360 degree SPINNING guitar neck is incredible!!

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the first time I discovered a spinning guitar was when I watched The Beatles documentary where the crazy inventor magic Alex made a rotating guitar neck with one side was guitar strings and the other side was bass but the beaters were laughing at Alex design because it was completely unplayable it couldn't be tuned and the neck was wobbling around like crazy but I think that magic Alex were on to something and that's when we decided to make [Applause] this let me show you the disaster of trying to make this thing and then let's play it audio jungle I so badly wanted to make this thing real but I was a bit concerned because I don't know how to build guitars and the only one I made ended up looking like this could be worse I think and now I'm attempting to make possibly the most complex design in Guitar Building history so I ordered a stack of Guitar Building books and got my engineering Mentor Adam on board to help out plan the design there was something extremely boring about having one side guitar and one bass what if it in there was four sides ow ow ow ow ow okay no eight sides I I I I I I I I I okay what if it was cylindrical and the spinning was an actual part of the playing and for the actual guitar after days of planning and thinking we decided to stack things on this Central Rod until it looks like a round guitar neck we then use the power of nuts to squeeze it all super hard together making it extremely rigid and the reason we're doing it this way is because the other options sounded even worse and for the strings we decided to use every string in existence from the thinnest guitar string to the thickest Bas string in the entire world cuz this bad boy can fit a lot of strings if you unwrap this cylinder it's the equivalent to a guitar fretboard this size next problem is how do we make the strings make sound just like a regular electric guitar with pickups but that thing was kind of flat I see a problem here so I cut it into six parts and you know what now it's broken but now it's broken and cylindrical you know what I'm thinking what if we managed to find single string guitar pickups and then just wire them together turns out they were way too big to fit eventually though I found an American making small custom pickups with a unique animal style design we then made our own cases for them for consistency in size and boom We Invented cylindrical pickups so let's give this thing a [Applause] spin who had idea of a spinning guitar neck on a body that doesn't spin what a mess but not as much as my thoughts were before I started using the sponsor of this video better help better help offers complete L online therapy just answer a few of their questions and they will quickly match you with one of the over 30,000 professional therapists usually within 48 hours and the genius thing is that you can start by just messaging your therapist which is zero commitment and once you like them enough then you can switch over to phone or video calls if you 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my life will never be the same again let's try it works how can this work you see how I wired it for the guitar tuners we just appli the same logic we got them in singles and made them into cylinders but after 5 hours of assembly I can't believe this guitar is pretty much done so let's listen to this beauty [Applause] [Music] ooh the guitar sounds like I guess you can hear that we're not the guitar Builders okay it's not that easy but why this bad was it the heights of the strings it sounds like they're too close to the Frets but this guitar is Machin made it should be accurate to a tenth of a mm so we made a second version based on hours of new careful [Music] measurements well and it still sucked it's crazy noisy even if the string height is like a wish guitar and I was going crazy until this [Music] [Applause] happened uh wait did you hear that you can hear that if I play a string and let the guitar rotate the pitch changes like crazy uh-oh the neck must be bending and pulling in in the strings and accuracy doesn't help if it's bending like a banana maybe it wasn't as stiff as we thought wo wo wo W how do we make this a better more reliable build the suspect here is the layers slipping so we took a look into the world of engineering to see if we could steal some ideas and there it was Lego now everying single piece was snapping satisfyingly together and finished with some tightening this time I wanted to try it on an actual guitar body so X tool sent me this powerful laser cutter to save this project I could just export the design use the camera in it to align and boom we're cutting in minutes we got a strong bearing mount for the guitar neck I tried cutting 15 mm wood for the body and it did work however it felt like any second I was going to burn my house down so it's is it worth it well that totally depends on what house you have for me this is the best thing I ever begged someone to send me for free there's an affiliate Link in my description so order it so you can secondhand smoke some plywood too and let's get ready for version three here we go W okay it's probably the worst invention that has ever come from mankind over the atomic BX let's plug this in [Music] [Music] the Lego technique pushed us a little bit closer to the solution but the guitar was still completely untunable and now with the guitar in my lap problems started to reveal themselves so clearly we need way we need to lock it down because you can't play when it's moving oh let's try a a spin cord it didn't sound as beautiful as I hoped this thing is not balanced you see it always lands on the same spot so you can't spin it no this is [Music] embarrassing but there was one huge blunder that had been hiding in plain sight this entire video I can't believe it the design is mirrored the the strings is going the wrong direction the entire design should be flipped you can't play chords because there's no chord shapes that you recognize this is completely unplayable this guitar somehow turned out worse than magic Alex we had to redo everything like this is hundreds of hours of advanced cat drawings it's not a selfie that you can just mirror how did that work F go we're switching over to a huge aluminum pipe this thing is going to be stiffer than other materials that is less stiff we balanced each layer by cutting out material on one side and added Ste on the other this design is getting closer and closer to an airport ban and if it all fails let's at least make it look good when it's doing it I built a guitar body with a technique I think guitar Builders would rank right up there with a war crime I also added a little mystery feature it's time for the moment that everyone skips to let's take this thing for a [Applause] spin I can't believe we're going to do this oh wow this is so insane let's check the tuning if it's good yeah that's pretty [Music] good wow I can't believe it's so weird but so normal at the same time I didn't expect to be able to play anything on this let's try some regular chords what string is this even [Music] yeah the first normal thing okay let's let's try to do a little trick shot 360° chord change oh that's going to be hard but it will look cool oh oh my God that was my luck this version was working unbelievably well it was like all the problems just went out to get some milk okay let's see if we can actually do what it's intended for which is switching between guitar a big base section and fretless [Music] base [Music] no sounds a bit weird of B strings it's something with a pick GS I think is it supposed to Bonk this hard but this is also the thickest bass string in the entire world so I guess it it's not that low this is the new way to play a [Music] chord let's play something that would be impossible to play on a regular guitar probably [Music] that oh that's going to look cool there's so many things you can do on this I think I I don't I don't know of them yet let's plug in the motor and see what happens a break was kind of hard to do so I did a put a motor on it instead because it can motor break and give some resistance you ready let's freaking go wa why is it so strong suddenly oh now we have a break that that actually works pretty good W waa okay this is probably dangerous why why is it this fast it was never this fast in the test [Music] setup wait you know what we haven't tried let's try shredding on this thing this going to be good wao whoo wo are you ready let's try oh my God it actually works wow that's going to be so good oh wait we need to play You [Music] Spin [Music] yay H we should tune this to an open tuning so playing like this actually sounds good I'm tuning it to se open no one cares the legendary spin strum I've been waiting for this yeah it sounds okay I mean it wasn't spectacular I don't know anything to play on the base it's so Davy 504 if you're watching this I will bring this to Italy so you can play it everyone has been requesting me to try a slide and the logic is that you don't actually have to press down the Frets so this is like the only truly way to play this thing while it's [Music] [Applause] spinning this this is this has so much potential I can feel [Music] it we can actually play as it moves with the slide [Music] [Music] wa I mean this thing is so much harder to play on a regular guitar I practice this for two hours and this is what I can [Music] do yeah that's as good as I can get it that's pretty cool I need to practice on that a bit more though now it's time for the violin bow violin doesn't make sense for a regular guitar because the fretboard is flat but since our guitar doesn't make sense it totally makes sense for violin okay Place wow that's like a Christmas song in h i don't know guys I'm trying okay I think something must be wrong with my bow [Music] oh with the slide okay now we [Applause] [Music] [Applause] talking it's not really working I would really like to do a follow-up video on this guitar maybe do some weird guitar capos and I don't know slides with a curvature send me your design ideas on Discord or whatever all things you want me to try that I missed in this video and thanks to everyone who helped me make this guitar if you haven't seen it you need to check the video when I go to Madagascar and milk their spiders to make the first ever spider silk guitar string it actually works click here
Channel: Mattias Krantz
Views: 7,014,106
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: p2kJMPfFOX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 21sec (981 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2023
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