37 Y.O Mom With an ANGEL VOICE Leaves Judge In TEARS!

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What's your name, my love Rachel, woody, and how are you Rachel 37? Do you have a day job well at a minute? I'm a mom. I've got a little girl who's 11 months I? before, I Was a singer in musical [theatre], okay? What's the biggest role you play? I did doom will rock you here. Oh wow What did you play scaramouche? Have you got an iTchy leg? It's no, I meant what was what it was going on absolutely nothing happening at all awkward Before I was a mom I used to be a singer performer a musical in 2014 literally did my last show when On my honeymoon i got pregnant on my honeymoon and the rest of history My little girl amy she's 11 months Brilliant so let [me] [sing] give you the crew time she won't say a word like hello Lola and I [gotta] [jet] lunch [are] an amazing check out with My child's the most in my bag one here. I'll be back no don't I forgot. Oh, you should leave me back pocket That's all sorts of me back pocket come to quentin's our [talented] here I want to sing again before [in] the [past] you know I've been cast in a role in place [do] I want to perform with me? This is like asking them not to like you as an actress as you and the person I knew no. I want them to [like] So why you nervous Rachel? [I] know people say this but like having a baby [I'm] the same person, but it has changed. Yeah, why I'm still me, but I'm not More tired, I'm exhausted Okay, with good luck I Picked up [your] [shirt] this morning I don't know why I Don't know why? Mr.. Randall had to say hello I got To cry I got it crying I keep thinking issue me calling but I'm not ready to just give in but I know that I can I just want to congratulate you get something so winning about this such a lovely person [really] took us to the place that he wants to go to a [militant] music. We all felt something You're naturally gregarious charming person, and you made me feel very vulnerable And you [move] to mean it was just wonderful performances gorgeous well done Rachel when you stand there was something which I call the [perfect] silence which means that everyone literally is focused on you This was the most [beautiful] version of the song I've ever heard I just kept on making throughout That you could be seen that songs a kadapa form after [all] variety before this council is before. [I'm] blown away We're going both Great, Joe. I adore you. [yeah] You got four big you [the] [flowers] wait up
Channel: Top Viral Talent
Views: 35,712,901
Rating: 4.834908 out of 5
Keywords: Rachael Wooding, Rachael Wooding audition, Rachael Wooding full audition, Rachael Wooding Britain's Got Talent, Rachael Wooding full audition britain's got talent, britain's got talent singer, britain's got talent emotional singer, britain's got talent singing audition, britain's got talent emotional audition, emotional audition britain's got talent, britain's got talent best auditions, best singer britain's got talent, singer britain's got talent
Id: 1soFgsIdQR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 35sec (455 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 14 2017
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