3D Art That Will Blow Your Mind

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love friends it's me and today we're going to be checking out some very cool art spot the drawing which one of y'all pretzels is it gonna be i think the darker one because it's like why is it darker oh yeah it was right what the notebook ended up being the drawing so none of the pretzels y'all did me a bamboozle i will never trust again after this did y'all fall for that or was it only me this looks like bubble wrap right like a printed image with bubble wrap on top of it right i cannot tell you how wrong i was zoom in it's a painting and they drew circles all over the painting to make it look like it was bubble wrap here you don't believe me even closer where's the bubble wrap zero plastic only deception and then the yellow paint that makes it shiny oh i can't even it looks like she's fallen but there's nowhere to fall to she's already on the floor i like how these kids are on a field trip and just chilling in the background behind her like just watching their teacher fall a wee it's a trap oh i see my art john some megadoodles we got cheeseburger i think it's still pretty good how others see my art wait wait wait that went by way too quick all for a second i couldn't even tell if you put the actual food on the paper or if it's a drawing no this is a drawing how do you go from this to this i can't believe there's a drawing this looks so real i could take a sour patch and inhale it the takis no i refuse to believe that this is a drawing maybe my eyesight's bad i can't even tell anymore somebody who hates people did this it looks like a hole in the floor i even see the bricks ain't nobody walking over that i ain't thinking my chances we walking around this imagine putting this outside of a bar and as soon as you walk out like have a little scare i've seen this before and it makes my head hurt every single time so this is an illusion the t-rex he ain't even moving but as you move it looks like he's moving right don't give me that look don't look at me like that oh there is eight of them now i could barely handle one so the secret behind this illusion it's a cardboard cutout here it is from another angle oh and then you can see the indents in it so he's not actually 3d the cardboard goes in i see past your treachery but now he's back turning his head looking at me rent free it just makes my head hurt if i can't see how these illusions are actually done speaking of some crazy 3d art i was in vegas last week celebrating free fire's fourth anniversary event and let me tell you the 3d show they put on was insane free fire invited me out to vegas and we did so much cool stuff we went on a helicopter ride i have never even been within 10 feet of a helicopter before and i got to ride it not gonna lie i got a little scared look how small the airplanes look from a helicopter tiny we had dinner on top of the stratosphere they put me in a room with a bunch of snacks and a table which i danced on i ate so much delicious food yoink i got myself an ice cream sundae and then i sat and watched the show the 3d show on the building was incredible at one part the building looked like it was falling apart and i was just like how are they doing this [Music] there's a bunch of projectors like 10 million dollars in equipment to put on this insane show they even played free fire on the side of the building breaking a world record guys i beat the record for the largest projected video game display crazy not to mention when i arrived my name was up there on the building pretty crazy if you guys didn't know free fire is the world's most downloaded game of 2019 and 2020 for good reason and it's actually really fun and of course i love me some battle royale there are over 1 billion downloads on google play alone i love how the game has short and fun 10 minute matches free fire peaked at 150 million daily active users insane free fire is celebrating our fourth anniversary with a ton of free in-game rewards and activities so make sure you click the link in the description below download free fire make sure you log in on the 28th that's on saturday and i hope to see you guys in game they drew some red spots on their fingers right and then some bones some finger bones put black around it and then wait for this it's gonna disappear the fingers are disappearing right before my eyes whoa and on a black screen it just looks like they're floating oh it's so cool and it was so easy it ain't even touching the rest of the finger pull it off is that how they make the instagram logo that's how they did it that's how they got the little app icon in the app machine hey roll down the logo and just it was so aggressive and for what this is at a 3d museum so you're telling me there's no ladder there's no ladder there it's just a painting on a wall but she she tried to trick me she tried to jump on it but look she's she's on the ground i'm losing some brain cells trying to figure this out oh you know what right there you could tell by the corner so this is like in a corner um however did this very talented mcdonald's fries which ones are real which one's fake the one on the wait they're both no oh y'all did me a bamboozle with that one i thought it was the one on the left the fries on the right look surprisingly stale they were just drawn on when you when when when when y'all got me with that one i ain't trusting you for this next one pizza fake pizza okay there's a carton in both the one on the left that one's fake it looks more hd than the real one yeah that's what i thought watch both of them be fake touch the other one touch it ah nah no touching only drawing yes excellent we hand sprinkle i mean drop the parmesan on it the shiny on the bacon grease incredible kfc popcorn chicken okay i'm gonna say the one on the left because it looks yeah yeah i think when it's more hd like it looks realer it's actually the fake one real life ain't look that good i don't know what's going on with this building they took a regular building and then painted this on it and it looks like it's just coming out it looks like an edit like they just did this in photoshop or something y'all raise the property value by doing this yes i live in the funny building in this street art from this angle and this angle only it looks like a pool and there is a woman in this pool but wait wait till you see it from another angle what the hell what is that that's her leg so to get the effect that it's going up it has to be this long look how long that leg is and her toes what are those this perspective is insane to me like how it's just that's what i look like when you're walking up to it and then when you're just the right angle it's perfect we got an empty corner in this apartment perfect place to draw a moth and it's like on a corner but they drew it so when you're looking directly at it it looks there is no corner where is the corner does not exist y'all got any lamps they took this ugly old tank in the middle of nowhere advisor spice painted a hairless cat he was minding his own business in the wild can't do nothing wrong but the way it blends with like the sky and the mountain behind it that's kind of crazy watch this come to life like it just looks like squish right i can't even figure out what it is or it could be some minecraft uh creepers butthole no perhaps it's an emerald i'm starting to see shards in it and then add some more paint oh wait what happened what happened there i literally blinked and they spray painted it there's more spray paint i wasn't hallucinating oh that's the shadow they covered the actual gem when they sprayed it so it just goes like under ah yes interesting interesting add some more detail this is what we call mixed media they use everything every single shade of green and every pencil marker watercolor they got add some highlights add some shadows but wait okay star of the show is is that paintbrush right there that painted that white spot now it looks shiny and this basically goes on and on and on and on two weeks later i didn't know what it was gonna be at first but whoa there it is art versus the inspiration it's funny because the art looks more realistic than the the real thing how you gonna do that how are you gonna make the art look more hd than the jewel itself real life punch in the air right now they used three walls to draw this giant froggy that was crazy because it's like you have to look at it at that angle to see the giant foggy like it looks like it's coming out of the building so do you even pay rent whoa i like this one this is like a regular road flat and they made it look like you're falling down into an ice hole there's even a little seat that you can squat on you see that piece of ice catch me sitting on that yeah that is really cool karen riding her bike like wait what is this i pay my taxes and there is a hole in this wall this is a serious threat to my existence fix it immediately this looks like a squid they just put it on some paper oh but he's still alive you know this is a drawing how much i gotta zoom into this like i see pixels it does not look like a drawing to me it looks someone slapped the squid on this paper like some of these are too realistic y'all can draw better and more detail than i can see here's the proof here's the drawing oh i can't believe it started out like this and then they really just they did that they drew that squid no squids were harmed in the making of this imagine eating the real squid while you draw it imagine being able to draw so well that you give people headaches like trying to figure out if it's real or a drawing my last two brain cells going at it bedroom shoes oh man like the detail to this and like a spider coming out of it that's kind of scary this is the kind of graffiti the city wants not j plus and forever with a badly drawn heart around it y'all probably broke up two weeks later this one too i can't imagine the amount of skill these pictures take like it's a spider a huge one i would have done pissed myself if i walked into this room and this dude just chilling casually like it's crazy how they drew it on a corner and when i'm looking directly at it i see spider scary this tree has art of gummy bears and from an aerial view you just see him chilling on the road oh this dude's falling and he can't get up he's getting bullied you better stop before i eat you but from the street view it looks like this isn't that crazy you look what what is this what is this on the ground and then the helicopter circling above you like oh but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure to hit that like button in the face comment below which one of these was the coolest one and don't forget to download free fire in the description below and make sure you turn on notifications click click and make sure you subscribe during the wolf pack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 4,345,332
Rating: 4.9486494 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, 3d art, 3d art drawing, 3d art pen, 3d art on paper, trick art, optical illusion, art, how to draw, drawing, 3d drawing, 3d
Id: NMj7nelDfYw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 59sec (659 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 27 2021
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