(391) Paint MIXING & RATIOS for CUP BOTTOM pour ~ Full tutorial ~ Reverse flower dip with PVA glue

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All you need to know to do a CUP BOTTOM reverse flower dip is in this full tutorial video.

Pouring medium: PVA craft glue and water (60% craft glue and 40% water).

Ratio paint to glue mixture is 1:1 and water if needed.

TECHNIQUE: Reverse flower dip with paper napkin, Cup bottom pour


- Pour your base on canvas

- Put your FLOWER SHAPED DESSERT CUP on the canvas with bottom up

- Pour paints on the bottom and use PEARL WHITE or some metallic paints between each colour to create petal - lacing effect

- Take off the cup

- Use SKEWER to draw some petal shapes

- Gently put PAPER NAPKIN or towel on canvas ( You can use dry or damped napkin)

- Lift one corner at the time and then gently lift it (the middle last)

- Torch it for air bubbles and to activate pearl white and metallic paints

- And here is your flower :)


- 8x8 inch canvas

- Acrylic paints mixed with pouring medium

- Flower shaped desert cup

- Paper napkin or towel

- Wooden skewer

- Palete knife

- Torch


- Boesner black

- Daler rowney gold

- Pearl white (1 part Vallejo pearl medium to 1 part Windsor&Newton titanium white)

If you are interested in ONLINE PRIVATE CLASSES, you can contact me via Facebook Fiona Art or email [zemljicr@gmail.com](mailto:zemljicr@gmail.com).

Please understand that I am in no way responsible for the way you use your paint and mediums. Follow all safety instructions of the manufacturers, I can not be held liable.

Be careful and use the proper materials for your safety.

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Fionaacrylic 📅︎︎ Jun 11 2020 🗫︎ replies
hello sorry from Slovenia again as I priced I will show you how I mix my paints with glue for the cup bottom reverse flower lives because mixture is a little different than with my spiral flower dips or other flower dips techniques so I will mix pearl white and I will mix my black and I already have some of my gold mixed with glue and I will use these three colors that we will do one painting so this will be long video but I can talk about all these things in every video so see I have this measuring cup we work in milliliters so I put three milliliters of glue and two milliliters of no I have to say 30 milliliters of glue and no this is 300 sorry 300 of milliliters 300 milliliters of glue and 200 milliliters of water so 3 parts glue and 2 parts water if you use in ounces it's okay so you will add I don't know 6 ounces of glue and 4 ounces of water so 3 to 2 so that's 4 I use this it is just washable PVA glue it's not Elmer's glue because we can't buy Elmer's glue here in Slovenia oops this bottle will be almost empty so maybe I will be able to pour that I will have three three hundred milliliters it will be just a little more so this is 60/40 ratio if you do one liter or something you just add six parts of glue to four parts of water or three parts of glue the two parts of water so this is it and now two parts water I will talking milliliters you can find these ratios that you will be able to to put this in once's or something so I added 300 milliliters of glue and 200 milliliters of water and when I mix this it's quite thin but this is the mixture that I use and that it worked for me and I use this mixture in my private lessons too so I just have one yesterday and my students get some so nice result and I was so happy it's always nice if your student get nice results so you know that you do something right so I will show you how in this is it flows right into the cup so this is my glue and water mixture and you can store this it lasts so don't worry about that so next we will mix pearl white so I have these cups I normally don't measure but I want to measure today just to show you so I will work in milliliters again so I will add one part of Vallejo pearl medium and one part of I will use winter in Newton titanium white would but you can use on Amsterdam I didn't try with artist love because we don't have that so I use Windsor Newton or Amsterdam or this business that you can get neither so these three I know that they work so one part Vallejo pearl medium and one part paint and you have to shake your for medium because before you will use it so okay this is 20 milliliters of pure medium and now 20 milliliters of titanium white okay this is done and then I mix this first you don't have to mix it a long time because you will mix it with your glue mixture and you see this is just tick tick tick and now I have 40 millimeters total of this mixture you see here is 40 and now I will add 40 milliliters so the same amount that I have my mixture of titanium and pour a medium the same amount of glue so I have 40 milliliters of this mixture and I will add 40 milliliters of this glue mixture so I will have total 80 milliliters of this mixture and then we will see how the thickness looks like and then we can go from there okay so this is what I said that you mix 1 to 1 with your foreign medium I don't if I use my pouring medium I don't mix the same way because my pouring medium has a binder in it so it is a little different so but today we were talk just about this glue mixture and this is the consistency of my pure white you see it leaves a mount on a mount but disappears immediately and it leaves a trace but disappears immediately but it's flow flow flow flow flow flow flow of the stick quite a long time you see before it starts dripping now it starts dripping see so this is the consistency for a pearler white mixture once again see okay and next I will mix my black because I don't have enough on my leg and I will do the same but this time I will put my glue mixture first so I will add 40 milliliters of glue mixture and now I will add 40 milliliters of my black I don't have enough are other black than this business one so I will have to use that one so this is 60 a little more eighty okay and I already know that this will be too thick probably I start with this one to one with glue mixture and then I'm adding water if needed to consistency no maybe it will be just right with some paints you need more water you need to add water it depends which brands you use how thick are your paints if you use heavy body paint so it's not just one recipe for all the paints you will have to find your probably this black will not show more lot so this is the consistency for for paints that I use in when I pour over the cup I will show you the gold one it will show better probably see leave the mountain disappears leave the mound and disappears and it's flows flows flows quite a long time before starts dripping you see this is the consistency that you want for this part and now I will just I don't have mirroring cuffs anymore so this is 20 milliliters so I will mix some bass now so I will add this is about 80 milliliters of pouring medium and I just messed this up and I will add 80 milliliters of black because black for the base for this technique just for this technique should be a little thinner than other paints not as thick as the paint's that you pour over your bottle bottom or these flower shaped cups I will talk about them too just in a second so when you mix your base it shouldn't leave any mound so I will I didn't add any water to those so here I will add some water because base should be as smooth as it can be that you will get this nice nice shape of a flower before you will put your napkin on let's see this should be okay probably you don't see it in black but it flows right into the cup it leaves just a little little little Mountain disappears just immediately I have white bass mix from yesterday so I will show you on this white one that you will see better probably this is the consistency of bass you see it flows right into the cup without leaving a mound see this is the consistency for base coat and you have to check them before you will use them because they can thicken up a little bit before you will use it because when you mix them and if they sit a little bit they can Tekin up so I just thought that maybe okay my black is okay now and this is the black for the tie we'll use for pouring over and the gold and pearl white mixture see so about the cups this is how my cups look like when I get them and here is an internet site I don't buy them there but they produce them so it's it's gold blast calm goat blast dot-com you see maybe check this check this internet site and maybe it will be easier to find those cups online because I knew that Amazon was out the day that they were available at Amazon but they are out of stock now so I saw Alison on her channel art with Alison but she's from Australia and she gets some of these cups so she has them because she has to order order 100 of them and you don't need more a lot because they are washable I have them for about six months and they are still okay they don't break they don't I don't know you just wash them and they're usable again and you have to if you watch if you search you see mine has this I don't know holes not they are not holes you know what I mean you see maybe you see and they don't have any edge here so that paint will flow easy so this is about the cups and I will show you how much I spray my paper napkin before I will start pour pouring because I will pour with these paints that I mixed so that you will see that this is just my mixture so my napkins are quite soft already but when I spray them they become little softer so that's why I love to spray them you don't have to if you don't want but I love to work with the napkin that it's softer so I don't spray it much I will show you this is all just to make it a little more a little softer you see and then I put it back like this that it's easy for me to use and now let's do our poor I will just take you little closer that you will see so this is our black that I mixed I will just put my gloves on I have just this little 8x8 converse just to show you so I will pour some of this black and you have to pour quite a bit of base base has to be you have to have thick layer of a base because otherwise you will get your canvas will show through and you don't get this nice effect if you don't have enough paint as a base so you have to add quite a bit of paint for a base and I normally you do that so this will be full tutorial and it will be long and then I tilt it because you have to smooth your base that your paint will flow evenly when you will pour it on your cap or you can use bottle bottom pool but you will not get the same shape of a flower because you will get this blank middle part where the bottle bottom laid on the converse or whatever is the war right word because these flower shaped cups are that shape creates this middle flower to I did one or two I don't know how much when I cut the holes in the bottle bottom so you can do that I will put some links in the description box where I did that kind of pouring but it's hard to cut it so symmetrically that it will be this nice shape of a flower as you get if you use these flower shaped cups but you can do that it is an alternative I will show you that cup not cup bottle bottom just a second just to spread this and work my edges a little bit where is not enough paint but you can do this later too and you have to make sure that your canvas is as level as this you can get because otherwise your paint will flow in kind of weird ways too so let me grab my water bottle so this is my bottle bottom that I cut out you see but still it's not the same because it's hard to get this symmetric holes here and this one has five patterns and when you switch them you get a really different little different shape it's not bad you can use that too so and you have to torch it is for air bubbles and what I love to do it's find kind of a Center you don't have to but I like to do that and then i place my top down in this kind of center I don't know if I place it right but now it is what it isn't I will grab my paint so I will start with black and no yes or white and you don't add as much per term as other paints because otherwise it will take over and gold and a little of poor white and black I will just try to add poor white with my stick no because I really don't want a lot of poor white and gold again and white again I don't want black and gold together because they create this weird color that I don't like and black again and white again gold and why and if you want this kind of multi layered look you have to add quite a bit of layers so black again let's go once more with golden this will be for the outside kind of okay and I just blow a little bit to help this paint flow off and as you can see I will show you oh you already get some lacing here on the cup when you blow this and probably know that I like to draw these lines before I switch my cup you don't need to do that but it gives this nice look I think and though obviously my canvas is not totally leveled and now I will switch it and do just one little layer because otherwise it will be too much because I have this small converse I will just add some black and pearl white and gold for a white and black again and this will be it and I have my paper towel sprayed already so this is done and then you if you want you can do that lines you don't have to it's all up to you you can experiment with different lines that you do but I like this shape and I normally do that want you just to bring some of this go towards the middle you see but as I said you don't have to you can do it differently if you watched my fluorescent video you'll know that I did it differently so and because I have a lot of air bubbles with this glue mixture I don't have this in when I use my pouring medium I will just torch it a little bit and place down my napkin I love to do it like this half and half because I think that it's easier but again you don't have to you can find your own way it was said a lot of times you have to find your own way if you just watch somebody doesn't mean that if you will do exactly the same that you will get exactly the same result because you will not you just have to play experiment these videos that we make will just help you with some ideas and maybe that you will not have to start with from the beginning like we do to get something to work so I will put a card here see I'm using these little cards where I put my napkin down when I lift it so and when you start lifting your napkin don't put it back down because you will smash your pattern that way if you will put it back down in the process of lifting it just try to whoop Oh try to lift it in one I think that you know what I meant so and as you can see I didn't do quite a good job with this part here I get nice pattern on this side but not as nice on the other side so I will add some black paint here around because it will level out but just to help it that it will be more kind of leveled or something so I can maybe bring a little to even this up and back I can see that I don't have paint here on this edge so I will just add some oops sorry you're out of frame and here is our flower as you can see I will torch it a little bit or the air bubbles because I still have some air bubbles in this and if you don't like the center you can always touch it with your finger some people hate me for that but I just want my middle to look nice that's why sometimes almost every time touch the middle just to create this meter the way that I love to to be and I think that we get a nice flower what do you think just a second oh so I love this lace ink and this gold will be even prettier when it will dry because you know that you can't see gold much on the white painting I love this gold lacing here on the black see the black white whatever it gives this 3d look to this painting focus so tell me what you think do you like it I like it and I think that it will dry nice and this is what I get on my cards and sometimes I paint here around with black or something or just cut some things out that I like see but I will just put you back and I will show you oh sorry guys how the blackened one with gold rice as I said already my camera doesn't have it's not completely dry it's dry all the edges and from approximately here but it's not right in the middle yet so this is the glue one and the shapes stayed quite nice it has this stone looking look but I really really like it because all this petal States really more defined then on the one that I did with my foreign medium maybe I don't know it was just maybe I should try a little thicker mix it's not bad neither it did this is not varnished here this is just dry result you see and it does does it has a different look then with a Clemente mixture but I just want to show you that you can create this you can do this technique and you see it starts reacting a little bit so I don't like this part this Y dot here so I will just bring it to the middle and now it's okay again so you have to check it in about five ten minutes because it will change a little bit because this Perl reacts a little more but still I like it I hope that I tell everything that you need to know to create some beautiful cup bottom water bottom flowers I think that if you follow this and try to get this consistency like I had you have to get this result or similar so thank you again and I hope that I will see some nice results from all of YouTube with this glue mixture now that you know that it works - so this is it for today it was a long one but it it is a tutorial it's not an entertainment video it's tutorial so it has to be long so tell me if you have any questions other than the one that I insert in my video already and see you on the next one bye
Channel: Fiona Art
Views: 192,942
Rating: 4.9362254 out of 5
Keywords: Beginner painting techniques, black and white, black & white, Acrylicpouring, acrylic pouring, fiona art, acrylic painting, acrylic painting ideas, reverse flower dip, bottle bottom pour, bottle bottom painting, bottle bottom pour painting, FionaArt, #WithMe, step by step, acrylic pour painting, acrylic pour painting for beginners, acrylic pour painting techniques, flower painting, acrylics, how to paint, painting tutorial, mixing paint, PVA glue, gold, Vallejo, pearl medium
Id: GwHxK_PQ96s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 10sec (2650 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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