ones again Joseph master of the same screams there we go sorry really really cool so we got more rendering we got at least two that have gone to render Celeste 47 minutes mm-hm you mean they're just gonna finish off on rendering anything with the contrast sneak in another do not underestimate how much time it takes you to like light render last minute color is a tional and then then compositing it all together mm-hmm like especially if you're doing like kind of passes which I tend to and I don't know if that means it's that's like a more old-school way of approaching it yeah yeah I mean it takes time to make them and then use them all right so this was pretty cool jump in here we got extra like vines oh that's pretty awesome so the sort of like topological striations across it mmm I think they did that with them a brush that you drag and draw out like that I mmm brush with a yeah great one and drag it out yeah I think it's worth could also have done the Z series with another way to you could append some Z's here's moving around and then turn them into a mesh it's all sorts of things that's adding a lot of them but all this like gum alignment on Stefan it's really cool that's adding a lot of texture oh and then surface noise - yeah some cool things that happen in Larry on her real we were gone for like five minutes total what the hey this knuckle dragger we're going with it so grumpy for being so loved like I okay this one makes me this super happy and so humorous let's hop over to the robot nice now the flashing here is dynamic solo superior mother does this you don't want it there's a little dynamic button on top of the solo button over there you can toggle on and off yeah I'll help you performance as you're moving around so it's gonna hide everything as you rotate them bring it all back hmm that's a little in and out you're seeing wow that's really pretty beautiful use of color and texture it looks like we got there's your sword was a samurai sword mm-hmm yeah yeah I know what's up have you're used to samurai sword how do that I took Kuno for a while kendo kundo which is the Korean oh I was like I thought you were saying it funny oh cool oh did you watch that Korean zombie show on no Kingdom it's good love to make a feudal Korea needs a zombie apocalypse it's phenomenal yep see the other hand was up oh yeah nice like I got the texture of the belt - mmm so if you guys are just tuning in this is the ZBrush 2019 live sculpt off we have 24 contestants competing for the championship belt this year there is no hard surface or organic divisions so each artist could sculpt hard surface they can sculpt organic or they get sculpt a mixture of both so we opened up the possibilities for them we are in our second group of two here right now so at the final 43 minutes of the competition so at this stage the artists are going through and figuring out all the different angles and camerawork and setting their renders to that final image there so yeah some framing here happening already with that single biani yeah thanks Tony all right it's a couple different keywords is gonna bring up this particular emoji and that's like over Oni mm-hmm yeah so any of those this one's also doing some interesting surface noise stuff now hey you gotta move fast at this point you do a room yeah they wonder if they want to get the floor done oh oh you wouldn't there you go that's looking pretty awesome oh yeah not all gold cool yeah I was wondering where the they were going to leave it all gold yeah this is showing all the painting that they have done previously I'm adding a month off each other and then it looks like the the genie here is getting this little top not making those rings it's really interesting to find the ways in which you can add a lot of interest in element your sculpt but like as quickly as possible but not have it look quick or simple and I love what they did at the Rings and it's like sphere it's tiered brought in and then duplicated and shrunk and it's more interest got some spikes getting pulled off here like some the cloth cuts oh yeah or maybe just motion oh it's gonna be like Oh strike yeah some motion blur yeah yeah some motion without much blur motions may cook you know um for sculptures and stuff that are printed out figurines and whatnot they sort of do represent movement within the sculpture by doing a smear blur kind of thing either in like the base things you're looking here little striations on those lines yeah that's from the surface noise there's a preset surface noise that will generate that effect oh yeah smart cuz it's making it look very wouldn't it is and so they just made the tentacles duplicate them around probably and then just applied the surface noise on top of it to get those yeah yeah that's pretty awesome smart see what our Oh our dragons getting posed here well the final image of it all I love it so the night is getting snuggled by the dragon and he's just desperate to reach his sword it's just like what a predicament Dragon Knight no that's how over the next group they're at so this one we have a few that have started rendering now there do have a second monitor so they could by all means also be rendering over there and as they go along and we may not see the final image until it goes up for vote which is okay but I mean you might feel left out but you'll go to see the final image tomorrow it's not that long to wait and you've seen the whole process today not everybody gets to see all the process and how every artist works so this is like just such a really cool feed I love the color breakdown it's gonna be good this could be for materials to set him up for you know as you were mentioning the the passives right yeah he or she could be setting them up for that you know this and be really cool printed out mm-hmm it would be a lot to print it would be that's like so much smushed together so yeah little cleanup but really cool this one's got glowy bits so justic look at the swoops I like the bottom swoops ah and then like lit from the inside oh my heart that's pretty awesome yeah brilliant artists we have here today well this one's got some nice stuff so if you're just tuning in this is the ZBrush 2019 sculpt off this is group 2 there's about 38 minutes left in the competition today so after this group is done all the images from the 24 contestants will be grabbed and then we will be placing them on ZBrush central tomorrow from voting this year's theme for the competition was emoji visualizations so the artists were given a list of emojis they could choose and sculpt their interpretation of that emoji like see here on some of the ones who've been shown with the Dragons so there's a dragon emoji so the artist chose that one and now is sculpting their version of that emoji and I think we added this year was the ability to enter one to two or three entries into the competition so during the process of the sculpt off here if an artist finished say one piece they could then go in and say submit a second one and they could submit up to three entries total and each entry needed to depict a different emoji so we haven't seen anything that's been taken advantage of that yet no we may have some coming in this one especially with you know about 37 minutes left you think Sammis well we have some that are already in the rendering stages that's true these are really cool this is almost like two different models I love it especially since like you can make each one unique but still retain a lot of the basic work that you've done that's very nice mm-hmm so cranky gosh so much character it's cute in the nose like kind of like a wrinkled up a little wrinkled so let's thank our sponsors for the event here today for the zebra scuffed off so we had some great sponsors we had a Mamaki who is giving some of our winners the prizes we also have Wacom we supplied our contest with East antiques that our artists are using and then also they're using the tablets as well want to thank Luxy on and he shot or giving us copies of that software to allow the artist to use the ZBrush tikki shot bridge but you can see a lot of them here are finalizing their renders you shot and then finally if we want to thank formlabs for donating or giving us a form free printer for the championship winner for the competition and the champion also gets the amazing belt yes right and then bragging rights and then they'll be able to come back for next year's sculpt off and official title and so we have two of the winners here from last year so we have Martin and Donna and they're currently sculpting right now in this group one of these screens is there's Martin last year he came in he won the hard surface challenge well done and so I don't know where no one thought it was him so you never really know who sculpted it until it is done super true it is one of those things that's you could think and then at the very end you're gonna get a totally different like really so it's pretty awesome and Mia Jessica here as we've been commentating on this we have no clue which artist is doing what yeah we're resisting looking at the actual person we're paying attention just to the screams that way we can give unbiased commentary do you all like little rips and effects on this little tree yeah such a good job no I think I think we go there we go you got different passes I look like they're gonna be using the NPR stuff I saw some of the filters nice opened up here it's why I jumped over here oh yeah of course show off that new stuff this one looks like the dragon is powering up mmm like Dragon Ball Z style just my haha hair is starting to let go of adding a little more sculptural illness for the hair on this one mm-hmm but also making it unique to the other girl gosh it's a lot of work doing two whole you know good-looking little model female characters and also in three hours ya know exactly like making it look good making look pretty making them look unique yeah not an easy the genies he's getting crazier over there crazy eyes like one of the best ways to make expression or eyes look extra craziest don't let the iris touch the eyelid and then you get like depending on where the eye is you can either get fear or panic or just like the like you don't want to stand next to this guy on the side what I said here like this like be questionable hey hey he's gotten we had an artist at work Laurel Austin break down emotion in characters so like how to evolve different sorts of like states of being and it was like based on eyes and based on smile and whatnot now it's just really cool to see an artist at the top of their craft like break down how they conveyed like really expressive stuff and I'm really excited with all the expressive character work we've seen throughout today like earlier this morning tons of like extra emotive characters which makes sense for the emoji challenge but like it's really cool to see that and it's not something you often see in production you have to deliver stuff that's super neutral and so it's wonderful to see this stuff coming together I don't know it's really interesting and special and so there's a bunch of lighting going to this one scenes aren't things here making that dragon pop with those heart shape of hives yeah and this whole thing is like built like a whole scene it's got a lot of depth that they're bringing into their frame you know they've got the frame in their ZBrush file so they know exactly what they're seeing everything second the robots Kepler and make up on whatever the final composition is gonna be you're thinking like just chomped just like the bus the bus yeah I don't know no I can't wait to find out and I think we're gonna see a lot lot more now that we're down to the last half hour 30 minutes I've got some patterns on the oh cool samurai no bee honey so let's go through the list of the current artists that are participating in this before we get down to the last minutes here that's against chaotic that's true that's when everybody is like panicking to get that last final image [Music] [Music] quick overview this is first set of six here sounds like we may have one complete good to go yes another one in rendering we got our genie over there you're doing some lighting passes now I think if your buddies paced themselves very intelligently this concert was like too rushed at this point looks like they just doing like their final things making sure it all works does what needs to do and they're gonna feel so good in 30 minutes mm-hmm cuz I'll have delivered it enjoy the rest of the weekend need a lot of the contestants here they all meet up later yeah there's a Star Wars bar not too long perfect well away from here and they all go and hang out there it's like a Catina yeah look a lot of my friends head out there all the time gosh these are really cool characters and it's really different actually like everybody's so vastly different from each other even the dragons are vastly different references and influences snuggle dragons my favorite let's head over the other six mhm we got some more seam set up down at the bottom say another template open its ingredients in the background they're so cool good God there's gonna be a tough one voting wise oh my gosh voting is gonna be neck and neck I swear mm-hmm so if you just tuning in this is the ZBrush live sculpt off so the current contestants we have over here is group two so we have 12 artists going right now these artists started from nothing about two and a half hours ago and this is where they're currently at they've got a little less than 30 minutes to finalize their images these images will be used for voting on zebra central so it's pretty amazing seeing what these artists do in this time frame for each the contest as well the machines they're given their all equal in terms of processing power and then the versions of ZBrush that they had or just versions that were directly straight installed so if you've downloaded ZBrush and installed on your machine mm-hmm they were allowed to use custom hotkeys and a custom interface and that was it so everything else that you have seen done here can all be done with the retail version of ZBrush for the summit here as well if you're looking to get into ZBrush frothing a 20% discount on the software so we have our perpetual licenses which is ZBrush ZBrush core and then we also have our subscription models so we have a one month subscription and a six month subscription these subscription models have a coupon code that you can use to get that 20% off the coupon code for the monthly subscription is summit one month and the coupon code for the six month subscription is summit six month and you can find out about this discount here that's going on right now over the summit at store pics Lodge comm you have a more information on that just type in chat here and someone will be glad to help you and point you in the right direction so we're gonna be continuing the summit all weekend here so the summit here itself starts tomorrow which is Friday the 27th at 12 p.m. here on Noma snowman's campus so if you are in the LA area definitely come on by check it out so we'll be here Friday Saturday and Sunday the mission is free into the versus limit yeah and it's absolutely worth attending not only are there are tons of newly informative talks and panels from game companies and and just everyone there's also workshops hosted by some really smart and amazing talented artists some of which still have space you have to book ahead to get a seat in those it's limited but that also means that it's a lot of one-on-one time between you and an instructor yes they're definitely worth their weight in gold oh that's super fantastic also on the end of Saturday after the ZBrush Awards we will have be having an after party little NextEra monster behind the maquis so definitely if you're gonna come out definitely stick around for the after party yeah at times absolutely worth it there's not just these sculptures that you're watching make wonderful creations today but a lot of folks who are stuck at work during the weekdays we're gonna come out on Saturday night and hang out so tons of Industry amazing sculptors and many industries actually it's not just games and film it's a little bit of everything so coming out say hello I think we're gonna give everybody nametags this year too oh yeah I think smart yes I'm a little my name is hello my name is inigo montoya and you have come by sometime so we got 24 minutes left here and then we're gonna ring the bell and then it's pens day across all the tablets here so we're down to the final minutes there sir it's super good I don't see anyone really no one has anything you know like stretched back and it's kicking it they're all everybody's still just like oh can I add a little bit more can I do another pass a little bit to make this sing a little rim lighting finish it out finish it out yeah all right so let's get back to the sixes second probably keep out a little bit here so you can't see where everybody's finishing at in terms of these that's just something really cool then we'll zoom in on that to see the different compositing stuff that's going on in some of the scenes as well a lot of saving saving saving saving yeah the chats all really impressed with everybody's work they're like oh this is this two and a half hours we don't know they're magicians they work hard they could bring nothing like me yes seriously all they got to bring was their UI and like some hotkeys there's nothing special about their Z brushes it's not like make cool it's just how good pairs artists now certainly they've practiced ahead of time they've got some like killer ideas that they've spent a little bit of time putting together but they're still you're doing it all from scratch you've seen it like every step of the way they've they've been working their butts off like no one's left their seat no only me and Jessica yeah I needed more water let's go back to the other group so impressive who some of them are getting final poses like breaking that symmetry rendering in poses pose master and twenty-one minutes it's coming close you think anyone's like not gonna make the time of it no everybody here is I'm right on schedule like I don't feel like anybody's in trouble like a few people might have had like wish list oh if I finishing this time and they might be eating up that wish list right now but everybody's got like the meat and bones of what they intended to get done it's really cool to see the chats talking about like we would love to see environments as a competition environments is so much more work than a single character but also how to present an environment in a compelling way I guess it's tough but then some suggestions were like team competition yeah we're like one person does the foreground element one person does the background element mm-hmm I believe it I mean ZBrush is useful for so many different skill sets that like you could do that but well internet if you want to see a environment ZBrush challenge definitely started spam and zebra central yeah honestly there's a lot of environment artists were stellar and fastest well you have to be too as you just mentioned like you have an entire environment you have to Bob it's so much work and even if you're just making stuff to camera mm-hmm and now especially in the game stuff - you have an entire worlds that you can go everywhere in every place at each round everything yeah like people are on top of and under and around like I'm lucky that I'm in the cinematic end of things because then everything's like locked to camera I'm like yo you never seen the back of this we're good but all right let's check out our other six mm-hmm I've got some lighting and rendering coming into play it's the thing I'm the least good at at least one two three in their template files oh do you think the cigarette is gonna cast like a small glow on her face maybe Kelsey just be working on me getting that I'm backlighting in there mm-hmm definitely a genie it's really cool how he's filled with the vapor inside kind of like a clear shell very clever and good use of materials down to the wire down to the wire 18 minutes that looks so much more cool than yeah yeah definitely added another element yeah and then what's the shading thing called where it's just the edges like real it's no like velvet how it's got that scatter for now thank you yeah he's kind of doing like a fern Elle effect with the outer shell and then the inner it's really cool he or she sorry it's I say he cuz it's a he Jeannie yeah we do have all of you we have a very diverse group of participants here too heck is sculpting is for everyone that's one thing that it is it is it for everyone anyone can do this anybody can just open up ZBrush and get going like right away you just need the standard brush and a sphere and you can sculpt and start sculpting and it's pretty intuitive like a lot of people get kind of intimidated by the UI but honestly like what you can do with just a minute of instruction well if you think about - what's like I'm talking about children earlier mm-hmm you go to school for the first few years of your life and what do they have you do you're playing with play-doh yeah then you're drawing you're all artists yeah well no sites like the way art activates your brain and helps you realize the world like in 3d or just convey what you're thinking and feeling helps your dexterity yeah it's good for you it's good for the heart one of us listen lighting that's coming in this one - whoo great composition it's some tough choices cuz like they've made beautiful amazing characters that are all awesome and then trying to find the right way to frame it in the last 60 oh my goodness that's gonna last the other set bouncing back and forth but seems oh man 16 minutes 16 minutes everybody is so good today I'm constantly impressed with the artists you all bring so if you would like to compete in the skill tough as well thanks for bringing that up we definitely we have open submissions for the sculpt off and that's it May usually around there and for information on that when those goes out definitely subscribe to our newsletter and also keep checking on z-bar center column so when it opens up would you make an announcement for that and you can submit your portfolio for entrance into the contest and this year we have 24 contestants battling it out for the single championship belt mm-hmm top of this year was emoji visualizations so taking an emoji and then generating a sculptural representation of that tons of awesome things yeah it's kind of a sky's the limit topic really cool stuff minutes oh my goodness get your layers out now I know look at some of them waiting for him to get into the Photoshop stage cutting it close I know then to close could be worried some are also on a second screen working on their stuff too yeah such good stuff I hope everybody in chat and votes tomorrow or you know sometime this weekend all these artists deserve that support and then some it opens up tomorrow like we kick things off around noon tomorrow yes that is correct look at the schedule here in a few minutes we'll go through that as well go to the final 14 minutes so good upper-middle dragon-like I think that they blocked out so I'm like really bold colors and then just smooth to them together to create these beautiful ingredients or gosh it's like a complicated but effective texturing pass so much detail in it yeah I mean the detail and the scope to really helps all the texture like everything's playing into each other really well the bunnies are still getting some sculptural stuff put in okay that's gonna make me panic about anything two minutes you got this you got this you can totally render it's gonna be good we're almost down to 12 minutes this isn't easy it's so talented laughs are you feeling like contact nervousness at the end here oh man I mean 12 minutes is not a lot of time knew I've had 12 minutes fly by especially when you're your final asset is the render let me make sure you have that done yeah you don't want to find out something isn't rendering quite right it's even get the right button this time no the whole chat is that just cheering everybody on there like you guys could do it get it done okay all right so the awning did has made it a pro shop it's good okay I feel better rather home okay do you robot hopefully second it's great second screen for sure it's good cuz like it hasn't moved from the pose that was finally decided so they're definitely working okay this this group yeah this skill feel good for all these artists they're well on time everybody I think it's just the frosting on top for a lot of art pieces so oh it's gonna be good final images are gonna look great eleven minutes all right do you want to do like an 11 minute fast pass through everybody's full screen do that yeah okay that's it this time I think we're that side I gotta hit this next well I'm gonna fullscreen each one just likes to do it less than a minute per just like take a look at what they got going on final countdown 10 minutes 10 minutes nice thing about key shot is the longer you let it render the more honed and that was a screaming good by the way who break the scale get over after this compass is done let him say hey or scream just some final compositing like levels and bumps here and there mm-hmm it's really magical it looks like it belongs in um like a card art yes it's very ho the layout is very similar to yeah like Magic the Gathering in stone that one's good too yeah I love the red lighting on that mm-hmm it's just great hiding how cool visit whirring on this one oh yeah I know get that ran down this one too yep ghosts are being rendered in the phone oh no it's fine like this but you as long as it's in the frame yes yes just print screen and go yeah I believe in all these artists they can do it all right it's gonna next all right we're looking at the other six now quite a few of these have finished and some of which have denied s their final frame you know yeah so samurai Oni mmm-hmm no dramatic lighting I like it get it going get it going yeah and then I'm gonna skip the one where the image isn't even showing and they have finished but and then this is all we can see if a robot girl the final image is actually on the second screen which they could drag over but they aren't there I don't want to interrupt they're working hard it's just like a little bit of noodles here and there you know I don't ever feel like any piece of art is really done it's just when it has to be delivered mmm-hmm we just call it quits yeah I'm tired didn't those heart-shaped eyes in there I wonder what the dragon fell in love with eating him or just holding there what should you do you heart I your hamburgers it's sometimes like oh yes nice down to the wire oh man so many good ones so the voting for this the image will be collected this evening and then voting for the scoped off will start tomorrow which is Friday the 27th at 12 o'clock and that voting will be done at vote picks Lodge calm so definitely will be sending out this link for the voting tomorrow as well when the voting opens up but that'll be tomorrow starting at 12 o'clock the voting will continue over the summit's and stop at Sunday at 3 p.m. and then the winner of the scoped off competition will be announced on Sunday at 6 p.m. so definitely vote and those voting options will be up tomorrow so we're down that's here 6 minutes left 6 minutes that is not a lot of time luckily everybody has getting has got their final frames so no need to worry everybody is a well on track to being and delivering something really good oh man I think we're all a good shape down they have you worried there for a little bit I love how much you were sweating just now you're just like it's like starting to go tell him do they know just tap their shoulder there's only 6 minutes left what are you guys doing get it going five minutes [Laughter] let's make it go let's make it go in that frame just had a brain we're all at the the final ends right now so that's good mm-hmm everybody did really well today your timers going off the timers that they've set in the last five minutes yeah this is how you know these artists are really responsible they've like set little screams get the screaming goat warning buzzers I feel like this year everybody's been way more on track then sometimes in the past well done artists there we go all right yeah well I have a minute you got four minutes hope it's gonna render faster come on bunny girl she's good take Supergirl with this it's just got to get her over there yeah thanks put that out yep play with those layers click you've got 4 minutes just getting those renders out it's all good I believe for a minute you could do so much in four minutes your hands will be like sit smoking they're moving so fast all right I'm switching over to the other six what's it right under four minutes now now we haven't been able to see what robot girl has been up to on the other screen so it's really nice to see god that's beautiful gradient just so clean I like it is there anything else we haven't really seen I think samer Romi yep fog in there yeah that's some real cinematic moment get in the frame that's good nice good yeah boom three minutes here at under three minutes for the live ZBrush sculpt up here for 2019 this is group - this is the last group of 12 for the contest will have a total of 24 contestants that were competing for the championship belts the contest theme this year was emoji visualizations this pick and emoji and then sculpt their interpretation of that emoji so we are at almost endpoint here two minutes that is not enough time to do anything other than save mm-hmm you were just telling the four minutes was slow which is different than two minutes four minutes is like okay save a file and open it so thank you all for being here with us at this event if you guys have stayed through the entire two groups oh wow yeah have you thank you for joining us we hope you've seen some amazing art these artists fired hopefully yes what you can do in three hours Lizzy brush it's it's really amazing it's super true if you did this sort of challenge at home on your own time please show us it's just tag ZBrush summit and if you're gonna be here in Los Angeles there is a mini ZBrush summit challenge for anybody on site healthy emoji challenge yep 15 minutes 15 minutes and you have a chance to win really fabulous right sometimes yeah definitely if you're gonna be here no one else mm-hmm sweet potatoes sweet potatoes so many sweet potatoes just a little one minute I hope y'all is saved my seat countdown the last seconds here will ring the bell and then we'll do our outro yeah yeah that's the one six there and I think they're think they're all pretty good okay I'm gonna go check on the other side I'm getting like tapi feet where I'm like oh sweet in Photoshop all good seek stay open yeah it's really pretty well done well done just in time alright last 20 seconds here oh my goodness out it down I'll ring the bell um I'll count down from 10 you can already tell that the room is like way less stressed because there's talking they're pushing back from their computers 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 life sculpt off here on day 1 of the summit Thursday summit will be continuing across the weekend here so starting tomorrow on Friday at 12 p.m. yes we'll get the schedule up here for you guys you can see we have a whole bunch of events planned for the summit if you're in the LA area please come on out we will be here running around come say hello admission to the ZBrush summit is free so stop on by and check out our whole lineup of presentations we also have other things such as throughs and everything else at the show also the emergent challenge that Jessica brought up a few other things want to hit on here as well during the summit this year we're also giving 20% off and so we have multiple ways you can get into ZBrush so we have 20% off our perpetual licenses which is for ZBrush in ZBrush core and they're both have different price points so zoo brushes professional versions and then we also have a light version of ZBrush called ZBrush core and you're on the fence and if you've watched this and been inspired and want to get into ZBrush they're definitely routes that can get you in yeah we also have a monthly and a six month subscription as well which you will get you the full version of ZBrush at those monthly subscription plans we're doing 20% off on those as well thank you monthly one the code coupon code will be summit one month and for the six month subscription plan it's going to be summit six month you have any questions on those definitely type in chat and our people bargain I think we'll hit you up and get you that information and the score for pixologic is stork's logic comm for the scope of here you want to give a shout out to our wonderful sponsors that helped us out together they're giving away tons of prizes for the champions this year it's cry 1 are the biggest years in terms of prizes yeah there's so much stuff that the winners are getting so we want to thank me mocking for donating multiple prints for the winners so each of the winners is gonna get a 12 inch color print from mimaki the detail all these things are amazing so we saw them at Comic Con they're really nice and the first second and third place winners of the sculpt off are going to get a 12 inch print we also want to thank black Oh so welcome supplies the Cintiq so that our contestants we're using and also the tablets so all the contestants here have been using a pen device during their contest they're also giving you the prizes away for these twenty-two interesting yes first and/or my person second place of the competition beginning those also give a shout out to use their program to zbrush Turkish language and a lot of the contest's you saw here in plenary with pattern we're also giving out different versions we want to give a shout out to labs they're also going to be here at the summit so if you're coming on site definitely buy go get your hands on some of the prints as well so you can just see the fidelity of what the everything is you brush this water tight you put it out and you get some really really awesome stuff and it's really interesting to see what you had smoked it and then Tangipahoa oh my gosh yeah it's an addicting it's like oh I need to print everything for fear money's gonna be going to recive money we all sort of thank Mike Morgan for he created these awesome sculpting gloves for us for the competition all the contestants here for the sculpt up got one of these and many were during the competition yeah so I think Mike Morgan designs for that I think we got anything else no you got the deals if you're super excited about the ZBrush summit want to talk about it wanna show things you've been working on for how you're watching the ZBrush summit just use the hashtag ZBrush summit join in it was a ton of people already talking about what they're working on at home what they're following what they're excited for and all the summit will be stream except for I think one presentation so you can watch all these on ZBrush live.com yeah so you just go to that in your own we'll take you directly to us and screaming I think we also we will be doing replays of this as well so if you get all of the sculpt off you can jump or tune in later and it's the rest of that so definitely stay yeah I want to thank Jessica for coming out and helping with this event every year she comes out crabmeat aids the sculpt off for six hours we do sell electricity conversation it helps but also this is so much going on I love being here I love these artists there are some talented alright so we're gonna roll you guys out with some videos yes stay tuned for more summit tomorrow stars 12 o'clock I remembered a boat tomorrow [Music] hi there my name is Eamonn after I'm a ZBrush artist that specializes in 3d printing ideas to reality come join me on my stream on Thursdays and I'll talk about my own IP fungus ors and how to get an idea out of your head into a 3d printed prototype and into a finished product hope to see you there happy zbrushing hi to the bank my name is Onika de una pérdida and I might tell you Clara's by date and a carrot artist quite nice I've been streaming pixologic for almost two years and I usually talk about PR developments positivity and how to navigate the industry in a more healthy and sustainable way I stream every other week in Portuguese and English and you can find me all over the Internet's as ana carolina arts see you soon [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi I'm Ashley and this is Monty and we stream over on the fix logic channel on Wednesdays at 6 to 10 p.m. est I usually do character and creature concept sculpting and this guy likes to make his limp noodle full of disapproval kind of appearance so if you want to come say hi to me and the dog we would love to see you and I hope you have a great rest of your summit hey what's going on guys I hope you are enjoying the ZBrush summit here over on the last room on the pixel logic channel if you guys don't know who I am my name is Ben or I go by folly gun around here if you guys want to check out my livestream on the fix logic channel I stream on Tuesdays at 6 p.m. eastern US time or 3 p.m. Pacific stop by and say hi or if you want to check out the rest of my stuff just Google folly gun or go to youtube.com slash polygon I hope you guys enjoy the rest of the ZBrush summit I'll probably be watching right here with you so if you see me in chat say hey and until next time you guys have a great rest of your day I have to see you around [Music] hi my name is Bob Riley I'm a freelance character artist for the film and game industry with over 20 years of experience some of the titles worked on there it's Age of Empires 3 doom and most recently Borderlands 3 you can find my work at be brightly calm or an art station art station calm or / spark for an instagram at instagram calm horse / be brightly underscore art i also have a company with James cane and Martin Vera Hogan called Grimm and you can find our work at we are grim calm if you were interested for my ZBrush live videos I cover creating creatures from sculpting - poly painting - final pose with the heavy idea flow design and silhouette in mind and you can find those at pixologic calm /zi brush life section I will be attending this year ZBrush summit so I'm looking forward to it I hope to see a few you there and thank you very much for watching hi my name is olya no flu I'm the brush lifestream same create minions olya new flavor yes dreamers the brush life through hidden economic soldiers just whipped off his own personage of the brush whatever has new Middle East Pakistan if he's coming he would rather it was Xmas way extremist pursue bottom drug the stitch so we share upon the scores come on brainy mean that using the process of translation was to make you know site is the brush life preventive and wellness miss you [Music] [Music] [Music] hey guys my name is Paulo munos Gomes I'm a pretty concept and character artist and I love working with zippers I run the silver kites website which is a learning hub for digital artists professionals or even 3d entrances that want to level up their skills in ZBrush and other software in the industry I'm also an online instructor over a 3d concept artists comm where a teacher play in the course called the extra mile from silver sculpture to polish illustration but more importantly I'm part of the silvers life team so I'll be streaming live every week around 4:00 p.m. Pacific Standard and the days might change that you may have to check the schedule over at ZBrush live so come and join me in the Seavers live sessions as we explore workflows all the tools and features that this great software has to offer to help us improve and boost our creativity now enjoy the rest of the summit and I'll see you soon over at Silver's life Cheers hello this is Sodom this is full month this is my sculpture in quake I used to make a lot of sculptures in clay but now I do a lot of sculpture in ZBrush so go check my streams where I do different strange creatures and characters [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey there it's the best original from Quebec City I'm streaming for collectibles I res measure speed sculpt like all kind of crazy madness I'm streaming around 5:30 Pacific time on the Mondays and sometime Thursday so anyway to see you there bye bye welcome to the ZBrush summit I'm Steven Anderson and it's really fun to be here you might recognize me for the ZBrush live and for those of you who aren't familiar with my segments on ZBrush I've liked to be able to go through and take the time to invite you personally to come and visit me on the on the live streams on ZBrush live we talked about character creation and environment creation and specifically how environments can benefit from character driven tell us storytelling I hope you enjoy the other presentations these guys they're great so enjoy have fun and I will see you around bye guys [Music] [Music] everybody's back up a bit my name is Shane Olson hi I'm Shane my name's Ashley Adams my name is Sally Matt I'm the red here in that door the big part of my workflow is trying to [Music] you hi I'm Victor marine from Invictus Thanks I'm concept artists and digital and traditional sculpture I use the brass since version 105 I think ZBrush is the perfect tool to fuse the digital traditional world I'm the official translator from the Spanish version and I will teach in my Spanish streams a lot of tip and tricks and different workflows hope you enjoy secret summit pick up friends [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you you
Channel: Pixologic ZBrush
Views: 7,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1glqux8v78I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 237min 24sec (14244 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 26 2019
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