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every second of every day everybody around you is broadcasting a signal your ability to read other people depends on how well you're able to read this signal imagine if you could know what a girl is thinking without her ever saying a single word to you these abilities might seem like they're straight out of a Marvel movie but the truth is that with the right knowledge you can get a glimpse into a person's mind and know what they're really thinking the frequency that allows you to read people like an open book is called body language and most people are not consciously aware of their own body language therefore the ability to tune into this frequency and pay attention to the tiny details it's like tapping into a whole new world allowing you to finally see what is unseen by most according to science the human mind and body are directly linked so they're basically mirrors of each other when a girl is attracted to you her body will broadcast what her mind is thinking and the better that you are at reading the signals the better your game will be you see this all the time people around you display odd behaviors and intuitively you know that something is off but you just don't know what picture the girl who was lying to her mother about sneaking out last night while talking she might clear her throat often or scratch her head at face value these behaviors might just make the girls seem like she has a cold or an itch but depending on the context they might also show that she's being dishonest in trying to deceive her mother if you've ever wondered why your parents are experts at knowing when you're like it's because they know your baseline behavior or how you act normally so it's easy for them to spot the tiny changes in your behavior that occur when you're lying a great example of this is a girl that I know and whenever she's nervous she quickly sniffs as if she's trying to clear her nose when taking at face value she probably seems like she's simply clearing her nose but this tiny gesture that most people would ignore actually means that she's nervous around whoever she's talking to during any interaction between people about 20% of the communication is through spoken words but the other eight percent is through body language a huge part of a person's body language is their voice tone and you can learn a lot about what is going on inside of their mind just by paying attention to their voice imagine this you walk into the cafeteria at school you see a group of kids sitting up one of the tables it might even be your own group of friends if you want to know who the leader of that group is look for the person who speaks with the strongest voice notice how I said the strongest and not the loudest when listening to each person's voice some will be loud some will be very soft but one voice will sound and feel stronger than the rest and this is the leader of the group this is the easiest way to find a leader of any group and is also a great way to project confidence and become the leader within your own group the next time that you're walking through the mall or the store or even when around friends or family consciously pay attention to the strength of each person's voice a strong voice is a good sign that they probably also have a strong personality and a weak voice is a good sign that they probably have a weak personality but when reading anyone always make a conclusion based on several science instead of only one they say the eyes are a window into the soul and while this is true so is a person's walk every day wherever you are you see tons of people walking around with billions of people on the planet there is no shortage of people to look at the average person pays more attention to your words than your walk but a person's walk is what tells the truth there are some exceptions to this but in most cases a strong walk means the person has a strong personality the next time that you're around lots of people really pay attention to each person's walking style and you'll begin to see the tiny details that most people miss how does this person walk if they are constantly looking down avoiding eye contact or scurrying along with clothes aimless steps this could indicate a weak personality a person with a strong confident personality will take wider steps and when they walk each step will look meaningful as if the person has somewhere important to be a person's walking style voice tone and specific body language can all give away what is going on inside of his or her head but there is yet another way to get a glimpse inside of the mind of anyone around you and it's with the spoken word every day billions of words are spoken but very little attention is paid to each individual word to unlock the minds of everyone around you pay close attention to some of the key words that most people miss like body language the words that people speak allow little pieces of their personality and thoughts to leak out into the world picture the kid in school who says the words I guess after every sentence these words although missed by most people reflect a lack of confidence and uncertainty some other words that people with a weak personality use often are I don't know by paying attention to the words that people speak you'll find that you can group most people into two categories those with an active strong personality and those with a passive weak personality those with a weak personality will frequently describe things in a passive way and they'll use words that make them sound as if they are not actually in control of their life and they'll make it appear as if things are just happening to them those with a strong personality will speak directly oftentimes a weak personality will leak out through words and cause the person to always sound like they're verbally beating around the bush and stand up speaking directly and concisely it is important to understand that the human brain is very powerful and during thought it only uses verbs and nouns it is the adjectives and adverbs that really help to tell the story of what's going on inside of their head now before you can effectively read anyone you should know that childhood experiences are the driving force that shaped every adult the cashier at the local grocery store and the girl in the local bar both live their adult life according to the habits and the behaviors that they learned as children in other words the things that we learn and experiences that we have as children shape who we will be for the rest of our life unless we consciously work to change for example picture a child who was raised in a way that causes him to become insecure because of this the child might grow up to spend his entire life living with his parents and if he does finally move out the fear from the insecurity will show up in other ways and might cause him the fear strangers every person develops certain desires and drives as children and they will go on to spend the rest of their life chasing after these desires another example is the youngest child in the family who was showered with attention by his parents later on in life when he moves away from his parents he will find other ways to regain this attention that he had lost such as dressing and an attention-seeking way or taking part in activities that get the attention of other people think about the child who was bullied in school since bullying took all of his power away and make him feel weak during childhood as an adult he will most likely act in ways that help him to look powerful and strong this is the psychology behind many of the body builders who put on so much muscle that they end up looking like mutants knowing things that happened to a person during their childhood especially traumatic things can allow you to truly understand why people behave in certain ways as an adult even something as simple as the person's birth work can explain how they behave as an adult now the four main birth order positions are the oldest child the youngest the middle child and the only child the oldest child is known to get mad after his younger siblings steal all of the attention from the parents which can lead to jealousy and even a loss of confidence the youngest child and a family normally competes for attention with the oldest and this rivalry can last an entire lifetime the youngest child is usually a risk taker because as children they learn that they can get what they want by taking risks when carried into adulthood this risk-taking behavior can take on many forms some destructive and others not so much it is no coincidence that most of the extremely ambitious people that you see in the world such as jay-z were the youngest child and their family now the middle child in a family tends to suffer the most because they received the least attention and the only child is likely to become overconfident bordering on arrogant something to remember about only children is that they're more likely to be sensitive to criticism and if they were spoiled by the parents once they become adults they might look for every possible way to become the center of attention everything you like and dislike including people places and things are all directly linked to your childhood and by knowing this fact but you can better know yourself and you'll be much better at reading other people they say the eyes are the window into the soul and if you swap out soul for personality then there's a lot of truth to this statement they look into a person's eyes can tell you if they have a weak or strong personality and they can even tell you if the person likes you if you approach the girl that you like at work or at school and her pupils get very large this is a subconscious signal that she's very excited to see you and might like you when talking with your friends watch their pupils dilate and grow very large when you start talking about a topic that they're very interested in eye contact easily serves as one of the most important ways to read someone and when used correctly you can use eye content to project confidence and even attraction the next time you're around people pay attention to their eyes and where they look evading eye contact is a sign of a weak personality and if you lack confidence it is one of the favorite ways for girls to read you and find out one of the best signs to watch for to find out if a person has a strong personality is steady eye contact which means that the person is not afraid to hold eye contact with other people for an extended period of time to effectively read anyone it is useful to understand the most common personality types and most people can be grouped into the introvert or extrovert category an extrovert is someone who responds to almost everything around it by taking some sort of action extroverts draw energy from the outside world and each one can be described as a people person an extrovert is the person at work or school who always seems to be talking and they usually know everyone around them the extrovert is a person who is friendly action-oriented talkative sociable enthusiastic and outgoing on the flip side an extrovert can also be attention-seeking easily distracted and they can have a lot of trouble spending time alone now the second type of personality is the introvert this person tends to solve problems by looking inward at their own thoughts perceptions and feelings the introvert actually needs time alone to recharge after being around a lot of people and they tend to have a much smaller social circle it is really easy to tell an introvert apart from an extrovert because the extrovert will almost always speak before thinking while the introvert will rarely speak without first thinking about what they want to say keep in mind that many people are somewhere in the middle of these two extremes and when reading other people one of the most important things to understand is that everything a person owns is an extension of their personality the car that they drive the clothes they wear and even down to the color of their smartphone for example imagine the guy at the gym who wears all black everything that he has on is black even his headphones black is a color used by people to appear dark evil or dangerous and it's also the color that is most commonly used to project power if you were to go to this man's house you probably find that his bedding his TV and most of his wardrobe is also black so what would cause a person to choose all of these products in black as a child this man was either bullied or felt weak and as an adult he is subconsciously choosing products that are black and behaving in ways that make him seem dark evil and powerful and since all of this is happening on a subconscious level he wouldn't even be able to tell you why he's choosing everything he owns in these colors another key to reading people his understanding that every person on the planet is always moving away from pain or towards pleasure these are the two driving forces behind all human behavior in the case of the guy at the gym he was moving away from the pain of his childhood which is when he felt weak by choosing everything in the color black another example is my friend's older sister out of three children she was the oldest so she was used to getting all of the attention until her younger sister and brother were born and took that away from her as an adult she always wears high-end clothing brands and drives a luxury w throughout her life she has always looked for men who make enough money to allow her to show off in any way possible it is no coincidence that she just happened to marry a wealthy real estate investor now my friend's sister always goes out of her way to make others know that she has lots of money and that she's very well-off and all of this showing off behavior is the direct result of the attention that she lost to her siblings during her childhood this showing off could also be the result of moving away from the intense pain that she felt from growing up in a poor family and always having to compromise because her parents just didn't have enough money at the end of the day tuning into the frequency of body language and basic human psychology will tell you so much more about a person that and they could ever reveal to you because in most cases they don't even know why they behave the way they do this subconscious frequency is always there just waiting for you to tap into and the more that you practice tuning it and paying attention to the tiny details that other people myths the more you will be able to see what is unseen by most and what that's it until next time thanks for watching
Channel: FarFromAverage
Views: 2,551,852
Rating: 4.7475634 out of 5
Keywords: body language, how to, signs, body language attraction, language, gestures, your personality, personality types, personality traits, non-verbal communication, how to read people, reading people, psychology, how to read body language, people, how to read anyone, science, reading body language, self improvement, communication, how to observe like sherlock holmes, how to read someone's mind
Id: HR7bVnWPa6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2017
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