3ABN Today Live - 500 Years from Luther and Earth's Final Crisis (TL017540)

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I want to spend my people Juanes man [Music] Lord let my [Applause] hila heart that I want to spend [Music] I wanna spend many will in people [Music] hello and welcome to 3abn today live we're coming to you live from Studio A right here in Thompson Ville Illinois and tonight we have a very serious topic but a very interesting topic and it's something that we need to hear we're going to talk tonight about the 500 years from Luther and the final Earth's final crisis what's coming up you know it's amazing to me to think that Oh nearly five hundred years ago October the 31st 1517 Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses about what he was concerned about the abuses of the church to the door of the Wittenberg Church and he didn't realize what he was starting and it spread like wildfire but what we're seeing today is that the ecumenical movement is trying to reverse the Reformation and so we'll be talking about that tonight with our special guest let me just go ahead and introduce him because I can't wait to do that and it is pastor Steve Wahlberg who is the speaker director of Whitehorse Media Steve welcome to 3abn today live Thank You Shelley it's always good to be with you this is the first time we've actually done a live program together so I'm thrilled I am - we've done a lot of interviews - but this is our first live that's right I wanted to open up tonight with the scripture that you'll see why in a little while it comes from second Corinthians chapter 11 verses 14 and 15 and Paul's talking about false apostles and deceitful workers who transfer them transform themselves into the apostles of Christ and he says for no wonder for Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light therefore it is no great thing if his ministry his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness whose end will be according to their works that's a powerful statement it's something that we'll unpack it a little while before we begin we want to talk about well first I just want to say thank you thank you so much for your prayers and your love and your financial support of 3abn but we're gonna have some music first and this kind of get us going it's somebody who's very near and dear to my heart Tammy chance that's Danny's sister she's the best thing that came out of the Shelton family and she has she's got a pure voice and she has always used it for the Lord she's going to sing for us he will carry you [Music] there is no problem too big God cannot solve it there is no mountain too tall he cannot [Music] is no store too dark God cannot commit there is no sorrow too deep he cannot sue carried away of the world upon his show [Music] rather than carry [Music] carry the weight of the world upon me show [Music] I know my sister that he okay [Music] Oh [Music] and [Music] you read [Music] there is no problem too big God cannot Sully there is no mountain too tall he cannot [Music] is no storm too dark God it there is no sorrow too deep he cannot sue it is of the world a politician [Music] he will care [Music] upon his show [Music] hi sister that he will I know my sister he will carry me [Music] he will care [Music] beautiful song and pure voice from a pure heart that was Tammy chance well if you're just joining us our special guest tonight is pastor Steve Wahlberg who is the speaker director of Whitehorse ministries and this is live we debated didn't we Steve whether or not we should take questions tonight but if we had said yes and had you calling in we'd probably only got to two or three of those questions because he came to armed with a lot of information so it's gonna be a fast-paced program I think and it's it's going to be exciting I wanted to mention we do not have a free offer tonight but Whitehorse media is making a special offer and there are five of their pocketbooks I guess we would call it for the 500 the 500 year anniversary of the Reformation five books for $5 plus a bonus book and these books are the vanishing Protestants the Antichrist identified the coming judgments of God I haven't read that one yet discovering the lost Sabbath truth decoding the mark of the beast and is God's church built on Peter you actually wrote this last when when right before when we invited you to do camp meetings room exposing the counterfeit Steve did a sermon on is God's church built on Peter and that's when you wrote that so we're so excited that you brought those along and will tell you how to get those a little later in the hour Steve before we get into our subject kind of catch us up on the family sure if we can put a slide on the screen of my son Seth and my daughter I'm thrilled to announce that Seth was baptized last summer how old is he has 13 now he's a big teenager and there's little Abbey she's so excited and you probably missed her but Kristen was in the background she prefers to keep a low profile but the Lord has just been so good to me and my family and I was too I can't tell you how excited this Father's heart was to go into the water to baptize Seth and I'm looking forward to baptizing a bee the future and God has just been so good you know you know to us he has I remember when we first met it was 2002 I wasn't yet a member of the Adventist Church but I was attending an Adventist Church and I actually attended for about seven months I guess eight months before I joined and when you and Kristin were newly married no children and so it was I've had the pleasure of watching Steve's family grow and just you all were meant for each other God brought you together no doubt so tell us what's going on at Whitehorse media how there's too much to tell but I'll just give you the short a short version we are alive and well we're moving forward we have a team now of four associate speakers including me or in addition to me to help field all the speaking requests that we get one if we just had a team come back from India and training pastors and their wives and there's another outreach being planned in an unlock a tion disclosed location in the Middle East we don't want to go into some of those details and we've also been asked to coordinate an outreach of 18 different seminars in the in the Philippines coming up in 2018 so and that that's just a few of our projects we have books on the horizon we've got web development we just did a webinar on why all the disasters are happening which is on our website we'll be talking about that in the second yes and we've just got a lot going on and god is good that the ministry is still alive and well and going forward by faith in Jesus and in his power I know that use you have a very hectic schedule but it kind of caught up with you this year tell us about that yeah and this is going to be the real short version and you and I have talked about this over lunch today and this is actually the story is on our homepage of our website Whitehorse meeting.com and I gave a talk on this just a couple days ago it was unexpectedly the door opened up for me to speak and I entitled my talk I can't sleep my crisis God's victory and just to make a long story short this was the worst summer in my life for a variety of reasons and I don't understand everything in June shortly after the camp meeting where I spoke here for the 3bn spring count of countering the counterfeit I started having sleeping issues and I lost my ability to get a good night's sleep and things got worse and worse and I started taking started out with Tylenol and then a lot of melatonin and then experimented with ambien and then trazodone and then finally lorazepam and I went into a tailspin I just went into a tailspin I actually went four days in a row without sleeping at all life privation like my life was falling apart I was couraged the medications that I was on were leading to depression and to make a long story short God opened up a miraculous door for me to go to Weimar Institute and to join dr. Neil Nedley depression recovery program and I spent three weeks there Weimar and a series of blood tests were done and dr. Nedley looked at the results from the lab and looked at my brain chemistry which was really out of whack and he recommended different supplements for for my my head and to balance me out and plus a lot of the eight laws of health it's a very rigorous program at Weimar and I went through this and I just can't tell you I don't have time it's in the story the story is on our website in my hour-long presentation but I have never been so discouraged in my life I was totally just I felt hopeless I didn't feel like God left me I felt like my future was dark I started having all kinds of different things happening inside my head I felt like I was on the edge of my sanity but by the grace of God I held on to my faith in Jesus and then when I came back from Weimar dr. Nedley helped to wean me off of the last of the sleep medications and about two weeks later after everything got out of my system one day I woke up and it was all over it was gone and that was about a month ago and since then I've been preaching and traveling back back on the saddle you might say and the Lord has taught me so many things that he is powerful His grace is sufficient there's nobody whose life is hopeless even when you think you're hopeless it's a lie from the enemy I mean the battle is real between Jesus and Satan and there's nothing that God can't bring us through if we trust in him and in his love amen you I'm so proud of you for coming forward to talk about this because sometimes when people go through anxiety tax if they go through depression I think people worry that there is a social stigma attached to that and they don't talk about it often often don't even reach out for help and I'm so glad that you are being transparent about this to show God's victory and what he's done in your life but I hope you're gonna write a book on this well you know I debated whether I should even share this but God opened up the door just a couple days ago for me yeah sherry in my church and when I was done the response was overwhelmingly positive and it just confirmed in me that that if I share this story and lift up Jesus and try to bring hope to the hopeless that God can use it to help others and that's what it's all about and so anyway that's that's the short version of my difficult summer well I know we've already prayed we always pray before we begin a program but I feel a need for us to pray again if you would please before we get into this topic yes for sure dear God in heaven thank you so much that I'm here yes thank you brought me through the trials of my life and that you are still with me and then you are and you are about to bless we pray that you will bless the time that we spend here right now in Jesus name Amen a minute you were praying I was thinking of Micah 7/8 way which was not against me yes right because that's my fault I will arise and that is my text hey minutes right on our actually it's right on our website great that's very verse when I sit in darkness the Lord will be a light to me a man praises and he always is that's right well Shelley let's talk about my Luther we got a lot to do I just brought a few magazines here that just to show you I mean this is the 500 year anniversary of the bang bang bang on the door of the written Wittenberg Castle Church and all kinds of news agencies and and different people which we'll talk more about our remembering and commenting and talking about this my son reads and my daughter does too Guide magazine here's three articles in a row issues in a row about Luther here's signs of the times Martin Luther another signs of the times on Luther this are all October this is Adventist world October 2017 a Reformation journey and Liberty magazine October 2017 500 Reformation years so this is just a sample that people are talking about this all over the world and we want to go back to that day and talk about you know the context of how it how it happened and what the issues are and then we're going to fast-forward down to our day and talk about the continuation of the Reformation especially during the final scenes of Earth's history you know it's so important and we need to talk about this more than just on the 500th anniversary because a lot of times as I am speaking with people if I mentioned that I'm a Seventh day Adventist and they say what is what is that and I said well we're Protestants oh well I think I'm a Protestant too I'm a Baptist but I don't know what Protestant means and because people are not educated on the Protestant Reformation we are putting ourselves now in jeopardy to have that Reformation reversed so let's talk about the context about the monk Martin Luther his life his love for the church and how God led him right it's a story of a monk versus the Pope that's basically what's happening you know it's really significant to realize that there is no human being other than Jesus Christ who more books have been written about than Martin Luther Martin Luther is number two Jesus is number one and Luther's number two and what he did in in the early 1500s literally changed the course of history and it is still affecting us today and maybe we could just put on the screen the picture of him hammering on the door of the church this is really what the five hundred year anniversary is about it was on October 31 1517 that Luther did this famous act and and the context of what was happening really was Europe at that time was under the control of the Roman Church and the Pope's had tremendous power and they you know they basically told the Kings and the princes of Europe that if you don't go along with what we teach you are out of the grace of God you are out of heaven you'll be excommunicated and so there was a lot of a lot of power in the churches and Martin Luther was a young man he started going to studying law and then he got onto a horse and it was riding in a storm and lightning struck right near him the horse knocked him off and he made a vow that if God brought him through this he would become a monk and he survived the storm changed from law to to the ministry and went into a monastery and he went through his money his rigorous monastic training where he almost killed himself trying to earn the favor of God but he survived and he got through that and he became a priest and then it landed in Wittenberg Germany as a professor of the University of Wittenberg and right at that time there was a man named Johann Tetzel who was basically a fundraiser for the Vatican and he showed up in Germany I showed up in in Wittenberg offering a piece of paper called an indulgence that the money would then help to build st. Peter's Church in Rome and those who gave money for these indulgences would have all their sins forgiven and they would also be able to basically buy people out of purgatory and so a lot of the people the church church members in Wittenberg did that they paid the money they got the certificates they brought them to dr. Luther and and and he said I don't accept this I don't accept these by that time Luther had been studying the Bible he was growing in his faith he was learning that the just shall live by faith famous Protestant call cry motto and as the controversy was developing with Tetzel Luther finally decided to put on to the door of the church 95 theses against indulgences to create discussion he really had no idea what this was going to do the spark that this was going to ignite the revolution that this was going to result in well and we should say that Luther loved the church Gutenberg had invented the printing press not too long before hit this and so when he he wasn't expecting this to be published and so widespread but the people got a hold of the 95 theses and they were fascinated by the thought that oh the Pope doesn't have total Authority the indulgences all the things that he was listing the abuses against the church that's right so he didn't expect it to really spread that far that vast no and it was really just designed to create discussion originally yes and he was a strong reform minded Roman Catholic he was a Roman Catholic priest he had been through the monastery he was now teaching in a Roman Catholic University and he had no thought that they that he was eventually going to leave the church but anyway as the as his thesis began thesis began to circulate in Germany and throughout Europe and it created such a stir of controversy that as this controversy developed you know he became stronger in his statements about salvation by faith in Jesus Christ and this this is something that we need to stress Luther came to belief from the study of the Bible and Romans the book of Romans and Galatians that salvation is through the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ the eventually the rallying cry of the Reformation was the Bible only faith only grace only guys only and to the glory of God only and and you know I think here's a point that's worth noting that Luther strongly believed in salvation by grace not in human works but at the same time he opposed indulgences and an indulgence is basically the idea that you can pay money or you can do something and then no matter what you do at least back then whatever you do all your sins are forgiven and I think you know today we need to realize that yes salvation is by grace through faith in Jesus and his merits alone but that does not mean that we have an indulgence given to us by God that we can then do whatever we want we still need to surrender our lives to God and and to Jesus and by his power seek to do his will so there's that there's a balance in Luther's teaching that really helped spark the Reformation you know when you think about the the Rome the Church of Rome was teaching that purgatory was a place where people went to have theirs after you died that this is where the sins were purged that you suffered and burned in purgatory and not only were the indulgences either that they could spend less time in purgatory or as you said have all their sins forgiven but they had indulgences that they were selling to by their dead relatives out of purgatory or less than their time weren't they that's right that's what indulgences we're supposed to do is to help lessen your time in purgatory or eliminated entirely and Shelley here's just another point that you know as we talked a little bit about my struggles and you shared with me earlier today during lunch some of your struggles too is you know and I think about Luther struggles and it seems to me that God uses struggles he uses trials he uses Luther Luther struggled and finally he discovered the grace of God Amen what I've been through has has realized in my soul my total dependence upon the grace of Jesus and we all need to understand that we need God's grace we need his love we need his power and we need his truth and you know as we continue on with the subject there's another big point that needs to be brought out and that is this that the Reformation was not just built upon the doctrine of the authority of the Bible and justification by faith in Jesus apart from works but there was a second pillar of the Reformation and that had to do with Bible prophecy and what happened historically was that as the indulgences controversy got got you know more intense as it heated up eventually in 1523 years after Luther went bang bang bang the Pope issued a bull what's called a papal bull against Luther which is a decree and essentially the bull said you've got 60 days to to recant and if you don't you're excommunicated and you're you're gonna die you're probably gonna die in excommunication in the Catholic Church means that you're because they believe that salvation is only through the church so if you're not in the church you're not that means you are out of out of the church and you're out of heaven that's right so it was a it was a fearful thunder from Rome that that made kings and princes and Nobles tremble and so Luther received this papal bull in 1520 in Wittenberg and he read it and and and another concept had been developing in his mind not only that salvation is by faith not through indulgences but that the power that has been opposing him is not not only is it not from Christ but it is it is Antichrist and let me just read you I've got a book here big book I like history this is called the history of the Reformation in the 16th century it's a classic by miral Dobin yay this book has been translated in many languages gone through many editions it's just a it's a it's a textbook dealing with the Reformation and let me just share a couple of quotes here it says this is page 215 that when when the when the Pope basically threatened Luther with the bull and said you recant or you're dead you're gonna be excommunicated and you're gone Luther especially began to study the prophecies the prophecies of the Bible and here he says it came at last this is actually page 204 it came at last the papal the Roman bull I despised an attack it as impious and false it is Christ himself who has condemned therein and then he said I rejoice having to bear such ills for the best of causes already I feel greater Liberty in my heart for at last I know that the Pope is Antichrist and that his throne is that of Satan himself and that's a strong not politically correct statement but that's what he said and if you go on to page 215 in Dobie news book it says here Luther said I will stir up the bile of this Italian beast said Luther he kept his word in his reply to the bull he proved by the revelations of Daniel and Saint John by the epistles of st. Paul st. Peter and Saint Jude that the reign of Antichrist predicted and described in the Bible was the papacy a holy terror seized upon people's souls it was Antichrist whom they beheld seated on the Pontifical throne this new idea which derived greater strength from the prophetic descriptions launched forth by Luther into the midst of his contemporaries inflicted the most terrible blow on realm and it is a it is a historical fact that the Reformation not only discovered Christ but preached against Antichrist and it was Luther's study and preaching from Daniel 7 second Thessalonians 2 revelation 13 revelation 17 about the little horn and Daniel the man of sin in 2nd Thessalonians the beast in Revelation 13 and the the woman that was clothed with purple and scarlet drunk with the blood of the saints sitting on on seven hills in revelation 17 Luther applied all these things to the papal power and it was his tying in prophecy to the papacy that's what really gave power to the Protestant Reformation and to clarify Luther was not anti-catholic he was anti papacy he was anti authority given to to the Pope above the authority of the Bible that was the the issue and today you know people have forgotten that that that Luther not only taught justification by faith but he taught that the the papal power was the horn and the Beast and the woman of revelation 17 little horn that came up in the midst of the European nations that came about with the boasting mouth that's right you have in Daniel 7 you've got four beasts a lion a bear a leopard and a dragon representing Babylon Persia Greece and Rome the Roman Power had ten horns and then the little horn that came up out of Rome it was a little one and and the Vatican is very small it's the smallest country in the world but it has a lot of influence and Daniel 7 21 says that it would make war against the Saints Daniel 7 8 says that he would have a mouth speaking great things and Luther believed that the little horn represented the Roman Catholic Church not the members but the system centered in the authority of the Pope he believed in you're talking system we're talking about a a geopolitical system that was not just ecclesiastical power but temporal power right I mean it was the combination of church and state is what had happened because I mentioned as I mentioned the Roman Church had such power in Europe and and it was feared by princes and kings and rulers that they better toe the line or Elsa they would get excommunicated and be severed from God you know it is surprising to most people to hear this because a lot of times we will and we've got some quotes I'd like I've got a quote I want to share with you at least by the second hour but Baptists ever every Protestant denomination has long believed what Luther taught through continued study that the geopolitical power of the Roman Church is the one that is the Antichrist and I can remember Steve when I was probably eight nine years old President Kennedy was running for office and he was Catholic and all the buzz all the buzz and we in in I grew up in a New Testament church quote unquote that did not study Revelation we it was a hands off book for us I mean that they did not study revelation yet all of the people that we knew would sit around and talk about the the Beast the Antichrist that the Catholic would be you know they were worried about a Catholic gaining ascendancy to the President of the United States being because all Protestants knew that the Roman Catholic Church was believed to be the Beast of Revelation the Anti Christ it's right and again to clarify this is not an attack on Catholic people who there was Catholic and he loved Catholic people and Catholic people listened to him and appreciated his message and but eventually when when the when the headquarters said we're gonna get rid of you we issued the bull which Luther eventually had a big bonfire outside of the are with in Wittenberg you know maybe right outside the the town I don't remember exactly where it was but he had a big bonfire he burned the papal bull and he said a serious struggle has just began Gunn between me and the Pope and he that's when he leveled all all of his weapons his spiritual weapons of sheral truth against the roman church and it was a it was the biggest schism in the history of christianity it resulted in hundreds of thousands of people in Europe leaving the Catholic Church it was it was the the result was there the protestin tour Protestant movement protesting against the traditions that had come in into Christianity through the Roman Church and that's what a Protestant is someone who protests Luther protests tested and eventually he severed all connection with the church and he believed he was still part of and he was part of the Church of Christ but no longer part of the Roman Catholic Church and that's really what the Protestant Reformation was all about getting back to the Bible getting away from traditions and standing up for Jesus Christ and for His Word so is it fair to say that a Protestant is one who believes in salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ a Protestant is one who believes in the Bible in the Bible only as our rule of authority and who rejects the idea that the Pope is the head the the total authority of the one true church yes that's correct and and Protestant churches Lutheran Baptist Methodist Presbyterian Mennonite they all believed for for a long time in the two pillars that salvation was through Jesus Christ alone through faith by grace and and believing in the Bible as the primary Authority and they also believe that the Roman papacy was the beast and the harlot and the little horn of prophecy they all believe that but recently things have changed and now we've come down five hundred years since the bang bang bang on the door of the Wittenberg Church and some surprising things are happening today if we could put a slide on the screen yes there you can see it was last October Pope Francis traveled to Sweden for a joint Reformation commemoration with the leadership of the Lutheran World Federation and you can see a statement there from flicked to communion Lutheran Catholic Church commemoration of the Reformation in 2017 I have if this took place in Sweden I've got an article that describes all all about this and ecumenism News and it says here that it's all about ending a conflict that lasted for 500 years it is important an important step and part of the process of reconciling the past and moving forward together now it's not just Lutheran's and Catholics who have come together to move forward together but if we could put another picture on the screen about the Kairos conference this is this is amazing you can just see that briefly Kairos means time in Greek the time for action 2017 United in Christ referring to all the world knowing that we are one keynote speakers you can see their Cardinal Daniel DiNardo and Kenneth Copeland and the conference there you see the dates is October 24 to 26 and so that conference actually just ended today it has been taking place in Kansas City it's and if you look at the speaker list which I've looked at every one of them it's a who's who list of very influential leaders in the evangelical world that came together for this conference and in the Catholic world and this is their press release I've got it right here celebrating a year of destiny Kansas City Missouri Convention Center Catholic Protestant evangelical Christmas messianic and Orthodox leaders from several nations are joining together at the convention center in Kansas City Missouri for roundtable discussion worship prayer and importation impartation and they're referring to John 17 when Jesus prayed that we would be one it says here the conference also celebrates the significance of 2017 for the church internationally recognizing a number of historically significant anniversaries the first one is the 500 year anniversary of the Protestant Reformation so they're they picked this time to commemorate that that event plus the 50-year anniversary of the Catholic Charismatic movement a renewal movement the launching of that in 1967 the 50-year anniversary of the Messianic movement in 1967 and the 40-year anniversary of the ecumenical Kris Matic conference in Kansas City in 1977 and it says here the purpose is to celebrate our diversity to come together and to help heal the wounds of the past that's what this press release says and at a Shelley this is just so amazing that you have a whole host of movers and shakers within the Kris Matic evangelical world coming together finishing today the day that we're here in Kansas City here we are in a weird Thompson Bill correct Thomson Illinois this little you know that's a little television station where we're broadcasting this live and they were also broadcasting live but our events are very different and and I'm sure that you know the people they're very sincere and they're you know they're what they're trying to do I was reading some statements from Kenneth Copeland and I watched his sermon about this and he said a divided church cannot heal a divided nation and that we need to Protestants and Catholics need to come together to help America and he referred to the demon of division that must be crushed and their motto is John 17 where jesus prayed that we might be one but as I've read John 17 Jesus also said in verse 17 that we must be sanctified by the Word of God and God's Word is the truth so the unity of John 17 is unity in Christ with each other in truth and in his word and we must not forget the basis of unity is let me ask you this isn't this also I think you told me at lunch this was the 100th anniversary of the Fatima am i jumping yet no you're right there and we can put that on the screen too this picture this is a Catholic publication and it says here the title thereof that article is pope francis grants indulgence for Fatima Centennial so not only is October the and this year the five hundred year anniversary of the Protestant Reformation which they're celebrating in Kansas City and coming together to heal the what they're calling the demon of division but it's all this year is also the anniversary of an apparent and I believe it was the devil that appeared to these three children in Fatima Portugal claiming to be the Virgin Mary and the Catholic Church really believes that the Fatima apparitions of Mary were from God and they are honoring that this this year with the Pope giving another indulgence and as I look at that I look at you know Luther fighting indulgence indulgences I see five hundred years to this year I see Protestants and Catholics coming together saying we need to you know put away our differences heal the divisions of the past and and then I see the Pope issuing another indulgence for those who go to Fatima and who pray before the Virgin Mary and the bottom line of this point is that Rome is still Rome Rome is the same realm that it was back in the days of Luther I have a Catholic calendar here that was sent to our office for some reason and it's about and it talks about Fatima and here's just a couple of quick quotes from the calendar here it says Our Lady of Fatima in 1917 the first apparition said pray the rosary every day to obtain peace for the world and the end of the war referring to a world war one and here's another another statement in the calendar that says here's Mary and you see a picture of a heart her heart here and this is again commemorating Fatima Our Lady of Fatima second apparition June 13 1917 a hundred years ago said Mary said my Immaculate Heart will be your huge and the way that will lead you to God I tell you if Luther read that Martin Luther read this he would he would do the same thing that he did in in 1517 he would protest that salvation is through Jesus Christ alone not through Mary's Immaculate Heart we don't need to pray to Mary and before you comment Lee just quickly Rome still believes that Mary is a mediator Rome still prays to dead Saints Rome still believes in purgatory they still issue indulgences to help people get out of purgatory or lessen their time in purgatory the priest still say the words and believe that they can change literal bread into the actual literal body of Jesus Christ showing that they really have power over the Creator they can create the Creator that was something that Martin Luther just he was ballistic on that point they still believe in the supreme authority of the Pope and they still believe in tradition above the Bible and essentially Shelley the bottom line is that the Beast is still the Beast it's still the Beast and the Protestants and Chris Maddox and you know Orthodox and all these different groups who are coming together they have completely lost sight of Luther and all the Protestants their understanding of Daniel 7 and revelation 13 and second Thessalonians 2 and revelation 17 that these symbols the little horn the harlot the man of sin the Beast that these symbols refer to the Roman papal power and it is still the Beast today the interesting thing to me is that so many church leaders could be deceived because Rome if you reek may I didn't take yes of course I just want to refine something that wins here Rome is very open about their agenda the canon law that that's what's laid down by the papal announcements is absolutely they they detest the Constitution of the United States they detest freedom here's the the Church of Rome denies the Equality of every citizen and liberty of conscience listen to this this comes from the New York Freeman the official journal of Bishop Hughes he says no man has a right to choose his religion in the Catholic world and the April of 1870 said the church does not and cannot accept in any degree or in any degree favor Liberty in the protestant sense of Liberty the Catholic Church denies Independence of civil law from ecumenical law in other words you can't the church they believe that the church is the the soul has the legitimacy the only person that has the legitimacy to make laws and to enforce laws and they say that in the keys of this blood Malachi Martin said that the Catholic Church intends to be the religion religio-political ruler of the world and he quotes a lot of things but they believe that only the Pope can determine how you will act or what you will believe Pope Pius the seventh in his encyclical this is in the 1800s but I'll get to something a minute said it was proposed that all religious persuasions should be free and their worship publicly exercised but we have rejected this article as contrary to the canons and councils of the Catholic Church so what he's saying is you cannot have freedom only the Pope can tell you what's good for you and what you must do then Reverend O'Connor who was the Bishop of Pittsburgh wrote listen to this religious liberty is merely endured it's merely tolerated until the opposite can be carried into effect without peril to the Catholic Church so the ecumenical movement that I believe that Tony Palmer and always who is it that you just saw one of the speech Kenneth Copeland and Tony Palmer Tony Palmer was a bishop of the Episcopal Church and he was very instrumental in talking about let's heal this divide let's heal this wound in the church but how can they when you look through all of the Catholic literature basically they are saying we want to get rid of Protestantism we're not going to compromise on any of our beliefs the Pope is the one who has the right to tell you how do intelligent people who have all of this available to them how do they not see what the agenda of the papal see that the SAE how do they not see what the agenda of papacy is yeah one big reason is because the Protestant world has lost its knowledge of Bible prophecy as I read from doba news book it says that Luther proved from from the revelations of Daniel and John in the book of Revelation from Paul and second Thessalonians 2 that the the Antichrist as described in the Bible referred to the papal power and that was a view that was shared by all of the major Protestant denominations for a couple hundred years since Luther but they've lost that now they're looking for a future Antichrist many of them after the rapture then the Antichrist will show up and so they've they've lost their knowledge of history they've lost their knowledge of prophecy and so they're not looking they're not looking for for what you're talking about you know they see the Roman Church as an ally for pro-life and an ally in in a culture war and and they don't understand who they're dealing with but the Roman Catholic Church knows exactly what it's doing it's known this for a long time and again I do want to clarify that we're not talking about Catholic people Luther wood that was a Catholic forum for a long time and the reason why he protested the reason why he stood up the reason why he preached and was bold and eventually turned to the prophecy and preached the prophecies was because he cared about Catholic people he wanted to help them to turn away from all these traditions and to focus their minds on Jesus Christ on his Grace on his love on his power and on his word instead of all the the demands of Romanism I went to Rome one time in 1993 and I still remember Shelly going to to a church a Roman Church that was a tourist site and I was at the top of a series of stairs and I looked down and I saw old Catholic women on their knees climbing up the stairs in this church and I saw their faces they were they were grimacing and they were in pain and they were doing this because they thought that that would help them to earn the favor of God and I looked at these women and and you know they could have been my grandma and I just thought to myself ladies you don't have to do this jesus loves you He gave His life for you he wants to save you by His grace you can't work your way to heaven you can't climb the stairway to heaven on your knees and expect to earn the favor of God it's just not going to happen and and the need for the Reformation is very real today and the Protestant churches that are you know the Lutheran World Federation and what's happening in Kairos the Kairos event they just don't understand and here again is the statement that we want to celebrate our diversity and to help heal the wounds of the past and that leads us to one more text before the break my just want to throw this thought in because we haven't we've talked about the Reformation and Pope Leo the tenth was the Pope that wrote the bull he was ready to have Luther killed he was ready to burn him at the stake Ignatius of Loyola stepped in he was was he a bishop I was a Spanish soldier so who was wounded in battle and in a hospital apparently had a revelation and became a soldier for the Roman Catholic Church and he founded the order of the the societies which is the order of the Jesuits and the Jesuits became the army of the Roman Catholic Church to help fight and counteract and ultimately destroy the Reformation and the Jesuits are still very real today as somebody told me recently about a letter they received that said you're on the short list because you are taking a stand against the Roman Church and this was a letter from the Jesuits and you know they're very real they're very active they're very powerful they know what they're doing and they were and it was the gestation that began the Inquisition it was the Jesuits that the counter-reformation it was the Jesuit the Inquisition act Inquisition act before the Jews excuse me they continue they are they they were the enforcers of the Inquisition but the counter-reformation that came up which brought forward people like my mind Francisco Rivera and how cos Alcazar yes creating alternative theories to the Protestant view that the papacy was the Beast putting the beast way in the future or way in the past associating with Nero these ideas through the Jesuits have worked their way into the Protestant world and they have replaced Protestant historicist of theology that sees the papal power as the Beast now can we put another picture on the screen here I have one last one for this hour this first hour there you see Time magazine the Pope was elected at chosen as man of the year on the left side you see the Pope sitting with a whole host of 500 CEOs and on the lower left huh side he's speaking at the United Nation we know that he spoke to a joint session of Congress in September of 2015 on the right top upper right-hand corner you see him with President Trump you also see him above the picture I believe that's with an Orthodox man and he's or a Muslim man and there he's also with a Jewish a Jewish leader before the Wailing Wall and you see him on the bottom right with Kenneth Copeland and a whole host of Protestant and charismatic leaders and there's a verse in Revelation 13 which goes back to the press release that came out of the Kairos conference to help heal the wounds of the past and in Revelation chapter 13 verse 3 prophecy predicts I saw one of his heads as if as if it had been mortally wounded this is talking about the Beast getting a wound but then it says his deadly wound was healed and all the world marveled and followed the Beast the deadly wound will be healed this the press release says that we're coming together in Kansas City in 2017 to help heal the wounds of the past the press release blinds right up with prophecy that the wound that the Reformation issued and that the French Revolution issued knocking the papal power the the Reformation wounded it spiritually the French French Revolution at the end of the 1700s knocked the papacy out politically but that wound is healing and Protestants are part of that they're part of the healing of the wound that prophecy predicts would happen by coming together with the Beast and honoring the Beast forgetting the dark age and they hell are gotten who the Beast is they don't know who the Beast is and that's because of the Jesuits and all of this history may sound shocking and politically incorrect but it is fact and it's worth sharing during the 500 year anniversary of Martin Luther going and I just have to say we're running out of time in this first hour but I just want to say something that to me Pope Francis is such a likeable personality greedy he seems like a warm and sincere individual and once again we are talking about a papal system I can a system of church and state that we don't we don't want you to feel like we're Catholic bashing because we're not we're talking about history that's right what Luther did in standing up truth because we care about people and because we're seeing that this Reformation people are trying to reverse the Reformation not recognizing that they're about to get in bed with the enemy well we are dead with the beasts we're down to the end of this first hour we hope that you will stay with us I wanted to talk about your books that we're going that book offer but we will talk about that in the first part of the next hour and we will be discussing all of the signs of the times and all of the terrible events that have been taking place that tell us Jesus is coming soon join us [Music] hello and welcome back to 3abn today we are live and if you can tell I am sleepy tonight but you're keeping me awake I was worried whether I would stay if I would be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed but we are talking with Pastor Steve Wallenberg who is the speaker director of Whitehorse media and we had a fascinating first hour talking about the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation and in this hour we will be talking about how Earth's final crisis all the signs that everything is coming together Steve once again we're so glad you're here we're so glad that God raised you up from your struggle that you went through this summer and thank you for being here you're welcome Shelley and it's my I'm just I can't explain how excited I am and we talked about in the early part of the last hour you know I had a terrible summer I didn't know if I was gonna make it here to 3abn that God brought me through a horrific crisis and showed his hand and his grace and his love and you know really that's what this program is about is God's love and his grace and his power and His Word and the reason why we're dealing with these straightforward issues between Protestants and Catholics in the light of the 500 year anniversary is to point people to the Bible and to Jesus Malone so they can find that grace in that love they don't have to go to all these other avenues to try to earn the favor of God and I see you've got our little books there those are pocket books that we're making available as a special offer the first book there is the vanishing Protestant and you know we talked about the Karos gathering and then we've got the Antichrist identified that goes into Daniel 7 and the prophecies about the little horn and the Beast the coming judgments of God we'll talk about shortly and the Sabbath and the mark of the beast and then a bonus book is God's church built on Peter these are this is a 500 year anniversary package that we're making available 5 books for $5 plus another book and these books deal with the issues they deal with the big issues that people need to understand today as we're getting closer to the final crisis and to the coming of Jesus amen and I've read several of these and they're excellent books I wanted to read something because before we go to our song just to kind of put a little end cap on the first hour sometimes people will write to us at 3abn and they'll say why do you talk about Rome the the papal system being the Beast are why do you talk about them being the Antichrist I just want to read something to you from the Baptist's new global March 14th 2013 so this is a very recent article dr. albert Mohler who is the president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary is quoted in this article as saying this now this is a Baptist he said evangelical Christians simply cannot accept the legitimacy of the papacy and must resist and reject claims of papal authority to do otherwise would be to compromise biblical truth and reverse the Reformation and as we discussed in the first hour it is people's lack of understanding or lack of study of prophecy and history and I think you kind it's something that you know I came out of a church that believed in the rapture and and all of those things in studying my Bible even though I wasn't a great student at that time there would be scriptures that I would find that I would think wait a minute that just doesn't line up at all so I knew something was wrong I think studying history and understanding the church history together with reading the Bible was really critical for me so before we kick off this second hell we want to invite Tammy chance back to sing for us Tammy is just a precious Christian woman and a dear friend she's going to sing unworthy [Music] the praise he gave to hold him is [Music] reach down to the sleigh [Music] murders [Music] the [Music] bondage and but he made [Music] is great merci does me [Music] my sorrows and sickness lay stripes on my sins car [Music] failure [Music] of thorns that yes the [Music] and me [Music] his mercy has me is all see [Music] Oh Thank You Tammy we wanted to kick off this hour with Scripture from Luke 21 and I'm gonna start with verse 11 it says there will be great earthquakes in various places and famines and pestilences and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven and then it goes on in Luke 21 read verse 25 there will be signs in the Sun in the moon and in the stars and on the earth distress of Nations with perplexity the sea and the waves roaring men's hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming to the earth for the powers of the heaven will be shaken then they will see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory now when these things begin to happen look up and lift up your head because your Redemption draws near does this sound like it was written today it is just that we see the things that are going on in the world within the natural disasters let me just kick that off to you Pastor Steve it's been an amazing couple of months and those verses that you just read show that there's going to be convulsions in nature cataclysmic events that are going to happen that are going to be signs of the second coming of Jesus Christ that's what those verses say and we have seen in the last two months an unprecedented sequence of events with gas we know hurricane Harvey and then erm and then Maria and we have two major earthquakes off the coast of Mexico we have the waddling concerning North Korea and the potential for a nuclear war we've seen Las Vegas and we've seen the fires that have ravaged California in Northern California and there's an article on the screen from USA Today storms earthquakes North Korea and now the Las Vegas Massacre we to wonder what's next and I've got this article right here and it talks about how people its says Americans are thinking about the end times because this has been such an incredible couple of months the incredible sequence of disasters back to back to back to back one after another that people are just thinking what is going on and and that's what this article is about here's another one from the New York Times which is not a conservative publication that at all and the the title here is apocalyptic thoughts amid nature's chaos you could be forgiven and the basic idea is that because of the hurricanes the wild wildfires the earthquakes and all the things that are happening it says here it feels like the end times are getting a dress rehearsal and it bit the basic idea is that if you're thinking apocalyptic thoughts or that these might be the end of days predicted in the Bible will forgive you because you know it almost looks that way to us - as liberal as we are you know that's the way the New York Times is basically saying so they're there again talking about all of these disasters that are happening and they're just coming one after another now here's another article one more I want to put up about this and this one is from the Washington Post and it says Harvey Irma Maria why is this hurricane season so bad what's behind the intense 2017 Atlantic hurricane season we've never had hurricanes of these categories that have hit America and in such a short period of time again and again and again and so people are just you know their minds are reeling so it actually Shelley I just we have all these little pocketbooks I just finished another pocket book called why deadly disasters that will be available in the next month or so from Whitehorse media that has just some some amazing lessons from the Bible concerning these things that that are going on and we also have the coming judgments of God pocketbook that's in the packet that we're offering here and that deals with what the Bible says about judgments and disasters and things that are going to be happening in the world and there's a very interesting quote and if we can go back maybe we can maybe summer if you can put that same article back in there Harvey Irma Maria why is this hurricane season so bad this article asks the question you can see why you know why is all this going on and people are speculating is this is it that what's going on and this particular article makes a beeline to Pope Francis and it talks about what Pope Francis thinks about these disasters to are and I'll read from the article - our struggling politicians Pope Francis offers some advice and this is what he says he said climate change is happening and you have a moral responsibility to do something about it and then the article says the hurry this hurricane season is undisputably a nightmare and it is an indisputable fact that climate change is affecting our weather the fingerprint of climate change is on every storm it's in every raindrop in a sunny day it is a new yet untested and ill understood factor in the way our planet works so here's the Washington Post saying the problem is climate change quoting the Pope now before we go to our next slide don't put that up yet I want to make a comment here about this Bible and then I'll tie these things together you you can maybe see here and I think they're gonna the cameras are gonna zero in on this Bible I brought this with me somebody gave me this old Bible a number of years ago because there's something in it that's just shocking and I'm gonna pick it up here and I've had to tape it because it's it's falling apart and it was it was published in the 1800s and on the inside it says that this is or was John Newton Carroll's Bible who died in 1901 he was a lay Presbyterian preacher so this was a Presbyterian ministers old Bible and this particular Bible has footnotes in it commenting on different texts and I don't believe that every footnote comes from God but sometimes footnotes can be enlightening and if you go to Revelation chapter 13 416 where it talks about the mark of the beast being enforced eventually upon in the forehead in the hand upon all the people of the world there is a a footnote in this Bible and this is what it says it says a mark is submission to the rites and ceremonies of the papal Communion in their right hand that has to do with active obedience to the papal power or in their foreheads this has to do with outward profession of its doctrines and infallible Authority and the my point in bringing this old Bible is to show that this Bible upholds the ancient Protestant position which we have talked about that the beast is a symbol of the Roman Catholic Church this is something our church teaches this is not something new that we've made up this is coming directly down the 500 years Lutheran Church Methodist Church Baptist Church this was common knowledge common knowledge but as we've talked about the the the Protestant world the KIRs Matic world the Orthodox world the Messianic Christian world by and large has lost sight of biblical the truth of Biblical prophecy about who the Beast really is now let's move into the mark of the beast we know from the book of Revelation that there will be a mark of the beast that is coming and it has alluded a lot of people that the mark is the mark of the beast and so we have to know who the Beast is because the mark comes from the biblical beast and as I showed from this Bible over here the the Presbyterians and the Baptist and the Lutheran's they to believe that the beast was the Roman Church and if that belief still holds water which I believe it does because the Bible hasn't changed the Bible is still God's Word it doesn't change and it's the only entity that meets all of the requirements listed in Daniel 7 that's right all the prophetic details and so if the beast is really the Roman Church and then the mark of the beast has something it is something that comes from Rome as the footnotes say in that Bible and now the context that we're in today is we have all these disasters say that again because that that is the way if the if the beast is who we're saying it is the Roman Church so in the market that has to cash that is something that comes from Rome that's right so it's and that's what the footnotes say in this whole Bible and it's not some computer chip underneath your skin something much deeper than that which what which we'll discuss and so now here we have all these disasters which are being attributed to climate change the Pope says it's because of climate change and if we could put the next slide on the screen Pope Francis has come out with what's called an encyclical and it's called the key on care for our common home it came out in June of 2015 and an encyclical is the encyclical word encyclical means a circulating letter and it's a letter from typically it's from the Pope to Catholics but this particular encyclical dealing with climate change the environment and the global solutions to these problems this particular encyclical is addressed to all the people of the world and in that encyclical and as it has the Catholic Church ever done has any Pope ever done that before not that I'm aware of I do know that no Pope has ever spoken before a joint session of Congress I know that and I know that there are things happening with this present Pope that are unprecedented and and if you could put that slide back on the screen thank you write in his encyclical section 237 encyclical is entitled praise be we have this statement Sunday like the Jewish Sabbath is meant to be a day which heals our relations chips with God with ourselves with others and with the world so here's the statement from Pope Francis dealing with climate change and the environment which all these disasters are happening you know it like I've read here's this article from USA Today saying all these things are happening what's next and the other article saying from the Washington Post why is this going on and they're saying well the answer is the reason is because of climate change and the Pope's encyclical on climate change offers a solution is the he will heal our relationship with the world's God with ourselves with others and with the world it's a healing day that will help heal the planet that's what Pope Francis is propagating in his encyclical on the environment which is being read by politicians and and scientists and so we are moving toward all around the world that's right well we have to get to that to that issue of exactly the mark as I mentioned the old Bible says that the mark has something to do with them with the Catholic Church now if we can put the next slide on the screen we know that the Pope is pushing for Sunday as a part of the solution to to climate change and this particular picture shows the ten commandments and then the Sabbath changed to Sunday it's no secret that the majority of bible-believing godly Christians today go to church on Sunday and there's a statement from a very famous Catholic Cardinal who lived in the 1800's Cardinal Gibbons and there's the quote he says of course the Catholic Church claims that the change and he's referring to from the seventh-day Sabbath to Sunday was her act and the act is a mark of her her ecclesiastical authority in religious things now what that statement is basically saying to you know make it simple is that the Roman Catholic Church claims to have changed you see the Ten Commandments there I'm over on my right and you see the fourth commandment which says remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the LORD thy God God wrote with his own finger he wrote with his own finger that the seventh day is the Sabbath yeah so and that it's it's his holy day and what the Roman Church has basically done historically and there's a lot of history behind this which is all inside another little pocket book they're called discovering the lost Sabbath truth what the Roman Church has done historically is that they have switched days and the rationale is the resurrection Jesus rose but underneath the rationale was a desire to be more like the Romans which kept Sunday to be less like the Jews who kept Sabbath and there was a switch in history and eventually the Roman Catholic Church took the ball and said we've changed the Bible Sabbath into Sunday and they in that previous quote I put on the screen from Cardinal Gibbons he basically says that the change of the seventh day to the first day is a mark of our authority has the true Church of God amen they say God wrote the seventh day we changed it to the first day and that shows that we are the true church it's a mark of our authority over the Word of God that's right above the Word of God and this was prophesied in Daniel that's right this little horn power would think to change the times and the laws of God so this was prophecy being fulfilled that's right now let's let's go back to Revelation okay and we're gonna bring all this together we've got the disasters we've got the popularity of the Pope his encyclical him saying that the world needs to keep Sunday as part of the solution to global warming and climate change we've got prophecy predicting that the the wound the deadly wound of the papal power would be healed we have the old Presbyterian Bible saying that the mark of the beast is something that comes from the Roman Catholic Church and then we have the Roman Catholic Church saying that Sunday is a mark of our authority and all of these are our and so back to revelation 13 tells us that one of these days the mark of the beast is going to be enforced by law revelation 13:16 says he causes all both small and great rich and poor free and slave to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads and that no one will may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name and so this prediction tells us that the mark of the beast is going to be enforced by law around the world now if what we're saying is not out left field if it's really true that the Beast is the Roman Church as Luther said and that the mark of the beast is a mark that comes from Rome which is Sunday as Rome has claimed then and if the mark of the beast according to prophecy is going to be enforced by law at some point then what that means is that eventually we are going to see Sunday legislation around the world as part of the solution to climate change which is at least the scenario that's unfolding that makes sense right in front of us and so do we see the question is which I'm about to put a whole sequence of quick slides on the screen the question is do we have any evidence today for Sunday legislation looming on the horizon and there's a first our first slide from The Associated Press you see Pope Francis and it says keeping stores open on Sunday is not beneficial for society says Pope Francis and basically the article is about how he builds his case that in order to benefit society we need to keep those businesses closed there needs to be Sunday legislation in order to benefit families and society and the nation that's what he's saying in that article from The Associated Press now here's another article from a European publication called the part of the Parliament that says Sunday work is a danger to our health and and that particular article talks about this whole coalition of people in Europe that are pushing for Sunday there's to be enforced by law okay next our next article will do these quickly ABC News German Court enforces day of rest about Sunday laws in Germany next one that's from Fox News Fox News opinion let's make Sunday a day of rest for God's sake and then here's another one and this comes from out of North Dakota I don't know if you've been watching but North Dakota has been debating about the old blue laws that have been on their books and whether they should be repealed and this particular article talks about how in North Dakota in the legislature they decided to uphold those laws because we need to keep Sunday we need to keep sunday laws because people need to be in church and so that's that's recent in North Dakota kay here's another one and this is from the Guardian slow Sunday the simple solution to global warming using Sunday as a day of rest and renewal would be good for our personal health as well as the health of the planet so that so back to the question do we see any evidence on the horizon of a stirring up in an agitation concerning where the Sunday should be enforced by law there's no question yes we do Pope Francis is pushing it we see articles and ABC news Fox News Associated Press the Parliament and the Guardian and the list I've got articles in my files the list goes on and on and on and on and on and that last one it's very significant because it associates enforcement of Sunday with helping to heal the planet from from global warming and the basic idea is this Shelley that if if civil governments around the world enforced one day of rest a week sending and the businesses closed on Sunday that would cut down a great deal of carbon emissions and you know the use of fossil fuels and pollution that would go into the environment helped to heat up the the atmosphere which would contribute to you know hotter climate hotter oceans stronger hurricanes and more of the disasters that we're seeing right now so we can see the writing on the wall that the disasters and the leadership of the Pope and his encyclical and the whole climate change discussion is moving us and not just the Pope and the Church of Rome but it's moving Fox News it's moving The Associated Press it's moving the major news organizations and a whole lot of other people grassroots people that are starting to see light in the idea that enforced Sunday observance would be good for America and for the planet as part of the solution to the problem of climate change that's what's happening right now and I see prophecy being fulfilled right in front of our eyes we we're seeing first of all all of these major lines of prophecy in the Bible have are being rapidly fulfilled people will say how can the more if the mark of the beast is sunday-keeping in enforcing Sunday in forcing someone to worship on Sunday and you can't buy or sell if you don't people will say I don't see how that could ever happen because Revelation says that the little the lamb light power will make an image to the Beast here we're seeing it happen already and it's coming to fruition in front of my own eyes and we're seeing the Protestants reaching across to class pants with Rome all of the things that have been prophesied are happening so I would say that the return of the Lord Jesus Christ look up your redemption is drawing nigh we you know and it's so easy for us to talk about yes I believe Jesus is coming soon yes I believe he's coming soon yeah we have a mental assent until we get it into our heart that he is returning soon I mean we're getting ready we are coming to the final crisis of the earth last days to a time of trouble like never been seen before we need to be ready for that exactly and and that's what this program is about in the light of the 500 year anniversary of Martin Luther nailing the 95 theses against indulgences on the door of the Wittenberg Castle Church and fast forwarding to today the title of this interview is called 500 years from Luther and Earth's final crisis and I'm convinced that the basic issues that Luther dealt with in Europe in Germany and in Rome when he went to Rome earlier and then he stood up before the diet in Germany and all the struggles of the Reformation it was basically a struggle over authority the ultimate issue was the issue of authority the authority of the Bible above the authority of the Pope that's really what the battle was and Luther decided that the Word of God was above Pope's and councils and kings and princes and rulers and that no tradition no tradition is above scripture the Word of God Jesus said we make vuoi he told the Pharisees you make void the Word of God through the traditions or dimensions you have Matthew 15 and this and we're dealing with the same issues today when we're dealing with the Bible when we're dealing with Bible prophecy and ultimately when we're dealing with the Ten Commandments the law of God and the seventh-day Sabbath we're dealing with an issue of authority the Bible tells us that God is the ultimate authority our Creator is the ultimate authority and the seventh-day Sabbath points to the maker of heaven and earth and the sea and everything in it and when you really study the New Testament you also discover that such as in John chapter 1 verse 10 I love this verse John 1 yes says in the beginning no I'm sorry it says he was in the world talking about Jesus he was in the world and the world was made by him amen and the world knew him not and that tells us that Jesus was more than just a man he wasn't just a lowly carpenter who taught on the dusty shores of Galilee and and grew up in Nazareth and was born in Bethlehem in fulfillment of ancient prophecies but he is the maker of heaven and earth he's the one that made this world in the beginning he the word of God the maker of the planet became a human to reveal to us the way back to the Father and the way back to himself and we're dealing with an issue of authority we're dealing with the issue of the creator and when the Roman Church says that they've got the authority to change God's holy seventh-day Sabbath which really is a day that reveals Jesus Christ as the maker of heaven and earth they are really Anti Christ they're going against Jesus when they point to other ways of salvation they're Anti Christ when they attack the creators day they're Antichrist and they don't they may not know it they probably don't know it but just like the people that crucified Jesus Jesus said Father forgive them for they know not what they do they don't know what they're doing and so where our world is moving toward a crisis and these disasters are going to help bring it on which are eventually going to result in the enforcement of Sunday according to Bible prophecy as a so as a global solution to a global crisis and Shelley when that time finally comes and the writing is on the wall we can see the signs all around us we can see the beast his wound is being here we can see the indications at Sunday legislation is looming on the horizon when that time finally comes that's going to be the time the group that that the Reformation will continue 500 years 501 years however 502 years however long it is until the Lord comes that's the time when the Reformation is going to rise and speak with tremendous power through the preaching of the three angels messages that are in Revelation and so if you have a comment but before we wind this up I want to zero in on the three angels messages they are the messages that continue the Reformation today and make no mistake about it the Reformation is not dead as so even though a lot of people are saying we're going to heal the wounds of the past we're going to get rid of the spirit of division the demon of division we're all going to come together and we're going to unite and put away our differences as much as we can that the Reformation is dead this is just not true the Reformation is not dead it's alive very much today the beast is still the Beast the mark of the beast is coming and we need to take a stand for Jesus Christ and the Bible above the traditions of men and when we think about the people who are involved in trying to the who are involved in the ecumenical movement who are trying to unite the world churches I think personally that these people you know unity sounds like a good thing Christ prayed for unity but we can never accept unity at the cost of truth because the truth of God is is far more important than unity and what Christ was praying for was unity within the church around the truth as we rally around the truth that's right I think these people are sincere hearted no doubt about it they they believe that this is going to be something wonderful to unite but they don't realize that they are about to close themselves in we're crossing over a bridge to join the church there's not going to be any way back from that bridge because you have to look history repeats itself and because of everything that has been published by the Catholic Church stating their positions it is clear that they believe that Catholicism is the only path to salvation it is clear that they do not believe in civil liberties or religious liberties they believe the Pope should have that authority and if you look at the history of when when it is church and state anytime the Roman Empire has you look at look what happened with Luther after the diet of worms when they brought him and tried to make him recant when he was the only reason he got out of there is because of all those princes that were there and he had Frederick the third was kind of like his benefactor and as he was leaving Frederick the third basically snatched him up and took him away to a castle where Luther actually was one of the first he took the Bible and translated into German so that the local people I mean the people of his country could have a Bible and he did marvelous things but and Luther lived what to be nine how old was lived there wouldn't die I'm not sure but he didn't he didn't die at the stake yeah he was it turned up God protected him all throughout his life he actually married and had children and so he did God wanted protect and you know again there's been more books written about Martin Luther than any other human being on the planet other than Jesus Christ so we're talking about a major historical figure we're talking about the Reformation which was a very powerful move of God and and Europe was Catholic Luther was Catholic he wanted to reform the church as a Catholic when he was opposed by Pope Leo he finally studied the prophecies and realized that this power is fulfilling prophecy and it's doing what what Daniel 7 says it would do the little horn making war on the Saints 2nd Thessalonians 2 exalting itself above God Revelation 13 the Beast that would have global influence and also make war on the Saints revelation 17 it would be a woman we're representing a church drunk with the blood of the saints and he put all these pieces together and the fact of history is and it may be politically incorrect people may not like me for saying this but the fact of history is that the Reformation had steam and power because not just of justification by faith and salvation by grace but it was through its understanding of Bible prophecy and that prophecy those prophecies have been forgotten today and that's why sincere evangelicals and Chris Maddox and orthodoxy and Messianics are ultimately I mean without I hate to say it but they're going and that they're they're entering the dead with the Beast yeah and they don't realize what they're doing and they're walking into a trap and it is the most loving thing to do to try to open their eyes and to help them to understand what's going on so they can avoid the trap of the Beast and Catholics need to know this - like those women that I saw climbing up on those stairs you know grimacing and and you know Catholics need to know that God loves them that they don't need to make a pilgrimage to Fatima they don't need to climb upstairs they don't need to confess to priests they don't need to pray the rosary so many times a day they don't you know there's hope they don't need to try to buy their relatives out of purgatory there's a whole host of things they don't need to do they can get on their knees in their bedrooms and open their hearts to Jesus and trust in his love and His grace and His forgiveness and his power and Jesus himself directly can give them the gift of eternal life and bring peace to their souls and that's what they need that's what Catholics need and that's what Protestants need and if this whole you know country and the world is moving toward the final crisis and as as these disasters are happening left and right these are all indications of the signs of the times that God is withdrawing his spirit and he's allowing these cataclysmic things in nature to take place and I talked about this in my next book that's almost done why deadly disasters then we need to know what's going on we need to know what's going on and if we are on the edge of the mark of the beast crisis and if the mark is Sunday observance which is a mark and a sign of the authority of the Roman Catholic Church and if evangelicals and Protestants and Christians without knowing it are really submitting to the authority of the Roman Catholic Church Beast by keeping Sunday then they need to know about this and just to clarify we don't believe that anybody has the mark of the beast right now but when it's enforced by law and people are enlightened and they have a chance to see the issues if they continue to go in that direction and keep Sunday and believe it they get the mark in their foreheads if they don't believe it but they go along with it they get the mark in their hands and the fourth commandment itself talks about remembering the Sabbath day to keep it holy and you remember in your forehead and then it says don't work on the seventh day you don't work with your hands so the fourth commandment itself deals with the forehead it deals with the hand it deals with the issue and it's time for a Reformation it's time for Reformation back to the Bible once again just like in Europe back to the Ten Commandments back to the seventh-day Sabbath and before we're done we'll see how the cross is still at the center of the preaching of three angels messages amen let me just read this before we get into the three angels messages because this is what the Bible says this is what we stand on this is what Martin Luther stood on and it says in Ephesians chapter 2 Paul writes this four by chapter two of Ephesians and verse eight for by grace you have been saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God not of works lest any should boast but then he goes on and says for we are his workmanship we are his work of art created in Christ Jesus for good works which God commanded are prepared beforehand that we should walk in them so our works nothing we can do can save us but when we come into covenant relationship with the Lord it is Jesus said if you love me keep my Commandments and I will give you another comforter and he'll be in you and it is by the power of the Holy Spirit and because of our love of Christ that we walk in the good works that we walk in the commandments of Christ not to be saved but because we are saying it's right and Shelly that balance that biblical New Testament balance is embedded in the three angels messages so let's look at that we only have a little bit of time left and let's say let's just we don't have time to go into every detail of the three angels but lo and behold and we all know this at least those of us that are here that the three angels Broadcasting Network is is a global television ministry that God has raised up to communicate with uncompromising boldness the messages of the three angels which are found in Revelation chapter 14 verses 6 to 12 now the first angel in verse 6 I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven having the everlasting gospel to preach to those who dwell upon the earth to every nation tribe tongue and people the first angels message has the everlasting gospel which is the gospel that Luther preached it's the gospel of Jesus Christ that salvation is through Jesus Christ alone it's not through works it's not through traditions it's not through anything that comes from man it's the promises God never hand it's jesus himself so the first angel has the gospel that Luther preached now then the verse 7 talks about with Allah saying with a loud voice fear God and give glory to him for the hour of his judgment has come and worship Him who made heaven and earth the sea in the springs of water and that last part of verse 7 about worshipping Him who made heaven and earth to see in the springs of water this is a direct quote from the fourth commandment yes that says for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth the sea and all that is in them and he rested on the seventh day so the first angels call to worship the creator points right back to Exodus chapter 20 and verse 11 which points to the Sabbath commandment the seventh day as a sign of the creator now then verse nine verse eight warns about Babylon which has to do with all the religious confusion ultimately centered in the the woman of Revelation 17 which is a symbol of the Roman Catholic Church system that Babylon has fallen and the whole world is drunk with the wine of Babylon the doctrines of Babylon the confusing teachings of Babylon that lead away from Scripture Sola scriptura and then verse 9 says then a third angel followed them saying with a loud voice if anyone worships the Beast so its worship at the creator in verse seven our worship the Beast in verse verse nine we have a worship issue between the Beast and the creator and again the creator worshiping him points to Jesus as our Creator and points to the fourth commandment and it's it's a it's a call it's a warning not to follow the Beast and of course we have to know who the Beast is and 500 years down from Luther we are saying that the beast is still the Beast it's the same beast that Luther talked about from revelation 13 and Daniel especially 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 and that is the Beast who has the mark that at Beast has the mark which we've talked about is the observance of a false Sabbath which goes back to some English in history where the Roman Catholic Church changed God's seventh-day Sabbath to the first day that week claims it as a mark and eventually it'll be enforced by law and verse 10 and 11 warns about the consequences of getting the mark of the beast the deadly eternal consequences and then verse 12 says here's the patience of the Saints here are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus so verse 12 has the balanced blend and it's describing people who don't get the mark of the beast who don't get the mark and they do two things they keep the commandments of God and they have the faith of Jesus and Jesus is the last word of the third angel's message and I want to clarify that when we look at those Ten Commandments here and let me just briefly go through them the first one says that God is to be basically number one I am the Lord your God you shall have no other gods before me God is to be first number two has to do with idols not having any idols don't making making any graven images or statues and bowing down to them number three is not taking the name of the Lord in vain number four has to do with keeping the seventh-day Sabbath holy number five if honor your father and mother honoring your parents number six is you shall not kill or murder and you and I have talked about that that that murder not only applies to killing someone physically the New Testament says it also applies to hating hating someone and we also strongly believe that it also applies to the unborn that the murder of babies inside their mothers bodies and that's a whole other subject I've written a little book on this called hidden Holocaust we've produced a 13-part television series with Antonette duck and Diane Wagner you've interviewed them and their horrific experiences concerning abortion and and we believe that you know murder is murder and that you're not just a human when you come out but you are a person when you are inside the of the mother and the Bible is very clear on this in many many many Bible verses and that we need to take a stand for life and for children yeah it's the biggest Holocaust you know people say that heart disease is the number one cause of death that's really not true the number one cause of death is abortion and killing babies 56 million a year and we need to be 56 around the world and we need to be clear on this and study and understand what's happening in any way we could talk a lot about that but number seven has to do with not committing adultery any form of sexual sin and we know what's happening in our world today people are all mixed up about genders and boys and girls and you know marriage and and then number eight is don't steal number nine is don't lie don't bear false witness against your neighbor and number ten is don't covet and Jesus and the Old Testament summarized the Ten Commandments in the two big commandments of loving God and your neighbor as herself it's a it's the law of love and here's my point my big point is that two thousand years ago outside Jerusalem on a cross the maker of heaven and earth hung and he took into his mind and it was hard and it was soul the commandment breaking the Sabbath breaking the murder the adultery the lies the stealing the idolatry the hatred of this whole world of all the sinners from including me from Adam to the end of time and he suffered he agonized and he paid the price and he died and he did that by grace its grace and salvation is through grace through faith in Jesus Christ through the everlasting gospel and when we understand the law and the gospel in their proper relationship as described in the third angel revelation 14:12 we understand that our Creator paid an agonizing price for us He loves us no matter what we've done no matter how hopeless we feel we are like I did this past summer no matter how with much we've struggled no matter how many much we've sinned Jesus paid the price and and died for us all and when we when we see that and believe in that love and that mercy in that forgiveness and give our lives to him he forgives us he saves us by His grace he comes into our hearts he writes his law in our hearts and summer if you could put the last slide up there if you love me keep my Commandments Jesus said in John 14:15 the issue of the law of God is not a legalism issue it's an issue of love a love for Jesus because of what he did for us on the cross and we want to stand for him you know God is looking for Luther's and these last days and we need to stand for Jesus in the Bible and what what people have heard tonight may be shocking but it's it's the truth you know one of my favorite scriptures is that he who knew no sin became sin for us that we might become the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus and the only kind of righteousness that there is is righteousness by faith and that is should be the loud cry of as we continue the Protestant Reformation is the righteousness of Jesus Christ you have I've got one quote I'd like to one-quart I'd like to finish with the famous quote shouldn't do a program on the Reformation without reading this quote before the diet of worms Luther said before I an Augusta sembly about the Emperor and princes and rulers of Europe Luther said I cannot submit my faith either to the Pope or to the councils because it is clear as the day that they have frequently aired and contradicted each other unless therefore I am convinced by the testimony of Scripture he said my conscience is bound by the Word of God I cannot and I will not retract because it is it is unsafe for a Christian to speak against his conscience here I stand I can do no other may God help me a men and they god help you may he help me may he help all of us to stand for Jesus Christ and for the word of God hey man brother thank you so much you're welcome we want to do two things right now perhaps you would like either Steve or somebody from Whitehorse media to come and do an event at your church or maybe at a camp meeting we want to get their address read well in just a second but first I wanted to remind you that there is a special offer tonight and this is from Whitehorse media there are five books celebrating the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation five books for $5 the vanishing Protestant the Antichrist identified the coming judgments of God discovering the lost Sabbath the truth and decoding the mark of the beast one thing I like about your books are they are very simple to grasp you lay it out in a very wonderful way and so put that back up on the screen for just a second because if you want these books don't call 3abn go to Whitehorse Mediacom are called one eight hundred seven eight two four two five three because this is from Whitehorse Media now let's put your address up if you want to get in touch with Steve or anyone at Whitehorse Media here's how you may contact them if you would like to learn more about Whitehorse media and their efforts to reveal God's light in darkness through radio television books CDs DVDs and public seminars you may visit them online at Whitehorse Mediacom that's Whitehorse Mediacom you may also give them a call at [Music] [Music] well I hope you've enjoyed this hour two hours as much as I have Steve we just want to thank you so much for being here the time went by quickly do you have a final thought well my final thought is praise God I am so excited to be here as I mentioned I had a terrible summer and Jesus brought me through he wanted me to be here he wanted me to share this with you to give you hope that nobody is hopeless jesus loves us all and by His grace through his mercy we can stand for the Bible and for the three angels messages and that's what this is all about so may God help us to stand God's looking for luther's today and may we all be like him brother thank you so much for being here our prayer for you is that the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ the love of the Father and the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit will be with you not only today but always thanks so much for joining us we'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN)
Views: 8,829
Rating: 4.7171717 out of 5
Keywords: 3ABN, Three Angels Broadcasting Network, yt:quality=high, Steve Wohlberg, White Horse Media, Earth's Final Crisis
Id: TGaoJmrgp00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 0sec (6960 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 01 2017
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