37 Minutes of YouTube Advice w/ Myron Golden

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I'm going to do at least one video a week for 10 years and see if that does something March 31st 2022 we had 10,500 subscribers now we have 4 146,000 I wouldn't have been able to imagine that my channel could grow this fast but all I did was took something I was already doing and I turned the camera on yes for instance my most popular video is why evil people are rich that video has been up for a little over a year it's got over 3 million views and it's a longer video and it's it's 40 something minutes most people are actually creating content they just don't have a camera on that's it yes your life is your life is content you got to just press record I'm so excited to have myin golden with me and we're going to be talking about how he grew over 400,000 subscribers in under a year at 62 years old yes sir that is incredible it feels kind of incredible it feels surreal but very doable for anyone I think if they'll you know put apply themselves that's I'd like to know I mean you're you're a a businessman an entrepreneur I am uh you are uh you spent time in Ministry you've lived a lot of life and you came to the point at 60 something and said I need to start posting videos on YouTube well I was actually I I was actually posting videos on YouTube sporadically keyword sporadically and I started um 15 years before I actually launched my YouTube channel so I was on YouTube for 15 years before I actually became intentional on YouTube because I didn't know what intentional was in fact interestingly enough Omar I was on YouTube for 14 years I had 6,000 subscribers probably 40 videos before I ever heard of YouTube monetization did not know it existed it's wild how's that for crazy that's a lot of people yeah that's that's like it's like I didn't know was a thing and then I heard Daryl speak at one of Russell's Inner Circle um one of Russell brunson's Inner Circle meetings he started talking about all this how they created the number one crowdfunded film series of all times using YouTube and how they made like the stat that got me though was he said oh and over the last three years we sold $28 Million worth of Swag I'm like time out bro you sold $28 Million worth of hats and t-shirts and sweatshirts and towels there's obviously something I don't know about and I had already built a business does millions of dollars in sales but $28 Million worth of Swag of stuff from a YouTube channel I need to learn whatever this means I think it's important to note that you were you put yourself in the context to learn that I did yeah I put myself in the right place and in fact to be in that room it's a $50,000 year Mastermind which I've been in since 2015 wow right so um but people who pay pay attention attention that's right people who pay the most pay the most attention that's good yeah I learned that from you part and uh so okay so you leave that conference and you're like all right no before I left the conference I went and had a conversation with Daryl I said do you have a coaching program he said yes but it's $15,000 and I said can I write you a check yes people who are 62 store write checks okay yeah so I wrote him a check on the spot okay he started coaching Us in January the following year all right so let's let me in on uh some of the things that they told you about YouTube that you didn't really realize was what would change the game for the videos you start to post so in full disclosure I have a team yeah so they didn't really tell me anything because I didn't go to the coaching calls my team who uploaded the YouTube videos Zach and Lara they went to the calls yeah they told me what Daryl said to do and I did what I was already doing so here's what's really interesting I launched my YouTube channel like what the intentional part in 2020 April of 2022 with a Bible study that I had already been doing consistently every week for nine years I love that but all I did was took something I was already doing and I turned the camera on yes and so instead of doing it in front of a handful of people at the IHOP in Tampa or on Facebook live yeah I turn I turned it into a YouTube live and who know the world started beating a path through my door I love it a Bible study specifically for entrepreneurs to teach them how to build their business based on biblical principles which are the ultimate success principles in my opinion which is how I found you right you know and and I and I love that you know and there's just so much power there that most people are actually creating content they just don't have a camera on that's it yes your life is content your life is content but some people turn the camera on some people want to live an outstanding life but they're unwilling to stand out come on come on that's really good yeah you ain't going to live an outstanding life if you hiding yeah hid's the opposite of standing out so I mean that there is there's a lot there I know to unpack as there a l to unack like you've been communicating to a live group of people for since I was 17 years old since you were 17 years old and yeah that's a long time and I do think there is power in the fact that that you just turned on the camera and went live because there was that live energy right and I think that kind of hacked your channel oh there's no doubt about it because because I'm getting you as a human on YouTube not jump cut not like fancy editing right just right just Del and what's really interesting about that a lot of people well I guess they know now but all of my recorded videos that we post upload are live they're in front of a live audience right right right so I don't record videos in front of a camera this is so good so in other words I'm not creating content I'm turning a camera on and letting my life be content good does that make sense yes so I'm just doing the stuff I was doing anyway now in full disclosure I wasn't doing like two Bible studies a week I was doing one but I decided Well since we already have the camera on and we already have these people here instead of just teaching in one lesson I might as well record a lesson and then teach him a lesson and then later in the week we'll upload the lesson we recorded So and then so we made it very strategic so so believe it or not we post a YouTube video every day at 10 a.m. eastern time but we only spend about 3 or 4 hours twice a week recording it's incredible now the team does spends a lot more time editing and getting stuff ready but but like the amount of time that we take I think we have probably we don't have the largest YouTube channel and the most profitable YouTube channel we probably have the most efficient effective YouTube Channel on YouTube like people say well you got to take two days a month and film all day I'm like oh shoot me now I don't want to do that right right but if I can live my life and do things I was going to do anyway and then turn the camera on and then YouTube is going to send me money and clients um as my granddaughter would say let me think yeah I'm going to do that so you lean into live and I want you to kind of break down your hook strategy cuz you're not you're not pre-filming your hook you're just going into your oh so so okay so let me talk a little bit about that yeah um the first thing I want to do is I want to warn people if anybody tells you there's only one right way to do something avoid that person they're an ideologue okay because there are more than one way there's more than one way to create a successful hook a successful story a successful offer a successful YouTube video a successful thumbnail like because a person found a way that worked for them they think it is the way that works it is not the way that works it is a way that works and there's a very big difference so I'm going to say some things that work for me that won't work for everybody because there are people who have a similar objective who have different zones of Genius does that make sense so before I tell you what my I believe my zone of Genius is let me tell you what my zone of absolute un genius is okay I am not a good reader like if I had to read a script to shoot shoot a video it would be so bad it would be pathetic like people say I script out all my videos if I scripted out a video it would be so woefully awful I wouldn't want to watch it yeah because I read slowly I I'm I'm a prolific reader but my brain moves so fast my brain moves faster than my eyes that's how I like to describe it right yeah so so for me learning my content now I'm gonna I'm going to Define learning learning my content and owning it and make it integrating it and making a part of me making it a part of me is what makes it real and valuable because I'm not reading a script I'm so so there are a couple things that I believe um one is that a prepared messenger is better than a prepared message so I said learning here's what I mean by learning most people make the mistake of thinking that listening to somebody to talk about something is learning or reading about something is learning or watching a video is learning because they think the objective of learning is knowing the objective of learning is not knowing the objective of learning is Mastery and I'm going to Define Mastery as the ability to execute effortlessly without the use of conscious resources in in other words when I tie my shoe I don't have to think about it it's effortless why because I've mastered tying my shoe so what my objective is not to learn a bunch of content for the purpose of teaching it my objective is to learn a bunch of principles for the purpose of living them yes and if I'm living them I don't need to look up anything because I can just talk about the stuff I did today or the stuff I did yesterday the stuff I did last week and it's all going to be good because like I'm teaching you from my life experience not from a notebook or from a script not that there's anything wrong with that because because I read slowly and when I was the kid in school like if you read in front of the class all the kids would laugh at you that was me dang it I figured out if I would memorize the stuff instead of having to read it then I didn't have to go back and so so my focus is on retention and on act internalizing for the purpose of integrating and then when I integrate it and it does something I take notes on that reaction to my action sure and now I know it works right so now it becomes a part of me and I don't have to look for for because my reticular activation system when I'm teaching on a subject it will remind me of so many of the other principles I've learned in that same Lane that my content becomes content for my content does that make sense deep makes makes sense at a very deep level and see when you say that I think it doesn't but it doesn't feel deep it just feels to me it feels obvious but that's the thing about your zone of Genius right yes what what's simple effortless easy to you because you've mastered it to other people looks like juggling bowling balls on fire right but you making it simple you say you told you've said this and I I wrote it down is that Simplicity is is profund profund yes the Simplicity I don't remember who said this I didn't come up with it but it's a great quote Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication so good truth is always simple it's lies that are complicated and so if you will Master see um what did Bruce Lee say I am not afraid of the man who knows 10,000 kicks I'm afraid of the man who's mastered one kick and practiced at 10,000 times what great see that's what I mean when you can when you can execute your PR the principles that you believe in effortlessly without the use of conscious resources then you've mastered it then you've learned it if you have not mastered it you have not learned it you've learned about it don't make the mistake of thinking that learning about or learning of or learning from is the same as learning because it's not good if you got to go look it up it's because you didn't learn it anyway in my opinion no it's fire but so I would pull the principle out of your hooks is that you you the way you deliver it is in a way so that people don't click off and that's the goal the goal is I can tell you about that too yeah so like you want you want you know at least 70% retention at around 30 at 30 seconds and so you take that like hard Rail and the way you approaches that that's second base basis how do I get them to click in the first place now you got to understand there are people who spend $15,000 on a thumbnail I don't spend $15 on a Thum that I'm not saying they're wrong and I'm right I'm just saying we're different right depends on what your objective is like because I am a person from my audience I know what's appealing to my audience because I am he does that make sense and so so I know a couple of things about human nature I don't want to I I don't want to you know that you were your audience that I and I still am my audience you your a I'm my audience I'm an entrepreneur yeah who loves learning about business and I love learning about the Bible so I teach content I would have wanted somebody to teach me before I knew it it's great right so it's not there's no rocket science involved like the principles that I've learned that have helped me build a multiple eight figure business right are the principles I teach because they're the principles I know work because I use them and I teach them to my students and they integrate it and it works for them as well so like I'm not I don't teach any Theory yeah like all of this whole idea of listening to somebody else's content reading somebody else's book watching somebody else's Channel and then copying your content from attempting to duplicate them you're a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy and if that person didn't do their research you're a copy of a cliche who's a copy of a cliche who's a copy of a cliche who's a copy of a cliche which is why people lean in for a little while and then they abandon you forever right that's not what I desire My Life to be about so so before my objective is to get them to stick more than 75% of the audience for 30 seconds my objective is to get them to click and after I get them to click then I want to get them to stick right okay the first question is how do I get them to click how do you get them click so I believe for the purpose of our thumbnails I want them to have some of these elements I my objective for our thumbnails is to have some of these components I'm going to name the thumbnail has to have either contrast conflict controversy confusion and curiosity either all five of those or any two of those five at least two of those five every thumbnail title now there and and so here's what's the interesting thing about principles principles are rinsable and repeatable they're discoverable right they are repeatable they they are reliable so if I've got a principle okay if I know this will work how can I how can I repeatedly uh create a thumbnail that's going to have curiosity conflict controversy um confusion and all and and conf and contrast how can I do that well one of the one of the simple this is so simple when you create your thumbnail make a statement with a question word now what does that see here's what's cool about that a third grader could understand it right make a statement with a question word what does that mean it means why this is that and this and that are opposing each other whatever this and that are for instance my most popular video is why evil people are rich now here's what there's so many things people have to do so many mental gymnastics that video has been up for a little over a year it's got over 3 million views now 3 million views for a lot of channels not a lot of views but for a channel that has 400,000 subscribers 3 million views is a lot so and it's a longer video and it's it's 40 something minutes yeah right so so so why evil people are rich why do people click on that here's why they click because when I say why evil people are rich they have to ask themselves at least one question yes they but it could be more they could ask themselves why are evil people Rich so I didn't open the loop I created an environment that caused them to open the loop so they can say why are evil people Rich they can say are evil people Rich they could say who are are evil people they could say what is Rich so now I've got this person because of my thumbnail title having a conversation with themselves about my video I'm not asking them the question I'm getting them see if I ask you a question you can ignore me but if you ask you a question you can't ignore you you have to find the answer so what I'm doing is I'm creating an environment on my thumbnails that causes people to engage and start having a conversation with themselves in the form of a question that if they don't find an answer to it it's going to drive them crazy dude brilliant the way you put it the the five C's that should lead to somebody having a conversation with themselves themselves so that's just one element I just love I love that and then if you got two houses right beside each other you don't want to make them look exactly alike right MH so I would recommend that you never make your video title and your thumbnail title the same because you created confusion contrast controversy conflict and curiosity in your thumbnail title whatever the video title is should provide a some level of clarification mhm for the thumbnail title but not complete clarification yeah now with the the thumbnail makes them ask themselves the question the thumbnail title but the video title makes them feel like they're going to find the answer so good does that make sense yeah so good I know and I love that you're able to just articulate this as you know a a little over a year's time of you just going all we have obsessed my team and I have obsessed over why are people watching this video what like so a lot of people will start a YouTube channel their objective is to make money my objective wasn't to make money I was already making money yeah like before I started being intentional on YouTube we were already making $6 million a year like I don't have anything I want to buy that I can't buy I don't need any more money yeah I I mean I'll take more because the game is fun but I don't need any more money so I didn't start the YouTube channel to make money I didn't become intentional on YouTube to make money I didn't even do it to build a big audience yeah I did it because it looked like an environment that would be worth getting good in so our whole objective even now our whole objective we have 446 th000 subscribers April this is today is the 4th of October 2023 March 31st 2022 we had 10,500 subscribers now we have 446 th000 so our Channel's grown by 435,000 43 436,000 subscribers since April of last year wow okay without us burning ourselves out or like being like being insane over it we're but the but my objective wasn't to grow I didn't have I wouldn't have been able to imagine that my channel could grow this fast so it wasn't like that was I have this goal by this time I want to I don't I don't even do that to myself but that's a different conversation you said that I want to be good I want to get good at this I'm going to give it 10 years yeah I'm going to do at least one video a week for 10 years and see if that does something yeah and and most importantly will I in 10 years can I get good at this yeah now here's Tony Robbins says that most people overestimate what they can accomplish in a year and underestimate what they can accomplish in 10 years yeah I believe most people Short Circuit the themselves through goal setting by having an outcome goal that they cannot control all the variables of so they can't make the outcome goal happen and when it doesn't happen they become disillusioned and disappointed I don't have I don't set goals I have I have activity objectives yeah I can control whether or not I do a video or a video a week release a video a week but now we release a video every day when we started we weren't doing that but we figured out a system where we can do two long forms a week we were doing three but we found out we got way more views way more engagement when we only did two because if you create too many videos during the week what happens is the subsequent videos cannibalize the views of the previous videos yes right so we do two long forms a week one live one recorded and then we do shorts on the other days and it's just it's good that's enough content for us to get good at what we're doing because I'm going to be honest with you I don't think we're good at YouTube yet I think we're getting better I think we're better at it than we were yeah we're not good at it yet but I know that with within the next 8 and 1 half years There's Hope no 100 no and I would say the what I would say as somebody who just pays attention to a lot of you know people who come up and like build their audience fairly fast is is that you leaned into only what you could do right and I'm not copying anybody because my secret sauce is being myON golden your secret sauce is being Omar like the person watching this video they the secret sauce that is the thing that would make their YouTube channel work is the thing they don't like about themselves right I used now I make fun of this on my channel right my name I've got six brothers they all have normal names Jeff Mike Rob Dwayne Dereck and Mark and my name's myON and and so and so I hated my name when I was growing up I used to tell my mom when I was a kid when I turn 18 I'm changing my name I cannot believe that when you came to me the only thing you could think of was myON I hated it that much dang right I was 12 years old my dad introduced me to one of his friends and he said Son tell Mary your name and I started crying 12 years old CU I hated my name so much and I was an introvert and didn't like talking to people see all of the lies I'm talking to the people who are watching me right now all of the lies that you believe about yourself which is what I call your identity right that's all of the things that people your whole life told you that you are not the buying into your identity is the thing that's keeping you stuck so or attempting to create a light a my dentity to overcome the liid dentity what's a myentity my identity is another fake identity that you created to prove to the people who gave you the identity that you're more than they thought you were you can't step into the greatness that you were created for until you own your identity which can only come from the ultimate identity which is the I am that I am right so God when he told Moses his name he just said I am I am what I am that I am and so until you own the identity God gave you you basically your identity L you're literally like a person in a foreign country with no passport so anyway that's really good that was a rant people thought they were going to get some YouTube little you know tactics and like they're just getting their life changed right now but YouTube will change your life well YouTube yeah YouTube can be a catalyst that contributes to life change yes you know what'll change your life what'll change the people's lives watching what will change my life your life when we become more aware of the fact that nothing's missing everybody watching you right now to ask me these questions you me everybody in this conference the thing that's mindblowing is you were put here to do something that nobody who's ever lived in the history of the world can do so nothing's missing step into who you are and the calling of your assignment and look for people to serve and I'm telling you doors will open for you that you cannot even begin to imagine dud so good if you're looking to get your first th000 subscribers or make your first $1,000 on YouTube then join our free YouTube challenge that many other small creators have joined and seen tons of success during this free challenge Sean is going to share some of the best strategies for growing to your first 1,000 subscribers on YouTube as well as making your first $1,000 just go to tube1 challenge.com or check the link down in the description let's transition this conversation in more what we were talking about downstairs okay um and that is you are we are at vidsummit and you're looking at everybody here and you're like it's crazy to see the what's in their eyes and what they're going after and it's kind of we you see it as like almost the wrong thing uh a little bit and that is this naiveness that I was talking to you that I have this naiveness to go out make videos on the internet uh put yourself out there but you see this as a huge business opportunity well it's it's it's a huge business opportunity for people who don't have a YouTube channel it's a huge business opportunity for people who do have a YouTube channel it's a huge business opportunity for people who have a business and don't have a YouTube channel so what's really interesting and I'm going to talk about this in my presentation today here at vidsummit like in order to build a successful business you need to get good at sales yes you need to get good at marketing and they're not the same thing and you need to get good at Brand building so I'm going to define those three things I believe that selling is uncovering the value you have so well that people are happy to exchange the money they have in their pocket for the value you've revealed so selling is not talking people into buying something they don't want don't need and can't afford right selling is making something available to people that they've been looking for anyway and you just uncover I've got this thing you value and when they value your transformation the transformation of your product your service your opportunity when they value that more than they value the money then the money is it's easy to pay the money right right um marketing is in my opinion these are mying golden definitions you're not going to find these in a dictionary anywhere so in case somebody's watching right now you I want youall to know right this is my I created these definitions because I didn't like the definitions that existed sure okay so that I'm just being transparent so marketing is the Art and Science of discovering and developing in other people a desire for more and more of your product your service or your opportunity now notice I said the Art and Science it's both Art and Science art is the feeling science is the measurability of it of discovering marketing is not about disseminating putting out information marketing is about gathering information if you don't gather information before you put out information the information you put out is always going to be a mismatch so good right so that's that's marketing what is brand building when you build a brand a brand is a name that reminds you of a story a premium brand is a name that reminds you of a story that you'd be willing to pay a lot of money to see yourself in you want to see yourself in that story why because you know if you're in that story it'll elevate your brand your name Equity right why do people drive Rolls-Royce because rollsroyce is somebody's name and what that their name represents is the ultimate luxury Driving Experience why does somebody drive Mercedes they drive it because it's the ultimate luxury performance experience in driving right why does somebody wear Louis Vuitton my daughter I shouldn't say this but I'm going to say it my daughter got me a a Louis Vuitton belt yeah and she knows I'm geeky so when I saw it I didn't know it was a Louis Vuitton belt I literally thought it was a belt with a Roman numeral on I thought that's cool a belt with a Roman numeral anyway so so but why do people wear like premium Brands because if I wear a premium brand I'm telling the world that I believe I'm a premium person people will spend money to prove to themselves and others that they are worth it good so the question for businesses becomes how can I position my name my brand as a brand that if if you spend money with my brand it's going to elevate your brand equity and you have to do that in a story that's so compelling that people are like well of course I would pay this person this money here's why here's what's really cool most businesses turn their offer into a commodity by looking at what somebody else sells theirs for if they do something remotely similar and they charge the same amount I don't do that do you know why because it doesn't matter what anybody else charges if you are the best no one expects you to be the cheapest and if you are the cheapest no one will believe you are the best so one of the reasons I have a million dollar offer and I have a $350,000 offer and I have $55,000 offer and a $27,000 offer and a $25,000 the reason I have those levels of offers is because my desire is for people to know that if you engage with me number one it's not going to be cheap it's not going to be easy it's just going to be worth it yeah but here's my promise to anybody that I work with this is my Covenant between me and me me and God and me and anybody I work with if I don't believe with every fiber of my being that I can assist you in 10 Xing whatever you paid me I'm not going to sell it to you and 10x is low mhm how can you but how can you say that for instance my Vip Day for instance is $350,000 we have a guy who did a VIP Day last year his name is Marvin two weeks after he did his VIP day two weeks he had a $7 million day $7 million in Revenue in a day he had never generated $7 million in a day in Revenue in his life before that right um there's a lady another lady who was in our VIP Day program she bought a VIP Day within a couple of months she had an $1 million day now that's not everybody yeah and I'm not saying that if somebody does a VIP day with me they're going to make that but I believe if they are coachable and they make themselves available it will be virtually impossible for them not to generate at least $3.5 million how can you say that because it's math and human psychology yeah neither one of those things change no it's so good but so I feel like people young people or even you know older people that are going prob us that word old around old people no I'm just kidding wise people because you could be old and dumb that that that the only thing worse than being old and dumb is being old and dumb and ugly old and dumb and ugly and sick wow oh it's getting worse let's go so but people approach to YouTube sometimes they don't see that it it is a business opportunity because they they see it as like oh I want to I want to create a and maybe they don't know this but it's a media company where you're you're going to make your money on brandals and sponsorships which a lot of entertainment type of channels are going that route that's a lot of type of speakers at the this event um but like and it's so cool that you would say these things because what un what lies underneath your channel has been why it's been so financially rewarding right so what would you tell somebody going into it like you're watching this video you're listening to this podcast and you're like man I want I know I need to be on YouTube I know I need to start creating content right uh but I see I see it like the Mr Beast route well if that's if if if you are like a Mr Beast you've been editing videos since you were 13 and you obsess over the quality of the videos and you love doing entertaining things that are also engaging go that route here's what I'm going to say don't copy anybody it's good like you you can learn things from everybody but don't copy anybody good friend of mine told me a long time ago he said Mar I'm going to tell you something he's a southern Pastor from Savannah Georgia he said Mar his name's Kenny Grant Kenny said Marin I'm GNA tell you something I said what's that Kenny he said don't ever try to be somebody else cuz if you do nobody's there I said what do you mean nobody's there he said well the person you trying to be ain't there and you ain't there so nobody's there I was like oo that's so good be yourself the only person you can be is you and if you ref refuse to be that then who's going to take your place cuz nobody can yeah right so don't don't try to be Mr be Mr Beast method worked for him because he is Mr Beast if I tried to do that it would it'd be worse than a flat it'd be flatter than a pancake but if he attempted to do what I do he'd be flatter than a pancake so be yourself and let that lead where it leads here's the here's the cool thing I even though I've been on YouTube since 2007 I don't feel like I've been a YouTube like I haven't been intentionally on YouTube but for more than a year and a half and because of that I'm still on the learning curve man there's so many people here who know so much more than me and I'm cool with that I'm G to learn as much as I possibly can which is why I came last year and I also came this year but I'm not going to let what I learn turn me into some cause me to attempt to be somebody that I can't be great I'm just going to hopefully let it make me a better version of myself yes does that make sense so good I just love that that the theme throughout this conversation is truly just lean into lean into Who You Are who God made you to be and let that do what it does and let that do what only that can do yes it's really interesting I tell my clients you know people say but Maran all I know how to do is cook you can't make any money doing that well tell that to Rachel Ray she's a millionaire she cooked and turned the camera on I'm just a I'm just a housewife all I do is I'm a homemaker and you can't make any money doing that tell that to Martha Stewart she's a billionaire with a be she turned the camera on so good I'm just curious and I just ask a lot of questions you can't make any money asking a lot of questions really tell that to oer Winfrey billionaire with a B not only she a billionaire with a B she owns the letter of the alphabet she owns the O right Oprah owns the O now Omar you're going to have to go and see if you can like like I don't know maybe you can maybe you can somehow figure out a way to get your channel big enough to buy it from her right no but but Oprah owns the letter of the alphabit why she's curious she asked famous people questions in front of their audience and migrated Their audience to her that's a that's like that's a play that's a play yeah run the play okay I would it's just kind of a challenging question okay I'm being myself yes I'm making YouTube videos it's been three months so I'm getting no traction okay but what are you learning so if so if you're the traction three months here's what the traction I would recommend look for how have your videos gotten better or worse in 3 months and by Better or Worse how have they gotten better or worse at serving people a transformation they desire see most people here's the problem yeah I love this go here's the problem go if you do a business if you start a business for yourself if you start a YouTube channel for yourself if you build a this is the food I kind I love so I'm going to make a restaurant for good right I'm going to write a book because I want people to know I want to write a book about my story nobody cares about your story nobody cares about my story build your business your YouTube channel everything you do let it be at the service of other people so because greatness real greatness is not in notoriety it's not in Fame it's not in Fortune it's not in experiences the real greatness is in doing something for somebody other than yourself even when and sometimes especially when you know they can't do anything for you it sounds so hard to believe you you know you know what my favorite comment on my YouTube channel is I can't believe this guy is teaching us all this stuff for free exactly that's the point that's the point I love it and it's it's the Jesus model that when somebody came to Jesus with their need he didn't say your sins are forgiven he said he he he he fixed the need that he always fixed the problem they knew they need had before he fixed the problem he knew they had because if you fix the problem they know they have they'll be willing to listen to everything else you say yeah which is why I mean like our YouTube channel gave us the ability to sell out an event in June you were there yeah 600 people in 2 and 1/2 Weeks sold out when the time time the event started we didn't start promoting till 8 weeks out by the time the event started we had a waiting list of 270 people for this event and guess what at that event we did almost $8 million in Revenue because and the majority of that audience cuz I asked how many you heard of me from YouTube two-thirds of the audience heard of us from YouTube yeah show up for the people don't worry about what you're going to get the farmer doesn't have to make the seed turn into a harvest he just has to sew the seed and cultivate the seed and protect the seed and water the seed and let the seed do what only the seed can do so good I want to let people know about your monthly challenges if if you want to learn about how myin really thinks and you know the way he teaches business he has what is called the make more offers challenge make more offers challenge watch and listen to his content it is so helpful it is refreshing and uh and just follow every everything he's doing it's different you know why it's different because it's me and I'm Different yes lean into your differentness into your just I appreciate you thank you so much appreciate you brother thank you the goat myin golden
Channel: Think Media
Views: 45,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: myron golden, youtube advice, youtube tips 2023, youtube advice for beginners, how to grow on youtube in 2023, how to grow your youtube channel, how to grow a youtube channel, how to grow on youtube, think media, how to grow youtube channel, how to grow on youtube 2023, youtube strategy 2023, how to grow your youtube channel 2023, how to grow a successful youtube channel, youtube growth tips, youtube growth strategy 2023, how to get views on youtube, omar el takrori
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 3sec (2223 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 18 2023
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