#147 Comparing RK 37 to Kubota L 3901

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[Music] so welcome back everybody Mike here today's video is one that I really didn't plan on making I just never gave it much thought I guess but I keep getting asked the same for questions over and over again so I figured I'd take a little time here this evening to make one video to answer all four questions and call it good so the first question that I keep getting asked is Mike do you still have the Kubota yes I do it's right here behind me it wasn't abducted by aliens it's not buried with Jimmy Hoffa it's not parked in area 51 it's right here at Camp Morgan second question that I keep getting asked is why aren't you using the Kubota anymore it's a good answer for that one - very easy if you've been following along for the last couple months you probably already know I have for tractors now to use here on the property and there's only one of me now I've always been the type of person I watch smile you know odometers on vehicles and iron meters on tractors so one out of the four tractors I paid a lot of money for and the other three are on loan so it kind of makes sense to use one of the other three that are on loan than the Kubota and besides like I said there's only one of me in for tractors so if I could clone myself you know which I can't see that happening I'll probably be running off for what you imagine that if you could clone yourself right now I'd have Mike number two out in the woods cutting firewood Mike number three splitting firewood Mike number four probably doing a honey-do list for Melissa it'd be oh that would be awesome but anyway I'm getting off track so that is why I haven't been using the Kubota I have three other tractors that are more than capable to do what I need to do and there's just one of me the next question I keep getting asked is which tractor do I like better the RK 37 or the Kubota l-39 l1 and this one here is going to take a little bit of time to explain I really don't have an answer yet because I mean I've got about 10 hours on the RK 37 and I got about 200 on the Kubota l 13 I know one but I am gonna spend some time here and show you what I like and don't like about both tractors so we're going to go over them both then we'll go from there and get to the question number four so now we're just going to go over a few of the specs of both tractors you can look any of this information up online if you like but I just want to give you some idea what we're looking at here the RK 37 is powered by 100 point 2 cubic inch 3 cylinder Yanmar diesel and it produces 37.4 horsepower the Kubota is powered by a hundred eleven point four cubic inch three cylinder diesel and it produces 30 7.5 horsepower pto horsepower in the arc a 37 is 30 point to the Kubota 30.6 fuel tank capacity RK 37 nine gallons 11.1 gallons for the Kubota hydraulic flow 6.4 gallons for the RK 37 6.3 gallons for the l-39 o1 as you can see basically the engines and the hydraulics are pretty pretty close to the same on both these tractors now here's some differences in both the RK 37 is physically a little bit larger tractor tires are much bigger it's just a little bit longer and a little bit heavier tractor and that comes into play with the lift capacity on the loader the RK 37 has a lift capacity of two thousand one hundred and sixteen pounds now that's at the you know the pivot pin and the Kubota is one thousand 131 pounds so almost a thousand pounds difference between the two and I can tell I had the pallet forks on the RK 37 the other day it undeniably lifts a lot more than the l-39 o1 total length of the arcade 37 is 126 inches compared to 116 on the l-39 o1 the wheelbase 64.5 on the RK 37 versus sixty three point three on the Kubota three point lift capacity is 1764 pounds that's two feet behind the end links on the RK 37 compared to fourteen hundred and thirty-five pounds on the Kubota about three hundred pounds difference now we're going to talk about a few things that I like and don't like about each tractor are k37 I really like the flat deck has just a very slight hump in the center of it compared to the Kubota has the big transmission hump in the middle now keep in mind that Kubota el 3901 is the you know it's an economy model Kubota and there's nothing wrong with these transmissions maybe somebody can answer in the comments but most economy tractors have this type of transmission that you have that hump in the operator station I think they function the same they're just less expensive and that's why they put them in the economy models next up is the loader control the art k37 has it back here the l-39 oh one up there the 37 is more comfortable to operate there plus you can access the operator station from both sides compared to just one side on the Kubota I mean you can kind of wiggle around that but it's kind of awkward so I do like having the loader control back where it should be you're closer to your seat one thing I don't like about the arcade 37 it's not a big deal the hydraulic lines for the loader they kind of are on the outside of the liner versus the Kubota they're on the inside of the letter fuel tank I like where you fill the fuel tank and where the fuel tank is located on the art k37 back here in the back compared to the Kubota up here on the hood but that's like a personal preference kind of thing now this arcade 37 has a lot more features like I said the L 3901 is an economy model so a lot of these features that are on the arcade 37 you could find on the grand series Kubota I'm sure like this seat very nice suspension seat with armrest it is a lot more comfortable than the l-39 oh one this one has tilt wheel little things like a horn even applying the parking brake is easier on the RK 37 versus the Kubota let me show you something on that when I first got this tractor it was literally the first day I had it this is lever you know push down on a parking brake and you apply the brake with this lever there's a little red plastic cap on there and the first time I want to take it off it just popped off and went down this hole is gone I'm like what the heck why would you even waste the time putting it on there it's no big deal it's just getting bothered me now this arcade 37 is a shuttle shift the Kubota is hydrostatic but the arcade 55 I have is a hydrostatic as well it has two pedals instead of the big rocker pedal I do like the two pedals versus the big rocker pedal on the Kubota once again maybe personal preference but I find the two pedals way more comfortable than this one I haven't had any real problems with this Kubota at all it's got about 200 hours on it just a few kind of little dump things and anybody that has one i'm sure goes through the same thing safety switch here under the seat bad design if the tractor is leaning just a little bit i don't want to shut off on you if you're on this side of the seat at all it's just something you have to get used to or you can just kind of bypass that I never did that something else this little safety switch right here for the PTO it actually needs fixed right now see how that is it will not start and when your brush hogging with this thing you get all kind of stuff up in here I've had problems with that before just kind of a poor design and what else oh these hydrostatic Kubota it's very loud and kind of a whiny sound to it it's no big deal doesn't affect it at all but it's just something that you know you might want to know this arcade 37 it comes standard with rear remotes rear tires loaded with room guard the Kubota does not you can do both of that though if you'd like so the way this art k37 set up this is how they all come you know the open station ones they all have tilt wheel they all got the nice seat the only option on this tractor the only thing you can get this one has the third function valve on it so I can run a loader both tractors have the quick attach skid steer type I never had any problems with this on the kavod I know some guys have you get the old stump finder right there there's the RK 37 so I've had the Kubota a couple years now and I've got about 200 hours on it so far it's been a good tractor I haven't had any problems with it you know just minor things and it's all that safety switch stuff the seat safety switch is a really bad design the safety switch for the PTO another bad design and besides that I haven't well I do have problems occasionally with a PTO cable it's a little quirky but besides that it's I have no problems with it at all in that tractor or run for years and years I'm sure the RK 37 I've only had a few months and I only have about 10 hours on it so far so far I like everything about it the only thing I would do differently is have this hydraulic hoses inside the loader it's not really a big deal it's just probably something I would do that's the only thing on the RK 37 that I would change at this point or that I can say that I'm not fond of the Kubota things that I'm not fond of on it a lot of this is personal preference is that pedal for the hydrostatic how you got to kind of pick your leg up and reach back to go and reverse it just feels awkward to me some guys like it I don't the loader control I'd much rather be where it is on the RK 37 then where it is on the Kubota you can access the RK 37 from both sides which you cannot do easily on the Kubota and the transmission hump on the Kubota I don't like that I like the flat deck much better on the RK 37 so bottom line is this I think they're both good tractors I do [Music] you
Channel: Outdoors With The Morgans
Views: 220,667
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RK 37, RK 24, RK 55, Kubota L3901, Kubota Grand L, Compact Tractor, Subcompact Tractor, 3 point lift, Box scraper, Roto-tiller, Front Loader, Skid Steer Quick Attach, Rural Living, Country Living, Modern Homestead, John Deere, Mahindra, Grapple, 3rd function valve, Stihl Chainsaw
Id: d7hujh5BfgY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 21 2018
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