How to Wood Carve/Power Carve Designs With a Dremel

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hey friends welcome back in today's video I am going to show you how to power carve with a dremel tool now the techniques I'm gonna show you in this video are detrimental and you need to know them if you're going to be wood carving so invite you guys to come along and learn with me welcome back friends if you are new here do me a favor do yourself a favor hit a hippie subscribe not that vein up Rollins hit the subscribe button in the bail notification icon beside it that way you will be notified for new uploads so in today's video I am going to be teaching you how to carve a Celtic heart now this is what's so great about this as you begin to carve these Celtic patterns you are going to be learning so much about depth and how depth works and all this crazy stuff this technique alone is what really got me into power carving so I'm really excited to share this with you today now the tool we are using is the dremel stylo you may have seen this on other videos this is one of my favorite rotary tools right here one nice thing about this is the ergonomic design this will allow me to get in some top places and if you look right here the power buttons on this right here you turn it on that way and five is a high speed settings and as you lower it it just gets lower and as long as you keep your demands are reasonable it's gonna work great the burr I'm gonna be using is this inverted cone head diamond bur right here this is nice because it just gets nice straight lines now the wood that we will be using is basswood it's this little basswood box now if you guys follow me you know I'm a huge fan of this they make fantastic gifts you don't have to go buy a large slab of wood and put a random design on it I'm gonna take this I'm gonna put this design on this carve it and have a gift box and give it to somebody or sell them whatever yet yes people do buy these full gift boxes now there are a lot of ways to stencil but what I will be using is this carbon paper transfer right here and I know there are different methods so many people will give me a hard time over this because I'm old-school but this is a method I like doing before we stencil this image to our piece of wood right here I want to share an awesome trick with you guys just save so much time this is the image we're carving I downloaded this right to my phone on the find the image you on the car okay no need for a computer after you download the image go to this app right here you can download this called print to size you see it I'm gonna click on it this is what comes up I'm going to hit plus all photos select our photo and guess what here is the great thing about this app we can resize it to the whatever dimensions that we want we don't want to get our image too big or it won't fit on the box I'll take it down to right about here and that should work now we're going to hit print now if you have your printer set up in this air printer which means it's a waffle printer we can take it and just hit print and guess what we just printed this okay now we have our image to transfer let's cut this out [Music] I'm gonna take the stencil and when you get this on nice and straight now we're gonna add some tape I think this is gonna be alright okay now we are simply going to take a pin and draw along the edges and just trace everything out you see the intersection of the knots right here we gotta see which one is going under and which one is going over don't confuse the two we want to make sure everything is overlapping correctly you guys ready there we go that's looking good but one thing we need to do right here is straighten up our edges I can't stress this enough what if we slip and we go over here well that's why we want thick edges so we're just going to go along here and try to even everything out the best we can okay we thickened our edges up everything is looking good here before we start carving we have to take the appropriate safety measures I have a dust mask I got from Amazon right here I'll post a link below so anyway I put this on here I like this compared to traditional dust masks if I can get it on the camera because hold on because it's comfortable it just fits right along there along the back the next thing we need is some glasses now not just any glasses but fog proof glasses let me show you what happens when you use traditional glasses because as you breathe the air is coming from underneath here and hitting underneath the glasses so as you're carving it gets foggy so make sure you get some fog Briggs well worth it as we begin carving here I want to show you something no please listen to me I need your attention okay guys we're gonna make one cut right here we don't want to go too deep we want a lot pressure but not too light let me demonstrate this for you guys consistent pressure across I'm gonna do that again [Music] the next thing we want to do is go to the other side right here and make a cut do it again get a little deeper now for the corner here what I usually do I come in at the angle I'm gonna start right here I'm barely turn it just like that now what we want to do is just go along the edges and get nice consistent cuts and remember mind remarks right here don't don't cross over lock right there I almost cut into that edge now we're going to carve the rest of this then we're going to go back and we are going to down cut the knots [Music] okay this is looking pretty decent so the next step we want to do is take down the negative space and makes it easy lock when you fill them in with a pencil so you won't be confused this right here you see where these two intersections meet or like right here and right here we are gonna have to come in at a angle your anthem underneath because it's a knot knots tying together right the parts on the side need to be lower than this right here okay so here's what we're going to do you have to have steady hands right here there's obviously different birds and bits that can do this but I will use this one I'm just gonna go along here and take it down [Music] be careful that your bird don't fly away from you yeah that's looking that is looking great we're gonna go around all these negative spaces right here and do the same thing and we're gonna go to all the knots and rent them in being very careful now as you're doing this watch this listen to what I'm saying guys I'm saving you a big headache right here so two pinkies down I'll keep about two fingers on and it gives me control when I have it like this because I can move it around but everything's controlled [Music] okay do you see how this is coming together now we're gonna go back over this and smooth it out a little then we are going to go on the edges here on the outside and do the same exact thing [Music] [Music] now after we get through carving all this and smoothing it out we are going to hit this with some sandpaper so just do this thoroughly and get in all the nooks and crannies and give it a good sanding that is looking great now we are going to move on to carving Vinod's take you a pencil and start marking the areas you are going to carve this will help alleviate confusion now we are gonna take our Dremel and come in at an angle and carve those knots down be very careful right here not to mess anything up just go in there to add an angle and just start carving this is going to give the effect that the wood is being taught up under each other this is the secret to the notch right here you want this to be super smooth so we're gonna go around this whole design right here and just repeat this process after we finish carving we want to move on to some sanding I grabbed a clothespin right here wrapped a piece of 220 grit around it and went to sanding now the object of this is to make everything smooth and crisp so you want to get right up next to the lines and just really take out any imperfections you see after we sanded really good we're gonna move on to the outer edges of the heart now the whole technique for doing this is holding the burr at an angle and just barely taking off just a little bit of wood this really just helps bring the heart out just go along the edges nice and slow and make sure you have good even cuts and after this you guessed it more sanding sanding is what makes it this whole thing look nice look at that that's looking pretty good there we go for the next part here we are going to apply some stain now this is optional but I love the way the stain makes the box look so I always use stain 90% of the time I'm using Minwax red oak and what we want to do here is just get our brush wet and brush the stain on back and forth and you may need to dab this into hard-to-reach areas that way we can get good coverage in the negative space we're gonna just go along here and get the stain all over the box and wipe it down good and then want off the excess and let it dry now after this is dried I am going to sand the top part the positive space of the heart design simply because I want the top part to be a little bit lighter than the background this just helps make the design pop and here is the secret to this after I'm done sending this I am going to quickly stain it and wipe the stain off and that is the magic combo that just gives it the look that it's going to have it's the next day and the stain is dry look at that that turned out pretty awesome I think the colors are pretty good and once we put the urethane on here it's going to look a lot better the urethane I am using is the fast drying clear semi-gloss this is probably some of my favorite urethane right here now what we're going to do is just pop this open I have a Worcester brush right here this will apply a nice smooth finish and now let's go back and forth oh yeah those colors are starting to come through now we're going to go around the whole box and let it dry then we are going to go to the bottom that's looking pretty nice we're gonna let this sit for probably about five hours and come back and check it and maybe do a second coat well it's the moment of truth let's have a look oh yeah I think this turned out pretty good right here I hope you guys enjoyed this video and you remember please look at the concepts that I showed you in this even though you might carve something different than this you can grasp the concepts that I showed you and remember things that you catch stays with you longer than things that you learn did you catch that so just remember that and just take the principles and concepts that I showed with you home with you and incorporate it into your own wood carvings give me a favor if you haven't be sure to subscribe and hit the bell notification and also if you enjoyed this video give it a thumbs up leave a comment and let me know what projects are you guys gonna work on like what way did this inspire you I would love to hear the ideas that you guys got from this video so until next time take care and be creative
Channel: Cornelius Creations
Views: 737,366
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Keywords: how to wood carve power carve designs with a dremel, how to wood carve with a dremel, how to wood carve for beginners, dremel stylo plus wood carving, How to Wood carve, how to carve with a dremel, how to power carve, engraving wood dremel, wood carving techniques, foredom carving, wood carving tutorial, how to wood burn, how to wood work, foredom flex shaft, wood carving rotary tool, wood carving burrs, foredom 5240 woodcarving kit, wood engraving, foredom wood carving
Id: 3TVrgo_UgXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 6sec (966 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 18 2020
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