Packet Tracer - Configuring Rapid PVST

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hi friends welcome to this video on packet tracer activity configuring a rapid previous t plus we will see the objectives here we can see configure VLANs configure a rapid spanning tree T vs T plus load balancing and to configure port fast ant bpdu guard we will come to part 1 configure VLANs in that step 1 enable the user ports on s2 in access mode refer to the topology diagram to determine which suit supports on s2 are activated for inducer device access these 3 ports will be configured for access mode and enabled with the no set on command now we will come to the topology and here we can see the switch s2 we can see that 3 and T devices your pc-1 pc2 and pc 3 also we will verify these inter devices are connected to which you port 0 agency pc 1 is connected to faster than or 0 slash 11 and here we can see pc 2 is connected to faster than 0 / 18 and pc 3 is connected to foster parent 0 / 6 now we are going to enable these ports in access modes we will come to yes to enable we will go to configure terminal and here we are going to the interfaces such as first eternal 0 / 6 then I will give coma then we have fast opponents Euro / 11 and 2 finally faster Turner to 0 / 18 now we will give a supporter mode access and we have to give a no-shit command coming to a step 2 create VLANs using the appropriate command create VLAN 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 and to 99 on all of the switches there we can see total three switches and we are going to create these VLANs first of all we will come to yes one enable we will go to configure terminal here we are going to create the violence we have VLAN 10 wheel and 20 wheel and 30 wheel and 40 we learn 50 VLAN 60 wheel and 70 wheel and 80 and finally we have wheel and 99 now we'll create a valence on s2 VLAN 10 VLAN 20 we lent 30 we learn 40 we learn 50 wheel and 60 then 70 80 and finally 99 coming to s3 in April configure terminal will create VLAN 10 VLAN 20 will end 30 wheel and 40 wheel and 50 we learn 60 wheel n 70 oops it not give space here ok we learn 80 and VLAN 99 now we will come to step 3 a saying VLANs to switch ports both assignments are listed in the table at the beginning of the activity save your configurations after assigning switch ports to the VLANs here we can see such sport assignment specifications wheel and 30 we have to assign to foster parent 0/6 VLAN 20 for $5.00 a VLAN 10 for F of 0 slash 11 we will come to the configuration first we will go to the interface fastethernet 0/0 that is the support access VLAN 30 now we will come to the interface of faster corner to 0 / 11 and this is support access the VLAN 10 and till we have a interface fastethernet 0/1 right and the support access VLAN 20 now we will come to step 4 verify the VLANs we use the show VLAN brief command on all switches to verify that all VLANs are registered in the valent table well we will come to each switches so we will come to s1 right here we are going to give a show before that we have to save all configurations so copy running to startup yes now we are going to check show VLAN brief yes here we can see the details hold the valency here we can see what we created now we will come - yes - copy running to startup and we are going to see show VLAN brief and here we can see the VLAN what we created also we can see each VLAN is assigned to specific thoughts on s2 coming to s3 kopi running to startup so we are going to see show VLAN brief and here we can see all the VLANs created now we will come to step 5 I say in the trunk - native VLAN 99 use the appropriate command to configure thoughts yes 0 / 1 - EF 0 / 4 on each such as a trunk ports and assign these transports to native VLAN 99 first of all we will do it on s1 configure terminal we have to go to the interface range faster turnit 0 / 1 till 4 & 2 here we are going to give a support mod as a trunk and here we are going to give support trunk native VLAN as 99 coming to is 2 configure terminal interface range faster toner 0 / 1 2 4 and here we are going to give a support mod trunk and the native VLAN we have to set such a port Rangoon 80 we learn 99 and now we will come to s3 configure terminal interface fastethernet 0/1 - 4 yeah we have to give the range interface range first opponent 0 / 1 - 4 and the switch port mode is trunk and the support from Guinea to VLAN is 99 yes now we will come to step 6 configure the management interface on all three switches with an access verify that the switches are correctly configured by pinging between them here we can see the IP access of the interface VLAN 99 on all the switches s1 s2 and s3 first of all we will come to yes one enable configure terminal until we have to go to the interface VLAN 99 [Music] not give 99 ok and to here we are going to give the IP access and here is our address subnet mask is 255 dot 255 dot 255 dot 0 coming to s2 enable configure terminal now we have to go to the interface VLAN 99 and now we are going to set the IP Archers 12 and the subnet mask is a 255 dot 255 dot 255 dot 0 now we will go to su 2 3 enable configure terminal interface VLAN 99 and the IP Archers 13 255 255 255 dot 0 now we will come to party to configure rapid spanning tree T vs T plus load balancing the rapid spanning tree protocol RTP I Triple E 8 node 2 point 1 W can be seen as an evolution of the eight node to point to 1d standard more so than a revolution they know to point 1d terminology remains primarily the same most parameters have been left unchanged so users familiar with 8 no 2.13 can rapidly configure the new protocol comfortably yes we have seen that in most cases are sleepy performs better than proprietary extensions of Cisco without any additional configuration it know to point to one table you can also revert back to it know to point to one T in order to interoperate with legacy butchers on a per prod basis we will come to step 1 configure STP mode use the spanning tree mode command to configure the switches to use rapid PBS T as the SDP mode right we will configure this on all three switches coming through yes one Lex it from Huron to sure we are going to give a spanning tree mode as we have rapid P VSD now we will go to yes two exits and the spanning tree mode rapid P VST and coming to us three exit spanning tree mode rapid T vs T now we will come to a step to configure rapid spanning tree PBS t plus a load balancing configure is went to be the primary root for VLAN so 110 30 50 and 70 configure s 3 to be the primary root for VLANs 20 40 60 80 and a 19-9 consumer s 2 to be that secondary route for all of the valence yes we will do this configuration now first of all we will come to yes one here we are going to give it a spanning tree VLAN we have to give a 1 10 30 50 then 70 you're going to give this a so Road primary now we will come to es 3 yes here we are going to give a spanning tree VLAN 20 40 60 80 and to 99 here we are going to give route as primary now we are going to set the secondary route on s to yes so spanning tree VLAN we have 1 comma 10 comma 20 comma 30 , 44mph if to coma 60 70 80 and to be how 99 here wrote secondary now we will verify your configurations by using the shore spanning tree command right we will verify this on s1 so spanning tree so we can see the details you can see all the villains right coming to is two so spanning tree okay 80 99 years and two now we will come to s3 so spanning tree right now we will come to part three configure port fast anti bpdu guard let's dip on configuring both fast on s2 port fast causes a port to enter the forwarding state almost immediately by dramatically decreasing the time of the listening and learning states for fast minimizes that time it takes for the server or workstation to come online configure port sandstone s2 interfaces that are connected to pcs well we will do this configuration on is - coming to s2 yes we will go to the interface with a low range if faster throw net 0 / 6 coma faster / net 0 / 11 and till we have faster / not 0 / 18 here we are going to give a spanning-tree portfast now we will come to a step to configuring bpdu guard on s2 the SDP port faster bpdu guard enhancement allows network designers to enforce the SDP domain borders and to keep the active topology predictable the devices behind the ports that how SDP port fast enabled are not able to influence the SDP topology at the reception of BPD use the bpdu guard operation disables the port that has portfast configured the bpdu guard transitions the port into a disabled state and the message appears on the console configure bpdu guard on these two interfaces that are connected to pcs yes we will do we will configure a bpdu guard on s2 now coming to yes to you configure terminal oops right we have to go to the interfaces faster product 0/6 faster toner - 0 / 11 and the first opponent fear of last 18 here we are going to give panning 3 bpdu guard enable yes now we will come to the final step verify your configurations use the so running command to verify your configurations ok we will come to s 1 and everything we configured fine so running config yes here we can see spanning-tree mode is a rapid p vs t and here we can see the priority we given for these surveillance right so we set villa 99 ok now we will come to s to [Music] show running config yes [Music] right consider all switchport mod chunk so we can see here we enable the put fast BPU god so we can see for the interface 0 / 18 right so we can see the management phase okay now we will come to us 3 show running config right we enable rapid PBS tree management we learn right yes we completed this packet tracer activity configuring rapid PBS d+ and here we can see this packet tracer activity completion status 100 out of hunter from city how in need doubt regarding configuring a rapid TV SD + please comment below also if you like my video give a thumbs yes and one more thing don't forget to subscribe the channel so that you will get to the latest uploading video info into gmail thank you
Channel: Tech Acad
Views: 28,423
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Keywords: Rapid PVST
Id: p-LkyQMVk-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 18sec (1218 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 14 2017
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