#398 RK TRACTORS, NEW Info Available for Customers! Very Helpful

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so welcome back everyone Mike here I'm out here in the woods this evening at the new tower blind location this is where I'm going to build it I guess if you're not a hunter you could call it a wildlife observation center or if you're into like little houses you could call it a tiny house or a mini cabin we can call it whatever you want it's gonna be a pretty neat little spot here it's gonna be 8 by 8 I picked up the post today some six by six posts and what I did here this evening I just came out here to kind of clean up a few locust trees and this big cherry tree that was dead I mean this thing was ugly let me show you this I can't believe this thing was still standing it's in really bad shape and I'm gonna build that tower blind right here in this area it's a really nice spot you can just see down in that Valley there straight out in front of me if you go down over that hill there's some real nice bedding area down there I've got another valley on that side so you know it's kind of out here on the point and back in there that's all flat all the way across there and if you saw a couple videos ago that's where I was kind of cleaning up that section of woods that's kind of all part of the plan I got to get all this stuff out of here but I'll be able to see over there a good hundred yards or so be real nice just one section of woods that's cleaned up and like I said it's real thick down below just a really nice spot here I think it'll be really nice but I had to come out here like I said and cut some of these little locust trees and and I wanted to get this cherry tree down now because it was leaning right towards where I'm gonna build the tower blind right here this thing is in really bad shape I didn't have much of a plan on cutting this one down except for as soon as it started moving get out of the way because these things can do about anything look at that nasty stump I mean there is no structural support here at all even this stuff there's not much this section right here is about the only thing that's holding this tree up yeah those are the ones that you know you're happy when they hit the ground and nothing hits you that thing's rough but what I'll do all I brought out this evening with me I brought a set of sawhorses it's gonna set them up and I'll go back to the house and get the I'll load up those posts maybe in the grapple the RK 37 get all ready for tomorrow evening and then I'll come out here tomorrow clean up all this stuff where I'm gonna build this thing I'll probably pile the brush up over there because I have another trail you know this is that loop trail that comes around and I'll be able to grab it over there but I got to look for other trees that you know could fall on the thing because I don't want to build it can get it crushed in the first year pretty good-sized maple there but it looks pretty healthy you can see the buds coming on it's that time of year very nice I don't know if you can hear that someone off in the distance is cutting some wood too I think I'll take this tree I tear this cherry that goes like that and then there's some like little locust and just kind of stuff in there a bunch of dead locust on the ground get all that cleaned up but for now all I need to do is focus on getting this area cleaned up right here so I can get those posts set and then you know like next weekend or something I could actually start building this thing but the big thing is to get the post set you know all plumped up and squared and that's what I'm gonna work on next after I get this cleaned up in here I just leave these out here anyways you can probably tell from the title of the video this video isn't about building a tower blind just kind of want to show you what I got going on out here and what you can expect to see over the next couple weeks today's video is about something that arcade tractors has to offer that it's going to be very helpful for anyone looking to buy an arcade tractor anybody that already bought an arcade tractor and it's going to help me out tremendously I'll explain all that in a little bit right now I'm going to head back to the house here load up those posts on the RK 37 and kind of get ready for tomorrow evening when I come out here and start working [Music] [Applause] so the last video I was telling what Eva did to us yesterday April Fool's was yesterday I hate that day I'm proud of her tell him a little bit I went over it yesterday but tell me what she did it was devastating at first she said she got caught cheating and she was sorry she didn't know what came next on the math test and she just didn't really think it was teen she's sorry to disappoint me and her teacher and then she got in-school suspension suspension two days and and I said I was gonna drive to the school my heart stopped I it's like why would she cheat she likes math what and it was all made up April Fool's joke because Melissa's big on April Fool's and big on scaring me I love it I love it I'm proud of her but in a moment I was devastated like what else is she doing that I don't know like we need to sit down take her phone from her boom my my mind went a mile and 100 miles a minute well you want to help me load these these are pretty heavy think you can handle it this one's really heavy I'm telling you so these are the posts that I'll be using for the tower blind there are six five six is just ten feet long that'll get me a floor height of about seven and a half feet something like that which will be plenty for that area I don't need to be real high it's kind of out there in a point anyways and on that one side it's all flat so I just want to get up off the ground a little bit these are work pretty good so a few weeks ago arcade tractors they launched something new on their website called ask arcade tractor guy and what it is it's kind of like a customer portal for anybody that may have already bought an arcade tractor somebody looking to buy one and it answers so many questions I mean there's there's complete parts lists in there there's service schedules there's pricing on all the attachments there's videos there's all sorts of information there and this is really going to help people out especially me and the reason is we get so many questions every day and probably 20% of them are questions about the tractors you know asking about pricing or service schedules or just all sorts of things and we do our best to keep up but it's literally impossible to do so between the Facebook messages the comments and the YouTube videos and the emails you're looking at 500 you know questions or comments throughout the day now we we are able to read about everything we can't get back to everybody you know and when we do it's usually sometimes a week or two down the road we do our best but as far as questions about the tractor or pricing or you know service or any of that stuff I'll show you how to kind of get on this site and everything that has to offer so if you have questions about arcade tractors pretty much everything's there and if you can't find it there there's a way to get ahold of somebody that will now if you remember well he still does now arcade tractor guy this thing has kind of evolved into something a little bit bigger but arcade tractor guy he would comment on our videos and try to answer questions he's very active on different tractor forums and things like that they are very involved with the customers and answering questions or concerns anything like that they're on top of it so just arcade tractor guy kind of evolved into this whole thing now and there's more people involved and but yeah it's it's pretty cool when I'm we're gonna go over it right now and I'll kind of show you everything it has to offer but like I said if you're looking to buy one or if you already bought one there's so many answers to your questions or right here all right here we are in arcade tractors calm first thing you want to do scroll down here a little bit Wow look at that RK 74 the things I'm monster but anyway come down here and check out this YouTube channel right here I'm just kidding that's no over here for right here go to ask the arcade tractor guy double click on that and you've got everything you need to know right here here's the brochures arcade 24 brochure it's got prices in it you've got what else where to buy these are all the different stores that sell the tractors best tractor for you let's say no you don't own one yet alright so you can kind of click through here and then enter your information someone get back to you pricing will just kind of skip around here these are the prices of all the tractors that's one thing it's nice you don't have to worry about haggling or you know if you're getting a good deal everybody's going to get the same price they're all listed I see that they've got a 84 inch granite grapple for that RK 74 third function valve these are the implements all the pricings right here that's that little dump trailer that I like so much $23.99 let's go to parts all right so you can choose whichever tract you have let's go with the RK 24 and this should be all your parts yep parts catalog gear housing oils man well that's a lot of pages of parts it looks like every single part and part number on that tractors right here very nice see what else financing you can apply for financing right there but you can see so you got delivery brochures where to buy compatibility best tractor for you general questions financing videos pricing manuals and service but this is very helpful if you have any questions about RK tractors remember just go to our cake tractors comm scroll here a little bit ask the arcade tractor guy that's all you need to do I don't know if other companies do the same thing or not but I think it's gonna be really helpful for I mean you can find pricing service schedules you know your parts books everything's right there in one place and like I said it's going to help me out we'll continue to answer what questions we can when we can but I think your first stop you know if you have any questions about arcade tractors would be the ask the arcade tractor yeah it's pretty nice setup but anyway I think that's about it for today's video you can expect to see some tower blind construction here in the near future also going to clean that really big oak tree up in that big mess down by the pond if you didn't see those videos check them out have another beautiful oak tree hit the ground don't know what's doing it some people were saying root rot may be the case you know we had a real wet year last year it's been actually pretty dry though lately what's concerning though is there are no leaves on the trees right now so if they're falling over like this and when the leaves start coming out you get a little bit of wind there's gonna be a ton of them down if this keeps up but anyway that's it I'm kind of rambling on here like always say if you enjoy these videos please hit the like button click subscribe and share them with your friends thanks [Music] you
Channel: Outdoors With The Morgans
Views: 50,173
Rating: 4.9328294 out of 5
Keywords: RK Tractors, Stihl, Kubota, Mahindra, Land Pride, Wranglerstar, Tractor time with tim, Tractor Parts, Service Manual, firewood, log splitter
Id: YSr_132uu4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 32sec (1112 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2019
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