360 LIVE CAM Basics - 3D Toolpaths

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hello everybody and welcome to today's live stream today we're going to be covering some of the 3d tool path strategies in fusion 360. on the keyboard as usual and my wingman is my good buddy mr brad talis he's going to be answering any questions and if you have questions for me he'll get those over to me and i'll take a look and see if i can't address those and answer those for you i do find that when we do these live streams the one hour does does go rather quickly and there are times that we run out of time or we go over today is not that day i can't go over today uh but uh leave any comments uh and we'll be sure to get back to you and if there's things we don't cover we'll just uh do them on the next uh live stream so let me take a quick look at the chat make sure that there's no uh 911s or you guys cannot hear me or anything like that sometimes with these uh no matter how much uh we prepare or actually don't change anything in our settings there are times when my audio doesn't work or video doesn't work so if you guys can put in the chat if you could hear me fine that will be appreciated uh one other thing is a good colleague a friend uh autodesker had surgery the other day i don't know if she's watching but i wanted to uh wish her well in a speedy recovery all right thank you hey y'all and klaus and alex thank you okay so let me switch to my screen uh so we've been doing a series thank you moto motion in canada and cool mo dad uh we've been doing a series so first we started with the setup menu and we covered we talked about everything in here and how to use them we didn't talk about create manufacturing model uh i'm gonna do that in another live stream we then uh covered the 2d strategies where we covered all of these and how to utilize them and now today what we're going to do is cover the 3d strategies and there's quite a bit and i have some examples and i'll do my best to cover them and as i said if we don't get to all of those we'll just uh follow up with that with it next time on the next live stream in two weeks okay so i'm going to point to something infusion if you see this part on my screen here if you go to your data panel and if you scroll down you guys have access to this part and i wanted to use this part so that you guys can look at it so under samples there's cam samples double click on that a lot of goodness in here a lot of uh samples uh things about the manufacturing extension fusion academy haas demos so these are parts that we've done with haas and if you come down here to 3d milling overview of tool path double click that and that's going to be this part and it has some sample tool paths in there and what i recommend is if you uh if you have a part and you're creating some tool path a lot of times what i'll do is i'll just recommend people come in here find something that works that gives you something that you expect and right mouse click and then copy it and then you can go to navigate to your document let's say i've got another document here and then you can paste it and utilize the same strategies like all the settings um so that's a little pro tip that i like to use sometimes so okay going back to this part let me close the data panel uh adaptive clearing i've talked about a million times i'm not going to spend a whole lot of time on this one because it is covered quite a bit but what the difference is between adaptive and pocket clearing this is exactly that it's a roughing strategy is to remove as much material as possible in the quickest amount of time now the difference between adaptive and pocket so adaptive is let me uh switch over here so the adaptive strategy let me see if i have something so the adaptive strategy is um where the tool will go you control the depth of the tool and then you also control the radial engagement of the tool and then so for the adaptive strategy you want to utilize that full flute length of your end mill and then this the side load the radial load you go a nice light load whereas on a standard pocketing strategy it's kind of the opposite of that the depth is shallow but the sideways the radial engagement is greater so those are the two fundamental differences between the strategies adaptive is a constant engagement so when you get into corners um you don't have to worry about the tool overloading okay so let's come back to this screen and i'm making sure i switch my screen i don't know how many live streams i have forgotten to make this switch and then everybody's commenting in there all right okay cool okay so let's come in and i'm just gonna look at my setup and see what is selected for my stock so it looks like here uh on that whoever created that they're using this solid but let's just do a relative size box and here under stock offset mode i'll just do no additional so the yellow preview if you could see that is the stock so there's no additional stock all right so now once i created that all these toolpaths got dirty i need to regenerate so i will right mouse click and hit generate fusion will go through and update everything i got that uh beach ball i'm on a mac uh on a windows machine you'll get the uh hourglass okay so we're gonna go through these and create all these tool paths from scratch but what i want to do actually what i'll do let me do this watch this i'll just right mouse click and i'm going to duplicate this is something that i do uh quite often the shortcut is ctrl d or command d on a mac so i'm going to duplicate that and the reason why i'm doing this is because with the adaptive if i add it uh to my uh this setup and it's down at the bottom then with rest machining and things like that and so what i'm gonna do on this new setup i'm just gonna go ahead and delete all of these toolpaths and so we can start from scratch for today's demo okay so i'll minimize that first one so i'll just put in here live stream all right great so in this setup um let me right mouse click and just verify everything looks good yep looks good all right hit ok there 3d adaptive clearing very first thing i'm going to select a tool let that open up and i'm going to come to uh this setup and let me see what tools i have i can filter by milling and anytime i'm on a using my bandwidth here sometimes i have some slight lag slight delay so apologize for that so i'm going to filter and if my computer computer cooperates i'll be able to filter give that a moment okay there we go flat and bull so show me the flat and bull nose tools that are in that setup so um let's take this one here actually i'll use this one and i'll hit select so we're using a 3 8 tool that's approximately 10 millimeters for the international audience okay so under geometry i'm not going to select everything i'm just going to leave everything as default and let's see what uh actually i don't want to go below that so under my heights here under selection instead of going to model bottom i'll do a selection and i'm going to zoom in here whoop a little too far and i'll select that floor there so i don't want it to go below that but actually i kind of do i want it to hit this pocket so what i can do is just give it an offset let's give it a minus 250. i know there's many ways to handle all of this that's just one way so let's let this calculate and we'll get our adaptive to clear all that material and what fusion will do is it will uh remove all that material doing an adaptive strategy give that a moment commander bimberly sorry i'm late all good all good these are recorded you can go back and watch them so effusion is doing is calculating doing the constant engagement so when it gets into the pockets and areas it uh doesn't over cut or overload the tool all right my computer is not cooperating as far as uh being the greatest at speed today feel free to drop your comments in there alright so i see ayo says what is a deal with setting heights from contours it never seems to work i'll get to that i will open up the uh the heights tab alright so i got a bunch of link in the retracts i can i can clean that up i talked about this in previous so under my linking i can give it a bigger maximum stay down so if you ever hover your mouse it'll give you a tool tip and so you see those yellow lines so if that distance in that image there says one inch maximum stay down so if that distance is greater than an inch it will retract so in the image to the right it's been changed to two inches so therefore if the distance is less than two inches the tool will stay down so pro tip uh depending on what machine you're using but you can come in here and say whatever the distance of this part is you know the size of your part so i can put in here something like say 20 inches and then another thing the feed rate when it's doing that move what how fast you want it to go so i'll put something like 800 inches a minute right there and i will hit okay another thing actually before i hit okay i like to turn smoothing on and i recently was doing a demo and i cleared all my uh my defaults but what i like to do is here i'll right mouse click another pro tip i'll edit the expression and so i'll right mouse click edit the expression and i'll make it equal to my tolerance and then that tolerance is controlled up here so if i take this value and put in something like point zero one then this value down here uh will update when i hover over smoothing what is smoothing so by default the adaptive strategy does a bunch of straight line moves kind of hard to tell but in this image there's a straight line where it says smoothing off and there's little black dots when you turn smoothing on it will create an arc within that tolerance band so you'll get a smoother toolpath and less lines of code which will result in your machine motion being a lot smoother okay so and then people ask me well what what number do i put here i like to say whatever your stock to leave is a good rule of thumb is maybe half that or a quarter of that so yeah i'll leave that at 10 just to speed things up and let's uh one more pro tip here we've got this cavity here this pocket and here under ramp where we can helix in a couple t a couple of uh settings we have here i like to make this 2 degrees or 3 degrees so that when the tool enters it's not rubbing on the walls it creates a little taper you can really hear it at the machine tool and then the ramp clearance height this will be starting above by a hundred thousand make that shorter so it doesn't start so high above and then the helical ramp diameter if i right mouse click i can look at that expression and it's taking a formula basically 95 of my tool diameter i'll cancel that and the reason why i'm showing this one is this value is 3 2 7 so when it's entering it's going to do a helical entry and the helical entry if this number is too big the tool will never enter into that cavity so what i like to do is i'll take the minimum and i'll edit that and i'll just do something like 0.25 times 0.25 so whatever the helical ramp diameter divide that by 4 basically and i'll hit ok now we get a smaller value here so on helical entries it will lean towards this number if it needs to enter into a cavity or a slot it will then use this value there's also another setting under passes about machining cavities so be mindful of that as well so anyway those are just some of my pro tips on the settings and then if you turn this one on calculation time will go a little bit longer but let's skip that for now to save time let that calculate i'll take a quick look at the chat and see what mr brad passes on to me all right so yep that same question from aol thanks brad so remember how we had a bunch of yellow uh yellow lines and retracts now if we're over here we still have them but they're not there's not as many so where it can stay down the tool will stay down and that yellow will go at that 800 inches a minute feed rate so it results in a lot smoother tool path and let that calculate there and some of those settings that i put on uh so by default uh the let me switch where's my mouse go there we go so by default the uh settings are out of the box in fusion set to calculate rather quickly if you start modifying and adding hitting those check boxes turning smoothing on tightening up the tolerance uh calculation time will be increased but it will result in a smoother tool path so be mindful of that and if you need it take the few minutes and create a smoother toolpath you'll get a much better looking part and the performance at the machine will be a lot smoother as well all right so now we've got our tool path we've got a bunch of retracts i can change some settings but let's move on to save time and whenever you see this warning if it's yellow that's simply a notification it's not a 9-1-1 it's not a red if it's a red you need to go back and address something and what i'm looking at here is this bold text it says rest machining adjust adjustment reduced to maximum limit so that tells me that fusion did some automation there to achieve the that toolpath and look we the tool path did go down into that cavity so we can run a simulation now just to get an idea of uh this thing i need to dock over there we go and if we turn my stock on and let's run a simulate we'll speed through that i will turn transparent turn that off just so you get an idea so we'll rough that part out uh klaus will i talk about rest machining yes i will talk about rest machining so uh on that topic so if if i have a big diameter tool let's have a 10 millimeter diameter tool and i need to get in a fill it that's perhaps here um a smaller than uh five mil so let's say that's two mils then i would have to come in there and uh re-machine it with a smaller tool so let's let's uh quickly do that i will come into uh here and what i'll do is just come to the pocket clearing and let's pick a different tool and let's see what i have here under my 3d milling toolpaths overview in that uh setup so again if i go i can filter there and let's look for a bullnose and uh let's instead of the uh 3a sandmill which is about 10 millimeters let's go to the quarter inch end mill which is about 6 millimeters and what that will do when you're in rest machining you have the option here you can say rest machining from the previous operation or from file from bodies or from setup so we already just machined it with tool number five we can see that there but now if we come into here and just say machine from previous op so it will take uh and only remove what where there's material i'm gonna leave all these settings uh uh by default with the exception of this one and let me come into here and my computer is been acting strange today sometimes i don't know if you guys can see that flicker um but it's not letting me it could be a ui issue on my side there it is okay so i've got that bottom face selected and here let me give it a negative value so we enter down into that cavity now i didn't create that model i don't know exactly what that number is but that looks pretty good right there and let's hit ok and what this will do with the rest machining will now enter into areas that this tool didn't reach heck someone says oh no inches commander bimberly says that's fusion issue yeah i just started seeing that um in the last few days and i don't know uh why but um so what now what what we see now is uh the tool is uh just re-machining in some areas you can see like in this corner things of that nature now that might not be ideal but to save some time guys i'm going to keep moving on because what we really want to get into is some of these tool path strategies i'm going to save steep and shallow for later because i want to expose some of these tool paths like parallel okay so parallel what is that uh remember i was talking about a tool tip if you just hover over it'll show a tool tip with a slight a little description about what it is so i'm going to select parallel i'm going to grab a tool and this time let me just come to this and let's use this quarter inch ball end mill 6.35 millimeters and then under geometry uh you can do a selection of a machining boundary and i'm just going to say keep it within this area and then under tool containment you've got some options you can keep the tool inside that boundary you can allow the tool to be centered on that boundary or allow the tool to go outside that boundary furthermore you can give it an additional offset okay so that's super powerful couple other things to pay attention to contact point boundary if it's disabled it will go like the center line of the tool centered on that boundary if you enable it the point of tangency on the right in that image you'll see a different result and then again in those bottom images you can see that as well so be mindful of that i'm going to turn that on contact only what is that if it's enabled only where the tool is touching the model will it create a tool path if it's disabled it will just cut air like example over that hole all right all right um klaus says try to stack three 3d adaptives with rest machining and somehow the third operation ignored the results of operations and calculated based on the first is this normal or did you do something wrong klaus um let me okay this are you positive that you have rest machining from previous up make sure you have it says previous operation also depending on the passes tab if you have stock to leave the value here if fusion doesn't see any material to remove it'll ignore it so be mindful of that okay all right thanks brad for dropping those questions in there and uh allowing us to talk about those okay going back to this parallel tool path let's take a look what it did uh let me do a quick uh simulation i'll turn off stock just so uh we're getting these uh red marks here because i didn't simulate it from the beginning so those red tick marks are saying hey you're hitting some stock don't worry about that those are false collisions so i probably wouldn't use this tool path like this [Music] but what it's doing is just uh running a parallel tool path across that surface and if i look at it here from the top down so it's simply doing an even step over in the y direction you can change the direction of that toolpath you can change the step over amount you there's some slope containments i'll talk about heights i just left it all as default but on passes here we go so to step over remember we had a quarter inch tool which is about six millimeters and the step over is 0.125 which is about three millimeters so you can change that value you can type in a value here or what i like to do is i right mouse click edit the expression another pro tip and then you can give it a value here so right now it's set up to be fifty percent of my tool diameter i can do something like uh 0.01 or let's do that's probably too much let's do this to save some time so now our step over is 10 percent direction you have some options here you can go one way other way or both ways you have some other control axial offset passes you can give it multiple z depths all kinds of goodness here and then remember the tool path was going left to right you can change that i can change that to 90 degrees and that is from the x-axis of your setup so in this setup the x-axis is in this orientation like this so this is 90 degrees to that so watch what happens when i hit okay now we have a tool path that's a lot smoother and if we come into this area look where when that when it cascades over this edge it it uh the step over is kind of greater and then the tool path will not be ideal there so we have some things to control that and remember i showed this top view holy moly we're halfway through the hour i just got a notification on my computer that we are halfway through the hour okay so now when you look at it from this way it is exactly step over of 0.025 inches but when it gets to the slope you get that and you'll actually see that on your part the surface finish may not be ideal so we have some controls in there under parallel let's just uh create a actually i'm not even going to create a new one i'll just uh come here and duplicate this one and this one i'll right mouse click and edit and again taking a look at our settings we've got here under uh under the passes tab machine steep areas what is that so what it'll do it'll add some more passes and then here you can give it some additional control so again this is a percentage of your tool diameter so let's come into here maybe make this guy a lot tighter uh something like this let's leave it at ten thou again i don't wanna be too uh i don't wanna make it too small so that the calculation time is too much but now let's see if we get something different and again you guys have access to that so yeah you can see here what fusion did if if we toggle between these two you get some differences and that will certainly help especially like on this side this side looks a lot better but maybe that's not the best tool path for that i also want to just point out quickly that you can change the angle of the passes so let's say 45 and hit okay here and now the tool path will go to 45 degree angle and while that is calculated i'm going to show you guys how you can utilize some of the tool paths uh not just for like a mold or a dye but you can actually make some goodness uh uh like artwork type stuff so a while back uh let me i was tasked to do something and i created a picture frame uh we did it for a customer and i used a parallel toolpath to make this autodesk logo and by changing that toolpath angle i was able to achieve uh to give it some depth so so that the a looks uh so it has a little bit of depth to it so and i've got another example of the radial i'll show in a moment so that was this part here and if i come into here here's that picture frame and then we've got that autodesk logo and then by creating the parallel tool path with the proper angle i was able to achieve a nice beautiful logo that actually gave it a little bit of depth so with these toolpath strategies uh you can manipulate them and get some good good looking parts all right so let's come back to this one here and then uh next under parallel we have scallop so what is scallop so what it'll do it'll take that outer contour and just step over and collapse inward uh like in that example there so let's uh let's do that we've got a scallop we're gonna use the same tool under geometry uh this time i'll pick this part i'll leave all the settings as is i will do contact point boundary and what's my step over here it's 50 of my tool diameter right mouse click edit and let's do something like uh 10 of my tool diameter right mouse click and say make default really quickly on this what's the difference between reset to built-in default that's out of the box like the factory setting reset to default is your setting so if i i can toggle in between the out of box experience or out of box default uh is 50 or your personal one is this one and if i hit ok let's see what we get on this scallop toolpath so we got some entry here and it works outward you can control all that all those settings so basically what i do guys is when i create a tool path i'll lean on the defaults because what we do here at fusion is to make sure that uh with the least amount of mouse clicks you get a tool path you don't have to dot every eye and cross every t so what i do is i'll just grab a tool maybe select the geometry and hit ok a lot of times i won't even worry about my heights or passes but what i did there so here direction you can do both ways you can do other way so let me see do we have a tool tip for that yeah there we go so you can modify the direction and then up or down milling you've got some options up or down or both so let's hear we'll just do see what we get a lot of tools uh we we have at our disposal to give you some different tool paths so now we got some slightly different behavior we did talk about uh i briefly talked about here under uh geometry we've got a thing called slope what is that slope you can contain the tool path between certain angle so that first image there it's uh keeping the tool path between 0 and 90. the middle image there is keeping the tool path between 0 and 45 degrees and then that third image there is keeping the tool path between 45 and 90. so let's turn that on and let's keep it between 0 and let's pick 30 degrees see what we get so you got a lot of control and it did that maybe if i didn't want to hit this i can control that by who can guess i can go to the heights right i can just do a selection and just grab a point i can even give that a minus 0.1 just give it some value actually i do one two five that tool i could even type in minus i i can get nerdy and uh work on my uh expressions and stuff and really nerd out on that kind of stuff on adaptive remember we talked about the smoothing we're going to talk about that here as well turn that guy on and then what you'll get is a lot smoother toolpath and then when you run the simulation here we'll just run that really quick with no stock on and instead of tail i'll just do operation and you can see that and if we had actually i'm not even to worry about that right now but there's a parallel tool path sorry scallop i was looking at the browser all right okay so next uh what do we have here we have contour what is contour contour is uh for steep walls and uh what we're gonna do we're gonna use this now i'll use the same tool and let's uh let's pick this one again and there we go and i'm just gonna not worry about any other settings i'll just select that outer edge and hit ok let's see what we get so we can see that it hit this top area the shallow area and it the step over it's it's it's really big but here on the steepest portions it's a nice and smaller step down so you get a smoother tool path so how we talked about parallel where it will project uh that value and that step over is equally spaced across uh the contour is the opposite of that so it will it's a lot better this way for vertical walls but not that great on shallow strategies which is why we have that steep and shallow so what steep and shallow toolpath this guy here that'll combine parallel or scallop and a contour in one tool path and again we'll get to that i'm afraid we're going to run out of time holy moly i need to speed up here all right okay so under the contour if we uh let's take a look at some settings here uh geometry again we got slope we've got rest machining we got tool orientation you could do avoid or touch um we can do that i can just say let's avoid come on my dirt i don't know why it's doing that it's flickering and that just started and of course when i'm doing a live stream all right there we go all right okay so avoid or touch i'm going to avoid that and then you can give it a value i'll leave it like that let that go so now we get a little different tool path and now it's going to avoid that surface super powerful uh and to take it one step further let's duplicate this guy and now we've got this one and i'm going to uh instead of how we did this uh you know we'll leave this at bounty uh sorry silhouette but what you can do you can say i want to touch certain faces so you can say i want to just touch and there there you go perfect good job angela my mouse is not cooperating i wanted to touch that and then instead of it avoiding it it would touch uh and i don't know why it's doing that on me oh well i'm gonna skip this actually what i did last time is move my mouse off the screen and then came back to it hey there's my work around move your mouse off the screen and bring it back that worked so now i can touch that and i'll do a zero offset and then now not that that was the right i probably should have picked this wall because that's more of a vertical steep wall but i wanted to show you how you can leverage some of the tools in fusion for your selection well that's calculating we'll let that go i'm going to move on to the next tool path we have ramp so ramp is similar to the contour but it'll just do exactly that it'll just ramp down so here i'll do a selection and i'll grab this what was that pro tip i just said move the mouse off the screen and come back and there we go come on brad help me out man there we go there we go all right cool and the settings i'll just leave it as default and hit ok so now what we'll get is we should get a nice spiral like a ramp down so we get one continuous um tool path there i don't really use that one too much um pencil what's pencil uh so if you're doing a mold click and hold to get the select menu ah thanks brad yeah uh good good point let me see if that would work um on this guy here edit under geometry let me delete that if i click and hold i'm clicking and holding i'm not getting that um i'm having issues with my computer you guys i don't know if you're seeing this on your end i'm just gonna cancel that operation to leave it how it was okay all right next uh so uh pencil so if you're doing a part like this and let's say if we did a uh a scallop toolpath and we our geometry is here and my selections are not not cooperating with me sorry guys this this kind of stuff happens when we do these there we go trying to grab that edge trying to grab that edge everything was working until uh you know we're live right okay you know what i can do we have some uh from the sample we have that okay uh does it get to the middle yeah so when you do this kind of stuff uh what pencil does is it will uh drive the tool around like the the tiny areas like like here so after you do all your machining it will then come through and give it a nice um let's see one thing selection filters yep they're all selection priority yeah they're all brad suggested i look up here um i'll come back to that guys okay in the effort to save some time i cannot believe we've only got 15 minutes all right so what pencil will do is when you're roughing this you'll come through and then select pencil and it'll give it one nice uh contour and if you're doing mold making and things like that you can really notice it because if you're doing like a scallop here and let's say your tool is going left to right here you get a lot of uh it in my opinion it's kind of ugly tool path when it when it hits these areas if it's going left to right or even on this guy uh sometimes if you're going this way and then what pencil will do is it'll clean it up nicely okay so pencil and i apologize for my selections not working horizontal what's horizontal it'll do exactly that whatever that whatever the name is so um what's the boundary i'm just gonna do a silhouette and uh let's uh just hit okay oh uh let me change my tool let me come grab a different tool i should have grabbed a flat tool uh let's come into here and let's do a 3 8 bull nose and hit select and now i'll hit ok so what horizontal will do is it'll grab and find all the horizontal faces i don't use it too often i kind of prefer pocket 2d pocket a little bit better but horizontal is a 3d strategy so if you want to be i don't like to use word lazy but if you want to make a part with less mouse clicks you could do the whole part with uh like a horizontal perhaps hit all the flap faces you can do a 3d contour to hit the uh vertical walls or steeper walls and then you can come in with perhaps a parallel or a scallop and a combination of these tools with minimal mouse clicks you can hit the whole part so that's calculating i'm at 63 percent uh let's move on to the next one spiral this one is really cool i like this one and then we've also got radial it's the opposite of spiral so let's look at what that one does and hopefully i'll be able to uh get it to work with my selections here and i'm going to come into this setup and grab a ball end mill let's use uh let's grab this 1 8 ball give that a moment to load i'll take a quick look at the chat all right uh looks good brad is handling all that thank you brad for being my wingman and my connection is slow today all right geometry i gotta pick a center point i'll grab that arc or a circle so the center point there and then the machining boundary i can do a selection and let me grab this and then i can give it an additional offset i'll do contact point boundary passes uh you can give it uh some choices here different choices spiral spiral with circles concentric circles it's pretty cool i'll just leave it at the default you can change it counterclockwise to counter sorry clockwise or counterclockwise you can give it an inner limit or an outer limit super powerful tool path and uh control the step over so i will just uh let that guy run all right let me show you something that i did uh on this part here came out really nice uh i had to do a logo like i was just talking about where did i drop where did i put that uh let me bring this here into the view so i was tasked on that part to make make uh this logo so i actually did it in fusion and you can see the result right there turned out pretty good it i did at my buddy chris's shop datron um and it came out really nice and i manipulated some of the tools infusion to give us some depth so i feel it it came out really nice and again you can utilize and leverage some of the tools in fusion to get the tool path you want so there's that part there and then i'll turn that one on and let's turn this one on and turn this one on and then i did a trace to give me the tracing those lines there and what i did is i leveraged the center point so if i look at uh like on the passes um and the geometry uh the center point see how it's highlighted was right there so by moving that center point i was able to achieve the result that i wanted and i played with it a little bit and until i got what i wanted but it came out really nice and if i look at this one which is if i turn the the visibility off it's this one here so this one had a different center point and if i come into here if i look at the point so that one was there so if i shifted it more this way those lines would collapse differently here so i brought it a little closer so they collapse so that i get the uh the nice uh effect there so i feel it turned out pretty darn good and again leveraging the tools you have in fusion you're able to achieve some really nice things and i'll turn those on again so you could see it what it looks like and again i was playing with the center points to change that where it collapsed there coming up on the top of the hour guys i am so sorry uh let me take a look all right brad i see your comment thank you all right what's next here so we we talked about uh spiral so radial is uh slightly it's the opposite let's see where is this part okay so if we wanted to do come into here we just did spiral where it'll spiral and then uh radial so what that will do it's uh the center point let's pick the center of this guy and is it going to give me the center and of course let me move my mouse off the screen i apologize guys uh kind of like when you teach your dog to do a trick and then your friends are your dog your dog does it and executes roll over every time or or does some trick and then your buddies come over and you say hey watch my dog do this trick and then the dog doesn't do it when you want it to work it doesn't work um don't know why there we go so we got the center point there selection uh let me see if it'll let me grab this here and same thing it's not not i you know what i can do let me just cancel that and we should have that already here so we got the spiral we've got a radial so what the radial does it just starts at the center point and then comes outward again to give you a little bit of a different tool path uh let's quickly move to morphed spiral just because that's in order here uh actually it's yeah also in order here and what morph spiral does um you need to give it uh the the chains and it'll take this outer edge and this one and it'll morph it as it transitions from the inner to the outer or outer to the inner based on your selections all these tool paths operate as far as the you know your selections you'll use geometry to do your selections and then passes you can do some manipulation uh so pretty pretty easy to select tool paths here and then here's a little different with some uh slightly different selections here under geometry where all these uh uh ovals here in the middle are selected so you can see the different i'll just cancel that so it doesn't have to recalculate so you get a little different output here's that pencil we talked about horizontal we had talked about it hits all the horizontal faces that the tool can hit and then project what's project so if you've got some geometry and you want to put something on there like text so i could take that autodesk logo and project it here but on this particular one there's a sketch if i come into here there's this sketch that is just that shape there and you simply will project that down onto that surface and again because i'm having issues with my selection today let's go ahead and use this one we'll right mouse click edit and we'll take a look at uh the curve selection all you need to do is uh select the curve um machining boundary it's using the silhouette and it's literally going to just project that guy down passes i'm not going to even worry about that linking i'll leave that all as default hit ok and i will turn off that sketch visibility so you can see how that tool path will just project down so that's how if you wanted to engrave some text you need to be mindful though if that curve is really great you won't get an even and then you won't get an even toolpath strategy just that output won't look that great where we add on time coming up on top of the hour blend morph and flow let's see here uh do we have anything that i can quickly show let me look at the chat uh anything in there brad looks like everybody's good thanks everybody for the likes we got 70 folks watching 38 thumbs up thank you we appreciate that any last minute questions i can answer drop them in the chat brad will let me know all right looks good um let's come into here and let's see if we can uh uh so i did already a flow and i did a blend they're very similar with how they look uh there are some subtle differences uh between the two uh let's come into here i'm afraid if i try these that uh my selection tools might uh hang up so yeah there we go i'm getting the same thing so you'll select the surface and yeah it's not working there but i apologize for that guys uh but here i selected the surface then i selected this outer edge here and then that outer edge and it will give a nice tool path there are some settings here under passes you give it to step over right you can also do multi-axis if you're on a multi-access machine a lot of goodness we have here uh flow very similar um selections uh except on the flow it's using the uv curves of the surface so you can go along v or along u and then the number of step over so you tell it how many uh steps to to machine across so that's based off the surface vectors all right uh let me come back to this are there any questions guys drop them in the chat let's see no we're all good ayala mr coffee paw all right um boy that hour went quick uh it is a privilege for me to be here and share uh some of the things that we can do with fusion 360 and how you can utilize some of these tool paths on your parts i do recommend going to the cam samples taking a look at those and then what you can do is right mouse click and then copy and then just reselect the geometry super powerful and easy to create tool paths and uh i don't see anything from brad in there and uh we're coming up on top of the hour i would go longer and cover some of those tool paths today i can't do that uh apologize uh the next live stream uh brad will be doing next week i encourage you to check those out same time and uh i'll be the week after that and i'll go over uh steep and shallow in uh great detail and even then we'll come into um some multi-axis stuff so uh any questions drop them in the comments and uh we'll do our best to answer those um with that uh you guys all uh be safe have a good day and we'll see you next time see ya you
Channel: Autodesk Fusion 360
Views: 4,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fusion 360, autodesk, design, engineering, mechanical design, mechanical engineering, industrial design, product design, software, CAD, CAD software, Computer Aided Design, Modeling, Rendering, 3D software, Autodesk fusion 360, cloud based CAD, CAD in the cloud, cloud, Free CAD, Free CAD Software, Autodesk CAD, cloud manufacturing, free CAD program, 3D CAD solution
Id: bwbrPiUpolo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 48sec (3648 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2021
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