3D Bubble Text Logo Mark Design Illustrator Tutorial

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well everybody welcome into shinobi Illustrator tutorial brought to you as always bite vidcom you saw the title up there we're gonna create the sort of 3d bubbly gradient text it's pretty cool it's very easy I think you're really going to enjoy it this is just like a nice fun illustrator tutorial shouldn't take very long I think you're really going to like it in fact if you do like it there's a little like button down there make sure you hit the like button just show some love helps YouTube know that we like this video let's get it up and up and up so everybody can see it and if you enjoy the tutorials in general I would love it if you would press wherever the button is somewhere down there the subscribe button subscribe to my channel that way you never miss any more of these illustrator or graphic design tutorials in the future and if you really enjoy the channel and you're looking for a way to support us so first of all thank you for thinking about it and also you can pick up my graphic design sort of advanced Photoshop course I don't have any illustrator courses right now working on one maybe I'll work on multiples depending on how well the first one goes but for now in advance Photoshop course is a great way to go if your graphic designer there's all kinds of cool stuff in there that you're going to learn you're going to love and some things you can work on in Photoshop but of course you can take those same skills right over into illustrator and do what you will in Illustrator without further ado let's check out this video so you can see here this is an example of some things that can be done really it can be done with any letter this particular effect I particularly like a W though because a W just has a lot of sort of moving parts and it's straight and simple and and so beautiful to look at here's where it all begins we're going to come up here to file and go new I'm going to choose a simple 2560 by 1440 documents you can see 2560 by 1440 to go ahead and create that it's just a nice size I don't know I like it I've been I've been using it a lot lately I'm going to hit my flyout menu here for my layers panel and choose panel options and as I almost always do just boost my thumbnails here to a 60 pixel size so we can see them and we can love them we're going to jump over here to our rectangle tool and I'm going to right click on it to open up the pop-out menu and choose the ellipse tool and then I'm just going to click a single time and just go with the default 100 pixel by 100 pixel ellipse hit OK and there it is and we have a white fill little ellipse with a black stroke per our fill and stroke choices here in the bottom of the tool panel I'm going to click on the stroke smart you're going to click on it there in the at the bottom of the tool panel now I'm going to hit this little red slash down here that gets rid of that stroke and we want to also change the fill so go ahead and hit this little swappi arrow right there while I'm starting off the swap er what do I think and I'm thinking it's Photoshop yeah I just click directly on the fill it's going to activate the fill and we're going to choose the middle thumbnail here it's the gradient so that's going to fill it with a black to white gradient not really like in the black to white gradient so let's um come over here and take a look at our gradient panel in fact I'm just going to drag down so I can get a better look at my swatches here and I think what I'll do is let's go with like an almost yellow to darker green gradient that should be cool so I'm going to drag this sort of yellowish spring green to the one side of my gradient I don't go with a much much darker green just a hunter green on the other side of my gradient at this point I can do a number of things I can use the little angle drop down menu here and I can just go like let's go negative 60 you can see it throws the later part of the gradient kind of up in the top left of my ellipse darker part down there at the bottom I think I kind of like that so what we'll do is we'll drag the circle up here to the top of our document and I'm going to hold down my Alt key and I'm going to click and drag and that's going to duplicate the circle so I now have a duplicate of the circle I could drop anywhere but before I let go of my mouse key I'm also going to hold down the shift key this is going to allow me to drag a copy of the circle and constrain it in a straight line with that original circle so you can see these ellipses there they're just straight across from each other so I'm going to nudge that in just a little bit alright so what I want to do now is a play with what are called my blending options these are located up under object blend will choose blend options and what we want to do is change the spacing from Adobe Illustrator smooth color to specified steps so we're going to tell illustrator how many copies of this circle to make in between these two circles we're going to go crazy we're going to go with a thousand we want this to look like a perfectly smooth sort of pipe if you will what it can do now is select both of these circles to drag out a selection over both ellipses and I'm gonna go back to object now I want to go to a blend I not only have blend options but I have make blends so I'm just going to choose to make that blend and you can see what we've got we've got this on straight long shape looks great now we need to morph this into a letter and this is where things get pretty cool I'm going to grab my text tool here and I'm going to just click once and I think I'm going to add a capital W here to my working area I'm going to hit command return the B control enter to commit the change and then up here in my top control bar I can change the sizing of it so I'm going to try changing the font size to something like I don't know let's go 350 let's make it huge and let's make it even bigger than that let's go 450 or you know I'm gonna go to even 500 there we go something like that's probably cool we can even make it bigger if we want to really go crazy and you know what why not go big or go home right so there we go we have our letter letter W and here's where we need to well number one choose a good font but then break it all down so I'm going to collapse my color panel I'm going to double click here to open up my character panel if you don't have your character panel out you can go window type character this is all as you can see all of our text settings and I'm going to change the font I'm going to choose I know the font that I want it's this one called Adam Adam CG Pro and the reason I like this I believe it's a free fonts run a Google search for it Adams CG Pro I am almost certain that it's free the reason I like this font particularly is because it is points at the at the top and bottom and middles well basically the bottom middle and top middle of the W I don't really care about the flats up here what I don't really want to deal with they're big flat areas at the bottom of my W so once we have our letter W we'll right-click on it and choose this option here create outlines so create outlines and now we've gone from live editable text we can no longer edit this using the character panel so we can collapse that to just a shape but if we right click again it right now is a group so if I I'm just going to collapse my swatches here collapse the color and open up my layers panel if I open this up you can see that the letter W is within a group and if I open up the group you can see there's really not much in there other than a compound path so when you do a couple things right click choose to ungroup first of all get rid of the group and then right click and choose to release the compound path as well this is just going to make it a little bit easier to work with in just a second we're going to select this W again I just deselect it momentarily and I want to do a couple things I'm going to come up here to this top control bar and hover over this little thing you're aligned to selection I want to click on that and make sure I have a line to artboard chosen and just align it to the horizontal and vertical centers just throw it right in the middle of my document great now I'm going to swap the fill and stroke so now I am going to use those little swappi arrows and you can see we've swapped the fill in the stroke here's where things get even more interesting we're going to choose the direct selection tool up here at the top of our toolbar and click right on the path and by the way that whole outline comes up in the word path a little thing that appears because here under view I have smart guides turned on I love smart guides some people hate them they just get in the way I find them to be really really useful so I'm going to go ahead and just click on that little segment of paths I haven't selected any anchor points I've just selected the actual piece of path if I hit the Delete key you can see it deletes that piece of the path I'm gonna do the same thing over here select that well I want to deselect and then I'm going to select that piece the path boom delete that and then I'm going to draw a selection just over sort of the middle triangle hit delete once and then delete another time and we're left with just this sort of original base triangle now what I want to do is drag a selection over this Anchor Point you can see we're just selecting this anchor point so it's solid blue like the anchor point up there it's Hollow that's because this anchor point is selected I'm gonna hold down my shift key and hit my up arrow key like once twice something like that and then I'm going to grab both of these anchor points sail they're now solid blue and all the other three are Hollow hold down shift and hit my down arrow key I'm going to nudge these downward downward downward downward downward downward downward or downward just till they're almost at the same height as the middle anchor point and then what we need to do is select the bottom anchor points here I'm just going to do one at a time so I'm just grabbing the one to the left and we'll do the one in the range second hold down shift and hit the left arrow key one two three four or five maybe six times so we'll do that here shift and the right arrow key one two three four five six times that looks pretty cool and then I'm going to you know I kind of like the way the W is I'm going to realign everything make sure everything is lined up well and at this point we have our sort of base path that we're going to work with so what we're going to do is we're going to select both the blend that we created hold down shift and drag a selection over the W as well go object blend and choose to replace spine right there replace spine and what this is going to do is take our blend and sort of mesh it onto our W now the the blend is not big enough and the W is too spread out so if I select this and I just hold it my alt or option key and I'm hovering here over one of these side anchor points and I sort of crunch it inward what's going to happen is it's actually crunching my circles as well so the whole sort of 3d pipe look looks really funky because they're no longer perfect circles they're kind of becoming ovals that are blending together so the trick is if you open up your blend over here in the layers panel and you select just the path and I'm selecting just the path by actually clicking on that little circle in the layers panel if you select just a path and you morph or transform that path you can see that we never touch the circles just the path so the blend sort of re-renders itself a little bit and I think something like that maybe I'll make it a little bit taller something like that that's pretty cool now let's say we want to make the actual blend itself bigger the circles the the diameter of the pipe if you will larger well this is actually not too complicated we'll go to the direct selection tool and we can select either the starting or finishing ellipse and it's either one of these two ellipses here so I can go with this ellipse you can see it's the the beginning ellipse and up here in the control bar we have a width and a height let's try changing this to like 350 so 350 width and then go 350 height and you can see how much bigger it's gotten just one circle so let's grab the other ellipse and let's go 350 and 350 as well so you can see immediately we start to get huge bulbous sort of bubbly text just by making those ellipses larger and something we can do to throw additional sort of visual something into this I select one of the ellipse let's maybe go to the end ellipse and we'll change the angle of this gradient maybe instead of negative 60 we'll make it positive 60 and you can see it totally changes the way the W is drawn I don't really like that though they'll go like 120 something like that's not too bad I might go a little higher 135 and maybe even 150 yeah that looks pretty cool so something like that you can do that we can select the entire blend right and we can go object blend and we can reverse the spine which you'll see that makes it look quite a bit different I'm just going to grab my regular selection tool you can grab the whole blend and we could go blend reverse front to back that's going to change the way it lurk looks so if there's all kinds of different things you can do I'm going to go object blend and I'm going to try reversing the spine once again and you can see I mean it just that actually kind of looks crazy I like the original so I'm going to undo a few times I'm going to just stick with that I don't know if it's because I looked at it first and it just you know it looks right to me or what but it looks right to me so another thing you can do other than just changing the color of I'm sorry the angle of the gradient is change the color of the gradient so I'm going to choose this ellipse here I've selected it right here in the layers panel it's the rear ellipse if you will and I'll go ahead and change the color I'm going to double click to open my swatches panel I'm going to select actually you know I'll use the color panel here I'm going to select my light green and I think I want to try to make this more of like a cyan almost so let's take this over and make it cyan and then I'm going to go to my darker green and I'm going to make this kind of a darker cyan color so I'll do something like this maybe push it back to the green a little bit more make it even darker something like that that's pretty cool and that kind of meshes really neatly into the other green in fact if I want this cyan to be in the front maybe I'm looking at it and like ah the green really would look better in the back we can select this go object blend and sometimes I get a mixed up but I'm pretty sure reverse front to back is just what the doctor would order so you can see it now moves this blend I'm sorry no that just sort of Reece tacks it the other way let's try let's go object blend reverse spine there we go and now we can see the sort of front although we would need to go object blend reverse front to back as well there we go and that throws the green in the back and puts our cyan up front and probably we would at this point have to go in and adjust the angle of the gradient back here maybe take this back down to our negative 60 you can see that looks much much better so it's a little bit of going in and tweaking and messing around with it honestly I still kind of forget what exactly they do sometimes when you're sort of in the heat of the moment and just going and pushing and pulling things around but this looks pretty cool and you know you can do it to virtually any letter you can see I did it to a G I did more double use here because I just you know like I said the beginning I kind of like the W I think it looks cool but you can go ahead you can use this effect all sorts of things doesn't really just have to be letters it can be all sorts of geometric shapes you can have a ton of fun with it I've done a similar tutorial to this where we use more like cursive II letters and did some blending to replay or to find the exact center of some different letters so all kinds of cool stuff you can do with this particular style if you do use this style in a piece of artwork or something do make sure you upload it to Instagram and tag me I'll put my little Instagram handle here it's at cut fit a 2 TV ID I'll just tag many images only any kind of elaborate shout out I would just love to see what you're making I love seeing what you guys are making on Instagram interacting with you liking commenting all that good stuff it's always a whole bunch of fun and also make sure like I said before like the tutorial you know if you liked it and subscribe to my channel so you don't miss any more of these graphic design tutorials in the future and for creating this 3d bubble text in Adobe Illustrator and using the blending features and scaling a blend without actually crunching those ellipses or whatever shapes your blending remember this doesn't have to be a circle you use it could be all kinds of different shapes for all kinds of different crazy effects and gradients and angles and everything else that's it get it got good Nathaniel dodging stud vidcom [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: tutvid
Views: 82,991
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Logo Design Illustrator, Logo Mark, Graphic Design, Illustrator Tutorial, Illustrator Tutorials, 3d Illustrator, Blend Tool Illustrator, Type Design, Type Effect, Text Effect, Type Illustrator, Vector Effect, Vector Illustrator, AI
Id: 56Qc7BGIMl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 21 2017
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