361 RSW Dremel Vs Proxxon The Battle Begins

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[Music] hello friends Jerry Rosa here in the rosa string Works workshop this video is a tool comparison there is no actual work done in this video it's just information for you in case you're out to purchase a good handheld router either a dremel or aprox on and that's the two I'm comparing and I'll be comparing a high end dremel with a hot with their top-of-the-line procs own tool before we get started into this review I just want to say that I did buy both of these tools with my own money there is no sponsorship involved here whatsoever I get no kickback whatsoever in a recent video I was routing the binding slot for a guitar and the bit slipped now I have to take blame for that I guess I thought my drill chuck would have been tight enough to hold the drill bit but apparently it wasn't I had a drill chuck in on the end of the dremel rather than a collet Chuck collet Chuck's are much stronger apparently and I you know probably knew that anyway but thought that the drill chuck tightened down with the pliers would have been good enough apparently it wasn't so it slipped well that was my fault that wasn't the tools fault but it sparked a bunch of comments and then I say bunch I'm talking about probably only like three that were serious comments that said get rid of that Dremel and get yourself a proc son you need a professional tool not that hobbyist tool I thought you know what I've been one the second one anyway the reason I want two of them is I can leave one set up is with our base on it and I can have the other one to hold in my hand okay so that way you know I don't have to switch back and forth all the time and I can kind of like leave one set up for binding work and you know that kind of thing and for typical routing of peg heads and inlay work and things like that so it just it would save a lot of time well I looked at the proxxon online because I've never really seen water used one I watched some tool reviews and of course I watched the tool review by Crimson guitar and the fella there did a good job reviewing it I think he was an honest reviewer I think everything he said was true but I'm here to tell you right now you're gonna see a hundred and eighty degree difference in our reviews and the reason is it's not because I think he did anything wrong it's just because we're comparing different tools the Dremel I have is the professional model Dremel and the Dremel he had I would say was probably a hobbit hobbyist level dremel tool the one I have is a dremel 4000 now it's really old and I haven't looked online this I have no need to look online you understand to see what their current models are I'm talking about the Dremel I have and the people calling it a hobbyist tool so I am just comparing what I have with the professional props on period I've got I've got no dog in this fight if you will you know I needed the second tool I was gonna buy a second tool anyway so I bought the proximate on you know reviews I saw I'm not disappointed with buying the procs on or anything like that but I do want to shed a different light on you know the experience here so that everybody can see it I think in a more open fair light and we're going to compare facts not just opinions as a matter of fact I don't think really any of this is opinion I think it's just black and white fat so that way if you decide to buy something like this you'll be better informed first of all the Dremel I have is it is called a dremel 4000 now I haven't looked online I don't know if they even still sell this tool this is probably 15 years old I use it a lot if you've watched very many of the videos that I've put out you've seen this tool in a fairly high percentage of those videos I use it a lot it's there's rarely a day goes by in this shop that I don't use this tool now keep in mind it's at least 15 years old and I still use it just about every day so it's been a very good tool very dependable tool I have nothing bad to say about this tool whatsoever on the other hand I just bought this tool this procs on and as you can see it's got their name there the procs on and there's the specs that I'll put on camera there that you can see now let's just digress for just a second and set some level playing field here so that everybody knows what we're talking about first of all this comparison is for corded tools only just talking about these specific tools right here secondly any time you're buying a corded power tool though meaning that you plug it into the wall there's at least one thing you should pay attention to and that is the amperage rating if you were going to buy one of those kinds of circular saws that you operate by hand that plugs into the wall and let's say everything is equal the thing to look at is the amperage rating if the price is roughly the same or even slightly higher for the one with the higher amperage by the one with the higher amperage in other words if this one says it's 125 dollars and it's nine amps this one's a hundred and thirty five dollars but it's 11 amps you will be happy if you buy the 11 amp saw there's a significant difference in power when you buy a higher amperage rating that's a very significant factor when you're buying a power tool that plugs into the wall pay attention to the amperage rating all things being equal always by the one with the higher amperage and you'll thank me later okay now having said that and set that as a standard let's compare the amperage ratings on these two tools okay the average rating on this Dremel and I'll hold it up where you can see it is 1.6 amps hopefully the camera will focus on that but if you look at the top line there it says 1.6 amps okay that's pretty good for a tiny tool 1.6 amps the amperage rating on the procs on if you look right there you can see it is only point nine amps so that's seven tenths or three quarters of an amp less that's fairly significant when you're talking low amperage this I guarantee you has less power than this just flat guaranteed now this tools much newer you know they make advancements all the time you know you can argue all day long but I'm telling you amperages where it's at when it comes to power tools one of the factors that the fellow from Crimson guitar talked about was the noise level no question about it this one's much louder this one's much quieter but I suspect part of that is the power but I can tell you a huge amount of it is the RPMs this one goes up to 20,000 rpms not bad not shabby but this one goes up to 30,000 rpms significantly different okay so let's plug them both in and let's listen to the sound and see what the difference is I'm going to start them both off at their lowest rating at 5,000 rpms both of them have a 5,000 rpm minimum speed so let's turn on the procs on you can see that this is a very quiet machine very quiet that's 5,000 now we'll turn on the dribble at 5,000 significantly louder no question about it you can't even hear this one beside this one there's no question so the procs on definitely wins on volume now let's turn them on and let's go up to there they're 20,000 rpms and a look can turn this one up to 20,000 as well there's 5,000 and there we're increasing it up there's about 10,000 there's 20,000 still very quiet in my opinion alright here's the five thousand on the Dremel [Music] now there's the $40,000 Dremel much louder no question about it I'll purchase one on again you can barely hear this one compared to this one no question about it what that's just 40,000 look walk to 30 [Music] you know there's a significant difference in speed this one can really get going and and sometimes I think that's very valuable you know especially when you're doing very detailed work I like to have that speed up there very fast cuts a cleaner deal you know you know sometimes you can't use that high speed but you can always turn it down okay so what have we learned this one's definitely quieter this one has much more rpms this one has much more power in my opinion because of the ampere now let's talk about the aesthetics this one looks nice I think this one looks nice too I don't think there's a much difference in the looks how about the feel well I got to tell you something in my opinion this one Falls very short on the field now as a router base no problem but if you're going to hold this in your hand I got to tell you this thing is slicker than snot on a doorknob it wants to slide right out of your hand it's there's a taper to it you can see the taper and it just the tighter you squeeze it and the sand as slick as it is the more it wants to slide back out of your hand it's just not that great now if you hold it up here sure but I like to hold them down here like this like a pencil because I'm down here doing detail work I'm not back here trying to do detail but that just doesn't work you know you if you're gonna write with a pencil you don't hold it at the eraser you know so you want to hold it down here and do you know your detail work this thing is not user-friendly in my opinion at all in that regard in fact I'll never use it that way I'll never use it that way it just isn't it's you talking about apples and oranges this is an onion and this is an apple this one on the other hand it is got a grip a sure grip and it's rubberized you can't drop this you couldn't pull this out of your hand you it's just made to hold and do detail work period no question about it this one I'd give this one a 10 on that regard I'd give this one a 1 and it's that significantly different in my opinion speaking of the casing and everything people say well this is metal you know look much better well okay so it is it's metal but it's slick this one is not just a cheap plastic this is a rubberized you know coated plastic very stout very heavy in fact I'm pretty positive and I you know I'm just going by this I'm pretty positive this one weighs more than this one if this one feels more Skookum as a V II would say then this one does let's get the scale out and weigh them I have not weighed them before so I have no idea we're gonna weigh these in grams because it's a little more precise that one weighs 602 grams this one weighs 498 grams significantly different now you might say lighter is better well you know I can't hardly argue that I would preferred be lighter I guess but you can tell you got something in your hand when you're holding on to this I mean it definitely has some power it definitely has a feel it's got some torque when you turn it on you can actually feel it you know turn on and twist actually I wanted to compare one more part of these just I think it's a fair comparison and that is the way you tighten the tool down I'm not crazy about this but I guess it could grow on me this is you know like if you have a big circle on here you can't get this on so it's made where it slides over the shaft of the tool then it drops down onto the spindle you push this button here to hold the shaft and then you turn it by hand now there's not very much leverage there but there's enough and I'm assuming that that's all the leverage they want you to use you know it's just what you have in your fingers and the size of this it tightens down real tight don't get me wrong but if it just seems weird you know I mean it's just a weird feeling thing rather than having an actual wrench that you could torque down the dremel does the exact same thing but it has wrench now maybe I'm just used to this because like I said I've been doing this for 15 years and so you would do the exact same thing you push the same same kind of button and then you have your wrench to torque it down but you can torque down pretty good with that wrench and I feel real secure with that I'm not sure how I feel about this yet but it feels like it gets really tight so I'm assuming this is fine for the sake of comparison to I told you that I like this one much better and I will always use this one for my detailed hand routing okay a lot of people have said you shouldn't be using that you should be using a flexible shaft deal with the small handle and I don't like those I've got two of them I converted one to work on my metal lathe believe it or not to troupe the jaws on my metal lathe and the other one I wore out actually it just doesn't really work very well anymore they get hot in your hand I don't like them I just don't like them I don't like that stiff cable it doesn't you know you think well that's gonna be real fun it's not that flexible I don't care for it I have giant hands it's really big fingers this just feels like a pencil in my hand and there's no there's nothing in my way yeah you got your cord but that cord is so flexible you don't even feel it so I hope you see that all those things I'm talking about are facts now granted this slick feel and the feel of it you could call that opinion if you want but just grab ahold of it and grab a hole this one and you'll know what I'm telling you is the is a black and white fact other than that one incident this thing pretty much how it shines this thing in every regard except sound this is much quieter no question about that part at all having said all that am I happy I purchased this yeah I am happy I purchased this and the reason is I needed a second tool I like the router base that comes with this at least I think I do haven't used it much yet but I got to tell you there was some issues with it too so I'm gonna point those out right now keep in mind this is a very flat Formica table I even scraped it with her with a razor blade to make sure there was no glue or any residue on this and said it was good and flat and out of the box this thing rocked significantly when I when I did this it just rocked and it still rocks a little bit so what I did was I took some 220 sandpaper and I just did this and you can see you may not be able to see it but you can see it coming off high here in the center and you know it just you want this thing's class you know if you're doing super detailed routing like I do there's no room for anything Rocking so after I did that it sets much flatter and even that helped it some more right there so it's setting much much flatter then it was very sharp to the touch all the way around around here too I mean it's almost sharp enough you could cut yourself so I took a very small half round needle file and knocked off the bird the whole thing also the reason I did that wasn't so much for the feel it's because I'm putting this on a peg head of a guitar and I'll be sliding it around and I don't want it to scratch up anything so now it's much better but I gotta tell you I'm still a little shy about doing it because it's still metal and metals good but metal scratches so I'm tempted to put a plastic coating on this and I don't know how I'll do that yet might even just be tape I don't know but it's something I may have to do something with that bottom you can hear it hear you know and and that's good think of that rubbing on your peg head of your guitar that's not a good thing conversely I made this plastic base for the this is the spume AK base for this Dremel I there's things I like about this and things I don't like about this but this is you know and it makes noise going around too but that plastic is so much slicker there's less friction this doesn't scratch anything for sure because it's plastic so I may you know try to do something for that later but to be honest this is such a complicated bass it would be difficult to replicate it and make a better one so I may have to live with it and maybe just put some kind of a coating on the bottom of it I'm not sure if someone has a good suggestion for that I'd like to hear it so I spent all yesterday afternoon making this attachment for this base I machined it on my milling machine and this base uses the technology that they have designed into this base and that is these two rods slide back and forth through here and I'm even made the rods and then they slide through and you can this little guide here will go against the guitar and then what's left over is the binding slot right there so you can slide this right over the bit and I still have enough room there I could probably slide it that way I could probably route almost a well about a 3/8 inch wide binding in 3/8 would be pretty wide so this should work pretty well for me and it gets this very close to the bit which is critical especially if you're on any kind of angle at all the base is kind of small in this area so that's the only negative it would be nice if I could extend this base out to be just a little bit bigger but I don't know how I could do that very very easily with the technology they have here you can slide this in and out and then just tighten these set screws and then that makes a very accurate you know guide for routing the binding slot on the side of a guitar or the peghead or wherever you're working so I did spend a lot of time making that but I feel like this is a superior setup to what I've been doing with this which basically I just clamped something similar on here I just take two C clamps and clamp it on here like so and that works but it's much harder to adjust it's prone to slippage possibly you know I haven't had much problem with it slipping or anything but it's just difficult to adjust this is much easier to adjust and much more accurate I think so I'm very happy I bought the procs on from that standpoint all I've done with it so far is tested using this and it works pretty well I do notice there's a difference in power this is definitely not as powerful as this so to those folks who said this was a hobby tool sorry you don't know what you're talking about I hope you got something out of this I hope you feel like it was a fair comparison and maybe it'll help you decide what to buy definitely always look at the amperage rating when you're buying a plug-in type power tool you'll be happy you did thanks for watching [Music] [Music]
Channel: Rosa String Works
Views: 33,521
Rating: 4.8142152 out of 5
Keywords: Rosa String Works, instrument repair, Jerry Rosa, setup, guitar, mandolin, fiddle, violin, luthier, Martin, Gibson, Taylor, Alvarez, Kay, Bluegrass, music, hand carved, top crack, fret job, fretboard, handmade, Dremel tool, Proxxon, router comparison, 4000, router base, plunge router, tool comparison
Id: uhcH2DATU2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 34sec (1354 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 28 2020
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