#537 Ghost Pour With Metallic Swipes On Navy Background

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[Music] goodnight guys welcome back I'm going to play with the ghost or again today but maybe change it up a little bit not get so many of the little pointy ends we'll see what happens you know so that was the silver background with the pinks and burgundy and rose gold and that was the very first one the black background with the gold silver and rose gold the metallics and there did blues on a black background with silver and grays and this one this is like a light airy one with the chuckwei's and browns and a little bit of gold so yeah that's there and today I want to do a navy blue background so that's it they're my navy and I've got those out of the way I've got some pearls and silver and some gold so see what those look like I'm hoping that I'm gonna get like a turquoise e color coming through because blue and gold make turquoise yeah blue and yellow I guess make green so get that sort of look happening so no silicon in this today pora medium is blue and water I thought I picked up my 6535 but it actually picked up my 60/40 it was a little bit thinner so I think it's more of it two to one normally I do three to one with the background but because I picked up the thinner forum iam have to sort of go with the thicker one we just took this over the edge it's not running as fast - - and give it a bit of a whack there and back the other way I do this because I like the nice smooth coating I don't want to see you know pellet mark marks on here so once I've covered everything just to give it a bit of a tilt and that way we get a lovely smooth finish let's go over the other side as well so this is a 30 by 60 centimeter canvas 12 by 24 inches need about 300 grams of mixed paint 10 ounces to cover this background cover it adds a background I should say that everything can't see touch up a little bits later on if I need to we just wipe my hands okay they move a torch just to pop some bubbles there we go okay so today I said I don't want them to be hmm pick this up without getting paint all over me all over it I don't want them to be so much as in points I'm going to sort of see if I can bring it maybe a little bit further down and just sort of wisp it down to nothing I'll see how that goes just because that's what I've got in my head doesn't mean that's going to work so the background is my deep space that's really grubby that one isn't it the silver I've got there DecoArt silver the gold is the Descartes gone and then I've got global pearl metallic pearl so those are my colors and I've just popped them in this little these little 30 mil cups one ounce cups not quite sure about the consistency that's what I usually use Descartes so happens that wasn't a very straight line was it haha cinnamon some stripeys down as you can see I'm going to see how we go with that sometimes I like to have stripes and then swipe through and get different colors or other times I just do a little zigzag and pick up different colors so I've got my paint chip cards here sample cards different sizes but I do want to do a bigger one so I'm going to go with the big one then I'm a swipe over some sections with the little one so this is where you can decide what colors you want to pick up whether you want to just pick up the gold or the silver you need to save some color for the other half hang on one tick here are my clicking are organized but in half just make cleanup a little bit easier okay so you can use your card up again and again until it starts getting a little bit bendy then get a fresh one so I don't like what it's happened there so that will go over later so here you can see the Silver's over the top and then over here I'm gonna go with the gold over the top like so and see how I've got that wider it's coming right off just gives a bit of a different look so they could pray bit easier on a bigger canvas you can use the bigger one and maybe not go all the way down but we shall see got like a little bit of curl there oh I've got a double looks like a tooth what teeth that's okay I don't mind that still giving me like little pointy looks and now I'm just going to go over with the smaller one maybe bring the gold over the top of that disorder just a little bit just a little wisp like that and then you can leave some sections if you want to I don't like leaving the curves like that so I will try and break those up a little bit there's a section that you don't like by all means go over it again you can add a little bit more paint let's do to break up this little 4b bit there and turn the card over and use the clean side as well see getting good use now hook your cards okay I like that so I've got some whites and golds and or gold some silver turn it round and do the other side and then I can decide if I want to do any more to that side so you can see how it's still ghosting away into the background there but it's not as pointy I guess as the best technique I was doing so see there's no right or wrong I just like how it speaker there and then it whispers away down to nothing there it's a pretty young thing just put a little bit more silver there and drag that silver across and they're not like some more gold I think so if you start off with just using little bits of paint you can easily add on you know you won't feel bad about adding too much paint then if you haven't put too much on at the beginning as if you start with too much paint then you've got too much on the surface it's a little bit tricky then to try and get rid of it if you do want a little bit of negative space I think so anyway so now I'm just breaking up touch the corner there pop a little bit of pearl there because there's not much watch on this side because I touch that if they don't have to go over again like the white actually haven't got very much white I think I need someone over here as well about here like a little bit of what there like that and we're getting some natural cells up as you can see now this is where I need to just break up that harsh line there I don't like that little right there we're next we're next a little bit more white just in the center just cover that a little blobby bit there okay what do you think do you like that kind of style that was a big match wasn't okay I don't think there's any more I want to do if you little too much you're going to lose all your your negative space so just be careful about that I think this what in the middle it's a bit much because I've done it both sides doesn't look very good whoops it can stay I'm just going to take this bit down there get rid of that that looks better doesn't it I don't like the white going right across I think it's better that way okay now it's and it touch it a little bit it's to help the natural cells come out I do like that the natural cells don't want to put any silicone oil in but do like little interesting things happening here and there so what do you think of that honey need to touch up my edges blue seems a little bit thin it's actually I can see the canvas through on some sections at some just pulling away from the canvas I can go through and touch those up later anyway I'll bring you down for close-up let me know what you think do you like this more blended sort of a look or do you prefer the harsh the more harsh it's not harsh it's just a little bit more harsh I guess more designed I guess with the points and this is a little bit more sort of wispy and whimsical if you like okay I've got just a little hint of the purl coming through which is pretty didn't want too much of it coming through and blue and the gold are turning into a bit of a turquoise which is lovely all right let me get my grubby gloves off take you down for close-up we think about this technique is you don't use a lot of paint you really don't and there's no right or wrong you know I think this is a good sort of a technique for beginners or even if you're inexperienced poorer but you just want a quick and easy painting something that you don't have to worry about over stretching yourselves you know with your cups you don't have to worry about that and then you end up with a really pretty painting that you can hang on your wall looks pretty through the camera up here oh it looks different when you come around and look at it from a different angle and of course it's it's ghosting into the background there and once it dries it'll be really shimmery you can see how it's blending into the background there it just disappears got the brighter colors up there and then down the end there I just just blends away into the background around here or did you see those sparkles look at the sparkles oh it's gonna be really pretty once it dries look at that sparkle that's some natural little cells happening in there and when I started doing these I had a definite like line down the center I'll show you in a minute what I mean but as the pouring has or has as this technique has evolved I've sort of stopped doing that dark line down the center and it's more just sort of blurred more sparkly look at that it's gonna look so pretty once it's dried doesn't a black teeth anymore does it the Navy will dry darker which will be a really nice contrast against the the golden and that little bit of pearl that's just popping and then let me see if I can show you what I mean about the black line let's grab this one okay see see that there are it's in a bad light here okay you can see the line across the center there just put this down that's better see the line the black line across the the middle there and I cuz I had straps on either side and then I swiped across black so it left a definite black line down the center so I've kind of moved away from that into more of a blended look do you like that one better the more blended look so there there it is yeah so really pretty like that one oh there's my little practice one over there I always do a little practice one first that was a little bit thin that was a little bit thin so yeah mummy and baby I always do ten - I'm doing something new or new colors I will always do a little practice one first a bit of card it's no point going straight to a big one you know you waste your time you waste your paint so there it is what do you think I could there's a need more white or is it okay the way it is I think it's just balanced nicely actually there's the gold and the turquoise and navy silver yeah the stuff is still there because I've got a silver right there just a little bit of everything I just to give it a bit of balance so there it is okay I'll leave it at that oh there's another one I want to do a big pour coming up and I'll do with my bedroom in smoky Gray's peach and pink to match my my bedroom back time that's another day so don't forget to Like and subscribe hit the little notification bell and you'll be notified when I've gotten your video up and you can watch that smoky gray one with the pinks and the peaches for my birthday my birthday my bedroom oh dear it's um it's been a long day alright thanks for watching as usual I will see you for the next one bye for now
Channel: Pouring Your Heart Out
Views: 73,699
Rating: 4.9230504 out of 5
Keywords: #ghostpour #swipe #acrylicswipe #acrylicpouring
Id: x8wPLxBSUvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 51sec (1251 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 04 2019
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